Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org If* A Town ©f Watertnwa; Weekly (Entered M 13, t»m, at the pest office a* OaJrrtDe, COM, the Act of Mar. S, 1879.) Vol. • V, N«. 2«2 Subscription Price,, $3.00 P'er 'Year1 Single Copy, 6 Cents Dec 4,1952 CD Office New Has Donors Will Rally Wilmington Rector School Board Notified New Junior Special Equipment For Pre-Christmas . Called To Christ High Will Be Ready For Use 1953 Radio transmitting and receiv- The .School 'Boi.ldi.ng Committee - ins equipment has now been in- officially notified the .Board of •' stalled. In the Watertown . Civil" Bloodmobile Visit Church, Watertown Education, last week that the new Defense Office in the Town Hall The final Blood Donor Day of Rev. Jackson W. Foley, rector Donation Will Buy Gordon C. Swift Junior High, . according to an announcement by 1952 will . 'be held, two days be- of Calvary Episcopal Church in School will be ready for occu- local director H. Raymond' Sjos- fore Christmas at the Methodist Wilmington, Delaware',- has been pancy by September 1953. 'The no- tedt. The new station is to be Church parlors. The Red Cross named rector of Christ Episcopal tice was'sent following a report * used for contacting the Connecti- Bloodmobile and its staff' will be from, the contractors, Massacoe • cut. Control Center at Bethany here from 1 to' € p.. m. on. Decem- Builders, that the construction of : and the-local area control center ber '23. • the building on, Judd. tract will be .- in Wateifeury."., . ••. Although the date comes close' For Needy Families completed on. schedule, in. 'the ...' This' is part of 'the expanding to Christmas at the busiest* time spring of 1:963.. • radio: ptVgr&m of the state "and of the year, many people may Mrs. Lillian McCleery, director Almost all of the required fur- . direct contact will eventually 'be think it an appropriate time to of the Welfare Christmas. .Fund, niture and. equipment for the new '; eatatolfahed. with.all civil defense share their strength and good far- would like to remind townspeople school has been ordered by the r headquarter*. At the present time tone with others, *iclc. or wound- that funds are once .again 'being' Building Committee and awaits . practice operations are held Fri- ed, who need blood 'badly. .As one collected to buy Christmas din- completion of the building for de- '> day evenings from 8 to 9 o'clock. local Red. .'Cross official, comment- ners fttr needy families in town. livery. Armand Madeux is the Com- ed: "You only have to see1 one Last year so many contributions The • notice at this time, enables munications Officer for the local. person 'being saved, by a blood were received that every family the school department to prepare defense organization. Nelson transfusion to know what a. 'won-" on the list was able to have a for the assignments of teachers - Booth, a licensed operator, has. derf'ul present a pint of blood can full Christmas dinner" with all and for the transfer of over .450 been named Radio Officer. 'Other be." " ' . •he trimmings. pupils from the 7th, 8th and 9th . licensed operators who are help- The .quota, for 'December .23 la Mrs. McCleery hopes that the grades. • The, redistribution, is ex- Ing ' with the station are Robert. pected, to relieve overcrowded : the same as before: 150 pints. In Welfare Department will be a'Ble " Baldwin, Sperry Ski!ton and.Wal- order- to • make ••sure that this conditions at South School and. (Continued On Page 11} to repeat this special holiday quote is reached, the 'Red Cross treat again this year... 'Any dona- the high school and to ease the .strain, at Baldwin School. The Chapter 'wants to' ' register 2D0 tions, large or small will be grate- donors for the- day, since some junior high school, can acc.onun.o-' fully accepted. date at least 500 pupils. .absences" are to' 'be expected 'be- The Christmas baskets contain PTA Christmas cause ' of - colds or other illnesses. 'The growth of the .school popu- Those who wish to sign up as not only ingredients for a holiday lation at Baldwin School has donors are asked, to call the Chap- dinner, but also as many staple climbed, beyond, all expectations Party Held At ter Office, 2-2684. groceries as the funds allow. because of the influx of so many The local Blood. 