AUSTRALIA 2013 COMPETITIVE EXHIBIT LISTING RESULT (BY CLASS) Exhibit Frame To No From Frame Name of Exhibitor Country Title of Exhibit Total Medal SP/FEL/GP Remarks CLASS 1 CHAMPIONSHIP CLASS CC-1 1 8 BROWN Gary Australia Aden Postal History till WWI CC-2 9 16 FLETCHER Paul Australia The Postage Due Stamps of Australia The Dominion of Canada: The Small Queens 1870- CC-3 17 24 The Brigham Collection Canada 1897 GPHC Land Cultivation from the Beginning of Agriculture CC-4 25 32 MAGIER Joshua Israel to the Present Time Tasmania: Imperforate Stamps from "Courier" to CC-5 33 40 SATO Koichi Japan "Chalon Head" GPHC CC-6 41 48 SHITARA Mitsuhiro Japan Japan "OLD KOBAN" Series 1876-1879 Philippines - King Alfonso XIII "Baby" Issues 1890- CC-7 49 56 QUE Mario Philippines 1897 CC-8 57 64 SARKISYAN Arkady Russia Dotted numeral cancellations of Imperial Russia GPHC CC-9 65 72 BARRERAS José Alberto Spain Spain 1854-1859 GPHC CC-10 73 80 BERG Jan Sweden Samoa 1836-1895 CC-11 81 88 FELDMAN Hugh United Kingdom Mails carried by water in the USA (1813-1875) STILWELL-WALKER CC-12 89 96 Patricia United States Ireland: Postal History 1657 through to 1890s Exhibit Frame To No From Frame Name of Exhibitor Country Title of Exhibit Total Medal SP/FEL/GP Remarks CLASS 2.1 TRADITONAL - NATIONAL CLASS South Australia - Stamps printed from the Perkins 2.1.1 101 108 BLAKE Michael Australia Bacon Plates 97 LG SP (Material) / GPNC The Errors of NSW, South Australia and Tasmania 2.1.2 109 113 DIFFEN Gary Australia and the History of their Discovery 83 V 2.1.3 114 118 EDWARDS David Australia 5d Brown - King George V Sideface 82 V The Postage Due Stamps of New South Wales and 2.1.4 119 126 FLETCHER Paul Australia Victoria 88 LV The George V Sideface Definitive Issues of 2.1.5 127 134 GRAY Arthur W Australia Australia 1913-1938 96 LG SP (Material) 2.1.6 135 142 GROOM Malcolm Australia Tasmanian Pictorials 1899-1912 86 LV Australia - The Kangaroo and Map Series 1913- 2.1.7 143 147 O'ROURKE Peter Australia 1948 90 G 2.1.8 148 155 MONK Gordon Australia Plate Varieties of Australian KGV 1d 1914-1937 87 LV New South Wales Centennials - Worlds First 2.1.9 156 160 PALMER Ben Australia Commemoratives 87 LV 2.1.10 161 165 PRESGRAVE Anthony Australia Departmental Stamps of South Australia 91 G Genesis of Photolithography Stamps Australia 2.1.11 166 173 RONNE Peter Australia 1977-87 83 V 2.1.12 174 181 Kay Gee Vee Australia Australia King George V 1d 1914-1937 92 G 2.1.13 182 186 WILLIAMS Maurice Australia Royal Stamps of King George VI 82 V 2.1.14 187 191 SVENDSEN Lars Peter Denmark The Victoria Stamps of Tasmania 86 LV 2.1.15 192 199 NAGAI Masayasu Japan Private Printing Period in Victoria 93 G Australia - Kangaroo and Map Design Postage 2.1.16 200 207 NAGASHIMA Hironobu Japan Stamps 81 V 2.1.17 208 212 YAU Khai Weng Singapore Queensland Classics 91 G 2.1.18 213 217 GREIG Ian United Kingdom The Queen on Throne Stamps of Victoria 90 G 2.1.19 218 222 HACKMEY Joseph United Kingdom The Half Lengths of Victoria 93 G SP (Material) 2.1.20 223 230 Sinbad United Kingdom Western Australia 1854-1912 92 G Western Australia - The Classic Stamps Printed 2.1.21 231 238 WOO Arthur United Kingdom from Perkins Bacon Plates 97 LG SP (Material) / GPNC 2.1.22 239 