1978 STEREO FM TUNER BUYING DIRTORY 't" WORLD'S LARGEST- SELLIVG ELECTRONICS IvIAOAZINE ".: JÁNUARY4978/$.1 Build "CHARGE!" -a 12-V DC Electronic Bugler HÓ*aSpeáfrumAñciyzr'Works 8 1,1 . - `°- ` Y m ," a . R,Y The Direct-Disc Revoluflon Exploring CorflOyferComputer Bús fines' + Read/\I pite Memory- Experiments +Audis Lóudness= Controls t Lou Gamer's Annual.fiectron,csPredIcQns °i . lwmzl. El.zt'rao"r,3 . ,,. A `raundúp of latest micro- processor-based video and ronvideo electronnc games sweeping the'nation. s.. 0 TESTED THIS ISSUE: "' ti_ 'A,rAPIe -. is411 jr Yamaha Model 2020 - 8 AM/Stereo` FM- Receiver y , Rr ¡ Ñ Optonica Model- RT-3535. I I ly'~ Stereo Cassette Deck o dbx Model 128 Dynamic Range Enhancer E.F Johnson. Viking 4360 CB C Mobile Transceiver 9etailers: Notice of display -allowance plan AM is within last three pages. c _ AmericanRadioHistory.Com The Cobra 50XLR CB has 'it a_l. Instnllatión Kit ma-{es them the AM/FM Stereo. Cassétte: And easiest in -dash racios to install. And CB. M drip compact unit. All s óúr Nationwide network of Author- engineered to bring you the same ized Service Centers makes them loud and clear sound Cobra is theeasiest to service. famous for. .. _ There are four Cobra in -dash The remote mike houses the` models -to choose from including channel selector, squelch control, AM/FM-/Stereo/8-track/CB: But no and channel,: indicator.. So all you matter which you choose you can need for talking CB is right there in be sure of getting the best sounding your hand. The cassette player, fea- radio going. The ultimate car radio. tures through the dial loading and, The Cobra. four-way fader control. - Because they're only five inches deep, there's- a Cobra in-dash radio ocd>bra to fit a_most any car with little or no Punches through loud and clear. modification to the Phis Cobra Communications Products dash. This DYNASCAN CORPORATION feature, plus the step-by-step 6460 W. Cortland St., Chicago, Illinois 60635 Write for color brochure EXPORTERS: Empire Plainview, N.Y CANADA: Atlas Electronics Toronto Installation Manual and Ur ivérsá_ Subject to FCC type acceptance. CIRCLE NO. 50 ON FREE INFORMATION CARD e 1 I. OFF/VOL -- TONE MONVANL LO CB FM BALANCE {Jr TUNINGRt .e....1 rxo. 11 S 'I OFF C]X OTAPE / NO WC 4 97FyL1ttuu;-; p92 96 1 104 ¡Q B MMI 3 `gbre. °IHMW Y_7-_=.. 12 14 . .60XLA AmericanRadioHistory.Com Just read your blood pressure on the large easy -to -read meter of the Astropulse 10. 1 e ""1"wii../, -ssu 411 uter A new space-age measuring system lets you easily check your blood pressure quickly and accurately without a stethoscope. The new Astropulse 10 lets you quickly SOLIDLY BACKED service-by -mail center is as close as your mail- read your blood pressure without a stetho- The Astropulse is powered by a readily - box. JS&A is a substantial company selling scope and without even rolling up your sleeve. available 9 -volt battery supplied with each advanced space-age products directly to The system is based on three micro -elec- unit. The Astropulse uses solid-state electron- consumers for over a decade-further assurance your modest investment is well protected. tronic circuits and a microphone transducer. ics so service should never be required. But if that The microphone picks up pulses in your service is ever required, JS&A's prompt To order your Astropulse 10, simply send artery, and the integrated circuits measure the your check for $69.95 plus $2.50 for postage pulses and relay this information to a meter and handling (Illinois residents add 5% sales which visually displays your two blood pres- tax) to the address shown below, or credit sure readings. There is no expensive stetho- card buyers may call our toll -free number scope required, no guesswork or complicated below. By return mail, you'll receive your steps to follow. Astropulse 10 complete with a 90 -day limited warranty, carrying case and blood pressure EASY TO USE record book. Taking your own blood pressure is quite TEST IT YOURSELF simple. Just stick your hand through a self - tightening velcro cuff, slide the cuff up your When you receive your monitor, see how arm, pull the tab and attach the tab to the easy it is to slip the cuff on your arm, tighten velcro material. The tab will stick automa- and inflate. See how easy it is to read. If for tically without loosening. Then squeeze the any reason you are not absolutely pleased rubber bulb to inflate the cuff, and take your with your unit, return it within 30 days for a blood pressure readings. full refund, including your $2.50 postage and handling. There is no risk. When a doctor reads your blood pressure, The Astropulse 10 was designed to take your he uses his skill and a stethoscope to recog- own blood pressure in the privacy of your Space-age technology has made it