T:tt'~ QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ~l GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. UXT~ BT THE ASSISTANT-SECRETARY OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. qao~ si eul mortal;urn eordi et eur~ sit non tautum inventls hssrere, atque i|s u~, sed ad uIterlora penetrate; atque non disputando adversarium, led opere naturam vincere; deuique non belle et probabUitar op~ari~ sed certo et ostensive seire; tales, tanqmLm veri le'~.nt/arumfiIii, nobis (~i videbitur) |e adjungaut. --2Vovum Or~anum; Prefatio. VOLUME THE THIRTY-FIFrH. 1879. LONDON : LON(~MANS~ GREEN, READER, AND DYER. PARIS: FRIED. KLINCKSIECK, II RUE DE LILLE; F. SAVY, 24 RUE HAUT]]FEUILLE. LEIPZIG ; T.O.'WEIGEL, SOLD ALSO AT THE APARTMENT8 0F TH~ SOCIETY, MDCCCLXIIX, I.t t o~ THE OFFIaR B GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Elected February 21, 1879. H. Clifton Sorby, LL.D., F.R.S. Prof. P. Martin Duncan, M.B., F.R.S. [ Prof. J. Prestwieh, M.A., F.R.S. Sir P.de M. Grey-Egerton,Bart.,M.P.,F.R.S. [ Prof. A. C. Ramsay, LL.D., F.R.S. ~tcrctar/e~. Prof. T. G. Bonney, M.A., F.R.S. [ Prof. J. W. Judd, F.R.S. dFarti~ :~urtta~. Warington W. Smyth, M.A., F.ItS. ~rtaaurtr. 3. Gwyn $effreys, LL.D., F.R:S.- H. Bauerman, Esq. Prof. N. S. Maskelyne, M.A., F.1LS. Prof. T. G. Bonney, M.A., F.R.S. J. Morris, Esq., M.A. Prof. P. Martin Duncan, M.B., F.R.S. R. W. Mylne, Esq., F.R.S. Sir P.de M. Grey-Egerton, Bart.,M.P.,F.R.S. J. A. Phillips, Esq. J. Clark Hawkshaw, Esq., M.A. Prof. J. Prestwich, M.A., F.R.S. Henry Hicks, M.D. Prof, A. C. Ramsay, LL.D., F.ILS. W. H. Hudleston, Esq., M.A. Prof. I~I. G. Seeley, F.I~.S. Prof. T. MCKenny Hughes, M.A. Warington W. Smyth, Esq., M.A., F.R.S. J. W. Hulke, Esq., F.R.S. H. Clifton Sorby, LL.D., F.R.S. J. Gwyu Jetfreys, LL.D., F.R.S. Admiral T. A. B. Spratt, C.B., F.ILS. Prof. T. Rupert Jones, F.R.S. Rev. T. Wiltshire, M.A., F.L.S. Prof. J. W. Judd, F.R.S. ~Je/Jtant~burtta~, ~ibrar/an, anb Curator. W. $. Dallas, Esq., F.L.S. Mr. W. W. Leighton. Kt%rarp a.~ MuSeum ~iStant~. Mr. W. Rupert Jones. [ Mr. 3ames Dallas. T• OF'CONTENTS. Page A])AMs, Prof. A. L. On Remains of Mastodon and other Verte- brata of the Miocene Beds of the Maltese Islands. (Plate XXV.) 517 ALLPORT, S., Esq. On the Diorites of the Warwickshire Coal-field 637 AVT.W00:D, G~.OROE, Esq. A Contribution to South-American Geology.. With an A-ppendix by the Rev ......Prof T G BO.NNEY (Plate XXXIH.) ........................................ 58'2 Bo~rN~.y, Rev. Prof. T. G., M.A. Notes on the Microscopic Struc- ture of some Rocks from Caernarvonshire and Anglesey ...... 305 - . On the Quartz-felsite and Associated Rocks at the Base of the Cambrian Series in North:western Caernarvonshire. (Plate XIII.) ................................................ 309 N ore on some Rocks from South America .............. 588 " R-cN~ on the Microscopic Structure of some Shropshire .. 662 ------', and F. T. S. Hovo]rroN, :Esq., B.A. On some Mica-traps from the Kendal and Sedbergh Districts .................. 165 L , and F. T.S. ]=~OUGHTON,~sq. I B.A. On the Metamorphic .Series between Twt Hill (Caernarvon) and Port Dinorwig .... 3"21 B~towN, C. B:, Esq. On the Tertiary Deposits on the SolimSes and Java Rivers, in Brazil With an A endix, by R ETB-EnIDOE, Z~q.,r~.R.~. (Plate ~I.) ...... .pp., ........ : .......... ~ 76 . On the Ancient River-deposit of the Amazon. (Plate XXXVr~I.) ............................................ 