Vol. XLII, No. 15 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D. C. Thursday, February 16, 1961 McAllister Takes Office Dean On Leave For Study; As. Secretary Of Yard Father McGrath To Fill In Nugent Takes Helm Dodor Evans To Handle As WGTB Selects Affairs Involving Students by Ray Callahan Board Membership and When WGTB began broad­ Bill Hodgeman casting two weeks ago last Monday, it began with new Taking advantage of a disc-jockeys, new news com­ Carnegie Corporation grant, mentators and also with new Reverend d oseph A. Sellinger, leadership. Walter Higgins, S.J., Dean of the College of last year's station manager and Arts and Sciences, has begun this year's associate station man­ a leave of absence that will ager, listed the new Board of Di­ rectors '61-'62. take him to twenty-two colleges and universities throughout the John O'C. Nugent is the new sta· country. tion manager. In this capacity he In Father Sellinger's absence, heads the Board, and co-ordinates Reverend Brian A. McGrath, S~J., the different department heads. He will be Acting Dean of the College, IN FOR ROSS . Mike Mc­ also broadcasts on Friday night in addition to his duties as Ac­ Allister, New Yard Secretary. and Saturday morning. His shows ademi~ Vice President. Father Mc­ are the Hoya Hit Parade and a Grath will supervise faculty af­ show featuring his favorite music. fairs, while Dr. Frank Evans, Di- Resulting from a special Nugellt is quite proud of WGTB's NEW BOSS ... Dr. Frank Evans discusses new post with Father Sellinger, S.J. rector of Honors and Special Pro­ election held last Sunday by plans to join the National Associa­ grams, will serve as Acting As­ tion of Educational Broadcasters. the Student Council, Michael sistant Dean, and will handle stu­ This would put new educational dent requests and problems. There McAllister has been newly programs on the air and make T~ilion will be no procedural changes as WGTB a dubbing and originating $200 Increase a result of these appointments. made Secretary of the Yard. station for the officials of NAEB. He is to fill the vacancy cre­ In his own words: "There seems Objects of Study to be lack of co-operation and com­ Planned ro .. Nexl Yea.. During his trip, Father Sellinger ated by former Yard Secretary, Charles Ross, who assumed the munication between the various ac­ plans to study four aspects of tivities in the College. It is with The following is an excerpt difference between income from tu­ office of Yard President following higher education in the United this in mind that we plan to ob­ from a letter sent from the ition and costs of education. The States: (1) the quality of classroom the sudden vacating of that office tain closer contact with other ac­ Administration to the parents actual difference between income presentation by teachers and cri­ by Robert Gilmartin, shortly after tivities and have them do special from tuition and the cost last year teria used by institutions to eval­ Christmas vacation. shows on WGTB-FM. Several con­ of all undergraduates of the amounted to $1,500,000. In 1961-62 uate their faculties (Father Sel­ The election was brought up as tacts have already been made. University: it is estimated that, at the present linger has indicated that he will a part of the old business of the Other plans for closer co-operation "During the past two years tuition level and with increase in concentrate most intensively on consist in having activities from this subject); (2) the methods and regular Student Council meeting we have been faced with the per­ Faculty salaries, the deficit will on February 12 in Copley Lounge. other schools in the University on reach $600,000, after we add the goals of collegiate honors pro­ the air. plexing difficulty of meeting the grams; (3) the ways of conducting The constitutional provision for costs of education. It has always income from investments and other this election states, "In the event Nugent, an AB (Classical) stu­ freshman orientation programs; been a tradition at Jesuit Schools sources. and (4) the courses offered and of a vacancy in the office of Secre­ dent, is a member of -t<he Collegiate to keep the tuition as low as pos­ "From these facts it becomes courses required in various curricu­ tary of the Yard or Yard Treasurer, Club, the HOYA, and Eta Sigma sible, consistent with the highest Phi. la. the Student Council will elect a grade of education, with a Faculty clear that the Directors of G:eorge­ At the conclusion of his trip, successor from the Senior Class." Jack Burgess holds the position of talent and reputation, and with town have no alternative but to of program director and hence accessory services to meet the raise the tuition to a rate that Father Sellinger will present an