2 0 0 5 ■« Mc: A L I F C)ustang K N 1 A P O L Y T E c: H N I C: S T AD T E U ailyN I V E K S I T Y TODAY’S Check out the newly WEATHER Volleyball keeps nanieci Arts & High 82 Entertainment section, post-season ' ss Low Diversions hopes alive 46 IN DIVERSIONS, 4-5 IN SPORTS, 8 Volume LXIX, Number 39 Monday, October 31, 2005 www.mustangdaily.net Cali£ Secrctaiy of State visits Cal P ah James Mellor “Last November, in the presi­ MUSlANt. DAIIY dential elections, only half of those in that age bracket were even reg­ ('alifornia Secretary of State istered to vote and only half of Mruce McPherson gave a speech in those who were registered voted. the University Unittn Friday That’s a pathetic statistic and our encouraging CLil Poly students to democracy deserves better than participate in the upcoming special that,” he added. election on Nov. H. McPherson emphasized every McPherson, a C'al Poly alumnus, vote counts and gave several exam­ stressed the importance of voting ples of elections that were won by to the student body. a single vote. “In particular, for the 18 to 24- “It happens somewhere all the year-old vote in Clalifornia there is time and it probably will in a very poor turnout of those who November in CCalifornia,” he said. are eligible to vote w Ik ) cast a bal­ SHEIIA SOBCHIK MUSIANC IMIIV lot on election day.” McPherson The special election will contain California Secretary of State Bruce McPherson encouraged Cal Poly students to vote in the states special said. see Vote, page 2 election Nov. 8 in a speech in the UU Friday. Dangerous bees arriving to 0% San Luis Obispo County . .■«-•-'Vi'.'’ Karen Velie potent. However, they are more aggn's- VIUSTANC. DAIIY sive when defending their hives, att.ick in gR'ater numbers and will pmtect a larger The first Africanized 1 loney Bees, also area around their hives, acconling to the known .is killer I )epartment of bees. have Agriculture. recently been SAFETY PRECAIJTKEVS Africanized detected in San FROM TUE bees propagate Luis Obispo »EPARTNEIVT OF AORICIJLTIIRE quickly because C' o u 11 t y , the>- .iR' indis­ I) e p u t y criminate in Agricultural * Remain alert, respectful and cautious their nesting Clommissioner of all bees. habits and Marty breed with Settevendemie local honey * Eliminate potential nesting sites by BRENNAN ANGEL MUSTANt. OAIIY said. bees, quickly An uniden­ sealing gaps around walls and multiplying. Materials engineering freshman Jeff Fox plays ping pong wearing a pair of drunk goggles, whichtified ItKal bee When impare vision, at the Alcohol Awareness Symposium Friday. keeper discov­ plumbing. chased by a bee ered that the swarm: run in a aggressive * Inspect eaves for signs of bees. straight line, Peer Health Educadon holds strain of bees cover the face had invaded his and head with Arroyo (Irande * Watch for bees coming and going. a shirt or j.icket hives. The and find shelter Alcohol Awareness Symposium C' a 1 i f o r n i a in an enclosed Department of * Call a pest control Holly Burke Haveson began the speech by explaining his structuR'. Food and company to remove After being MUSTANIi DAILY views on the popular “just say no” campaign. Agriculture stung, remove “I do believe that “Just say no’ has its place. confirmed that hives. the stinger by The CCal Poly Alcohol Awareness Symposium Many of you would tell a sixth grader to just say the bees wen* scraping it out was held Friday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The no. You wouldn’t help him do a keg stand,” he of the with a finger- “iParty Kesponsibly” event, sponsored by Peer said. A f r i c a n i z e d GRAPHIC BY LOUISE IXM.BY MUSTAN«; daily pail or card Healrti Education, attracted nearly 60 people and Haveson did not tell the audience to “just say variety through (squeezing the raffled offlfree iPod Shuffles. no.” Instead, he offered some advice on drinking lab analysis. stinger can R-lease moR* venom) and Keynote speaker Kandy Haveson gave a candidresponsibly and pmposed students to follow his “They (Africanized bees) an* not as w'ash the area and apply ice to help speech about his history of addiction. Haveson plan for drinking. dangemus as it was once thought that R’duce swelling. began drinking at the age of 10. His use of illegal “Why would I want to just say no to the one they would be,” Settevendemie said. Seek medical attention if bR’athing substances escalated to the point of having a heart thing that makes me get out on the dance floor,” “People h.ive to disturb a hive for the becomes labored, you aR' stung multiple attack due to a cocaine overdose at the age of 23. he said. bees to swarm.” times or are allergic to bees. He said that he had done three and a half grams The Africanized bees look like normal of cocaine in one hour. see Alcohol, page 2 honey bees and their venom is no num.' see Bees, page 2 NEWS 2 Monday, ( ')ctobcr 31,2< M15 middle of the road,” local democ­tion and answer, you have no con­ than the European bee. He imported Vote rat Mark Buchman said. trol twer what students will ask Bees the bees to Brazil in P/5i>. continued from page 1 “But when we started doing and what the representative will continued from page I d'lie bees began their northward (.