• Vol. XI. No. 10 Sunday. January 20, 1957 15 Cents The Sayre (Oklahoma) Story By BAKER BONNELL Conducted by 1'01./"m No. 200 IRWIN SIGMOND ELL! The wandering chess minstrel, George Koltanowski, w ~s W with us a full day j ust the 29th last: and many who warmed tbelr END solu tion to PosiUon No. hands at the fire he brings still shake their heads in wonder. They S 200 to reach irlVin Sigmond, wonder, first, that so outstanding a celebrity would give a day of his 5200 WiJliam~burg Blvd., Arlington time to our small community of but 3,000 population, and, second, 7, Va., by February 20, 1957. With that this small community, in turn, could provide sti ch graHfy!ng your solution, pJease send analysis audience for him tiloug our lew chcssiaes are notor iously hard to brlng or reasons supporting your choice toge th er at anyone time. The minstrel, in short, put on his minstrelsy or "Best Move" or moves, to 458 people. Solution to Po si tion No. 200 will ap· What did happen here on Nov· this "swanky" game that has come pear In the March S, 19$7 Inu•. ember, the 29th? Kolty and I go t down through all the years with NOTE: Do nOf pl ..(~ 10/wrio ns to two together at our lillIe hotel at about so much storied and legendary pOfi,ioM$ on 0"( "m/; b~ 1"'f 10 j",/ir"tr 9:30 in the morning. At 10:40 we aura. Too, the best people of any co rrect ""mbu 0/ JlQfition being #M1'C4. were In the high school auditorium community like to honOI' outstand· "ntl givt the 1,,1/ ""mt ""d ",M.elf of where he made his prepal'ations. ing celebrities if the way is pro­ the f O/v", to <lni" in p.optr atai';". 0/ At eleven the auditorium was fill­ vi ded for that. Such people, the $O/"Iio ... White to ing wi th 350 j unior and senior high non.chessiacs, will pay fo r the din­ school and j unior college students. ner where they will not pay to play Forty minutes later, t he program {Please turn to page 7, (.01, 1) , BCF RELEASES GLIGORIC, LARSEN finished, Koily had received such RATING LIST TIE AT HASTINGS a rousing cheer aDd standing ova­ NATIONAL CHESS The British Chess Federation has lion from the kids tlJa t even I, an Svetozar Gligoric of Yugoslavia old timer familiar wUh them, was FESTIVAL published the 1956 National Grad· defeated Fridrik OIafsson of Ice­ ing (rating) List, covering perform· amazed. Stepping on the gas for 17 WHAT IS THE NATIONAL land in the final round while Bent miles we got to Elk City in time for CHESS FESTIVAL ances in the past two years to Larson of Denmark was drawing It Is a contInuous match piay, August 31, 1956. While the British lunch with 43 Rotarians. Again with Alberic O'Kelly de Galway of Kolly put on one of his public pro­ aero" Ihe nalLo n of Veterans v •. - Fedcr<:.tion uses the same rating Belgium to tie for first placc wi!!', Teenagers and Seniors vs. Junior.. system as Canada and the USA grams , and not one Rotarian did /I. Teenager 1$ any boy or girl who Larsen in the annual Christmas on Jan. 1st 1957 has n ot yet reacbed (the Harkness System), It does not tiptoe out tm after he had finished. Tourney at Hastings. Gligoric was Though obviously few did know the " ile of 20. publish numerical values, but the only undefeated contestant in A JunIor Is a man or woman whO groups its players in categories much about chess, every man was on January 1st, 1957 II at least 20 the tourney with five draws, while enthralled! Back again in Sayre, without making any distinction in Larsen lost a second round en­ but under 35 years of aile. Ko\!y li nd I got together once more A Senior is a man 0" woman who rank between players in the same co unter with OIafsson. Both scored 6:30 on January 1st, 1957 II at leas! 3$ category. The following are the at for the main event, planned but under 50 years of ale. 6lh-2lh to tie for first. as a Chess Dinner, Dutch-Style. listing of the four top categories: In third place there was a tie be­ A Veter an_ny person SO yean or T>.venty-!ive sat at thai dinner. mo'·C. GRADE I ii tween O'Kelly de Galw1'ly and Olafs­ Kolty gave his talk, two of us en· WHO MAY PLAY? C . H . 