Central Washington University ScholarWorks@CWU CWU Student Newspaper University Archives and Special Collections 2-5-1954 Campus Crier Central Washington University Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.cwu.edu/cwu_student_newspaper Recommended Citation Central Washington University, "Campus Crier" (1954). CWU Student Newspaper. Book 769. http://digitalcommons.cwu.edu/cwu_student_newspaper/769 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives and Special Collections at ScholarWorks@CWU. It has been accepted for inclusion in CWU Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@CWU. S.G.A. Junior Barn Dance Featuring Long Heading ewe Group · Jeans, Cottons, Music, Beards To Model United Nations Cottons and jeans will be the~------------­ MINUTES style tonight at the Men's gym Sam Long will lead the Central Washington College of Education Prizes will be given for the long­ from 9-12 as the juniors present at the fourth Model United Nations at the University of California est, the reddest, the puniest and (This column is intended to the 1954 edition of . the class Barn at Los Angeles March 25-27. Long was elected chairman at a dele­ keep the students informed on dance, according to Gene Balint, the thickest beards. Judging will gation meeting January 29. <••,~-------------- the action of their Student Gov­ class prexy. be at interm:ssion. With several Other officers include Landon will r epresent the country of Iran ernment Association council. It Johnny Bluher's combo will ren varieties of beards by such fel­ Estep, assistant chairman; Ro­ at the Model United Nations. will be a weekly feature. -The der dance music w:th a Western lows as Don Goodale, Al Stevens, wena Lewis, secretary; Jim Pom­ Other delegation members are Ron Editors.) flavor. Girls living in the dormi­ Bob Estby and others, the eve­ erenk, treasurer; and Lila Malet T a s s o, Carol Buckner, Marie publicity chairman. President Albert (Bud) Nieber­ tories have been granted late ning promises some interesting Fugate, Larry Bowen, John Win­ Central's 15-member delegation gall mentioned that Central will be leave until 1 a.m. competition. gate, Jeffery Vowles, Nancy host to a national convention of Stevens, Mildred Ackerlund, Patti the Intercollegiate Knights in April. Clark and Russell Jones. The Niebergall m entioned that Cen­ delegates were chosen last week tral will be host to a national con­ Erom among 23 applicants. vention of_ the Intercollegiate "The Model United Nations gives Knights in April. Niebergall re­ college students a chance to learn ported on the construction of the the principles and functions of the Constitution committee that has UN by participating and present­ been set up to work on a model ·ng workable solutions to interna­ constitution for the class and clubs Central Washington College tional disputes," Chairman Long to use as a guide to their constitu­ explained. tions. VOLUME 27- NUMBER 14 .FEBRUARY 5, 1954 ELLENSBURG, WASHINGTON The Model United Nations at A discussion was held about UCLA, a replica of the real United the vot·ng procedure to be used Nations, plans on student delega­ in the special election that is be­ tions from about 100 colleges and Stevens Is Ready universities in the 11 western ing planned to amend the pre­ Herodoteans sent constitution of the SGA. states, Hawaii and Alaska as well P ete Anderson moved and Gene as observers from other countries. Maitlen seconded that two addi­ Initiate Six Sessions of all organs will be held tions be ma.de to the voting pro­ ;n accordance with the 3.ctual pro­ cess: Anderson will be in charge Herodoteans held secret initia­ cedures of the United Nations. of Vetville voting, and the elec­ tion for six students J anuary 19 at In preparation for the United Nat!ons trip the delegates are tion will be held fqr two days so Dr. S. R. Mohler's residence. They that the students who did not meeting for two hours three times are Joseph Carter, Evelyn Hog­ vote in the Dining halls the first :t week to study Iran, its problem, day will be able to vote in the land, Mabel Hatcher, J ean Garri­ its relationship with other coun­ dorms the second day. son, Eugene Mason and Landon tries, the UN charter and structure Estep. and parliamentry procedure. Be­ The Finance committee asked for cause tbe delegations must depict a vote of confidence on their rec­ Members in this honorary must the actual policies and thinking of ommendations that the SGA vice­ have at least 15 hours of " B" the peoples of the country, they president keep a monetary account grade in advanced h '.story, poLti­ (Continued on