763 BUCXMXN, Prof. J. On the so-called Midford Sands ............ 736 CALLAWAY~ Dr. C. The Pre-Cambrian Rocl~s of Shropshire.~Part I. With Notes on the Microscopic Structure of some of the Rocks, : by Prof. T. G. Bo~-~.Y....-. ............................. 643 CJ~[PB~T.L~ J. :F., :Esq. Qlacial Periods ........................ 98 Ctza~P~.~o~rS, A., Esq. Note on some Devonian Stromatoporidm from Dartington near Totnes .............................. 67 A2 iv TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page CHA~PE~NOW~., A., Esq., and W. A. E. USS]rRR, Esq. Notes on the Structure of the Palaeozoic Districts of West Somerset .... 532 DAvis, T, Esq. On the Microscopical Structure of some Arvonian Rocks from Pembrokeshire .............................. 291 DAvis, J. W., ESq. Notes on P/eurodon a2~n/s, sp. ined, Agassiz, and Description of three Spines of Cestracionts from the Lower Coal-measures. (Plate X.) ............................... 181 DAWKZNS, Prof. W. BoYD, M.A. On the Range of the Mammoth in Space and Time ...................................... 13g -, , and Rev. J. M. MELLO. Further Discoveries in the Cresswell Caves ................................................ 724 DAwson', G. M., Esq., D.Sc. On a new Species of Zoftusia from British Columbia. (Plate VI.) ............................ 69 DAWSOH, J. W., Esq., LL.D. On the Microscopic Structure of Stromatoperid~, and on Palaeozoic Fossils mineralized with Silicates, in illustration of ~zoon. (Plates III.-V.) ........ 48 DOYLE, P., Esq. On some Tin-deposits of the Malayan Peni,Lquls.. 229 DU~CAX, Prof. P. ~., M.B. On theU~per-Oreensand Coral Fauna of Haldon, Devonshire. (Plate VIII.) .................... 89 ETHERIDGE~ R.~ F~q. No~ on the MoUusca collected by C. B. Brown, Esq., from the Tertiary Deposits of the SolimSes and Javary Rivers~ Brazil. (Plate VII.) ...................... 82 ETHEI~rDo~, R., Esq., Jun. On the Occurrence of the Genus Dithyrocaris in the Lower Carboniferous or Calciferous Sand- stone Series of Scotland, and on that of a second Species of .4nthrapal~mon in these Beds. (Plate XXIII.) ............ 464 :FiSHmt, Rev. O. On a Mammaliferous Deposit at Barringten~ near Cambridge ............................................ 670 GARDNER, J. S., Esq. Description and Correlation of the Bourne- mouth Beds.--Part I. Upper Marine Series ................ 209 I-IAWKSHAW,J. C., ~Esq., M.A. Notes on the Consolidated Beach at Pernambuco ........................................ 239 HIcKs, II., Esq., M.D. On a new Group of the Pro-Cambrian Rocks (the Arvonian) in Pembrokeshire. With an Appendix by T. DAVrES, Esq ........................................... 2@5 On the Pro-Cambrian (Dimefian, Arvonian, and Pebidlan) P, ocks in Caernarvonshire and Anglesev. With an Avvendix by Prof. T. G. BeNton.Y, M.A., F.R.S... ~ ............ "..'. ..... ~. '295 Hn~, G. J., Esq. On Conodonts from the Chazy and Cinclnngti Group of the Cambro-Silm~an, and fl'om the Itamilton and Genesee-Shale Divisions of the Devonian~ in Canada and the United States. (Plates XV.-XVII.) ...................... 351 TABLE OF CONTENTS. v Page I~INDV., G. J., Esq. On Annelid-jaws from the Cambro-Sihtrian, Silurian, and Devonian Formations in Canada and from the Lower Carboniferous in Scotland. (Plates XVIII.-XX.) .... 