FLORA OF SOUTHERN AFRICA HEPATOPHYTA Editor OA. Leistner Parti: Marchantiopsida Fascicle 1: Marchantiidae by Sarie M. Perold O T A N I C A L Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/floraofsoutherna11unse_0 FLORA OF SOUTHERN AFRICA which deals with the territories of SOUTH AFRICA, LESOTHO, SWAZILAND, NAMIBIA AND BOTSWANA HEPATOPHYTA PARTI: MARCHANTIOPSIDA Fascicle 1: Marchantiidae by Sarie M. Perold with drawings by G. Condy, J. Kimpton, A. Pienaar & M. Steyn Scientific editor: O.A. Leistner Technical editor: B.A. Momberg NATIONAL Botanical INSTITUTE Pretoria 1999 Editorial Board B.J. Huntley National Botanical Institute, Cape Town, RSA R.B. Nordenstam Natural History Museum, Stockholm, Sweden W. Greuter Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum, Berlin-Dahlem, Berlin, Germany Typesetting and page layout by S.S. Brink, NBI, Pretoria Reproduction by Afriscot Litho (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 23663, Innesdale, 0031 Pretoria Printed by Execuprint, P.O. Box 316, Wierda Park, 0149 Pretoria © published by and obtainable from the National Botanical Institute, Private 1 0 Pretoria, 0001 South Africa Bag X 1 , Tel. (012) 804-3200 Fax (012) 804-3211 ISBN 1-919795-44-8 CONTENTS Introduction 1 Vegetation formations in the FSA area 1 Collecting and preservation 3 Study and identification 3 Characters used in keys and descriptions 4 Descriptions and illustrations 5 Classification 6 Glossary 8 Subclass Marchantiidae R.M.Schust. 11 Order Marchantiales Limpr. 11 Key to local suborders of Marchantiales 12 Key to local genera of Marchantiales 13 Suborder Targioniineae R.M.Schust. 14 Family Targioniaceae Dumort. 15 Subfamily Targionioideae Grolle 15 Targionia (P.Micheli) L 15 T. hypophylla L 17 Suborder Marchantiineae Limpr. 18 Key to local families of Marchantiineae 20 Family Lunulariaceae H.Klinggr. 21 Lunularia Adans 21 L. cruciata (L.) Dumort. ex Lindb 21 Family Aytoniaceae Cavers 25 Subfamily Aytonioideae 26 Key to local genera and two species of Aytoniaceae 26 Plagiochasma Lehm. & Lindenb 27 Key to subgenera and species of Plagiochasma 27 Subgenus Micropylum Bischl 28 1. P. rupestre (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Steph 28 la. var. rupestre 29 lb. var. volkii Bischl 31 Subgenus Plagiochasma 33 2. P. appendiculatum Lehm. & Lindenb 33 3. P. microcephalum (Steph.) Steph. var. microcephalum 35 4. P. eximium (Schiffn.) Steph 37 5. P heccarianum Steph 39 Subfamily Reboulioideae Grolle 43 Asterella P.Beauv 43 Key to southern African species of Asterella 45 1 . Asterella abyssinica (Gottsche) Grolle 45 2. A. muscicola (Steph.) S.W.Arnell 48 3. A. bachmannii (Steph.) S.W.Arnell 49 4. A. marginata (Nees) S.W.Arnell 53 5. A. wilmsii (Steph.) S.W.Arnell 57 Cryptomitrium Austin ex Underw 59 C. oreades Perold 61 (iii) Mannia Opiz 64 M. capensis (Steph.) S.W.Arnell 65 Family Cleveaceae Cavers 67 Athalamia Falc 69 A. spathysii (Lindenb.) S.Hatt 71 Family Exormothecaceae Miill.Frib 72 Exormotheca (Godm.) Mitt 73 Key to sections and species of Exormotheca in southern Africa 75 Section Exormotheca 75 1 . E. pustulosa Mitt 75 Section Corbierella (Douin & Trab.) Schiffn 78 2. E. holstii Steph 78 Family Marchantiaceae (Bisch.) Lindl 79 Key to local subfamilies of Marchantiaceae 81 Subfamily Marchantioideae (excluding Preissia) 82 Marchantia L 82 Key to local subgenera, sections and species of Marchantia 82 Subgenus Marchantia 84 1 . M. polymorpha L 84 2. M. berteroana Lehm. & Lindenb 87 Subgenus Chlamidium (Corda) Bischl 92 Section Paleaceae Bischl 92 3. M. paleacea Bertol 93 Section Chlamidium (Corda) Nees 95 4. M. pappeana Lehm 96 Section Papillatae Bischl 99 5. M. debilis K.I.Goebel 100 Subfamily Dumortieroideae R.M.Schust 101 Dumortiera Nees 103 D. hirsuta (Sw.) Nees 103 Suborder Ricciineae H.Buch 107 Key to families of Ricciineae 108 Family Oxymitraceae Miill.Frib 108 Oxymitra Bisch. ex Lindenb 109 O. cristata Garside ex Perold 109 Family Ricciaceae Rchb Ill Key to genera of Ricciaceae 112 Ricciocarpos Corda 112 R. natans (L.) Corda 113 Riccia L 115 Key to subgenera, sections, groups and species of Riccia 116 A. Subgenus Ricciella (A. Braun) Rchb 122 A1 . Section Spongodes Nees 122 Al l Group Crystallina 123 1 . R. crystallina L. emend. Raddi 123 2. R cavernosa Hoffm. emend. Raddi 125 3. R. moenkemeyeri Steph 126 4. R cupulifera A.V.Duthie 129 A 1 .2. Group Vesiculosa 132 (iv) 5. R. bullosa Link ex Lindenb 132 6. R. garsidei Sim 134 7. R. volkii S.W.Arnell 137 8. R. rubricollis Garside & A.V.Duthie ex Perold 138 A2. Section Ricciella (A. Braun, pro gen.) Bisch 140 11. 