This is a milepost. Eve17 Sunday morning, CBS newsman Charles ICuralt selects a milepost for the weekjust ended. He usually holds in his hand an object rhat repi-esents the milepost, and: before he speals. pauser in a \jzv that seeins to sus- pend die iiioiiitii~.This ii a moineiit Ior La!i 1y5 10 c 1:. Sometimes die milepost is a majoi- ei'ent that the whole world is aTvai-e ot: sometimes it's an item of lesser significance that nevertheless seems to be a sign of the times in its o~iiquiet way, eiidence of a shift in attitudes, perceptions, realities. Tl'ithout this pause to reflect on the item Kuralt is holding in his hand, we might miss it. That's the way I see Poitico. I've been around campus long enough noli to gain some perspective, I was a student at Indiana Central College. I graduated from Indiana Central University. I'm an alumnus of the Uniyersitj- of Indianapolis. Except for one year, I've been on campus since 1973. And fi-om my perspective, things are different now Like those represented by so many SUJ~~O) ~~21o777ingiiiileposts,the changes here are of !',, leader. TVe began to attract ~ The sate-of'tlie-81-t Cliristel ~--~-~-~-/ IkHaan Fkie Ai-tz Center. \vlircii opened just last month, is the pi-ide of the universin7ancl the anchor $:,,??>,',, ..,, .,, . I ol'an zmbitious 10-vear cainpu' beautifica- the lciid that inigbt e'L5iIy be overlooked iion and expansion plan. Significant calli- as ire go 011 with our claily lives. The phe- piis events: such as our recent 90th birihdaJ- nonieiioii is diffculi io describe, hec ause crlebration and donor recogniiioii dinners. tlie pal-ts are greater than the whole: Iuve a sparklr aiid luster that make the a inerr' list of new buildings, ourreach cr)inmunih take notice. Beautiful new efforts. and academic program growl1 fails admissions puhl~cations,produced with to con\'ev the iiitangihle 1-esu1t: \\-e don't niarketing aiid design specialists, better want LO be quiet anpore. reflect ~i.110we are and what we are about as a iiniversity-wirli the result th.it more top If Indian~Ceiiti-a1 vas "the state's b?st-l;ept s1udeiirs look to us for theii- ediiration, seci-et in higher educ;ition," it seenicd we pi-efei-red it that \\-a\.. \Ye didn't waiit to 111these and so many other areas, a yigorous boast 01- call a lot of attention to oui~~elves; c oinniitment to escellelice is xiking hold. w iveiejust a small Iii-imte school. pro\id- Tlie uiiiversin Iias a neit' self-mnfidence. iiig a liberal arts education to future pillars rhe coiiiniunit\. it new respect. of the cominuiii~-irothing flashy. At the So this is tlie ILiraltiaii pause. \That you now same time, we were iiltense1:- pi-oiicl oSu.lio hold in yo111 hand is the s!nil~ol of a new we wie: a close conrmuiiin, even a family; spirit at the Uni\ersity of Indiaiiapolis. bound together by intellectual and spiritual 1117 hope as editol- is that Poifir.owill reflect values. struggling aiirl triuinphing o\ er hi-; 011 the en.niolo,m of iLq title. 11:~ serving econo~nicadversiq,. proding opjmrtunities as a gateway to ii better understanding of for yoiing scholars. the institution, ri colonnade fi-rim which to A nuiiibei- of del-elopmenrs haw come into rnjoy a clearer \iev cf the Uni\ ersity of play. The name clmige to Uni\-ersit\;of Indianapolis. - o,,I. Standing on our predecessors ' shoulden -,>m R The renowned indus~i~i;ilistHeiq Foi-d once of Dr. Gene E. Sease as the fifth president in disdained an expel-t as on<'"v110 knows all the 1970. During the next sixteen years, the charis- reasons an idea ivon't woi-k " matic aiid entrepreneuriai President Sease Foi-tuiiately there I\.ei-<.no "expel-1s" among nould fit-st solidifv, then expand the unirei-sity's the inti-epid group of chni-ch Iradri-s of the 1-eputatioii in the cih, in Indiana, and inrei-na- Uliite River Confei-ence (11 11,~United Bi-crh~~en ti on all^. Vnder DL Sease, Indiana Central Cliurch \rho gaLiie!ml i!i li:diaiiapoli~011 Srp College ~~mulcli-igli~liill~ become die L-nii ci-si! ,.ember 1, 1902, Thev liad mn~rto qnthe vi Inciianapoiis, document that ied to ihe io, ~i~tionof Inciiana Dr. G. Benjdmin Lantz succeeded Dr. Sease Cenrral L-niversin, I>iu ifJ.'l' R~~berLs-desrineci in 1986. Effectirely standing on the shoulders of to become the school's first 11, crideiit-and his those passionate inen idio came before him, fellorv founders had pauscii to c onsidei~why the President Laiitz has ably provided the leadership idra of establishing a small; c hiirch-alfiliaied that has led to 1-ecord levels of enrollrnent and college in rural Uliivrrsio Ilcipli~~it~ould iioi improved