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FRANCIS R. CAPETOWN • CHAIRMAN . y^L^/K ^uui j 2 ^ a ^ t A j ^ f t s x J r ) A A k ' i k f ( " A . 4 - tj- tki. G iiy y&dy, t , <3k r*''v*'*^ 4h<-V-3 (AT^/v LwXrvfO r)» 'f/ko yO " -O-tXftL &.A- (| -> V M l cx ftftvyA ** <J^6~/0. m lh+jft jlrt*- f^*^jLsO *^fZ*Srhyjj ^ ('Z'U- cUo £ ^ < ^ 3 ^ 'SYNOD—ONE : ~i ROLL OF SYNOD THE HOUSE OF BISHOPS President: The Most Reverend Francis Robinson Phelps, D.D., Archr bishop of Cape Town, Metropolitan of South Africa. Diocesan and Missionary Bishops: The Right Reverend Henry Bindley Sidwell, D.D. Bishop of George, Dean of the Province. The Right Reverend Leonard Noel Fisher, D.D., Bishop of N atal. - ^ The Right Reverend Edward Harold Etheridge. D D Bishop of St. John’s. S The Right Reverend Edward Francis Paget, M.C. M.A. Bishop of Southern Rhodesia. Rev.erend Theodore Sumner Gibson, M.A,, Bishop of Kimberley and Kuruman. The Right Reverend Basil William Peacey, M.A., Bishop of Lebombo, Missionary Bishop of the Province. * The Right Reverend Charles Arthur William Aylen, M.A. Bishop of Zululand. ’ The Right Reverend Charles Christopher Watts, M.A. Bishop of Damaraland, Missionary Bishop of the Pro- vince. The Right Reverend Archibald Howard Cullen, M.A., Bishop of Grahamstown. r The Right Reverend Wilfrid Parker, M.A., Bishop of Pre­ toria. r The Right Reverend Geoffrey Hare Clayton, M.A., Bishop of Johannesburg. The Right Reverend Arthur Henry Howe Browne, M.A. Bishop of Bloemfontein. Assistant Bishop : The Right Reverend Stanley John Haynes, Assistant Bishop of Bloemfontein. Coadjutor Bishop: The Right Reverend Sidney Warren Lavis, B.D., Coadjutor Bishop of Cape Town. THE HOUSE OF CLERGY Diocese of Cape Town: The Very Reverend John Charles Herries Brooke, M.A., Dean of Cape Town; Rector of the Cathedral Parish. ’ Venerable Harold Austin Earp Jones, Archdeacon of * Caledon; Rector of Caledon. The Reverend Robert Patterson Smart, Canon of the Cathe­ dral Church of St. George, Cape Town; Rector of St. James’s, Sea Point. The Reverend Thomas Gerald le Mesurier, M.A., Canon of the Cathedral Church of St. George, Cape Tow n; Rector ■ of St. Saviour’s, Claremont. .The Reverend William George Webster, M.A,, Canon of Church of St. George, Cape Town : Rector of St. Paul’s, Rondebosch. The Reverend Samuel Bingham Hinchliff, B.A., Canon of the Cathedral Church of St. George, Cape Town: Rector of Hermanus. The Reverend Henry Pbwer Bull, M.A., Superior, Society of St. John the Evangelist, Cape Town. The Reverend Charles Norton Joseph Savage, L.Th. JS.S.J.E.), Assistant Priest of Native Mission, Cape Tow n. r The Reverend Alfred Joseph Smith Lewis, L.Th., Licensed Priest in the Diocese of Cape Town. The Reverend Francis William Smith, Rector of Observa­ tory. uiocese of Grahainstown; T h e Right Reverend Charles James Ferguson-Davie, D D Warden of the Anglican Hostel, Fort Hare. ’ ’ Tht ,Ve3 Reverend Frank Parker Crosse, M.C Dean :SSfs&iS of Grah“— ■: The Venerable Hugh Latimer Gilmore Edwardes M A Port1<Elizabe<th.P° rt ^ * -C« TherXdnerubIervJalIleS Kenneth Mather, Archdeacon of «ow„TBisbop'sC'2 h,0pla“ ,!Si<>nS' Gr‘ h™ s- The Reverend Cyrill John Wyche, Chancellor of the Cathe- town Dior ° f St- Mlchael and St- George, Grahams- town > Diocesan Secretary and Treasurer; Bishop’s Chaplain ; Honorary Fellow of St. Augustine’s, Canter- ThC Cathedra^ThedrM Church of St. Michael