Working to protect and restore our region’s most important natural resource – water. 2YHUWKHODVWÀ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·VKLVWRU\ZHZHOFRPH\RXUSDUWLFLSDWLRQDQGVXSSRUW 3OHDVHYLVLWRXUZHEVLWHDWZZZEQULYHUNHHSHURUJRUFDOO5,9(5WROHDUQKRZ\RXFDQEHFRPHLQYROYHG DQGLQIRUPHG Buffalo Rocket COMMUNITY NEWS Distributing to North Buffalo, West Side and Riverside • Established in 1969 Publishers of North Buffalo Rocket, West Side Times & Riverside Times Vol. XLIV ISSUE No. 26 • Thursday, June 27, 2013 Family Fishing Day At Broderick Park Fireworks Buffalo United Front in ing days in New York state. partnership with Buffalo Ni- As part of Governor Cuomo’s Schedule For The 4th Of July agara Riverkeeper is spon- NY’s Open for Hunting and soring Family Fishing Day Fishing initiative, New York on Saturday June 29th and residents and visitors may Sunday June 30th at Brod- fish for free without a fishing erick Park, Buffalo, NY. This license in any of the state’s family friendly event draws 7,500 lakes and ponds or fishing enthusiasts 5 0 , 0 0 0 and anglers from m i l e s 1250 Niagara Street • Buffalo, NY 14213 the City of Buffalo of riv- Phone - (716) 852-7483 and all over Western ers and New York to enjoy streams our fresh water resource. during the weekend of June Buffalo Niagara RIVER- 29-30. state. “Getting more KEEPER will have outreach people involved in the sport stations to promote healthi- of fishing is an important er ways to eat locally caught component of the Gover- fish. Representatives will nor Cuomo’s NY’s Open for have fish consumption infor- Hunting and Fishing Initia- mation materials available, tive,” Commissioner Mar- and conduct demonstrations tens said. “This is the perfect about fish cleaning. time to introduce someone to At the event RIVER- the sport of fishing or invite Affinity Salon & Spa is located at 3060 Delaware Avenue in Kenmore. KEEPER will be introduc- a friend or relative from out ing “Catch of the Day,” a of state to enjoy the great mobile messaging campaign fishing the state has to of- Firework display are scheduled in and around the City of Buffalo to commemorate Independence for anglers sponsored by the fer.” Day. Community Foundation of The Free Fishing Days pro- The 4th of July is coming noted: July 1 Greater Buffalo. Through gram began in 1991 to allow up and local communities June 29 Fort Erie, Friendship Fes- this campaign, anglers will all people the opportunity to are all set for their Indepen- Clarence, Clarence Town tival be able to celebrate their sample the incredible fish- dence Day festivities. Park Queen Victoria Park, Ni- “Catch of the Day” and learn ing New York State has to All fireworks displays be- Kenmore Days, Mang agara Falls, ON how to get instant access offer. New York’s sport fish- gin at dusk unless otherwise Park Continued on page 5 educational materials about ing industry generates an fish consumption in Western estimated $1.8 billion in New York. Celebrate sum- economic activity annually, mer by casting a fishing line supporting nearly 17,000 Italian Festival Begins August 1st from the shorelines of Brod- jobs. For a listing of free fish- The all new 2013 Galbani selling a variety of mouth- experts to help with family erick Park and enjoy Buffa- ing events, refer to the DEC Italian Heritage Festival watering delicacies and tree research, live broad- lo’s waterfront! website at sponsored by the North Buf- other Italian-related items. casts of “Casa Rico”, Amer- JUNE 29-30 are free fish- outdoor/27123.html. falo Community Center, the This year the Ilio DiPaolo ica’s longest running ethnic Hertel-North Buffalo Busi- Italian Heritage Tent will radio show with host Lenny ness Association and the feature our traditional au- Rico, a special section dedi- “Bark for Life” At West Side Taxpayers Asso- thentic Venetian gondola cated just to children called ciation will be held on Her- for a unique photo oppor- “Centro Bambini” which Delaware Park tel Avenue, from Delaware tunity, St Anthony statue through the help of the On Saturday, July 13, Beginning at 9:00 am, the to Colvin Avenues, start- for devotees of this popular Centro Culturale Italiano 2013 the American Cancer event will commence with a ing Thursday August 1st saint, daily Sicilian mari- will be a popular spot for Society will hold the first walk around the ring road to Sunday, August 4th from onette shows for young and the young to create some annual“Bark For Life” event and then continue with a 