WESTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSllY Volume 22, Number 29 May 2,1996 Chicago advertising executive, WMU alumnus to head marketing, PR and communications Matt Kurz, a Chi- son, one of the world's leading advertising cago advertising ex- agencies. From 1976 to 1995, he created ecutive and WMU effective communications programs for graduate, has been Kellogg, Gillette, Bristol-Myers Squibb, appointed assistant Fisher-Price, S.C. Johnson and McDonnell vice president for Douglas Aircraft. external affairs and Kurz directed integrated marketing cam- director of market- paigns that won gold and silver Effie ing, public relations Awards, the American Marketing Asso- and communica- ciation's equivalent of the Academy tions. Kurz Awards. He has provided on-site strategic The appoint- consulting to clients and their local agen- ment, effective April 29, was approved cies in Canada, Latin America and Asia. April 19 by the Board of Trustees. He He has led teams that included profes- replaces Martin R. (Joe) Gagie, who has sionals in database marketing, advertising, been named senior adviser to the president public relations and promotion. until his retirement Dec. 31, 1996. Kurz For the past year, Kurz has been a part- will supervise the Office of Public Infor- ner in Ririe-Kurz Communications, spe- mation, which includes News Services and cializing in advertising and public relations. BIRD'S- EYE VIEW - The W.H. Upjohn Rotunda in Waldo Library takes on some University Publications. Before joining J. Walter Thompson, he interesting dimensions. in this photograph from the top floor overlooking the "I'm delighted to have someone of spent four years as an account executive in information desk. Matt's background and experience to lead Chicago with Leo Burnett, another major us in new directions with the concept of advertising agency. integrated marketing," said Keith A. Pretty, Kurz earned his bachelor's degree in Faculty member donates his entire net salary vice president for external affairs and gen- communication at WMU in 1969 and com- Salim E. Harik, felt gesture by Dr. Harik and his family. eral counsel, to whom Kurz reports. "I'm pleted a master of business administration economics, has do- His generosity has made a tremendous also pleased that we could find an alumnus degree at Loyola University of Chicago in nated his entire difference in the lives of four students, as of the University with such a strong back- 1973. 1995-96 net salary well as in our program. I know of no other ground in marketing, public relations and to the Department case, at any institution, where a professor advertising for a wide variety of national of Economics has given up his entire salary to help stu- and international clients." Offices now in Walwood through the WMU dents." In a report to President Haenicke, a task The offices of Public Informa- Foundation. The associateships provide recipients force on Universi ty marketing that met last tion, News Services and University The contribu- with a stipend that pays for all of their year recommended the creation of the po- Publications have moved from tion, valued at education expenses. In return, recipients sition of assistant vice president for exter- Ellsworth Hall to the second floor of $35,000, will fund Harik must perform teaching assistant or research nal affairs. The task force also recom- Walwood Hall on East Campus and four Harik Doctoral assistant duties. mended a University-wide marketing, ad- are now part of the Office of Market- Associateships for Ph.D. students in the Students do not apply specifically for vertising and communications program that ing, Public Relations and Communi- applied economics program. WMU offi- these associateships. Instead, students ap- would be coordinated by the assistant vice cations. cials said they knew of no other instance of ply to the applied economics program in president. The new main office telephone such a gift at any other institution. general and for financial aid in general. A Kurz brings nearly 20 years of experi- number is 7-8400. Thenewfaxnum- "We are deeply appreciative of Dr. ence as a successful marketing communi- ber is 7-8422. Harik's remarkable generosity," President (Continued on page four) cations executive with J. Walter Thomp- Haenicke said. "It reflects a unique com- mitment to his discipline, his department, the University and the education of stu- Texas Tech administrator selected for admissions post dents." Troy M. Johnson has been selected as "This is the best investment anyone WMU's new director of admissions and could make," said Harik, who indicated he orientation. His appointment, effective May was able to make such a gift because of 15, 1996, was approved April 19 by the good investments he himself had made. "It Board of Trustees. helps to focus resources where they are Johnson will come to WMU from Texas most needed in the department, which is in Tech University, where he