M’A”and CanonSt. George of the Grahamstown; Rector of Kingwilliamstown. g The Reverend Arthur Cardross, Grant, M.A., Canon of the Cathedral Church of St. Michael and St George Grahamstown; Rural Dean of Kingswilliamstown The Reverend Charles James Baines Gould, M.A., Canon of he Cathedral Church of St. Michael and St. George Grahamstown ; Rural Dean and Rector of Cradock The Reverend James Arthur Calata, Missionary at St James’ Mission, Cradock. y Diocese of Natal: The oTeDnrhlf HvyWO°d fHarris’ M'C-> M.A. Archdeacon ot Durban; Vicar of St. Paul’s, Durban. Th%Vfer l e S ™ S S g d|r,r V D - Archdeacon M.A., Canon of the Cathedral Church of St. Saviour, Pietermaritzburg; \ icar of Kirby Hilton, Natal. The Reverend Alfred James Shuttleworth Marker, M.A Canon of the Cathedral Church of St. Saviour, Pieter­ maritzburg; Vicar of Estcourt, Natal. Th<! N a t T ^ BaSi' M°rey F° rd’ L-Th” Vicar of R^hmond, The Reverend Frank Scogings, L.Th., Priest-in-Charge, Native Mission, Durban. S The ReverendlOsric Oberlin-Harris, M.A., Priest-in-Charge Clairwood and the Bluff, Durban. S SYNOD—TWO Diocese of St. Helena: The Reverend Gilbert Price Lloyd Turner, L.Th., Rector of St. Paul’s, Cape Town. Diocese of Bloemfontein: The Very Reverend William Haye Weekes, M.A., Dean of Bloemfontein; Rector of the Cathedral Parish. The \ enerable Frank Howell Hulme, M.A., Archdeacon of Bloemfontein; Rector of Kroonstad. The Reverend Edward Baunton Ford, M.A., Chancellor of the Cathedral Church of St. Andrew and St. Michael, Bloemfontein. The Reverend James Cottrell, Canon of the Cathedral Church of St. Andrew and St. Michael, Bloemfontein; Rector of Jagersfontein. * The Rev. Walter Mochochoko, Canon of the Cathedral Church of St. Andrew and St. Michael, Bloemfontein; Director of St. Clement’s Mission, Winburg. The Reverend Frank Arthur Amor, Provincial, Society of the Sacred Mission, Modderpoort. Diocese of St. John’s : The Very Reverend Lancelot William Hallward, M.A., Dean of St. John’s; Rector of the Cathedral Parish, Umtata. The \ enerable Cyril Edwin Earle Bulwer, B.A., Archdeacon of St. Mark’s; Priest-in-Charge of St. Mark's. The Reverend Clement Ralph Leadley-Brown, M.A., Canon of the Cathedral Church of St. John, Umtata; Friest-in- Charge of All Saints’ Mission. The Reverend John David Solomon Ndungane, Canon of the Cathedral Church of St. John, Umtata; Chaplain of Leper Institution, Emjanyana. The Reverend Arthur Neil Litt Buckley, Priest-in-Charge of St. Barnabas’ Mission, P’ondoland. The Reverend Francis James Rumsey, B.A. (S.S.J.E.), P'riest-in-Charge of St. Cuthbert’s Mission. The Reverend Bernard Hartley, B.A., Assistant Priest at v Holy Cross Mission. The Reverend Adonijah Kolis Mhletywa, L.Th., Priest-in- Charge of Tsomo Parish. Diocese of Pretoria: The Very Reverend Charles Robert Rumbold, Dean of Pre­ toria ; Rector of the Cathedral Parish. The Venerable Albert Mortimer Jenkin, Archdeacon of Pretoria. The Reverend Samuel Percy Woodfield, M .A., Canon of the Cathedral Church of St. Alban, Pretoria; Principal of Diocesan Training College, Grace Dieu. The Reverend Hazael Mashite Maimane, Priest-in-Charge, Pietersburg Mission. Diocese of Zululand: The Venerable Albert William Lee, Archdeacon of Zululandj Priest-in-Charge, St. Augustine’s, Dundee. The Reverend Walter Haffenden Hallowes, B.A., Rector of Eshowe.
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