370 HORI~v., JO~rl% Esq., and B. N. P~ACH, Esq. The Glaciation of the Shetland Isles. (Plate XXXIX.) ........................ 778 HOUG~tTOl% F. T. S., Esq., B.A., and Profi T. G. BONN~Y, M.A. On some Mica-traps from the Kendal and Sedbergh Districts.. 165 , and Profi T. G. BONNEY, M.A. On the Metamorphic Series between Twt Hill (Caernal~on) and Port Dinorwig ........... 821 HOWlTT, A. W., Esq. Notes on the Physical Goo~aphy and Geo- logy of North Gippsland, Victoria ........................ l Hu6t~ms, Prof. T. McK~I~Y2 M.A. Further Observations on the Pre-Cambrian Rocks of Caernarvon. (Plate XXXVI.) ...... 682 -------. On the Silurian Rocks of the Valley of the Clwyd ...... 694 HIILXE, J. W., Esq. Note on Poikilopleuron Bucklandi of Eudes Deslongchamps (j).~re), identifying it with Megalosaurus .Buck- /and/. (Plato X~.) .................................... 233 Vectisaurus valdensis, a new Wealden Dinosaur. (Plate XXI.) ................................................ 421 ------. Note (3rd) on (.Eucamerotus, Hulke) Ornithopsis~ H. G. Seeley,=.Bothriospondylus magnus, Owen~= Chondrosteosaurus magnus, Owen .......................................... 752 HuIm, Prof. E., M.A. On the Geological Age of the Rocks forming .... 699 I~G~, Roy. A. H.W., M.A. On some Superficial Deposits in the Neighbourhood of Evesham .............................. 678 5omm, Prof. T. R., and J. W. KIm~BY, Esq. Description of the Species of the Ostracodous Genus .Bairdia, M'Coy, from the Carboniferous St-rata of Great Britain. (Plates XXVIII.- XXXII.) .............................................. 565 Jvx_~s-BRowl~m, A. J., Esq., B.A. On the Southerly Extension of the Hessle Boulder-Clay in Lincglnshire .................... 397 Y~IX~BY~ J. W., Esq., and Prof. T. R. JoNxs. Description of the Species of the Ostracodous Genus .Bairdia, M~Coy, from the Carboniferous Strata of Great Britain. (Plates XXVIII.- SXXTI.) ............................................... 565 ~CXI~TOSX, D., Esq. :Results of a Systematic Survey, in 1878, of the Directions and Limits of Dispersion, Mode of Occurrence, and Relation to Drift-deposits of the Erratic Blocks cr Boulders of the West of England and East of Wales, including a Revision of many Years' previous Observations. (Plate XXII.) ...... 425 I~LLO, Rev. J. M.~ and Prof. W. B. DAWKI~S. Further Discoveries in the Cresswell Caves .................................. 724 Ow~N, Prof. R., C.B. On the Association of Dwarf Crocodiles (.h'annosuchus and Theriosuchus pusillus~ e. g.) with the Dimi- nutive Mammals of the Purbeck Shales. (Plato IX.) ........ 148 vi TABLE OF CONTEI~TS, Pag~ Ow~, Prof. R., C.B. Description of fragmentary Indications of a huge kind of Theriodont Reptile (Titano~whm ferox~ Ow.) from Beaufort Wes~t, Gouph Tract, Cape of Good Hope. (Plate XI.) ................................ , ........... 189 : On the Endothiodont Re~p~tilia,with Evidence of the Species .EndotModon uniseries, Ow. (Plate XXVH.) ............ .... 557 Psac~r, B. N., Esq, and J. HORNE, ESq. The Glaciation of the Shetland Isles. (Plate XXXIX.) ........... ............ 778 Pall, LIPS, J.A., Esq. A Contribution to the History of Mineral Veins .................................................. 390 P~AI)~, T. MELL~V, Esq. On a Section of Boulder-chy and Gravels near Ballygatley Head, and an Inquiry as to the proper Classifi- cation of the Irish Drift .................................
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