Remenber! AGS Seminar 24 August Details and Registration Blank at Back Of This Issue Volume XLIII, Number 2 June 2002 CONTENTS In Memorial: Jean Halden Walker ........................................................... 33 Resolution Honoring Jean Halden Walker .......... ................. .... ....... ... ... ..34 Comments ................................................................................................. 35 Copy of Original Charter for AGS ............................................................. 36 Happy Hunting Ground (Queries) ............. ....... .. ... .. ... ....... ..... ... ...... .. .... 38 Happy Hunting Ground Special Feature ................................................. 39 AGS Financial Report ........... ,.. .. ...... .. ,...... .... ... ...... .. ...... ...... .... ..... .. ... .. .... .40 Using The Internet for Genealogy ............................................................ 41 Burditt-Warden-Estelle.. Genealogy .......................................................... 45 Ancestor Listtng Pages Index .................................................................... 46 Register of Cemeteries of Travis County, Texas Index ........................... 63 Register of Graves, Live Oak Cemetery .................................................... 64 Name Index for June 2002 Quarterly ........................................................ 160 PUBLISHED FOUR TIMES PER YEAR BY THE AUSTIN GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY THIS IS OUR FORTY-THIRD YEAR OF PUBLICATION OUR WEBSITE IS www.austintxgensoc.org AUSTIN GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Officers 2002 James Hollas (280-1415; [email protected]) President Charles Locklin (343-0782; [email protected]) First Vice-President Carol Dahnlce Lutz (345-1422; [email protected]) Second Vice-PresidentlPgm. Fred Toewe (310-2462; [email protected]) Treasurer Eorrie Foster Henderson (451-2312) Corresponding Secretary P Karel Danford (321-2716; [email protected]) Recording Secretary BOARD OF DIRECTORS 200 1-2002 2002-2003 Karel Danford Yvonne Beever Ginger Goetze Marilyn Maniscalco Henley Lorrie Foster Henderson James Hollas Bill Koehler Peter Flagg Maxson Charles Locklin Pat Oxley Carol Dahnke Lutz Anna Price Alana Mallard Philip W. Roberts, Sr. Col. Putnam Monroe Jean Shroyer Wynnell Emery Noelke Fred Toewe Betsy Tyson NOTE: BOARD MEETS AT 6:15 p.m. FOURTH TUESDAYS immediately before regular Society meeting. COMMITTEE CHAIRS-2002 AGS Newsletter Editor: Wilena Young AGS Quarterly Editor: Bill Koehler Quarterlies Custodian: Members’ Handbook Fred Toewe 2002 Seminar: Pat Oxley Book Acquisitions: Alana Mallard Publicity: Anna Price Library Liaison: Jean Shroyer Programs: Carol Lutz Hospitality: Beth Walker and Pub. Mail. Coordinator: John Marostica Vivian O’Daniel FGS Delegate: Jeanne Toewe AGSQ Review Editor: WEB Mistress: Yvonne Beever Audit: James L. Cooper Surname List (Web): Betsy Tyson Travis Co. Cemeteries: Jean Shroyer Genealogical Records Coordinator: Alana Mallard The AUSTIN GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY QUARTERLY is published four times per year in the months of March, June, September and November. MAILING ADDRESSES: AUSTIN GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY has specific addresses for certain purposes. To save time and trouble for yourself as well as for us, please use the appropriate address. See inside back cover for further details. THANK YOU! EXCHANGE QUARTERLIES- Send uarterlies and cones ondence about them (such as change of address or failure to receive yours by the 10th of April, Ju9 y, October or Decemger) to TWSSTATE UBRARY. Tech Services S.S.. Box 12927, Austin 7X78711. CHECKS AND BILLS- Dues, seminar reservations, orders for our Special Publications, memorial gifts, other financial matters: AGS Treasurer, P.O. Box 1507, Austin, 7X 78767-15009. AGS QUARTERLY- Send material for and correspondence about quarterly to AGS Quarterly, 4500 Hyridge Drive, Austin 7X78759-8054. EXCEPTIONI: QUERIES should be sent to Queries Editor, 5722 Highland Hills Drive, Austin 7X 78731. , PAST ISSUES OF AGS QUARTERLY: Inquiries about availability and cost should be addressed to the AGS Quarterfy Custodian, P.O. Box 1507, Austin 7X 78767-1507. Past copies are $5 each if available. MEMBERSHIP INQUIRIES:.Address inquiries to the AGS.lWembership Chairman, 10003 Mandeville Circle, Austin Tx 78750-2815.. (Check inside back cover for membership dues, etc.) GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE concerning Society matters goes to AUSTlN GENEALOGlCAL SOCIETY, f.0.Box 1507, Austin 7X 78767-1507. We invite contributions to the Quarterly. See inside back cover for additional AGS information. .. I The Austin Genealogical Society Quarterly Volume XLIII, Number 2 -We can hear if we listen the words they impart through their blood in our veins and their voice in our heart. -Unknown