facilities and technology all while woi.lc, the Univessit? of ln<lz;iiiapolisas we 1;noir 1;eeping the university cornmunin. true to the it might never have heen 1~0~I,. credo expressed in a report of the founders at But, as histo1-r. has sliintm. tliese ,vel-e men their first meeting: "The greater the prepai-a- with an extraordinal)- coiiiiiiitiiieiit to the tioii. the greater- Trill be the achiei-ements in concept of values-centered iii$hei- education life's actixities and the more we iiill glorify God." They wese rneii vith iiiico~t~t~~oi~determination It has not heen by accident that the Univer- . and courage. Aid if 10iii;ige is, as defined by sit? of Indianapolis is better today than it has Dorothy Bernard, "fear that Iixr said io prayers," e\-er been. The univei-sih's legacy is charactel-. then they were also ire11 prcp:ir'd lor the ized by its worthy ideal having been intersected struggle they had initiateil. in an uncanny fashion by leaders who geiiuinely The first half-centur\. 111 111clife of the believed in that ideal. The founders, the university might be captuic,(l iii that one word. uiii\~ersiq~ssix presidents, its trustees, and the struggle: for qualitied faciittv, liw increased heroic beliefactors among its alumni, friends, iiuiiibers of students, for 1 i:1 ujinition by educa- and corporate and foundation leadei-s-ali have tional accreditors, for adeiliiair facilities, for enabled the uiiiversin. not just to suinire, but to financial resources. dhuu~~.it i~is a stmggle to tliriye. secure money to run tlie school It is in this space in future editions of Poi-iico Dr. Robelm, ~vhopresidcil owi- the school's rliat we Tiill focus on the financial health of our humble begiiiiniiigs froin 115 iimpoti until uiiii-ersily. The Po~~tfulzupage will be OUT oppor- 1908, was succeeded by Di Is'\v>< Bonrbralce, tunity to keep you, rvho are the shareholders and 1~110held the univeinity togriliri~thi-ougli investors of this educational enterpi-ise, in- commencement in 1915. I Iirn. for the next foi-med about our di-eams, and tlie means by thirty years, with financial iiiii.rnaiii1\ a coiistant iiliich you can contribute to and share in the companion, President I.J. (;<iciil ingeniousl\ axid dreams of this noble experiment called tlie with utter persimal persevc~-nnci~somehoir kept University of Indianapolis. tlie school afloat. In 1945. rxliaustrd and ~ith tlie college noneiheless 011 1111, bi-iiil~of bmli- S4,500,001,175,000 better off ruprcy, Dr. Good handed hi. <Ifficeof.prrsidencv For the past 48 years this institution has o\w to Dr. 1. Lynd Escli. 111- E\<-11and his board halanced its budget, an almost uiiheard-of of ti-ustees made a fateful ilrrlGim that forr\m record of fiscal rrsponsihility aiid commitment. changed he path of die init.tulioii. and mu: Conrider that xilien the L- of I repor,.ed a niodeit likel) iavecl it 11 as 11rdi.1tl:c Ipr;igiiia:ic and balancr of .5l;lTj.000111 IW-. bri:linntl) enterprising ~earlri~shrpof Presideiit ~4~j0O,Ocil,l7~,OOObetter offilia11 tlie Trcasui? Escli that the courrship. thc c:ii$igement, and of the Coited States of .America! (That's $4.3 the wedding of Indiana Cr,ntial College to the trillicn, for those ~lioprefei- round numbers.) city of Indianapolis were consuiiimated. That Spending Tvithiii our means is standard marriage has proven enor~rii,usl!~beneficial to operational procedure at the U ofI. Quality both to this day. does have a price tag. Education is expensive- After twentyfive years (~ICiiiiparalleled but 1101 nearly; so expensive as not haring one. growth for the instirution. 111. F.sch and the \I'e will look fonvard to die opportunih to unii-ersity communi? watrhrd tlie inauguration teli you of our progress and OUT needs. Funding a scliolanlzip takes less than you ?nay think Would you like to estal~lisl~an endowed scholarship 01- award fund at the University of Indianapolis? Have you always thought pii1~~1111dn't afford it? Consider funding one through a bequest, which is an amount of inoiiey or a per1 <.iit;rxeof your estate that you leave to the university in your will. For a minimum bequest of S10,OOO Icii an award, 01- $25,000 for a named scholarship, you can: Make a major without using ail\ 1,l ihe funds you need to live on; reduce youi- €ederal estate taxes; make an enduring coiitributioii IO !oiii. alma mater; 01- become a inember of the I. Lynd Esch Society Clyde D. Fields in thr Office of Planned Giiing (317-788-3491) ~iillbe happy to explain how you can make a bequest to the 1.'111\ CI-sityof Indianapolis.
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