A Service in C elebr qtion and Thanksg iving For Abrqhqm I. Malherbe 1930 - 2072 Marquand Chapel YaIe Diviníty School Saturday, October 27, 2ot2 1o:oo AM Order of the Program Gathering Music Jean Showalter Organ Prelude Prelude in e Minor J. S. Bach Jean Showalter Call to Praise Gregory E. Sterling Leader: Our help is in the Name of the Lord. Congregation: The Maker of heaven and earth. Leader: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. Congregation: Praise the Lord! Welcome Gregory E. Sterling Hymn "O Lord Most Holy" (Solo) Cesar Franck Barbara Kaechele Prayer James Thompson Eternal God, source of all mercies, We praise you for the company of all who have finished their course in faith and now rest from their labors. We gather in remembrance of your servant, Abraham Malherbe, giving thanks for his life and work. Come to us in this company with your lovingkindess; Comfort, strengthen and confirm us in your Word. Help us to believe where we have not seen, that your presence may lead us through our years and bring us at last with all your beloved into the joy of your home, eternal in the heavens. Through fesus Christ our Lord. Amen. *Hymn "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name" Darwin Keichline First Reading and a Family Remembrance Selina Malherbe Brooks Psalm r3gi r-rz Second Reading and Personal Remembrance fohn T. Fitzgerald Matthew 13:44-45, 'r-1¡z Third Reading Kathryn Greene-McCreight r Thessalonians z:t-r2 Remembrance and Tribute Carl Holladay Silent Reflection Hymn "There is a Balm in Gilead" (Solo) Traditional American Spiritual John Taylor Ward A Litany of Thanksgiving Stephen Peterson Congregation responding to each petition: Your steadfast love endures forever (Psalm 136) Commendation Gregory E. Sterling God, we commend to you the soul of our dear departed. Receive the soul that you created and shared with us. Grant him life eternal with the Lord in whose death and resurrection he shared. Vivify him with the Spirit who filled his life with grace. We offer him back with profound gratitude For the ways that he helped us to understand our faith, For the warm and generous friendship that touched our hearts, And for love that he shared. * Benediction Gregory E. Sterling Postlude Prelude in d Minor J. S. Bach Jean Showalter *Congregation stands. All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name! coRoNATtoN 8.ó.8.ó,8.ó Stanzas l-3. Edward Perronct. 1779. 1780 Stanzas 2-3. alt. John R.ippon. 1787 Oliver Holden, 1793 Slanza -f. John Rippon. 1787 t. All hail the power of Je - sus' name! Let an - gels pros-trate fall; 2. Ye cho-sen seed of Is-rael's race. Ye ran-somed from the fall, 3. Let ev - ery kin - dred. ev-ery tribe. On this te¡ - res - trial ball. 4.O that with yon - der sa - cred throúg We at His feet may fall! Bring tbrth the roy - al di -a-dem.And crown Him Lord of all! Hail Him who saves you by His grace, And crown Him Lord of all! To Him all maj - es - ty as - cribe. And crown Him Lord of all! We'll join the ev - er - last-ing song, And crown Him Lord of all! Bring forth the roy - al di -a-dem,And crown Him Lord of Hail Him who saves you Þy His grace. And crown Him Lord of To Him all maj - es ty as - c¡ibe. And crown Him Lord of We'll join the ev - er last - ing song. And crown Him Lord of Abrqhaml. Mqlherbe Abraham J. Malherbe, the Buckingham Professor of New Testament Criticism and Literature Emeritus at Yale Divinity School, died suddenly and unexpectedly from an apparent heart attack on Friday afternoon, September 28. Born in Pretoria, South Africa, on May 15, r9Jo, Abe moved to the United States in l95l to attend Abilene Christian Universiry where he received his bachelor's degree magno cum laude in rg54. During that time, he met and married Phyllis Melton. Three children were born at this time and from Abilene, the family moved to Cambridge, where Abe earned a S.T.B. (tgSZ) and a Th.D. (rg6¡) at Harvard under the supervision of Arthur Darby Nock and then of Helmut Koester following Nock's death. Abe returned to ACU as professor of New Testament and Early Christianity þ963-69), followed by a year þ967-68) as a visiting scholar at Harvard and then to Dartmouth Qg69-7o). During his first year at Dartmouth, Abe attracted the attention of Nils Dahl who was instrumental in bringing him to Yale Divinity School in r97o. In r98r he succeeded Dahl as the Buckingham professor and served on the faculty until his retirement in ry94. A prolific author, Abe is best known for his work of relating early Christianity, especially the Pauline tradition, to the Graeco-Roman world. In addition to research and writing, Abe was a beloved teacher and mentor. He and Phyllis dedicated a great deal of time and resources to support the Whitney Avenue Church of Christ in Hamden, as well as a number of other churches in the area, including the First Baptist Church in New Haven where Abe and Phyllis attended in recent years. In addition to his wife Phyllis, he is survived by daughters, Selina Malherbe Brooks of Charlotte, NC, Cornelia Malherbe Kleman and her husband Glenn of Sudan, TX, and a son Abraham J. "J".t" Malherbe of Charlotte, NC; a sister Lettie Greyling and brothers Claude and Chris Malherbe of South Africa. He is the grand- father of Bryce Robert Kleman, Preston Jacob Kleman and Meredith Malherbe Brooks. Worship Participants: Gregory E. Sterling, The Reverend Henry L. Slack Dean, The Lillian Claus Professor of New Testament, Yale Divinity School; James Thompson, Onsteqd Chair for Bíblical Srudies, Abilene Christian University; Selina Malherbe Brooks, Administrative Law Judge, State of North Carolina; John T. Fitzgerald, Professor of New Testament, University of Notre Dame; Kathryn Greene-McCreight, Príest Associate, St. John's Episcopol Church, New Haven, CT; Carl R. Holladay, Charles Howard Candler Professor of New Testqment, Emory University; Stephen Peterson, College Professor Emeritus, Trinity College, Hartford, CT. Music: lean Showalter, Organist, Barbara Kaechele, Soloist, First Baptist Church, New Haven, CT; Darwin Keichline, Whitney Avenue Church of Christ, Hamden, CT; John Taylor Ward, Institute of Sacred Music, Yale School of Music. Ushers for today's service: Joe Delahunt and Jeanne Emerson, Coordinator of Ushers, First Baptist Church, New Haven, CT;John Reed, Whitney Avenue Church of Christ, Hamden, CT. After the service, ushers will assist visitors in finding their way to the gathering for family and friends in the Old Refectory. All guests are invited..
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