'Center has Churches -and other organiza- new families in the area served, " BSV. JTACXSON W. VOLET tions in town, who are . planning by that school. Sapt. Swift has re-' '(Continued On Page 1.1) similar projects are' requested, to quested 'the school board to begin South School Church. Watertown, .and will be- clear with the 'Town Welfare De- considering the problem of pro- Over 200 people attended the gin his new duties here .in, Janu- partment,, . in order • that there viding more classrooms for gram- OakviUe PTA's Christinas party ary. " . ". - - Toft To Present 'will- be no duplications and no me r school children of the Wa- at .South. School. Monday night. He succeeds Rev._ Robert B. omissions. tertown district. The .school board At a .small, business, 'meeting .members' went into a-closed, ses- President Lester Batdorf presen- Christmas Music (Continued On Page 11 > sion at their last, meeting to dis- ted Miss Olive Ryan, principal of Service Dec. 14 •' - ; cuss the matter, Falls Avenue'School, -with, tour Choristers To Sing acts of films,' and. Mrs. Peter Tart School 'will . present its Gibbons,, principal of Polk School, 17 th Annual Christ ma 3 Musical Christmas Gift with ..a check towards an elemen- Service at Christ Church on Here Sunday Night Open House At He tary typewriter for the element- Sunday evening, December' 14, at Days Start Now ary grades. 7:30 p. m. This program is pre- The PTA's plaque for the larg- sented each year as- a special ser- Christmas. Gift Days start .to- Methodist Parsonage vice for people in" the Watertown day in about .20' leading stores in. At Ctitgl Church est attendance of parents was a Rev. and1 -Mrs. Jack Gran fell tie for the sixth, .grade rooms of area.. .Watertown and. Oakviile. Mer- The Choristers, under the direc- chant members of the Chamber and their children, John, Lorn a Mi S3 Irene Bu.a3em.ey and Miss The' old traditional Christmas tion, of George H. Morgan, will .and Pamela, will be hosts to Catherine Scanlon. " music will be sung by a choir of of Com.na.erce have sponsored sing at the First Congregational, Gift Days as a special project for members and friends of the Meth- Carl Richmond led the Carolers 70 boys under the direction of Church -this Sunday night at 7:30 odist Church this Sunday after- of Watertown. High School In •George H. Morgan, and on anti- the holiday "shopping season. p. m. in the third, program of a noon, December 7, .from 4:30 to 6 singing Christmas carols, accom- phonal choir of lower school Valuable gifts will be offered Music Festival marking the dedi- p. m. panied by the brast. band... The ca- boys. to visitors and customers in the cation of the new church organ. Assisting Mrs. Grenfell as host- rolers 'were: Joan. Dillon, Joyce As. people gather at the church official stores during the Christ- It will be the 'Choristers" 27th esses will be .Mrs... Raymond Grasso, A via Campbell, Joan Pond, for this service, the Taft Brass. mas 'Gift .Days season, which concert, and their .first appear- Black, Mrs. Arthur Evans and Ensemble will, play carols on The lasts from December 4 to IJecena- ance in town this season. members of the Young' .Adult - (Continued On Page 11) Green, '. ber 1,3. The group will sing excerpts Group. Mrs. .Dudley Atwood, Mrs;., from THE MESSIAH, with Nora John Thomas;, Mrs. Arthur P. Fauchald Morgan as soloist; Ne- Hirfseox. and Mrs. William Hoek- First Prise .Winners in Doll Corniest gro spirituals with Cecillia Ka- ing will dip the punch. kowska as soloist; and. Hoist's 'There will also be a musical "Christmas Day," with soloists program d'urin,,g the afternoon^ Helen Louise Yeager,, Moncrief Mrs. .Raymond Messenger, will Galloway, Eileen Salisbury Jones, sing "Home Sweet Home"; George and LJester Atwood. The program Dietz, Jr., will sing "Let- .Me Live will also include American and in. a. House by the Side of the European church music. Road"; and the Junior Choir will Stephen Bonta, organist, will sing1 "Happy the Home When God accompany the Choristers, and is There.,"" will also play compositions of Johann Sebastian Bach, Louis Vierne and Paul Hindemith. Oli McFingal Ira New Christmas' Being Demolished Wrecking operations began Lights Are Up this week on the huge wooden structure on Hamilton Avenue that was known, years ago as.Mc- On Main Street Fingal Inn, one of the fine eat- Christmas lights went up on ing places in New England. Main Street, early this week— Several years ago the old frame more of them, and' bigger and. 'bet- building was converted into an ter than, ever before. apartment house and before it The Chamber of Commerce has •was. vacated eleven families lived provided for nine strings of lights there. this year, and all of them "are of .EGco. Inc., owners o'f the prop-' a .new design. erty, plan ultimately to, suMivids ' The new lights have transform- •the four acre tract into bu?Idin°; ed the shopping districts in, Wa- lots "for homes. The place Is be- tertown and OakirtUe, making a ing torn, down by the Mew Brit- •warm, and colorful atmosphere in ain House Wrecking Co.
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