Chicagiensis Societatis Jesu

Chicagiensis Societatis Jesu

CATALOGUS PROVINCIAE CHICAGIENSIS SOCIETATIS JESU INEUNTE ANNO MCMXXXII CHICAGO EX TYPOGRAPHIA LOYOLAEA 1931 R. P. CAROLUS H. CLOUD PRAEPOSITUS PROVINCIALIS A DIE 19 JUNII, 1930 (LOYOLA UNIVERSITY, RoGERS PARK, OluCAGO, lLL., u. s. A.) Pro Epistolia Telegraphicis Transmarinis-Province, Ohicago P. ALOISIUS H. RoHDE, Socius a die 3 sept. I928, Adm., Cons. Prov., Cens. libr. FRIDERICUS H. SNIDER, Socius Coadj., Ad dom. CONSULTORES PROVINCIAE P. JoANNES P. McN1cH0Ls, Rector Collegii Detroitensis, a die 3 sept. I928. P. RoBERTUS M. KELLEY, Rector Collegii Chicagiensis, a die 3 sept. I928. P. ALOISIUS H. RoHDE, Sociiu R. P. Provincialis, a die 3 sept. I928. P. FRANCISCUS A. McKERNAN, Rector Dom. Prob. Milfor­ densis, a die IJ mart. I9JI. P. ALBERTUS F. X. EsTERMAN, Proc. Prov., Revis. admin. temp. domar., Dir. "!esuit Seminary Aid Association." P. PAULUS M. BREEN, Revis. arcar. Prov. (pag. 9) P. DANJEL M. O'CoNNELL, Praef. gen. stud. Prov., Cens. libr. P. JosEPHUS S. REINER, Sec. gen. sod. B. V.M. ( pag. IO) P. lGNATIUS A. HAMILL, Praef. miss. in Prov. { pag. 5) P. LEO A. FosTER, Pro c. miss. Patnensis. ( pag. 9) 3 CHICAGIENSE COLLEGIUM s n Thomas A., Praef. stud. et discipl. in coll., E.xam. p · E~ga ' d "S d A . t. " CHICAGIENSE COLLEGIUM S. IGNATU candid. NN. et neo-sacerd., M o . tu ent ssocia ion et "Student Coimcil," Cons. dom. ann. I. (Loyola University, 6525 Sheridan Road, Chicago, 111.) p, Falley, Ludovicus A., Mission. excurr. (Telephone: Briargate 3000) p Finnegan, Gulielmus A., Praef. stud. et discipl. in acad., · Catech. alumn., E.xam. candid. NN., Conf. in t., Gons. dom. ann. 2. P. Garvy, Arnoldus J., Script., Lect. ling. angl. in schol. grad., P. Robertus M. Kelley, Rect. a die 8 sept. I927, Cons. Prov Conf. NN. eens. libr. ., Gerst, Franciscus J., L ect. math. in coll. et in schol. grad., P. Jacobus C. Daly, Min., Praef. val. et sacell., Catech. alumn., P. Doc. relig., Exam. candid. NN. et neo-sacerd., Gonf. eons. dom. ann. 6. alumn., Gens. libr. P. Ahearn, Terentius H., Reg. schol. medie. et schol. nutric., P. Hamill, Ignatius A., Sup. mission. excurr. Lect. eth. in schol. medie., Exam. neo-sacerd. P. Hohman, Leonardus H., Doc. ling. lat. et angl. et catech. in P. Bechtel, Florentinus, Praef. spir., Adm., Exhort. et explic. acad. ann. IJ mag., Gonf. alumn. pp. med. FF. Coadj., Exam. candid. NN. et neo-sacerd., P. Holton, Eduardus C., Doc. relig. in coll., M od .. soc. atAhlde:. Conf. NN. et alumn., Cens. libr., Script. hist. dom. et gym., M od. "University Student Activities," J. P. Bellock, Raymundus F., Doc. relig. in coll. ann. 8 mag., mod. "Alumni Association," Exam. candid. NN., Gonc. Mod. soc. music., Cens. period. alumn., Conf. alumn. hebd., Gonf. in t. P. Colnon, Eduardus L., Doc. ling. lat. et catech. in acad. ann. P. Jacobsen, Hieronymus V., Doc. hist. et oeconom. et relig. 