2019 Special English Edition Issued by GIFTS, HRDKorea Publisher Kim Dong-man Editor Hong Jea-yong Date of Issue Dec. 31, 2019 Date of Registration Sept. 29, 1982 Issued by GIFTS, HRDKorea Address 345 (Gyo-dong) Jongga-ro, Jung-gu, Ulsan Phone 052.714.8191 Fax 052.714.8200 Homepage www.hrdkorea.or.kr Registration No. Ulsan Ra-01054 Design TOC Communication 2019 Special English Edition CEO Message 04 National Technical Qualification as Social Safety Net 06 Work-Learning Dual System Legislation, the Standard of Changing the Life of Youth 08 15 Years of Employment Permit System Viewed with Optimism and Hope WorldSkills 09 Training of National Team Members for the WorldSkills Competition 11 Inaugural Ceremony of Korean National Team for the 45th WorldSkills Kazan 2019 th rd 13 The 45 WorldSkills Competition, Korea’s 3 Place Overall 15 A Place of World Youths’ Skills Competition, ‘WolrdSkills Competition’ Issue of GIFTS 17 「ASEAN+3 HRD Forum」 in collaboration with WorldBank th 19 The 20 Anniversary Forum of Korea-China Vocational Training Exchange Cooperation 21 2019 Capacity Building Partnership Program for Skills Training 23 Training of Oman Members for WorldSkills Kazan 2019 nd 24 Consultation of HRDKorea’s on 2 National Skills Competition in Costa Rica HRD News th 26 Hosting ‘The 13 Human Resources Development Conference’ th 28 Closing 2019 Busan The 54 National Skills Competition 30 Organizing ‘Seoul Career Vision 2019’ 32 Accomplishment Contest by Industrial Skills Council 35 Discussion on Overseas Expansion of Youth in the Digital Nomad Era Business in HRD Korea 37 Work-Learning Dual System focused on ‘On the Job Training’ th 39 The 15 Anniversary of Employment Permit System 41 Human Resources suitable for the Needs of Regional Industries CEO Message National Technical Qualification as Social Safety Net - Korea IT News - The sushi industry, Japan’s pride, is in- that customers can directly feel is the core creasing its sales even with the low eco- factor that decides future of a company in nomic growth. Kura Sushi, a Japanese the era of low growth. conveyor-belt sushi restaurant that is ex- panded to the USA, the kingdom of fast According to AI Causing Job Risk Diag- food, is a case of innovation that uses nosis Report by a domestic economic re- cutting edge technology. The restaurant search institute last year, there will be 43% started with freshness management us- of jobs that have high possibility of being ing Integrated circuit(IC) chip in 1997 and automated. Especially among office jobs, adopted ‘sushi robot’ in 2010. It reduced aka white-collar jobs, even the customer manufacturing costs drastically by making service will be replaced by AI beyond con- over 3,600 pieces of sushi per hour. ventional jobs such as human resource, salary, time and attendance management, Recently, the restaurant is using artificial welfare, training, finance and accounting. intelligence(AI) and big data technology. Currently, the financial sector spurs to By managing orders and inventory with adopt Robot Process Automation (RPA) menus and quantity expected as soon as throughout the enterprises. RPA seems to a customer comes in the restaurant, it can increase drastically in all fields of manufac- provide good quality and customized su- turing and distributing. We might meet AIs shi for around 1,000 KRW. The sales of Kura everywhere in workplace like electricity Sushi are increasing by 10% each year. and computer. This is a case that proves the innovation 4 HRD Korea 2019 Special English Edition CEO Message The development of scientific technolo- can improve the national technology com- gy shortens the life of existing jobs and petitiveness. It also expands the mutual creates new jobs. Once people said there recognition among nations and imple- was no lifelong workplace but lifelong job, ments the exportation of qualification sys- but now, the lifelong job might disappear. tem, so that the national technical qualifi- Even specialists can’t survive if they stay cation can be acknowledged throughout the same in the existing job performance. the world. Diligence can’t beat AI that never sleeps or gets lazy. The talented that engage in cre- ative jobs that can create their own inno- The social safety net is a system to protect vative value while enjoying adventures in citizens from social risks such as unem- various fields are future talents. ployment, poverty, disaster, aging and dis- eases. The national technical qualification The national technical qualification sys- system that grants social value by transfer- tem has evolved together with industrial ring intangible skills that individuals built competitiveness of Korea getting through into tangible skills should reinforce the industrialization and information era. The role as this safety net. government is quickly preparing for the fourth industrialization revolution. The Kim Dong-man, President of Human Re- fourth basic plan for the national technical sources Development Service of Korea, qualification system reviewed and