9. R. stricta (Lindenb.) Perold 140 10. R. purpurascens Lehm 143 B. Subgenus Thallocarpus (Lindb.) Jovet-Ast 145 /?. curtisii (James ex Austin) Austin 145 12. R. perssonii S. A. Kahn 147 C. Subgenus Pannosae (Perold) Perold 149 13. R. tomentosa O.H.Volk & Perold 150 D. Subgenus Chartacea Perold 152 14. R. schelpei O.H.Volk & Perold 152 E. Subgenus Riccia L 154 EL Section Riccia 154 ELI. Group Ciliatae 154 15. R. trichocarpa M.Howe 155 16. R. crozalsii Levier 155 17. R. microciliata O.H.Volk & Perold 160 18. R. natalensis Sim 161 E 1.2. Group Mammillatae 166 19. R. mammifera O.H.Volk & Perold 166 E 1.3. Group Squamatae 167 20. R. sorocarpa Bisch 167 2 1 . R. atropurpurea Sim 169 22. R. okahandjana S.W.Arnell 173 23. R. congoana Steph 175 24. R. limbata Bisch 177 25. R. angolensis Steph 179 26. R. nigrella DC 181 27 . R. macrocarpa Levier 185 28. R. pottsiana Sim 186 29.41. R. runssorensis Steph 191 30. R. rosea O.H.Volk & Perold 191 31. R. albolimbata S.W.Arnell 193 32. R. argenteolimbata O.H.Volk & Perold 195 33. R. albornata O.H.Volk & Perold 197 34. R. montana Perold 199 35. R. alboporosa Perold 203 36. R. bicolorata Perold 205 E2. Section Pilifer O.H.Volk 207 37. R. pulveracea Perold 207 38. R. furfuracea Perold 210 39. R. elongata Perold 212 40. R. trachyglossum Perold 213 /?. alatospora O.H.Volk & Perold 215 42. R. hantamensis Perold 217 43. R. parvo-areolata O.H.Volk & Perold 221 (V) 44. R. albovestita O.H.Volk 222 45. R. ampullacea Perold 223 46. R. concava Bisch 226 47. R. albomarginata Bisch 228 48. R. namaquensis Perold 230 49. R. vitrea Perold 231 50. R. villosa Steph 234 51. R. hirsuta O.H.Volk & Perold 235 52. R. simii Perold 237 Insufficiently known species 240 References 240 Index 249 Appendix A-l Plan of the Flora of southern Africa A-l FSA contributions in Bothalia A-3 Flora of southern Africa : alphabetical list of published taxa A-4 (vi) HEPATOPHYTA: Introduction i INTRODUCTION In contrast to the volume of work published on southern African mosses, the liverworts have been a rather neglected group. Bischoff ( 1 846), Gottsche, Lindenberg & Nees ( 1 844-1847) as well as Stephani (1886a, b, 1891, 1892, 1894, 1895a, b, 1898, 1899, 1901a, b, 1905, 1912, 1913) de- scribed a number of our liverworts, and during the present century Sim (1915, 1926, 1932), Duthie & Garside (1937, 1939) and S.W.Arnell (1952, 1953a, b, 1956b, 1957, 1963a, b) continued with the work. More recent studies on thallose liverworts are by Volk (1979, 1983), Volk & Perold (1984-1986, 1990), Perold & Volk (1988a, b), and by Perold (1986, 1989-1995), but much more work still needs to be done on the leafy liverworts of this region. Vegetation formations in the FSA area The thallose liverworts treated in this fascicle are found within six of the seven biomes as defined by Rutherford & Westfall (1986). The biomes are as follows: Desert, Savanna, Grassland, Nama-Karoo, Succulent Karoo, Fynbos and Forest. Some liverwort species are more or less restricted to only one of the biomes, but most exhibit a broader environmental tolerance and occur in two or more biomes. Only one species, Riccia cavernosa, occurs in all the biomes except the Desert Biome. Desert Biome This biome corresponds to the Namib Desert which forms a broad coastal belt north of the Ltideritz area in Namibia. The arid climate and sandy substrates are not suited to the requirements of the Hepatophyta, and there are no records of them growing in this area. Savanna Biome The Savanna Biome is the largest and extends into Namibia, Botswana, Northern Cape, North- West and Northern Province, central and eastern Swaziland, lower-lying areas of KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape. Most of this biome occurs in the summer rainfall areas. The vegetation is described as a herbaceous, usually graminoid layer with an upper layer of woody plants. With increased canopy cover savanna is often referred to as woodland (Magill 1981). Almost all the major stratigraphic units of southern Africa occur in this biome. The rare Riccia perssonii occurs only in the far north of Namibia. Other species that are restricted to the Savanna Biome are Riccia congoana, Athalamia spathysii, Plagiochasma appendiculatum, P. beccarianum and Marchantia paleacea. Many of the other species that occur here, are also found in the Grassland Biome (see below). Marchantia berteroana is found here as well as in the Fynbos. Grassland Biome The Grassland Biome is found mainly on the high central plateau of South Africa, inland areas of the seaboard of KwaZulu-Natal and the mountainous areas of Eastern Cape. The name of this biome is self-explanatory. Here, Riccia species often grow around flat rock outcrops. Riccia elongata is a rare species and its distribution is restricted to a few localities in the northeastern part of this biome. Species that occur in both the Grassland and Savanna Biomes are the following: Riccia argenteolim- bata, R. atropurpurea, R. macrocarpa (rare), R. mammifera, R. microciliata, R. natalensis, R. volkii, Asterella muscicola, A. wilmsii, A.
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