4 mag., Praes. sod. B. V.M. lmmac. Conc. et S. loan. in coll., Exam. candid. NN., Gonf. alumn. Berch. pro alumn. in acad., Dir. foed. SS. Cord. in P. Jennemann, Vincentius L., Proc., Gons. dom. ann. 4, Gonf. acad., Exam. candid. NN., Praef. lect. ad mens., Conf. NN. alumn. P. Kane, Gulielmus T., Praef. biblioth., Mod. "Alumni As­ P. Conroy, Josephus P., Praef. spir. alumn. in acad., Conf. sociation," Script., Gens. libr. NN. et alumn., Cens. libr., Exam. prim. candid. NN., P. Kelly, Arthurus J., L ect. phil., Doc. relig. ann. 8 mag., Script., .Exhort. alumn. Gonf. alumn., Gens. libr. P. Cornell, Gualterus G., Doc. phys. et math. in acad. ann. 24 P. Kennedy, Paulus V., Lect. phil., Doc. relig. ann. 4 mag., mag., Catech. et conf. alumn. Gonf. alumn., Gens. libr. P. Cunningham, Joannes M., Mission. excurr. P. Killacky, Urbanus H., Doc. ling. angl. et relig. in coll., P. Dinneen, F. Georgius, Praef. eccl., Cur. agit schol. paroch., Gonf. alumn., Gens. libr. Praes. soc. SS. Nom. et soc. ad ornand. altar., Mod. soc. P. Le May, Clifford J., Praef. spir. alitmn. in coll., Praes. sod. "Loyola Community Theatre" et "Glenola Club," Gonf. B. V.M. Jmmac. et S. Stan. alumn. in coll., Seer. loe. NN., Dir. foed. SS. Gord., Dir. local. "Jesuit Seminary sod., Exam. candid. NN., Gonf. alumn. Aid Association." 4 6 CATALOGUS PROVINCIAE CHICAGIENSIS CHICAGIENSE COLLEGIUM 7 P. Liston, Nicholas A., Doc. ling. lat. et angl. et catech. P. Siedenburg, Fridericus, Praef. stud. in "Downtown Col­ acad. ann. IJ mag., Conf. alitmn. in lege," Reg. schol. social. et oeconom. et facult. jur., P. Madaras, Eduardus F., Exspect. dest. Lect. social., C ens. libr. P. Mahowald, Georgius H., Lect. psychol. et metaphys. in col! p, Sullivan, Joannes J., Mission. excurr. et schol. grad. ann. 20 mag., Doc. relig. in coll., p raes · coll. cas. canse., Conf. alumn., Exam. neo-sacerd e . p. Tallmadge, Robertus F ., Mission. excurr. libr. ., ens. P. Vaughan, Franciscus A., Doc. ling. lat., math. et catech. in P . Mertz, Jacobus J., Doc. ling. lat. et relig. in col/., Con¡ acad. ann. 8 mag., Dir. soc. miss., Conc. hebd., Conf. NN. et alumn., M od. soc. "Della Strada" et "Jesu .; alumn. et in t. Family Club." i P. Walsh, Jacobus F., Lect. phil. in "Downtown College" et P . Morrissey, Joannes P., Lect. chim. in coll. et in semin. dioec in schol. profess. ann. IS mag., Praef. spir. alumn. in ann. 26 mag., Conf. NN. et alumn. schol. profess., Cens. libr. P. Otting, Leonardus H., Lect. phil. et social., Doc. relíg. in P. Walsh, Joannes F., Mission. excurr. coll. ann. I I mag., Conf. alumn., Exam. neo-sacerd Cens. libr. ., P. Wilson, Samuel K., Lect. hist. in schol. grad. et in coll., Exam. neo-sacerd., Conf. NN. et aliimn., Cens. libr., P. Powers, Thomas J., Doc. ling. lat., math. et catech. in acad. Adj. redact. period. "Thought." ann. 9 mag., Mod. soc. athlet. in acad. , Mod. "Loyola Academy Alumni Associati<m" et "Monogram Club," P. Wise, Albertus R., Mission. excurr. Conf. alumn. Bittenz, Franciscus A., Doc. ling. lat. et angl. in acad. ann. P. Robison, Gulielmus F., Mission. excurr. I mag., Catech. alumn., Cur. agit. offic. libr. alumn., Adj. P. Schmidt, Augustinus G., Reg. schol. grad., M od. "Loyola praef. mor. University Press," Redact. "Loyola iEducational Di­ Blayz, Raymundus C., Doc. ling. a-ngl. et gall. in acad. ann. gest," Adj. redact. period. "Thought," Ce-ns. libr. 3 mag., Catech. alumn., Mod. "Loyola Prep," Adj. P. Schmitt, Alphonsus R., Lect. phys. ann. IS mag., Doc. relíg. praef. mor., Collab. period. "Province News-Letter," in coll., Mag. caer. pro comm., Conf. NN. et alumn. Dir. "L' Academie Doncoeur," "Dramatic S ociety" et "Quill and Scroll Society," Bid. P. Sellmeyer, Bernardus L., Lect. biol. in coll. ann. 6 mag., Doc. relig. in coll., Conf. alumn. et in t. Campion, Gulielmus J., Doc. ling. lat. et angl. in acad. ann. P. Seymour, Gualterus M., Oper., Catech. in t. et in schol. 