William Werwaiss placed McAl­ schedules programs. He also has a needs of the individual student. would meet this prospective deficit. informal report to the Carnegie lister's name in nomination and it Foundation. His findings will be show of popular music on Tuesday, "In 1959 the academic deficit was An increase, therefore, of $200 an was seconded by Michael Leahy. entitled Wonderful World of Music. incorporated into a report pre­ $85,000. In 1960 it was $375,000. academic year in tuition rates is pared by the American Council of Also nominated was Paul Coughlin, Burgess also feels strongly about It is important to note that this necessary to accomplish this end. the station as an educational out­ Education. Father Sellinger will Senior Class Student Council Rep­ deficit occurred, in spite of the in­ This increase will be applied to all resentative, who had been ap­ let: "WGTB is the first educational also outline his conclusions in an come from Alumni Annual Giving the undergraduate Schools of the pointed by Ross to serve as tem­ address to a meeting of Jesuit (Continued on Page 6) and investments to help bridge the University, the College of Arts and Deans, which wiIJ be held in August porary Yard Secretary during the Sciences, the Foreign Service in Spokane, Washington. interim following Ros;;'s accession School, the School of Business Ad­ to the Presidency. A simple ma­ Father Sellinger'S Itinerary ministration, the Institute of Lan­ jority of those present was re­ Weeks of February 13 and 20: quired. guages and Linguistics and the Nursing School. Proportionate in­ Dartmouth University, Hanover, New Hampshire; Boston College, McAllister, an AB philosophy creases will be made in the Med­ Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts; and major from Brooklyn, N. Y., is no ical, Dental, Graduate and Law stranger to the Student Council, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Schools. Pennsylvania. having served as Junior Class Stu­ dent Council Representative. This "Realizing what this might mean Week of February 27: to some parents, who may be un­ year, he is Chairman of the Student Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio; able to meet this increase, WEl wish Social Calendar Committee, a Re­ and Heidelberg College, Tiffin, to assure you that no qualified boy Ohio. gional Chairman of the Freshman will be forced to withdraw from Advisory Committee, Vice Pres­ School for sheer financial reasons, Weeks of March 6, 13, and 20: ident of the New York Met Club, provided the inability to pay the University of Florida, Gaines­ as well as a member of the Student increase is authentically estab­ ville, Florida; Vanderbilt University Advocate Board and the Law Club. lished ... and Fisk University, Nashville, Tennessee; ·University of the South, In the past, he was Secretary of "Assuring you again that this de­ his f res h man and sophomore cision to raise the tuition springs (Continued on Page 6) classes, and served as a member only from our deep interest and of the Campus Facilities Committee all-consuming desire to provide the and the Food Services Committee. best education for our students, to He was also a member of the Crew meet the challenges of the mod­ The HOYA Hopes Team for three years. Last year, ern era, I am Everybody Enioyed A he was a candidate for President Sincerely yours, of the Yard. A GREAT LOSS ... Old board bows out as new officers (pictured) EDWARD B. BUNN, S.J. H appy Va~entine' s Day (Continued on Page 4) step in. President" 1 Page Two '.rHE ROYA Thursday, February 16, 1961 • ! Ii Editorial ~ .,J As we the members of the new HOYA Editorial Board The Magic Lantern 1: put forth our first offering to the student body we deem by John Glavin it most appropriate that a sincere debt of gratitude be paid to those retiring editors who have helped us so in the past. In inaugurating this semester's Otto Preminger's three hour and thirty-two minute masterpiece, pUblication schedule, the new Exodus, is indeed a great film. Unfortunately it's not quite a good N ow and only now that we have personally witnessed HOYA Board makes its annual one. The plot, outrageously complex even in the abbreviated adapta­ the problems connected with publishing the HOYA each plea for new members. If you have tion, is vague and many of the important connections go completely week do we realize what they themselves meant to the over­ any writing or general journalistic over the viewer's head. A film of the length and complexity of Exodus talent the HOYA invites you to join requires a great deal of concentration both by the players and the all quality of the paper. Mike Leahy, the retiring Editor-in­ its ranks now.
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