easy to nize your systolic and diastolic readings. Now home. The cuff is easily tightened with the know your own blood pressure. Order an a computer can do this in the convenience of self-tightening bar and the velcro material. Astropulse 10 at no obligation today. your home and on a regular basis. Just pull the flap and attach it to the cuff. The Astropulse 10 also flashes an LED signal and an audible tone at the two blood pressure readings to assist the hard -of -hearing \+ or those with poor eyesight. DOCTORS ENCOURAGE USE Knowing your correct blood pressure is very important. Statistics show that as many r t as 25 million Americans suffer from hyperten- sion, yet only half know about it. Hyperten- sion results in high blood pressure, and high blood pressure usually goes unnoticed until NATIONAL other symptoms of hypertension occur-often SALES too late to correct. The Astropulse 10 is so easy to use that it GROUP Dept. PE One JS&A Plaza The in encourages regular blood pressure monitoring entire blood pressure kit fits nicely the Northbrook, III. 60062 1312) 564-9000 -exactly what doctors recommend. Even if carrying case supplied free with each unit. CALL TOLL -FREE.... 800 323-6400 case and your health has been perfect, hypertension The carrying measures 3%'x 4'x 7" In Illinois call (312) 498-6900 and blood pressure can occur at anytime. the entire system weighs only 20 ounces. ©JS&A Group. Inc .1977 JANUARY 1978 CIRCLE N0. 51 ON FREE INFORMATION CARD 1 AmericanRadioHistory.Com ANALOG DELAY EAS-A SYNTHESIZER SWTr! AMBIENCE ... t.. rIw o l INTRODUCING... TWO-CHANNEL ANALOG DELAY UNIT FOR AMBIENCE SYNTHESIS AND DELAY EFFECTS FEATURES 2 dimensional. Without the mixture of di- mance and yet still serve to create rect and delayed sounds that a large hall strikingly realistic spaciousness in your *TWO INDEPENDENT CHANNELS provides, almost all music reproduced in listening room. If you don't have 2 extra * 3072 STAGES OF DELAY PER the home ís lifeless. Quadraphonics has power amp channels on hand, we offer CHANNEL not proved to be the solution to this several low cost, low power amps in kit problem. The recent developement of form that would ideal * ADJUSTABLE INPUT AND OUTPUT be for this pur- bucket -brigade semiconductor techno- pose. LEVELS WITH INPUT OVERLOAD logy has made it possible to offer a rea- INDICATION Although the 2AS-A has been de- sonably priced delay unit that can trans- signed for use in music reproduction * INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL VOLT- form your listening room into a con- systems as an ambience synthesizer, its AGE CONTROLLED DELAY TIME cert hall. Using your present stereo voltage controlled clock and mixing capa- * COMPANDOR IN EACH CHANNEL system, the 2AS-A, and whatever you bilities allow it to be configured in a have in the way of 2 additional speakers number of ways for delay *3 MODES/CHANNEL WITH ADJUST- effects such as and 2 channels of power amplification- phasing, ABLE MIX flaging, chorous, and vibrato. Ex- you have all the parts to put together an ternal voltage control for special effects * CONVENTIONAL REVERB OUTPUT ambience system that is capable of creat- must be user supplied. FOR MUSIC EFFECTS ing the kind of 'space' you enjoy music The 2AS-A is sold in kit form only If you haven't heard what analog in. You don't need state-of-the-art corn - and includes the circuit boards, com- delay can do for home music reproduc- ponentry to enjoy an ambience system. ponents, chassis (11Y2" x 10" x 4"), tion, you're missing something. Let's face The secondary power amplifiers and cover 120VAC power supply, assembly it, stereo in your living room is flat and speakers can be of very modest perfor- instructions and application notes. r MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY 2AS-A Analog Delay Unit $250.00 ppd. Cont. U.S. Enclosed is $ or BAC # or Master Charge # Bank # Expire Date NAME WTSouthwest Technical ADDRESS Products Corp. 219 W. Rhapsody, San Antonio, Texas 78216 CITY STATE ZIP SOUTHWEST TECHNICAL PRODUCTS CORPORATION London: Southwest Technical Products Co., Ltd. Box 32040, San Antonio, Texas 78284 Tokyo:Southwest Technical Products Corp./Japan 2 CIRCLE NO. 46 ON FREE INFORMATION CARD POPULAR ELECTRONICS AmericanRadioHistory.Com JANUARY 1978 Popular Electronics® C, WORLD'S LARGEST -SELLING ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE VOLUME 13, NUMBER 1 Feature Articles Coming 24 LOUDNESS CONTROL-BOON OR BANE? /Julian Hirsch Next 33 NEW 1978 ELECTRONIC GAMES / Kris Jensen Video and nonvideo games for the public's recreation. Month 49 THE SPECTRUM ANALYZEP IN HI-FI MEASUREMENTS / Julian Hirsch 1978 STEREO FM TUNER BUYING DIRECTORY / Ivan Berger BUILD A LOW-COST - 54 today's FM tuners.
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