~ ' AIRPDST JOURNAL • VOL. XVIII, NO. 9 AAiVS HOiVORS BESTOWED AT CIPEX BANQUET Left to Righi: Secretary Claude W. Degler, Past President George D. Kingdom. Vice President Grace Conrath, Assistant AIRPOST JOURNAL Editor Glen W. Naves, Awarded A.A.M.S. Gold Medallions, And Vice President Ernest A. Kehr, Winner Of The Walter J. Conrath Memorial A ward. (See Page 423) PBICE LIST OF Air "!JI ail St11111ps SENT FREE UPON REQUEST 500 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N. Y. Air Mails Sha're Triumph· Of World's Greatest Stamp Show • EDITOR'S NOTE It would require a magazine many times the size of the JOURNAL to fully and adequately report the great Centenary Exhibition which has just closed. As every philatelic magazine wilt carry full details of the general aspects of the Show, we are confµdng our coverage to the Aero-philatelic features and American Air Mall Society pa.rticipa.tlon. • -L.B.G• by GLEN W. NAVES its admirable growth and strength ... in its 24th uninterrupted year of stability • and service! fir"' rand Central Palace! The Empire AND NOW THE CURTAIN HAS \Ulr Room and the evening of Satur­ BEEN RUNG . DOWN AT GRAND day, May 17, 1947! CENTRAL. AND NEXT COMES THE The American Air Mail Society offic­ SUMMING UP. ers, members and guests assembled in Adequate inventory of the enormous memorable and pleasant place and time part AAMS. and airposts had in this rec­ for our Exhibition premiere dinner. ord-crashing Exposition at this time is The thrilling and awe-inspiring events impossible, even for the most gifted, an­ that followed in almost too rapid file, alytical and statistically skilled of all challenges comprehension and vision. writers. The fruits of our labors, plann­ ing, vision and achievements in conjunc­ The great and magnificent parade and tion with CIPEX already are apparent pagentry of airposts the saga of flight, but will continue to be borne in seasons mosaic-arranged in near countless frames! yet to come. Much credit is due many Old friends warmly and happily met . to Bart· Gatchell, George Angers, again and new friends gained . • • AAMS Mrs. Grace Conrath, President M. 0. membership muster expansion and Vol­ Warns, Ernest A. Kehr, George D. King­ ume I of The American Air Mail Cata­ dom, John Heinmuller, Mrs. Louise S. logue harvesting praise and filled-in ord­ Davis, Rafael Oriol, Richard L. Singley, er blanks. Paul Robertson, Bill Alley, Admiral Jesse Throngs ... children swarming in ... Johnson, Florence Lamport, Alton Blank, collectors of all ages and of many climes Claude Degler, Col. Charles Porter, . from far and near and of every walk Phelps Cree and countless others, too in life . Thousands, and, fascinated numerous, in fact, to record within this and following in the multitudes, enthrall­ article's assigned space. ed thousands more. HOMAGE to distinguished guests in­ All this and, tremendously, much more. cluding Post Office Department officials Indescribable! Unforgettable! CIPEX, and aero-philatelic celebrities, presenta­ the world's greatest philatelic and aero­ tion of awards and one of the largest at­ philatelic show . The Centenary In­ tendances in history highlighted the ternational Philatelic Exhibition, coupled American Air Mail Society's CIPEX din­ with outstanding participation of our ner meeting. The Society was signally pioneering American Air Mail Society in honored by the presence of a notable as• ii-IE AIRPOST JOURNAL ~~i&tr::~.1iwc~Ni£~Jg Entered as second-class matter, February 10, 1932, at the post office at Albion, Pa. It under the Act of March 3, 1879. Published monthly. · JUNE, 1947 - VOL. XVIII, NO. 9 - ISSUE 206 - 20c PER COPY 412 THE AIRPOST JOURNAL sembly of Post Office Department offic­ ingly emphasized the vast international ials from 3 nations the United States, significance of the Exhibition and the Canada and Switzerland. participation therein of airmail enthus­ Speakers who brought greetings and iasts along with other collectors and re­ pointed up progress and popularity in ported "the show is an assured success." aero-philately and airmail in brief but Mr. Lindquist, long a staunch friend of appropriate remarks, were: Joseph J. airmail collectors and all philatelists, Lawler, Third Assistant Postmaster Gen­ joined the AAMS assembly as a most eral; Robert E. Fellers, Superintendent, welcome and gracious guest. Division of Stamps; Robert S. Burgess, The presidents of 3 national philatelic Deputy Second Assistant Postmaster societies also were guests: Donald F. Ly­ General, Air Postal Transport; Jack M. barger, American Philatelic Society; John Smith, Superintendent, Stamp Printing Britt, Aero-Philatelists, Inc., and Vincent Department, Bureau of Engraving and Domanski, Jr., Society of Philatelic Printing, Treasury Department; and Americans. Henri Bertrand, Postmaster General, Founder Past President Angers of Dominion of Canada. Springfield, Mass., and