Cypraeidae - important references Please help making this preliminary list as complete as possible! ABBOTT, R.T. (1965) Cypraea arenosa Gray, 1825. Hawaiian Shell News 14(2):8 ABREA, N.S. (1980) Strange goings on among the Cypraea ziczac. Hawaiian Shell News 28 (5):4 ADEGOKE, O.S. (1973) Paleocene mollusks from Ewekoro, southern Nigeria. Malacologia 14:19-27, figs. 1-2, pls. 1-2. ADEGOKE, O.S. (1977) Stratigraphy and paleontology of the Ewekoro Formation (Paleocene) of southeastern Nigeria. Bulletins of American Paleontology 71(295):1-379, figs. 1-6, pls. 1-50. AIKEN, R. P. (2016) Description of two undescribed subspecies and one fossil species of the Genus Cypraeovula Gray, 1824 from South Africa. Beautifulcowries Magazine 8: 14-22 AIKEN, R., JOOSTE, P. & ELS, M. (2010) Cypraeovula capensis - A specie of Diversity and Beauty. Strandloper 287 p. 16 ff AIKEN, R., JOOSTE, P. & ELS, M. (2014) Cypraeovula capensis. A species of diversity and beauty. Beautifulcowries Magazine 5: 38–44 ALLAN, J. (1956) Cowry Shells of World Seas. Georgian House, Melbourne, Australia, 170 p., pls. 1-15. AMANO, K. (1992) Cypraea ohiroi and its associated molluscan species from the Miocene Kadonosawa Formation, northeast Japan. Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum 19:405-411, figs. 1-2, pl. 57. ANCEY, C.F. (1901) Cypraea citrina Gray. The Nautilus 15(7):83. ANONOMOUS. (1971) Malacological news. La Conchiglia 13(146-147):19-20, 5 unnumbered figs. ANONYMOUS. (1925) Index and errata. The Zoological Journal. 1: [593]-[603] January. ANONYMOUS. (1889) Cypraea venusta Sowb. The Nautilus 3(5):60. ANONYMOUS. (1893) Remarks on a new species of Cypraea. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1893:310-311, 2 unnumbered figs. ANONYMOUS. (1925) Editorial notes. Journal of Conchology 18(2):60-61. ANONYMOUS. (1960) Is Cypraea granulata really endemic? Hawaiian Shell News 8(6):5 ANONYMOUS. (1961) A list of 31 species of Cypraea found in Hawaiian Islands. Hawaiian Shell News 9(12):3, 5. ANONYMOUS. (1962) Cypraea guttata Gmelin, 1791. Hawaiian Shell News 10(7):1 ANONYMOUS. (1962) Cypraea marginata Gaskoin, 1848. Hawaiian Shell News 10(11):1 ANONYMOUS. (1962) New sub-species of Cypraea coxeni Cox. Hawaiian Shell News 10(5):8. ANONYMOUS. (1970) Another Cypraea guttata. Keppel Bay Tidings 9(5):6. ANONYMOUS. (1971) A look at the Golden Cowry. Hawaiian Shell News 19(10):10, 2 unnumbered figs. ANONYMOUS. (1972) A new cowrie of South Africa. La Conchiglia 4(40):12 ANONYMOUS. (1972) Brief notes on the classification of cowries. La Conchiglia 4(45-46):6-7 ANONYMOUS. (1972) Cypraea friendi form contraria. Hawaiian Shell News 20(9):7 ANONYMOUS. (1972) I have this one. La Conchiglia 4(2):10, 13-14, 9 unnumbered figs. (partial , 13) ANONYMOUS. (1972) Vicetia o'gormani Cossman. Hawaiian Shell News 20(9):7, 2 unnumbered figs. ANONYMOUS. (1973) Another Cypraea broderipi Sowerby. La Conchiglia 5(53-54):21, 2 unnumbered figs. ANONYMOUS. (1973) Fossil Cypraea from Florida. Hawaiian