Hotel Select Hotel Select Participation Levels Lesson: Hotel Select Levels of Participation Total Time: 30 minutes Content: 25 minutes Question/answer: 5 minutes Lesson Description: This lesson reviews the three levels of Hotel Select participation and includes: AccessPlus error responses and Integrated Hotel Source availability. Author: T.L.Colbert SME: Steven Murphy Approved: ÿ PowerPoint - 01 Welcome to Hotel Participation Levels ÿ PowerPoint - 02 Objectives After completing this lesson, you should be able to: · Determine levels of participation: non-AccessPlus, AccessPlus, and Hotel Source · List the differences among the three levels of participation · Locate a hotels General Overview page · Access Hotel AccessPlus error responses · List the features of Integrated Hotel Source availability 1 3/13/2003 Hotel Select Hotel Select Participation Levels þ Instructors’ Notes Hotel Select is one of the most advanced hotel packages in the industry. Hotel Select offers three levels of hotel participation in Worldspan’s Hotel Select: Hotel Source, AccessPlus, and non- AccessPlus. It features a geographical code system indexing over 200 hotel chains and 50,000 hotel properties. We first discuss non-AccessPlus. Non-AccessPlus hotel associates return a confirmation number after end transaction. (No symbol is used to identify non-AccessPlus participants.) Non-AccessPluss : Application Sharing 1. Access HC-NACCESS for a list of non-AccessPlus hotel participants. HC-NACCESS <Enter> HOTEL NON-ACCESS PLUS ASSOCIATES RX BRITISH TRAVEL AGENTS CA CAMELOT INTERNATIONAL DJ HARD ROCK HTLS RSTS AND CASINOS XX HOTEL AG HOTEL DES GOUVERNEURS HA HOTUSA HOTELS TS INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL IT INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL RESORTS IU INTOURIST TRAVEL LU LUXOR HOTEL MB MANDALAY BAY RESORT N CASINO MN MONTE CARLO RST CASINO )> þ Instructors’ Notes Non-AccessPlus hotels do not offer a confirmation prior to end transaction. The hotel is sold and a message is sent to the hotel requesting a confirmation number after end transaction. 2. Request a hotel list in Las Vegas the 13th of next month for one night, 2 people, within a 15-mile radius, for chain code LU, 3/13/2003 2 Hotel Select Hotel Select Participation Levels MC, and ER. HLLAS13MMM14MMM2/CLU-MC-LU/DD-15 <Enter> NV-LAS VEGAS IN WED 13FEB/OUT THU 14FEB CURRENCY: USD /CLU-MC-FS /NP-2 /DD-15 LN CO PROPERTY NAME ADDRESS DD 001 A #MC MARRIOTT SUITES LAS LAS VEGAS NV 89109 3SW 002 A #MC MARRIOTT JW LAS VEGA LAS VEGAS NV 89145 8W 003 #LS FOUR SEASONS RESORT LAS VEGAS 6S 004 LU LUXOR HOTEL AND CASI LAS VEGAS NV 89119 100 6SW >HA( PROPERTY AVAILABILITY >HD( DETAIL >HLD( MORE PROPERTIES> þ Instructors’ Notes (It may be necessary to move down one or more times to display a screen with all three chain codes shown.) The hotel list displays each level of participation. Hotel Source participant indicated by the #, An AccessPlus participant indicated by the $, and non-AccessPlus participant with no indicator. AccessPlus þ Instructors’ Notes Some hotel associates offer AccessPlus capabilities. When a room is sold from an AccessPlus hotel availability display, the request is processed directly from the hotel associate’s database. Confirmation and rate verification are received prior to end transaction on each AccessPlus booking. $ to the left of the hotel code indicates an AccessPlus participant. The /AP- option is used to display