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. dai- old alike, visitors from our special Italian arts and on the ring road in Delaware number of demonstrations, ly. sister city of Torremaggiore crafts. Also, we will have Park. “Bark For Life” is a contests, and games for peo- The Galbani Italian Heri- (Foggia) Puglia who will be expanded on our very pop- noncompetitive walk event ple and pooches alike. tage Festival will transform selling their local special- ular Grape Stomping event for dogs and their owners to So bring your best canine Hertel Avenue into a Buf- ties of olive oil and olives, to allow more participants raise funds and awareness friend for a fun-filled day! falo version of “Little Italy” displays of family trees with as several participants will for the American Cancer So- For More Information: buf- with more than 100 vendors the return of our genealogy Continued on page 6 ciety’s fight against cancer. [email protected] THURSDAY, JUNE 27 FRIDAY, JUNE 28 SATURDAY, JUNE 29 SUNDAY, JUNE 30 MONDAY, JULY 1 TUESDAY, JULY 2 WEDNESDAY, JULY 3 T- Storms Scattered T-Storms T-Showers Partly Cloudy Scattered T-Storm Few Showers Scattered T-Storm High 76° High 74° High 74° High 76° High 77° High 77° High 78° Low 63° Low 62° Low 60° Low 62° Low 64° Low 65° Low 65° PAGE 2 BUFFALO ROCKET ISSUE 26 WEEK OF THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 2013 APARTMENTS FOR RENT The Adventures of... WINGATE MANAGEMENT IS CURRENTLY ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR 3 & 4 BEDROOM APARTMENTS. Large units, located on the upper west side, including all utilities, appliances, 24 hr. emergency maintenance and a professional onsite to see that the game was management staff. Rocket Man Applicants must meet HUD Section 8 criteria, including income played. They just plain requirements. A thorough background check is required. made it happen.” Please visit our rental office at 491 Connecticut St. by Doug Smith In the pressbox, Base for an application or call 881-2233 EHO Paths heard one Hornell Free Bison Tickets: J. Gleason 208 Camden Ave. The Muckdogs Survive team official tell a cell caller from elsewhere in CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE: The future is clear for League All-Star Game. the league, “You won’t believe it, but we’re to place your Batavia baseball. Not Speaking of Class bright, but clear. The AA, there’s the matter playing.” CLASSIFIED ADS Muckdogs opened at of the Class AA Eastern For the Power, a semi- 24 hours a day email: [email protected] home last week certain League, on the verge of home game at Dwyer it wasn’t the first notes granting a franchise to Stadium Monday was Free Pizza from Bob and John's LaHacianda: G. Huffstidler, 900 Amherst St. of their swan song. Ottawa for 2015, with necessitated because Presence through 2014 either Erie or Bingham- Sal Maglie had a semi- seems assured. ton moving in. Both cit- commitment as a high Thereafter, the road ies lie well within the school “rain date.” Kern Elegance may well take them NY-P’s sasquatch-sized decided months ago to home to West Virginia. footprint and it’s gener- forego all risk and sim- Optique The New York-Pennsyl- ally felt that one of its ply book Dwyer. vania League itself has less robust franchises “We’d play here again SHERIDAN-DELAWARE PLAZA announced that it will would move there. Both in an instant,” he said, 1754 Sheridan Drive • Buffalo, NY 14223 place a franchise in Mor- cities have NY-P histo- and in fact considered 874-4600 gantown, home of West ries. trying a last-second re- Virginia University just But for now, all is se- book as the June del- Eye Exams Contacts Eye Glasses south of Pittsburgh, in uge continued. Look for FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED cure at Batavia, which 2015. It’s a done deal. rolled out the red car- Batavia to not miss a BTF • Community Care • Davis Vision • Eye Med The league says it se- pet, however muddy, beat in sliding over to Spectera • NVA • VSP • Community Blue • Univera lected the franchise for for the Niagara Power the NYCBL when pro- “Your Eyes Are Precious - Give Them The Best” the move. They’ve got a last Monday. In a week fessional ball departs. secret. when virtually every That’s “when,” not “if.” Batavia, last in the other New York State But the present is now league in attendance, Collegiate League game and the ‘dogs offer 38 seems the likeliest suffered a ppd., Muck-
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