Shell News 21(7):10 ANONYMOUS. (1973) Hawaii's giant Tiger Cowry. Hawaiian Shell News 21(2):1, 4-5 - 1 - ANONYMOUS. (1973) Living Cypraea martini Schepman. La Conchiglia 5(53-54):21 ANONYMOUS. (1973) The new Cyprea [sic] from South Africa. La Conchiglia 5(49):4, 2 unnumbered figs. ANONYMOUS. (1974) Shells of all seas. Genus Cypraea. La Conchiglia 6(63):7-9, 6 unnumbered figs. ANONYMOUS. (1975) Sinistral Cypraea. Keppel Bay Tidings 13(6):5. ANONYMOUS. (1981) A rare cowry from the eastern Caribbean. Hawaiian Shell News 29(5):12 ANONYMOUS. (1982) Cowries, barnacles and fisch [sic]. La Conchiglia 14(154-155):21, 4 unnumbered figs. ANONYMOUS. (1982) Cypraea aurantium Gmelin. Vita Marina 32(7-8):421-422 ANONYMOUS. (1982) Cypraea marginata. Vita Marina 32(3-4):416. ANONYMOUS. (1983) Cypraea annulus L., 1758. Vita Marina 33(5-8):437 ANONYMOUS. (1983) Cypraea broderipii Sowerby, 1832. La Conchiglia 15(172-173):21. ANONYMOUS. (1983) Setting it straight on exusta/talpa. AND C. cruickshanki-deep and elusive S. Africa jewel. Hawaiian Shell News 31(4):8, 2 unnumbered figs. ANONYMOUS. (1984) Cypraea martini. Vita Marina 34(11-12):463. ANONYMOUS. (1986) Erosaria spurca (Linné, 1758). La Conchiglia 18(208-209):29, 2 unnumbered figs. ANONYMOUS. (1986) Notes & tidings: Cypraeovula (Luponia) mikeharti n. sp. La Conchiglia 18(206-207):4-5, 14 unnumbered figs. ANONYMOUS. (1987) Cypraea sp. (?). La Conchiglia 19(224-225):25, 2 unnumbered figs. ANONYMOUS. (1987) Erosaria spurca from Canary Is. La Conchiglia 19(224-225):5 ANONYMOUS. (1987) Findings of Schilderia achatidea (Sowerby, 1837) in the northern Adriatic. La Conchiglia 19(218-219):29 ANONYMOUS. (1987) Notes and tidings. La Conchiglia 19(222-223):25, 6 unnumbered figs. ANONYMOUS. (1988) Cypraea astaryi Schilder, 1971. La Conchiglia 20(226-227):28, 2 unnumbered figs. ANONYMOUS. (1988) Notes & tidings. La Conchiglia 20(232-233):10 ANONYMOUS. (1993) What's all this about genus names? Hawaiian Shell News 41(2):4. ANONYMOUS. (1994) More on Chimaeria incomparabilis. Strandloper 238:12, 2 unnumbered figs. ANONYMOUS. (1995) News & notes. Unusual finding of two small cowries inside the sea anemones. La Conchiglia 27(274):45. ANONYMOUS. (1995) Recently named marine Mollusca. Of Sea & Shore 17(4):226-231, figs. 1 -15 + 7 unnumbered figs. (partial , 228) ANONYMOUS. (1996) Cypraea (Zoila) lobettiana. Of Sea & Shore 18(4):206-207, 4 unnumbered figs. ANONYMOUS. (1997) A list of new South African species [compiled from the Vita Marina website]. Strandloper 250:4. ANONYMOUS. (1997) Recently described shelled marine mollusks. Of Sea & Shore 19(4):211- 218, 13 unnumbered figs. ANONYMOUS. (1998) Recently described shelled marine mollusks. Of Sea & Shore 21(2):87- 92, numerous unnumbered figs. ANONYMOUS. (1999) Recently described shelled marine mollusks. Of Sea & Shore 22(1):27- 30, numerous unnumbered figs. ASTARY, J.C. (1974) Report on Cypraea serrulifera. Hawaiian Shell News 22(11):6 ÁVILA, S. P., ET AL. (2007) Luria lurida (Gastropoda), a new record for the Pleistocene of Santa Maria, Azores. Arquipélago. Life and Marine Sciences 24: 53-56 - 2 - AZUMA, M. (1960) Studies on the radulae of Japanese Cypraeacea. 