has worked in the new Ph.D. program." admissions for nine years. For the past Werner Sichel, chairperson of eco- year, he has been director of graduate ad- nomics, said, "This is a wonderful, heart- missions and enrollment management there. He replaces Stanley E. Henderson, Forsleff Hannaford Houghton Johnson who left WMU to become associate vice president for enrollment management at Did you know? the University of Cincinnati. Johnson has served as vice president for 1974. He replaces Chester B. Rogers, whose • WMU has gone from recycling 'The director of admissions and orien- admissions and as chairperson of the Gradu- leave of absence, effective July I, 1996, to basically nothing in January 1990 tation is a very critical appointment, as this ate and Professional School Relations Com- June 30, 1997, also was approved by the to recycling about 37 percent of office is the first point of contact that mittee of the Texas Association of Colle- board. the total waste generated in De- prospective students and their families have giate Registrars and Admissions Officers. In other action, the trustees accepted the cember 1995. with our University," said Provost Nancy He earned his associate's degree from South resignation of David O. Lyon as associate Plains College in Levelland, Texas, and his dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, • In addition to common S. Barrett. "We are fortunate to have a recyclables, WMU recycling ser- person of Dr. Johnson's caliber stepping bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees effective Dec. 31, 1996. The board also vices collects items such as house- into this important role." from Texas Tech. approved a leave of absence for Lyon from hold batteries, polystyrene foam, Johnson joined the Texas Tech staff in In further action, the board approved his associate dean duties, effective Sept. I magazines, junk mail, hardbound 1987 as an admissions counselor. He was two other administrati ve appointments: to Dec. 31, 1996. He will retain his faculty books, feeder strips from com- promoted to assistant director of new stu- Alonzo E. Hannaford as associate dean of rank as a professor of psychology and puter paper and forms, and toner dent relations in 1988 and to associate the College of Education, effective April continue his half-time appointment as di- cartridges. director of new student relations in 1990. A 22, 1996; and David G. Houghton as in- rector of academic collective bargaining year later, he was named director of gradu- terim chairperson of the Department of and contract administration during the fall • Since 1989, the University ate student recruitment, ajointappointment Political Science, effective July I, 1996, to semester and after his leave. steadily has been decreasing the he held with his position in new student June 30,1997. The trustees also approved the retire- amount of trash taken to the land- relations until being named to his present Hannaford has been a faculty member ment with emerita status of Louise S. fill. For peak months (school open- post in 1995. in the Department of Special Education Forsleff, community health services, ef- ing in September and closing in Under Johnson's leadership, the grad- since 1970 and has chaired that department fective Aug. 30, 1998. Forsleff, who joined April), the amount has been cut uate school implemented sweeping ad- since 1986. He replaces Floyd L. the faculty in 1962, also served as director nearly in half. For most other missions changes and achieved record high McKinney, whose resignation, effective of the Counseling Center from 1968 to months, the amount taken to the applications and enrollments, including a March 20, 1996, was accepted by the 1973 and from 1981 to 1985 and as associ- landfill has been reduced by one- 70 percent increase in African-American board. ate vice president for student services from third. enrollment and a 45 percent increase in Houghton has been a faculty member in 1985 to 1990. Hispanic enrollment. the Department of Political Science since Two May 2, 1996 Western News WMUK-FM ends spring 2,700 medievalists due on campus for 31st congress fund drive in record time Topics including ancient warfare, me- Vatican, the Scottish National Library, the Harrison-Stinson lobby is the congress' WMUK-FM, the University's public dieval ethnic jokes, Robin Hood and the Institute for Naval Archaeology and the registration site. radio station, conducted the quickest spring Canterbury Tales will be on tap as medi- Virginia Military Institute. In all, every "For four days each May, the campus on-air fund-raising campaign in its history evalists from around the world gather at state in the nation, five Canadian provinces becomes the focal point for people who and raised more than $80,000. WMU Thursday through Sunday, May 9- and 25 nations will be represented at the believe in cultural history," Szarmach says.
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