243 STEIN Robert C United States KGV Definitive Nauru Overprints 1916-1924 92 G Exhibit Frame To No From Frame Name of Exhibitor Country Title of Exhibit Total Medal SP/FEL/GP Remarks CLASS 2.2 TRADITONAL - OCEANIA, ASIA & AFRICA 2.2.1 1047 1051 BARSDELL Paul Australia Sarawak 87 LV 2.2.2 1052 1056 BROWN Gary Australia Aden & Aden States KGVI Period 88 LV 2.2.3 1057 1064 FLETCHER Paul Australia Niue 87 LV 2.2.4 1065 1069 Frames not allocated The Postage Stamps of Rhodesia & Nyasaland 2.2.5 1070 1074 MOORE Ken Australia 1953-1963 80 V New Zealand Postage Dues 1899-1951 1st, 2nd & 2.2.6 1075 1079C SHAW James Australia 3rd Series 86 LV 2.2.7 1080 1084 SHAW James Australia New Zealand 1/2d Newspaper Issues 1873-1905 83 V 2.2.8 1085 1089 WELLS Penny Australia New Zealand 1d Universals 1901-1908 83 V 2.2.9 1090 1094 MURRAY Stewart Canada The Stamps and Postal History of North Borneo 77 LS 2.2.10 1095 1099 QURESHI Ijaz Canada Pakistan 1948 - The First Definitive Issue 76 LS 2.2.11 1100 1104 DENG Yalu China The Stamps of China's Southwest Liberated Area 83 V London Print Single and Double Circle Dr. Sun Yat- 2.2.12 1105 1109 LI Ming China Sen Stamps(1931—1944) 83 V 2.2.13 1110 1117 CHEN Yu-An Chinese Taipei WWII Surcharges of the Chinese Republic 95 LG The Evolution of Postage Meter of China 1928- 2.2.14 1118 1125 CHIU Chen-Lung Chinese Taipei 1955 90 G SIAM – The Provisional Att Surcharges 1889-1899 2.2.15 1126 1130 TUCEK Petr Czech Republic on Second Issue and its Study 83 V FREDERIKSEN Michael 2.2.16 1131 1135 Harritso Denmark Sudan 1867-1898 80 V 2.2.17 1136 1140 BAJOCCHI Pietro Egypt The Fourth Issue of Egypt 1879-1914 86 LV 2.2.18 1141 1145 RAMADAN Mahmoud Egypt Egyptian Government Post 1893-1923 83 V HALEWOOD Nicholas 2.2.19 1146 1150 John Hong Kong The 1938-52 Definitive Issue of Hong Kong 85 LV 2.2.20 1151 1155 GUPTA V.K. India Gwalior State Stamps - A Study 1885-1950 77 LS 2.2.21 1156 1160 Frames not allocated Republik Indonesia 1945-1949 - The Local Issued Stamps during the Independence War in Java 2.2.22 1161 1165 KUSUMA Indra Indonesia Island 87 LV FARAHBAKHSH Feridoun Study of Early Lion Issues, 1st and 2nd Potrait 2.2.23 1166 1173 Novin Iran Issues of Shah 90 G 2.2.24 1174 1181 GLASSMAN Les Israel Mozambique and Mozambique Company 91 G SP (Material) 2.2.25 1182 1189 CHIBA Shin-ichi Japan Japan Etched Stamps 1871-1876 95 LG 2.2.26 1190 1197 ISHIZAWA Tsukasa Japan Ryukyus 1945-52 91 G 2.2.27 1198 1202 YAMASHITA Tetsuya Japan Japan Showa Series 1937-1946 80 V 2.2.28 1203 1210 AL-SAIF Waleed Kuwait Kuwait Post Office 1915-1961 86 LV 2.2.29 1211 1218 JURY Len New Zealand New Zealand Victory Issue 1920 86 LV Proving First Day & Earliest Use of NZ Stamps 1855- 2.2.30 1219 1226 THACKERY Tony New Zealand 1935 85 LV 2.2.31 1227 1231 MAHMUD Sultan Pakistan Bahawalpur State (1933-1948) with Fore-runners 85 LV Nasik and Peshawar Print (1947-49) - A 2.2.32 1232 1236 NANJEE Adnan Hussain Pakistan Comparison of the Plates Study 76 LS 2.2.33 1237 1244 NANJEE Iqbal Pakistan Bhopal 1876-1903 and Fore-runners 90 G 2.2.34 1245 1249 TAN Robert Philippines Philippines 1854-1877 (pre UPU Era) 78 LS 2.2.35 1250 1254 AL-QAHTANI Mobarak Saudi Arabia Hejaz and Najd Post Issue 1926 73 S A Study of the Third Definitive in