decid- [email protected] ed by Ministry of Employment and Labor was established laying emphasis on the effectiveness of national technical quali- fication in the labor market and flexibility improvement policy for industrial struc- ture change. Human Resources Development Service of Korea launches qualification tests relat- ed to robot and big data for this change. These changes include simplified proce- dures with training and qualification tied together, ‘course-based qualification’ that reduces the cost and ‘recogniton of prior learning(RPL)’ that acknowledges job abil- ity acquired from various methods. The institution plans to increase the num- ber of professional engineer in order to en- hance the ratio of high skilled workers that 5 CEO Message Work-Learning Dual System Legislation, the Standard of Changing the Life of Youth Kim Jeong-ryong, a professor of Seoul Na- Recently, the most important issue for Kore- tional University who passed away in 2016, is an citizens is employment. As seen various more known for ‘Dr. Liver’ to people. Profes- social conflicts regarding Sharing Economy, sor Kim succeeded in separating the antigen the employment of the fourth industrial rev- of hepatitis B virus from the serum in 1973 olution era is closely related to vocational and also succeeded in developing hepatitis competency development. Especially in the B vaccine in 1979. However, at that time the problem of youth unemployment that has government didn’t approve Professor Kim to been deteriorated, the fundamental reason produce the first vaccine in the world just be- is the discordance of company environment cause there was no qualification standard. that the youth want and the changing job During the delay of permission, France and competency that companies want. the US consecutively succeeded in the devel- opment of vaccine, so the vaccine that could According to the statistics announced by have been good exported goods became ex- National Statistical Office last year, it takes pensive imported goods. This is a historical average 10.8 months for the youth of Korea case that shows the effect of prompt legisla- between 15 and 29 years old to get the first tion of the government on citizens’ life. job after graduating from school. 6 HRD Korea 2019 Special English Edition CEO Message Considering the average time for college is drive and growth innovatively”. 4 years and 3 months, the youth of Korea Participating workers also said they be- invest time and money of average 5 years come confident about their tasks because to get a job. Even though they manage to they understand the principles of work get a job, many of them leave companies through systemic training. So far, over because the tasks are not suitable for their 85,000 workers have participated in the aptitude, so new employees’ average peri- project, and the number of participating od of continuous work is only 1 year and 5 companies is over 14,000. months. This shows there are many prob- lems in the entrance of the youth to labor Work-learning Dual System has had diffi- market and the adjustment to the labor culty in active support because there is no field. directly relevant law. There has been lim- itation in supporting participating com- Work-learning Dual System is a practice panies, protecting learning workers and type human resource development sys- employing after completing the training. tem adopted in Germany and Switzerland, However, on August 27,「Industrial Field which are manufacturing business pow- Work-learning Dual System Support Low」 ers, that the government adopted to solve was promulgated, which enables the sys- the above problems. Company-custom- tem to have a legal basis for effective and ized education training programs of 1~2 systemic operation. Next year, the law will years are designed by the collaboration of be enacted to make a beginning of ‘Kore- company and school. The system not only an style youth education training govern- enables employees to develop early vo- ment-based project’ that trains workers cational competency along with employ- for vocational competency that compa- ment stability but also improves compa- nies want and makes safe company envi- ny’s productivity through systemic human ronment that workers desire. resources development. The government added promising training fields of future Linji Zen Master of Tang Dynasty said industry such as miniature drone mainte- ‘SuCheoJakJu IpCheoGaeJin (隨處作主 立 nance and virtual training system design- 處皆眞)’, which means everything in the ing·examining that become recent issues world is genuine when it becomes its own regarding the fourth industrial revolution. owner. The ownership is the first step to The government also implements conver- set up a standard. This is the reason why gence·new technology based human re- to have our own ‘standard’ that can judge sources development through high-skilled ‘right and wrong’ in youth employment work-learning dual system(P-TECH).
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