1. Hyogo Biology 4(1): 50 -55, figs. 1-34. AZUMA, M. (1963) The radula of Cypraea (Erosaria) guttata azumai Schilder. Venus 25(5):50 -51, fig. 1. AZUMA, M. (1969) On some gastropod mollusks from the Taiwan Straits (Part 1), mainly description of radulae. Venus 28(1):89-98, figs. 1-17. AZUMA, M. & KUROHARA, K. (1967) A new cowry collected from off Midway Island. Venus 26(1):1-3, pl. 1. BAKUS, G.J. (1968) Quantitative studies on the cowries (Cypraeidae) of the Allan Hancock Foundation collections. The Veliger 11(2):93-97. BALDWIN, D.D. (1898) Hawaiian Cypraeidae. The Nautilus 11(11):123. BANDEL K. (1973) Notes on Cypraea cinerea Gmelin and Cyphoma gibbosum (Linnaeus) from the Caribbean Sea and description of their spawn. The Veliger 15(4):335-337, figs. 1- 2. BANDEL, K. (1984) The radulae of Caribbean and other Mesogastropoda and Neogastropoda. Zoologische Verhandelingen 214:1-188, figs. 1-346, pls. 1-22. (partial , 78-92, pl. 7] BANDEL, K. (1991) Ontogenetic changes reflected in the morphology of the Molluscan shell. In: Schmidt-Kittler, N. and Vogel, K. (eds.), Constructional Morphology and Evolution. Springer-Verlag: Berlin. p. 211-230, figs. 1-6. (partial , 211, 220- 222, fig. 4) BANDEL, K. (1992) Die evolution der Gastropoden aus biologischer und paläontologischer sicht. Veröeff √úeberseemus. Naturwissenschaften 11:17-25, figs. 1-35. BARASH, A. & DANIN, Z. (1972) Contributions to the knowledge of Suez Canal Migration. The Indo-Pacific species of Mollusca in the Mediterranean and notes on a collection from the Suez Canal. 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Annals of the South African Museum 47 (1):1-199, figs. 1-37. BARNES, C. & BARNES, K. (2000) Cypraeidae of Little Bay, NSW. Australasian Shell News 105:1-2, 2 unnumbered figs. BARNETT, J.L. (1997) Abnormal molluscs: III--India. Of Sea & Shore 20(1):20-25, figs. 1-9. BARNETT, J.L. & MONTILLA, M.O. (1994) Abnormal molluscs II: Philippine Islands. Of Sea & Shore 17(3):132-140, figs. 1-25. BATISSE, F. (2014) Baie de Prony Investigations 2013. Xenophora 145: 8-11 BATT, J. (2004) A New form of Leporicypraea mappa viridis. Pallidula 34(2) p. 15 BATT, J. (2012) A seldom seen variety of Zoila friendii friendii. Beautifulcowries Magazine No. 2, p. 42 BATT, J. (2013) A strange variety of Eclogavena coxeni: possibly „steineri“ CATE 1969? Beautifulcowries Magazine 3, p. 34 BAUP, H. (1974) Cowry hunting on Tikehau. Hawaiian Shell News 22(7):5 BEALS, M. (2002) A new Species of Blasicrura Iredale, 1930 from the Philippines. La Conchiglia 303 p. 15ff - 3 - BEALS, M. (2012) A second review of Zoila rosselli edingeri Raybaudi, 1990. Beautifulcowries Magazine No. 1, p. 4-7 BEALS, M. (2012) A second review of Zoila rosselli edingeri Raybaudi, 1990.
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