‘ight propositions, some of wliich i.|uestion and answers what we say,” he said. The Arroyt) (ininde bee keeper journey covering up to 300 miles nuy slircctly affect C;,tl I'oly stu­ were getting were very partisan “1 don’t think you can avoid a took action by killing the next gen- per year. dents. PropositionlU de.ils specif­ responses. 1 hose were straight, certain level of bias in the eratitin of bees and introducing a The Department of Agriculture ically with the state budget and party-line, gov'ernor responses on response, but 1 think he was very docile European honey bee queen considers the following counties school funding by adding a newthose propositions, Buchman said. respectful in not addressing specif­ into the infested hives to counter the infested: San Diego, Madera,Tulare, spending limit, giving the gover­ “Students here are smart and ic tjuestions that might have aggressive characteristics of the Imperial, Los Angeles, Kings, Inyo, nor greater power to cut state knowledgeable enough, they’ll revealed those partisan positions.” Africanized bees, Settevendemie said.Kern, Ventura, Kiverside, Orange spending and change how themake the right decisions, but this Other spectators agreed with The Africanized bees were intro­ and Santa Barbara. Kesidents and minimum funding level is calcu­ should liav'c been a non-partisan Middlestadt in that the event was duced to the Americas by a geneticist bee keepers in these areas have lated for schools and community event,” he added. fairly represented. that was hoping to create a honey bee adjusted to living with Africanized colleges. However, ASl President I'ylor “1 was glad to see the secretary more suited to tropical conditionsbees. “Proposition lU could have a Middlestadt said the eventof state come out and was encour­ potential impact on the budget," remained non-partisan. aging people to vote and didn’t McPherson said. “There could be “1 personally felt (the event) seem to have any partisan opinion James (¡entry, a manufacturing mid-year adjustments to a budget was respectfully conducted in a on the issue and was just trying to Alcohol engineering senior came out of that has been passed by legislature neutral fashion,” Middlestadt said.inform us,” said Pete Keegan, a continued from page I curiosity. and signed by the gtivernor.” “The Secretary of State’s pi)litical science and environmen­ His “Zero, one, two, three plan” “I just wanted to hear what Although the event was sup­ keynote presentation was not tal studies senior. proposes that some nights students (Haveson) had to s,iy. I think that posed to be non-partisan, some pointed towards any of the mea­ The last day to register to vote should not drink, such as when typical college student’s view on spectators did not see it that way. sures in the ballot, totally regarded was Oct. 24, however, those who they are sick, tired, h.iven’t eaten, alcohol is pretty skewed and I came “1 was a little concerned at the student participation and electoralare already registered can find the their parents are coming or they to see if 1 could un-skew that,” he end, Bruce (McPherson) did aprocess,” he said. nearest location to cast a ballot at have a midterm, lint, there are said. great job staying right down the “ When you open up to cjues- ww'w. smartvoter.org/ca/sh). other nights, he said, when a stu­ There were even students from dent can drink. He suggests to San Luis (Obispo High School. drink only one drink per hour. “I am a member of Eriday Night Lastly, the plan advises to drink no Live, an alcohol awareness dub and more than two nights a week and just came to cheek out the speak­ never drink more than three drinks er,” Katie Kehkugrer, a senior said. per night. These guiilelines, he (¡ampus (¡ateering provided a explained, would help studentsfree lundi that was folU)wed by drink more responsibly. sluirt skits by Beer Ilealth After H-iveson finished speaking.
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