With deep regret we report the death on 3 June 2002 of Jean Halden Walker, a life charter member of the Austin Genealogical Society and a recognized authority on Austin and Travis County genealogy and history. Jean was one of the group founding the Austin Genealogical Society in 1960 and she served the Society in many ways during the last 33 years. For the first three years of its existence she was the editor of this Quarterly. Coincidentally she helped found the Texas State Genealogical Society and she also was a charter life member of that Soci- ety. She became District 13 Representative for this area to the Texas State Genealogi- cal Society in 1996 and set an admirable record of never having missed a meeting of that Society during her term of semice. For the past three years she had been a Director of the Austin Genealogical Society, serving until last month when illness forced her to relinquish this service. She worked tirelessly with and at the Genealogical Collection at the Texas State Library. There is no accounting for the vast number of people, local and from afar, that she has assisted with advice or information concerning genealogical lines they were researching. In May 2002 the Austin Genealogical Society presented Jean with a Resolution honoring her achievements in the profession of genealogy. A copy of that Resolution is on the following page. The Editor and the Bodof Directors of AGS join in expressing deep sympathy to her husband Charles and members of her family. PUBLICATION TITLE:AUSTIN GENEALOGICALSOCIETY QUARTERLY kSUE NUMBER2(2002) ISSUE DATE: 15 JUNE2002 FREQUENCY: FOURISSUES PER YEAR ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS: , AUSTINGENEALOGICAL Socim c/o EDITOR,600 HYRIDGE DRIVE AUSTINTX 787548054 INTERNET WEB SITE: WWW.AUSTINT~GENSOC.ORG AGS IS A NOT-FORPROFIT ORGANIZATION CHARTERED BY THE STATE OF TEXAS UNLEsS OTHERWISE MENTIONED, MATERIAL HEREIN IS COPYRIGHTED BY AUSTINGENEALOGICAL SOCIETY A Resolution HonoringJean Halden Walker for her Contribution to Genealogy May 28,2002 WHEREAS, Jean Walker became a Charter Member in 1960 and is a Lfe Member of the Austin Genealogical Society; WHEREAS, Jean has served as an active Austin Genealogical Society Board memberfor overfouryears; WHEREAS, she was thefirst Editor ofthe Austin Genealogical Society quarterlyfrom 1960 to 1963; WHEREAS, she was afounding Charter Member and has a Fellowship Lge Membership with the Texas State Genealogical Society; WHEREAS, she has been the Texas State Genealogical Society District 13 Representative since 1996, and has not missed a meeting WHEREAS, she was recognized with a Fellow Honorfor her outstanding work at the 1997 Texas State Genealogical Society Conference; WHEREAS, she has attended every Texas State Genealogical Society Conference held for over 4Oyears; WHEREAS, she has bcen described as a real Genealogical Gem and a dedicatedgenealogist; WHEREAS, she is a member ofthe Thankful Hubbard, DAR Chapter, Austin, Texas; WHEREAS, she has been an active member ofthe Williamson County Genealogrcal Society, Inc. since the 1980s; WHEREAS, during the past 30years she has assisted the Hudsonfamily Association and the Yanceyfamily in many genealogical research efforts; WHEREAS, she has been a helpJul volunteer to patrons on numerous occasions at the Texas State Library in the Genealogy Collection; NOW, THEREFORE, BE ITRESOLVED by the Austin Genealogical Society thatlean Halden Walker is hereby recogni& as an Outstanding Member ofAGS and the Board, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that honor and sincere appreciation is actended toJean Halden Walker by the Austin Genealogical Societyfor herpersonal dedication and contribution to the enhancement of Genealogy. RESOLVED BY THE MEMBERS OF THE AGS BOARD, MAY 28,2002, A63 Quarteriy Volume Xiiii, Number 2 Jur(e 2002 Comments MOVING THROUGH THE YEAR The AGS is squarely in the middle of a very busy year, with several sizeable projects underway and more in the offing. We’re fortunate to have President James Hollas very efficiently handling the logistics of these projects. Of most notice for the moment is our Cemetery Project, wherein we are in the process of surveying and cataloging all of the well over 300 cemeteries in Travis County. These are being published here as they become available, as well as being indexed on our website. Eventually we intend to assemble all of the surveys in book form for the use of future genealogists. If you feel that this issue is bulkier than normal, well, yes, it is. We are very pleased to print the register of the Live Oak cemetery on the south outskirts of Austin, which has over 3 100 plots; by far the largest we have yet handled. This demanding work was done by volunteers George Rasor and Sandra Schmidt before they had even joined AGS. We commend and heartily thank these two fine people
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