2 mag., Catech. alumn., Adj. praef. mor., Adj. mod. paro ch. soc. athlet. in acad., Dir. "Junior Debating Society," Visit. mat. et noct. P. Shanley, Georgius P., Oper., Praes. sod. B. V.M. pro virg., Mod. soc. acolyth., M ag. caer., Catee h. in t. et in schol. McQuade, Jacobus J., Doc. ling. lat. et graec. in acad. ann. paroch., Dir. soc. S. Vine. a Paulo. I mag., Catech. alumn., Dir. "Classical Seminar," Adj. praef. mor. 8 CATALOGUS PROVINCIAE CHICAGIENSIS Vogel, Mure! R., Doc. ling. lat. et angl. in acad. ann. 1 mag., Catech. alitmn., Nfod. period. "Loyola Pep," D-ir. CHICAGIENSIS ACADEMIA S. IGNATII "Senior Debating S ociety." (St. Ignatius High School, 1076 West Roosevelt Road, Chicago, Ill.) COADJUTORES (Telephone: Haymarket 9180) Carrigan, Martinus L., Adj. pr()c., Ad dom. Klucken, Hermannus, Cust. mach. vap. P. Julianus A. Garrity, Rect. a die 22 apr. 19JI, Cens. libr., Moynihan, Edmundus A., Cust. tricl. et cell. vin., Adj. Ezam. prim. cundid. NN. empt., Ezcit. P. Franciscus J. Macke, Mín., Praef. val., Cons. dom. ann. 1. Rosner, Albertus, Aedit. sacell. dom., Ad dom. P. Barry, Laurentius M., Adj. praef. stud. et discipl., Doc. math. in inf. gram., Ezam., candid. NN. Sac. 46 Schol. S Coadj. 4 Univ. SS P. Bimanski (Buman), Franciscus X., Oper., Visit. nosoc. publ. (Cook County Hospital), Conf. NN. P. Breen, Franciscus X., Doc. ling. lat. in inf. gram., Catech. alumn. ann. 25 mag., Capell. soc. 'Equit. Columb. (St. Francis Xavier Coimcil) pro ]tal. P. Breen, Paulus M., Proc., Conf. alumn., Revis. arcar. Prov., Cons. dom. ann. 10. P. Butler, Jacobus F., Stitd. math. P. Cook, Andreas J., Oper., Visit. nosoc. publ. (Cook County Hospital), Trad. ezerc. spir., Praes. omn. sod. B. V.M. pro surd. mut. P. Esmaker, Joannes B., Doc. phys. ann. 22 mag., Catech. et conf. alumn., Ezam. candid. NN., Mod. "Radio Club." P. Foote, Bernardus A., Doc. ling. lat. et angl. in supr. gram. ann. 19 mag., Catech. et conf. alumn., Ezam. candid. NN., Conf. NN., Mod. eleemos. pro mission. P. Foster, Leo A., Proc. mission. Patnensis. P. Gilbert, Albertus, Oper., Visit. nosoc. publ. (Cook Coimty 1-lospitalj, Conf. NN. P. Gillespie, Josephus J ., Doc. ling. lat. et math. in inf. gram. ann. 5 mag., Conf. alumn., Praes. sod. B. V. M . Aitzil. Christ. et S. Alois. pro alumn. jun. 9 CHICAGIENSIS ACADEMIA 11 10 CATALOGUS PROVINCIAE CHICAGIENSIS Praef. odei eccl., /nstr. catechum., Catech. in schol. P. Hagedorn, Gulielmus P., Doc. ling. lat. et math. in inf. gram., Doc. phys. ann. 5 mag., Conf. alumn. paroch. et in t., Cons. dom. ann. I. P. Horn, Bernardus A., Doc. ling. lat. et angl. in supr. gram. p. Warth, Georgius L., Doc. hist. in supr. gram. et math. in inf. gram., Catech. et conf. alumn. ann. 5 mag., Praef.

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