only AccessPlus vendors in a hotel list. 3. Access HELP HAP for a list of AccessPlus hotel associates. HELP HAP <Enter> > ACCESSPLUS HOTEL INDEX HELP AP HOTEL HELP HAP ACCOR RES SERVICES >INFO RTQ( 3 3/13/2003 Hotel Select Hotel Select Participation Levels ADAMS MARK HOTELS >INFO AMQ( AIRCO >INFO AZQ( ALL SUITES HOTELS >INFO ASQ( ALLEGRO RESORTS >INFO IAQ( AMERICINNS INTERNATIONAL >INFO AAQ( AMERIHOSTS >INFO AEQ( AMERISUITES HOTELS >INFO AJQ( ANA HOTELS >INFO ANQ( ASTON HOTELS >INFO AHQ( ASTRON HOTELS >INFO APQ( ATEL HOTELS NETWORK >INFO ACQ()> þ Instructors’ Notes To display AccessPlus formats or information for a specific hotel, tab to the associate’s INFO page in the right column and enter. HC-ACCESS also displays AccessPlus participants; however, it does not include the associate’s INFO page. 4. Tab to the Adams Mark Hotel. INFO AMQ <Enter> > ACCESSPLUS ADAMS MARK INFO AMQ PARTICIPATES IN HOTEL SOURCE AND SESSION CONTROL. FEATURES- INSTANT CONFIRMATION NUMBERS RATE VERIFICATION AND RETURN AT BOOKING TIME SECURATES CANCELLATION NUMBERS ACCEPTABLE FORMS OF GUARANTEE- /G-CC /G-DEPOTH /G-DEP CONFIRMED AFTER END TRANSACTION- CRIB /CR-)> 5. Move down until you locate the manual sell entry and review the format. MD <Enter> TOTAL MAXIMUM – 9 /THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ROOMS FOR THE SAME ROOM TYPE IN A SINGLE REQUEST/ 3/13/2003 4 Hotel Select Hotel Select Participation Levels /THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ROOMS RETURNED BY THE HOTEL IN A SINGLE SEGMENT – AND THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ROOMS WHICH CAN BE MODIFIED IN A SINGLE SEGMENT/ ANY CHANGE TO AN ADAMS MARK ACCESSPLUS SEGMENT DOES NOT ASSIGN A NEW CONFIRMATION NUMBER. EXAMPLE OF A MANUAL SELL ENTRY HNP-AMAMOR/D12NOV13NOV1/R-A1K/G-DEP EXAMPLE OF A SELL ENTRY FROM A PNR SEGMENT HNS1/D-13NOV1/C-AM/H-ADAMS MARK HOTEL-FLORIDA MALL/R-A1K)> þ Instructors’ Notes After you MD twice, the “EXAMPLE OF A MANUAL SELL ENTRY” is located approximately three quarters down the screen. 6 Access INFO HTLAP to display the AccessPlus hotel index, including the message switching company. INFO HTLAP <Enter> > ACCESSPLUS HOTEL INDEX INFO AP HOTEL INFO HAP THE MESSAGE SWITCHING COMPANY IS NOTED IN THE MIDDLE COLUMN. WHEN THE MESSAGE SWITCHING COMPANY IS MENTIONED IN A GDAY ANNOUNCEMENT – REFER TO INFO WIZCOM OR INFO THISCO /PEGASUS/ FOR A HOTEL ASSOCIATE LIST BY SWITCHING COMPANY. GENERAL OVERVIEW >INFO HAPG( ACCOR RES SERVICES WIZCOM >INFO RTQ( ADAMS MARK WIZCOM >INFO AMQ( ALL SUITES HOTELS WIZCOM >INFO ASQ( ALLEGRO RESORTS THISCO >INFO IAQ( AMERICINNS INTERNATIONAL THISCO >INFO AAQ()> 7. Tab to GENERAL OVERVIEW. INFO HAPG <Enter> > ACCESSPLUS HOTEL GENERAL OVERVIEW INFO HAPG WHEN A ROOM FROM A HOTEL AVAILABILITY OR DIRECT SELL ENTRY- THE RESERVATION IS TRANSMITTED FROM WORLDSPAN AND THE HOTELIER. AT THE POINT OF SALE A RATE VERIFICATION IS PERFORMED AND 5 3/13/2003 Hotel Select Hotel Select Participation Levels A CONFIRMATION NUMBER IS APPENDED TO THE SEGMENT PRIOR TO END TRANSACTION. THE RATE / CONFIRMATION NUMBER AND $XX$ WILL BE APPENDED TO SEGMENT IF THE ACCESSPLUS SELLIS SUCCESSFUL. XX IS USED HERE IN LIEU OF THE ACTUALCHAIN CODE. - ACCESSPLUS SELLS ALLOW YOU TO BOOK A RESERVATION DIRECTLY INTO A HOTELIERS SYSTEM. - IN THE EVENT THAT THE ACCESSPLUS LINE IS)> þ Instructors’ Notes When a room is sold from a hotel availability display or a direct sell entry is used, the reservation is