Page 6) of each SGA movie, that a maxi­ cal science or sociology. mum be set on the amount of mon­ ey kept on hand for change and Herbert Lincke was recently that all money over this maximum elected president of t he group to Arena Play be turned over to the Business of­ fill the unexpired term of Jim fice as soon as possible to aid in Doak. Mildred Ackerlund was Draws Near the keeping of the SGA books . elected vice-pr esident to fill Linc­ The recommendations passed with ke's place. Other officers are De­ As opening !"light for the arena the amount set at $80. lores Myers, secretary and Fred production, "The Importance of Fischer, treasurer. Dr. Mohler Being Earnest" draws n earer, Di­ Bill Lovegren and Jim Gib­ and Dr. Harold E . Barto, CWCE rector E. Allyn Thompson, the pro­ bons, representing insurance social sc:ence division, are advis­ duction staff and cast, are lay­ firms, explained the group plan ors for t he organization. ing the final plans. insurances that the United Paci­ Herodoteans will hold their an­ The play will be presented in Al Stevens is for the "Best B eard" contest at the Junior fic Insurance company could of­ ~eady nual Waffle Breakfast later this IA-100. The audience will be seat­ fer to the students at Central. Barn Dance tonight. Shown her e admiring Al's chin shrubbery ed on two levels around the room. are, left to right, Joyce Leonard, Shirley Jannon, and Viola Burn­ quar ter at the Mohler residence. The purpose of the group plan With this style of production, an /s to cover the students for acci­ stead. Some of the best beards on campus will be on hand to com­ The Club, founded in 1923, is the pete with Al tonight in the Mens' gym. (Photo by Chuck Evans) intimate style, there will be ·seats dents and ta get a 1ess expensive oldest club on campus. for 135 people at each perform­ coverage of athletic programs ance, Thompson said. here. Students m ay r eserve seats for 1 the night of their choice by tak­ Anderson opened discussion on G:rl Scout Counselors Valentine s Day Is Here to Stay, ing their SGA cards to the Bus­ m emorials for Bill Case, who was Wanted for Summer Camp Get Those C'1rds on Their Way iness office to be· punched for killed in a jet crash two weeks BY SANDRA SCHWAB tickets. There will be no charge ago, and Dr. Reginald Shaw, who Summer employment opportunit­ Hearts and flowers lacey valentines, ;i.nd boxes of sweet things for this, Thompson explained, it died two years ago. Lil Luther ies through girls' camp positions from ardent cidmirers will soon be sent on their way-a tiny reminder is merely a convenience to the moved and Anderson seconded that may be taken advantage of now that Valentine's Day is nigh. ~ students. , · the Blood dri,1~ trophy be awarded through the Dean of Women's of­ Sentiment fills the air as Danny WHAT'S GOIN' ON Seats reserved in this manner to the durm with the highest per­ fice. Camp Fire Girl and G i r l looks for new hearts to pierce. Friday, Fe. 5 will be held until 8 p.m. on the centage of donors be named the Scout camps are desirous of finding With bow and arrow, he takes 7 :15- 10-cent movie - College night of the performance. After " Bill Case Memorial Trophy." wom en students to serve in various careful aim and z-i-n-g another auditorium. (Continued on Page 6) There was discussion of dedicating capacities this summer. one hits the dirt. Nor th . hall as a Shaw memorial. The Camp Fire Girls have their How the name Valentine be­ - Respectfully submitted camp on Crabapple Lake, 17 miles came associated '''ith this day i.s Andrienne Toppila from Everett. The dates of the not quite clear to the experts. Artist Meets Artist SGA secretary camp range from June 15 to Aug­ Some believe that the mating of ust 15. Available jobs include birds on February 14 has some group counselors, kitchen helpers, thing to do with Saint Valentine Kappa Pi Take l hostesses and camping counselors. and lovers. If this is so, it is I The Girl Scout program is more no wonder non-enthusiasts believe New Members I extensive and sponsors camps it is "strictly for the birds." thr·oughout the Northwest. Interest­ Today the idea of sending valen­ Twenty-one students were ac­ ed students not only have a choice t;nes is a favorite frequently in­ cepted as members of K appa Pi, of location but a wider choice of dulged in by all. The verses national art honorary, at a m eet­ employment. Jobs include camp nrinted on the cards are meant :ng held January 20 at the home director, unit leader, waterfront to say exactly what you want to of Sarah Spurgeon.
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