Saudi Arabia 2.2.36 1255 1259 DEHLAVI Yaqub Saudi Arabia stamps 1968-75 78 LS 2.2.37 1260 1264 SONG James Singapore The Stamps of Burma from 1937 to 1948 87 LV 2.2.38 1265 1272 TAN Ah Ee Singapore Straits Settlements Classic 96 LG SP (Material) Cape of Good Hope - The Hope Rectangular 2.2.39 1273 1280 BUHRMANN Emil South Africa Design during the Victorian Period 97 LG SP (Material) / GPIC 2.2.40 1281 1285 Dave South Africa The B.S.A.C. "Admiral" Series 1913-1924 90 G EKSOMBATCHAI Siam 1899-1910: The Giesecke and Devrient 2.2.41 1286 1293 Prasatporn Thailand Printings 95 LG 2.2.42 1294 1301 EUARCHUKIATI Nuntawat Thailand Thailand: King Rama VIII and the World War II 95 LG 2.2.43 1302 1309 KRISHNAMARA Ayuth Thailand Siam: King Rama IV and King Rama V 1837-1904 91 G 2.2.44 1310 1317 Mister P Thailand King Bhumitol's 1st - 4th Definitive Issues 90 G AL SERKAL Ahmad Bin 2.2.45 1318 1322 Eisa U.A.E. Abu Dhabi Stamps 1963-1973 80 V India - Printing Errors and Varieties: Issues after 2.2.46 1323 1327 SAYEED Mohamad Aktar U.A.E. 15th August 1947 75 LS New Zealand Definitive Stamps showing the head 2.2.47 1328 1335 DOVE Andrew United Kingdom of King George V 91 G SP (Material) 2.2.48 1336 1343 GRIFFITH-JONES John United Kingdom The Missionary Stamps of Uganda 1895-99 95 LG 2.2.49 1344 1348 WILSON Andrew United Kingdom Rhodesian Admirals 1913-1924 88 LV 2.2.50 1349 1353 WREGLESWORTH Paul United Kingdom New Zealand - Second Sideface Issue (1882-1900) 88 LV NASSRE-ESFAHANI 2.2.51 1354 1358 Behruz United States Persia, 1902 Provisional Typeset Issue of Teheran 88 LV 2.2.52 1359 1363 YOUSSEFI K Joe United States The Meched (Persia) 1902 Provisional Issue 82 V 2.2.53 1364 1371 ZULUETA Alfonso United States Afghanistan, Amanullah Period, 1919-1929 88 LV 2.2.54 1372 1376 HARITON Martin Venezuela Booklets of Israel 77 LS Exhibit Frame To No From Frame Name of Exhibitor Country Title of Exhibit Total Medal SP/FEL/GP Remarks CLASS 2.3 TRADITONAL - EUROPE The "Van Acker" -10% Provisional Issue of Belgium 2.3.1 1377 1381 BARDEN Michael Australia - the local surcharging period May-Sept 1946 73 S 2.3.2 1382 1386 EBING Gert Australia Prussia 1850-1867 81 V 2.3.3 1387 1391 FLADEBY Jon Australia Norway - Posthorn Issues 1886-1893 80 V 2.3.4 1392 1396 TRINIDAD Jeff Australia Latvia 1918-1922 80 V 2.3.5 1397 1404 WEINGARTEN Heinz Australia The First Issue of the German Reich 90 G Small Hermes Heads 1886-1901 - The Second 2.3.6 1405 1409 KARAGIANNIDIS Anestis Canada Classical Period of Greek Stamps 87 LV 2.3.7 1410 1414 GOEGGEL Hugo Colombia Switzerland (The First Issues) 93 G Errors on Provisional Issues of the Independent 2.3.8 1415 1419 TKALCIC Eduard Croatia State of Croatia (N.D.H.) 76 LS Twenty Eight Years of Croatian Local Provisional 2.3.9 1420 1424 VILFAN Mladen Croatia Issues 1918-1945 85 LV 2.3.10 1425 1432 CHRISTOU Akis Cyprus Cyprus 1880-1896: The Victorian Issues 95 LG 2.3.11 1433 1440 HAUPTMAN Milos Czech Republic Multistamps Flat Printing from Steel Engraving 83 V 2.3.12 1441 1445 KOPECKY Vaclav Czech Republic France until 1875 75 LS 2.3.13 1446 1450 NEUMANN Josef Czech Republic The First Postage Stamp 81 V 2.3.14 1451 1458 WITTSTEN Peter Denmark Sweden 1855-1872.
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