transmitted across a special line between Worldspan and the hotel. At the point of sale, a rate verification is performed and a confirmation number is appended to the segment prior to end transaction. The rate, confirmation number, and $XX$ is appended to the segment if the AccessPlus sell is successful (XX = hotel chain code). THISCO (PEGASUS) and WIZCOM are the hotel industry switching companies who send messages to/from Worldspan and the hotel associates. If the link is unavailable for THISCO (PEGASUS) or WIZCOM, the sell is created and edited through the Worldspan database. By entering HC-THISCO or HC-WIZCOM the hotel participant list can be accessed. Hotel AccessPlus Errors þ Instructors’ Notes The following information assists in locating error responses and their meaning. 8. Access INFO ERROR for an error response index. INFO ERROR <Enter> > ERROR RESPONSE INDEX INFO ERROR 3/13/2003 6 Hotel Select Hotel Select Participation Levels AP AIRLINE ERROR RESPONSE – INDEX >INFO APERR( AGENT SECURITY RECORD >INFO ASRERR( ALLIANCE >INFO ALLIANCEERR( AMTRAK ERROR RESPONSE – INDEX >INFO 2VERR( ARC >INFO ARCERR( AUTO REFUND REPORTING TEMPLATE ERROR RESPONSES A-I >INFO REFERR( ERROR RESPONSES I-Z >INFO REFERR2( AVAILABILITY / SCHEDULES >INFO AVAILERR( BOOKING CLASS DISPLAY >INFO BOOKERR( BRIDGE/BRANCH RELATIONSHIPS >INFO KYAERR( BURST TICKETING >INFO BURSTERR( CAR DEFAULT RECORD >INFO CDERR()> 9. Move down and access HOTEL ACCESSPLUS ERROR INDEX. MD <Enter> HELP >INFO HELPERR( HERTZ ACCESSPLUS >INFO ZEZERR( HOTEL ACCESSPLUS ERROR RESPONSE INDEX >INFO HAPERR( HOTEL DEFAULT RECORD >INFO HDERROR( HOTEL SOURCE >INFO HSOURCE ERR( INFANT PNR >INFO INFERR( INTERACTIVE WF ERROR RESPONSE-INDEX >INFO IWFERR( ITINERARY PRICING >INFO PRICEERR( ITINERARY SEGMENTS >INFO ITINERR( ITINERARY/INVOICE >INFO EZLERR( MANUAL SEGMENT >INFO 0ERR( MANUAL QUOTE ENTRY >INFO 4PQMERR( MINIMUM CONNECT TIME >INFO MCTERR( NAME FIELD >INFO –ERR( NETWORKING >INFO NETERR()> 10. Move down and access Hotel AccessPlus error response index. INFO HAPERR <Enter> > ACCESSPLUS HOTEL ERROR – INDEX INFO HAP ERROR INFO HAPERR HOTEL ACCESSPLUS $AP$ >INFO HOTEL APERR( ACCOR RES SERVICES $RT$ >INFO RTQERR( ADAMS MARK $AM$ >INFO AMQERR( AIRCO $AZ$ >INFO AZQERR( ALL SUITES HOTELS $AS$ >INFO ASQERR( ALLEGRO RESORTS $IA$ >INFO IAQERR( AMERICINNS INTERNATIONAL $AA$ >INFO AAQERR( AMERIHOST $AE$ >INFO AEQERR( AMERISUITES $AJ$ >INFO AJQERR( ANA HOTELS $AN$ >INFO ANQERR( ASTON HOTELS $AH$ >INFO AHQERR( 7 3/13/2003 Hotel Select Hotel Select Participation Levels ASTRON HOTELS $AP$ >INFO APQERR()> 11. Tab to INFO AMQ ERR to display error information for the Adams Mark hotel chain. INFO AMQ ERR <Enter> ACCESSPLUS ADAMS MARK ERROR RESPONSES INFO AMQERR CLOSED TO ARRIVAL DATE $AM$ THE ARRIVAL DATE SPECIFIED IS CLOSED FOR THE DATE REQUESTED. GOVERNMENT OR PACKAGE RATES NOT AVAILABLE $AM$ THE ROOM TYPE/RATE PLAN SPECIFIED IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR THE DATES REQUESTED. PLEASE SELECT ALTERNATE DATES. INVALID OR MISSING ROOM TYPE OR RATE AGREEMENT CODE $AM$ CHECK THE ROOM TYPE YOU ARE ATTEMPTING TO SELL. THE ROOM AND RATE PLAN SPECIFIED IS NOT STORED FOR THIS HOTEL. MINIMUM 2 NIGHT STAY REQUIRED $AM$)> þ Instructors’ Notes The error responses are listed alphabetically. If an error response is returned from the Adams Mark Hotel, it is indicated by $AM$ at the end of the error response.
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