0'0. Ale". nde r (1M) son at 6-3 each, while Peter Clarke Any resident of the United St. tel C. Kottnl uer (1M ) gaged him in his bJi ndfold demon· of England and Laszo Szabo of may play one gl"nLl. GRADE Ib sin lion, and twelve played him 1.n WHAT AR lo": THE RUl.ES OF PLAY? H. Golombek (1 M ) Hungary tied for fifth with 4YZ-4YZ. U.S.C.F. loul"nlment rules wUl ap­ J. Penrow (BM ) his regular exhibition of simulta.!l· The Major Section of the Premier eous play. Sayre provided only ply. GRADE 2. Reserves was won by A. Kluger of Colo.' is to be decided b y lot or J. A. Fuller three of the twelve players: the re­ Hungary with 7·2. d raw, al t he o ption of Ihe Loeal P. S. Milnu.Barry (BM) mai ning ni ne came from seven To u r n ament DI...,etor. R. J . A. Penih FINAL STANDINGS The u S<! of clocks .ls optlona.l .t the A. Phillips other plaaces, one being 93 miles GlJgorlc '.",.2.", Subo discretion or the Local Tourn.menl R. G. Wade ( 1M ) .",... away and another being 82 miles­ Llln"n ' V:r·1'h Toran .3Yz· 5V." Dlte(:tor, but where clocks aNI used, GRACE 2b In the course of the ..... ening, how­ the rate of II 40 mo" ... 10 the O' Kelley 6-3 H orsem~n .. play J. M . Ait ken , first two hOUri and 20 moves an L. W . Barden Ol"fsson 6-3 Penrose 2Yz-4V. ever, we had drop-iii visitors who Clarll:e 4V:r-4V. Alex.. nde r ,., hour ther eafter. R. J . Br oadben t (BM) cou ld not make either the dinner HOW A RE DISPUTES P. H . Clarke or the chess-play, but still wa nted SETTLED? H. E. G. Courtney CHESS FESTIVAL to see and hear some of what was The Loeal Tournament Dlredor'll M. J . Franklin go ing on. The main event thus decisions are Iin:!l. If a contes"n! O. Fr iedman wishes to appeal Iron, a decision af­ A. Y. Gree n GETS ORGANIZED drew a total of 65 people. With the fectIng th~ r esult, he musl lubmlt M . J . Hiyglrth The National Chess Festival is odds against it, how could we offer hIs appeal to the District Authority, W. Heidenfeld the minstrel the ears and eyes of under rules which will be promul, F. Parr ~:lin ing rapidly in local organiza­ 458 people? gated by It. There I.s no hllher W. Tabi kht rnlk tion throughout the country. New trIbunal. W. Veitch York City is already divided into Two things about the day were WHEN DOes MATCU PLAY P. N. wall is five active districts with the pro­ automatic and routine: the high BEGIN? B. H. Wood gram well undcr way in all five. school assembly and the civic club The two match plnya should, where_ (Tb~ d'lig''''lio" 8M ;s lor B,i/;sh ever possible, s tart concurrenUy any "ilIore recently both the California program. W e used the civic club day after J anuary 1st, 19$7 . Mil tch M "s/(r, <1 lilk rtu,,/Iy rr ~<1 lfd by the State Chess Federation and the in the nearby town because on the play can continue unlit aU persons BeF, wh i/t 1M , cfJrn(Ms <1 " i flttrfl<11iofl4/ South Texas Chess Association day that Kolty could be here ·there wishing to participate had. chance M"l/(,.) have signified that they would as were no Sayre civic clubs meeting. to play. A d ead.llne will be announe· ed when It l~ practical to do so. The complete Gr<lding List con­ organizations cooperate to the full­ The point of the day that entailed OTHER CONDITIONS: No player tains 322 names (an increase of 41 est in planning the activity in their the most thought and study was shall be r~qulre d 10 pay an enU'.n"e names over last year). According I'espective ar eas. Details will fo l­ the final decision 10 let Kolty meet fee. Club, or other ,,((matlon, IS a to the report in the British Chess requirement for partlclpallon I.s not low at a later date. Those wishing (he chessiacs in t.he setting of a neceS!ary. Magazine for January, 1957 this to organize locally a part of the Chess-Di nner. and to draw in out­ FOR DETAILS: Write: list repl'esents the following National Chess Festival Program siders as well as chess·players. That NATIONAL CHESS FESTIVAL changes: 41 players have been pro­ may gain detail s by writing the tumed out to be perhaps the most J ose M. C.ldero n , moted, 52 have gone down, 136 are Committee Publicity Agent, Jose heart.warming event of the day.
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