all other past They were joined by the following oth­ presidents of the American Air Mail er honored guests who were introduced Society, were present as follow?; Harry by Toastmaster George D. Kingdom, im­ A. Truby, New Kensington, Pa.; H. Grif­ mediate past president of the AAMS; fin, St. Petersburg, Fla.; L. B. Gatchell, Herbert E. Chamberlain, Assistant Sup­ Bronxville, N. Y.; Paul F. Robertson, De­ erintendent, Division of Stamps; Captain catur, Ill.; William R. C. Alley, Dobbs R. S. Page, Superintendent, ·.Topography Ferry, N. Y.; Richard L. Singley, Lan­ Section, Division of Air Mails, and his caster, Pa., and George D. Kingdom of assistant, AAMS Member Edwin L. Has­ Conneaut, Ohio. try; and James Bell, Philatelic Agent, AAMS officers attending were Presi­ Post Office Department. dent M. 0. Warns, Milwaukee, Wis.; Switzerland which issued a special Vice Presidents Grace Conrath of Albion, airmail stamp for the Exhibition was Pa., John P. V. Heinmuller of New York represented by Herr Gremminger of the City, Rear Admiral Jesse G. Johnson, Postal and Telegraph Bureau of the USN, Retired, of Norfolk, Va., and Er­ Swiss Government, custodian of Les nest A. Kehr of New York City. Also in Grandes Archives de' Ia Poste Aerienne, the assembly were Directors Louise S. begun in 1913 and long maintained by Davis of New York City, Rafael Oriol of Dr. Robert Paganini, AAMS member. Havana, Cuba, Alton J. Blank of Cleve­ The Society also was honored by the land, Ohio, and Orian E. Green of De­ attendance of Harry L. Lindquist, editor troit, Mich., together with Secretary and publisher of STAMPS, Chairman of Claude W. Degler of Milwaukee, Chap­ the CIPEX Executive Committee, and ter Chairman Florence Lamport of president of the Association for Stamp Philadelphia, Glen W. Naves, Spartan- Exhibitions, Inc. Mr. Lindquist interest- ( Continued on page 437) • Top row, left, Two Past-presidents, Paul F. Robertson and Herbert H. Griffin; inspect the Frames; center, "Uncle George" Angers Learns How the Special Centenary Air Mail Stamped Envelopes are Produced; right, J. H. Spiegelberg of Washington, D. C. Caught in a Reflective Mood. Second row, left, Director Louise S. Davis was Constant­ ly on the Job Looking after Ladies' Activities; center, the A.A.M.S. Lounge was Forever Crowded; right, Vice-President John P. V. Heinmuller and his Prize-winning Trans-Oceanics. Third row, le Charles J. Wood and Past-president Harry A.· Truby Look Over the Truby center, A.A.M.S. Members at the CIPEX Ban- quet; right Editor Gatchell, Past-p ent Angers and .Director Rafael Oriol Find Something Amusing. Bottom row, left, Distinguished Guests and Officers at the A. A. M. s. Banquet; President Warns is Flanked, left by Postmaster General Bertrand of Canada and right by Deputy Second Assistant Postmaster General of the United States; right, "Stamps for the Wounded" Fund Benefits as ·Leon- Helguera, Designer of the Centenary Show 3c Stamp and 5c Envelope, Autographs Covers at $1 each. Ernest A. Kehr, National Director, is at Mr. Helguera's Left. A. A. M. S. Members Grif- fin, William M. Stuart of Washington, and Robertson Look on. • -All photos by G. "BILL" KAUFMANN -Montage by L. B. GATCHELL JUNE, 1947 413 AIR MAIL AW ARDS • A WARDS OF HONOR (2) Sir W. Lindsay Everard, Leicestershire, England Airmails of the World Oscar R. Lichtenstein, New York Airmails of the World • GROUP 1· CLASS A Exhibit Name Country Awa.rd 567 Mrs; Louise S. Davis, New York, N. Y. Airmails of the World First 566 Mrs. Wm. c. Heathcote, St. Peters­ burg, Fla. Airmails of the Worid Second 580 Robt. s. Honeyman, Pasadena, Cal. Airmails of the World Third CLASS C 571 Stanley R. Rice, New York, N. Y. Airmails Used on Cover Second CLASS C-4 577 Wm. G. Ehrmann, Ridgefield, N. J. Used airmails on & off cover Second CLASS D 572 Col. Jas. L. Hayden, West Point, N.Y. Airmails of the world First 575 Harry AbelSOJ!. Brooklyn, .N. Y. Stamps and Covers Second 573 Edwin E. Elkins, Brooklyn, N. Y. Airmails and Blocks Third 578 Jules L. Wacht, Scarsdale, N. Y. Used and on Flown Cover Follrth 574 Otto Hahlweg, Astoria, N. Y. Used Airmails Fourth 584 Herbert A. Feist, Glenslde, Pa. Unused of the World Fourth GROUP 2 CLASS A 592 Rafael Alexander, D San Salvador, El Salvador Spec. Salvador First 616 M M J de Termes, Cairo, E'ypt. Spec. Newfoundland Second 613 Robert Hase, La Jolla, Cal. Spec. Zeppelin Third 610 Fred V. Loeliger, W. Englewood, N. J. Spec. Swiss Fourth CLASS B 590 M. 0. Warns, Milwaukee, Wis. Research Sc US Beacon First CLASS C 598 Richard Millan, Veda.do, Havana. Mint Zeppelin Second 609 Bernard Fink, Brooklyn, N. Y. Used On and Off Cover Second 588 Charles P. Porter, New Rochelle, N.Y. ·spec. Iran Third 601 George J. Gruen, Clnclnnatt, Ohio U. S. in Blocks Fourth CLASS C-1 570 Jacob s. Glaser, Brooklyn, N. Y. Colombia On and Off Cover First 591 J.
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