May 10, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 158, Pt. 5 6525 wounded twice, Miller was transferred to the associated with George and Ira ran in their direction. Suddenly he military police. June 5th, 1944, the 339th did Gershwin. Mr. Bacharach received this found himself in an open area, with no their victory march through Rome. award jointly with cowriter Hal David, protection, but surrounded by trees Glenn Combs was at the induction center which is the first time in the history of and houses, any one of which could be when doctors decided his feet were a little flat for the infantry. He went through basic this award that it has gone to a song- concealing the shooter. Moments later, training and into Headquarters Company of writing team. This prestigious honor the suspect stepped out from behind a the 1st Armored Division. In December of not only celebrates their work, but it house and pointed an automatic pistol 1942, they traveled to North Africa by ships. places them among the ranks of Paul directly at Officer Campbell. Officer Glenn was involved in battles at Anzio, Kas- Simon, Paul McCartney, and Stevie Campbell commanded the shooter to serine Pass, Tunisia, and Algeria. After Wonder, all previous recipients. drop his weapon, and when the man re- avoiding a near disaster at Kasserine Pass, Born in Missouri and raised in New fused, the Officer had no choice but to the commanding general was relieved and York, Burt built a name for himself shoot, killing the suspect. Col. Robinett was placed in charge of oper- over his six-decade career as one of the It was a horrible tragedy, but with- ations. Because of his excellent strategy and out Officer Campbell’s unhesitating leadership in attaining victory in a very neg- country’s most respected and honored ative situation, Col. Paul ‘‘Little Man’’ songwriters. His partnership with Hal courage, it would have been far worse. Robinette was promoted to Brig. General. David created such beloved songs as A subsequent investigation confirmed Kasserine Pass was considered to be the first ‘‘Raindrops Keep Fallin’ on My Head,’’ this when more than 200 rounds of am- major battle won by American forces in ‘‘What the World Needs Now is Love,’’ munition were discovered in the sus- North Africa. Glenn Combs was promoted ‘‘Walk on By,’’ and ‘‘Alfie.’’ The duo pect’s car. from staff sergeant to junior warrant officer, first began collaborating in the 1950s at For his commitment to the Copley and in a few months to chief warrant officer. community, as well as his tremendous Glenn said, ‘‘One of the reasons I was pro- the Famous Paramount Music Com- pany, and among their first big hits acts of bravery on August 7, 2011, I moted through the enlisted ranks to officer would like to recognize and thank Mr. was due to so many men getting killed in my were ‘‘The Story of My Life,’’ made fa- company.’’ mous by Marty Robbins, and ‘‘Magic Campbell for his service and congratu- These men served approximately five Moments,’’ performed by Perry Como. late him on receiving the National As- years. Walt Garrison was one of the fortu- Following on their first successes, be- sociation of Police Organizations nate. He didn’t receive a scratch. Uncle Ben tween 1962 and 1972 their songs were al- (NAPO) TOP COPS award. wasn’t so lucky. He was wounded in the most continuously on Billboard Maga- f shoulder by shrapnel from an exploding artil- lery shell on a hill near the Moselle River in zine’s singles chart. During this time 2011 U.S. SMALL BUSINESS France. they worked with an array of singers, ADMINISTRATION HONOREES Walt Garrison was one of those veterans including Dionne Warwick, B.J. Thom- Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Mr. President, who could talk about his war experience. as, Dusty Springfield, The Carpenters, every year the U.S. Small Business Ad- Ben, ‘‘Dude,’’ ‘‘Jamup,’’ and many others Tom Jones, Jackie DeShannon, Gene ministration, SBA, honors our coun- were too scarred emotionally, mentally, and Pitney, and Herb Alpert. Together, physically to recall their combat duty. try’s local entrepreneurs, hardworking Burt and Hal have written numerous Americans who have built businesses I apologize that I’m unable to provide more hits that have helped launch the ca- complete information concerning the sac- from ideas and created jobs for their rifices these men made for our country. They reers of some of America’s most cele- communities. I would like to congratu- and many more of those veterans are heroes brated musicians. late the eight outstanding entre- and should never be forgotten. The American Mr. Bacharach, one of the most hon- preneurs from Connecticut who were people who lived during the WWII era earned ored and successful composers of our recognized in 2011, most especially, A. a reputation as ‘‘The Greatest Generation.’’ time, has earned three Academy Gregory Bachmann of Torrington, Con- I truly believe they deserve that com- Awards and eight Grammy Awards. pliment. Not only in military service, but necticut’s DYMAX Corporation, who These include the 1997 Grammy Trust- was named 2011 Connecticut Small also in different walks of life, many of them ees Award, which he shares with David, had exemplary attitudes and accomplish- Business Person of the Year. ments. and the 2008 Lifetime Achievement The SBA has advocated for small At this time, Glen Combs is the only one of Award. Even after being inducted into businesses in Connecticut since 1953, these men still living. He is 92 and in poor the Songwriters Hall of Fame, he is providing assistance through the Fed- health. still touring and performing all over eral Small Business Innovation Re- Toleman Combs passed away November 29, the world. search, SBIR, Program, facilitated at 1995, and is buried at Nancy, KY. Rufus I ask my Senate colleagues join me Connecticut Innovations. This support ‘‘Jamup’’ Miller died February 3, 1997, and is in honoring and congratulating Mr. has included more than $500 million of buried in Manchester. Benjamin Franklin Burt Bacharach on this well-deserved Garrison died at Wilmore Veteran’s Hospital financing, education and training, and December 27, 1997, and is buried at Memorial honor. procurement aid for individuals with Gardens in Manchester. Walter Garrison f big ideas and businesses wanting to ex- passed away on May 22, 2002. TRIBUTE TO PATROLMAN BEN pand by taking technological risks. Years ago, Uncle Walt decided to be buried The winner of the Small Business CAMPBELL with some of the soldiers he served with at Person of the Year award must meet Normandy. He was laid to rest in Butler Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, today eight sets of criteria, including staying County Memorial Park ‘‘Field of Honor’’ I wish to recognize Patrolman Ben power, growth in number of employees, near Hamilton, Ohio. Campbell of Copley, OH, for being hon- increase in sales and/or unit volume, Earl Hobbs died November 25, 2003, and is ored as a 2012 National Association of buried at Memorial Gardens in Manchester. current and past financial perform- Mansell ‘‘Dude’’ Stone passed on July 2, 2004, Police Organizations (NAPO) TOP ance, innovativeness of product or and is buried in Harts Branch Cemetery out- COPS award recipient for the brave and service offered, response to adversity, side Manchester. heroic actions he has displayed in the contributions to community-oriented f line of duty. projects, and the products exported and On August 7, 2011, Officer Ben Camp- markets served. TRIBUTE TO BURT BACHARACH bell responded to a report of shots fired In 1979, Mr. Bachmann inherited the Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I salute in a Copley Township neighborhood business his parents had started in the life and accomplishments of Burt and he found a very grisly scene. An their basement. Now, DYMAX makes Bacharach, who received The Library armed suspect had shot eight people, its home in a 100,000 square foot build- of Congress Gershwin Prize for Popular killing seven, and was still at large in ing and operates facilities globally, in- Song on Tuesday night. This award is the neighborhood. Without waiting for cluding in Germany, China, Hong given to musicians whose lifetime con- backup, Officer Campbell took off on Kong, and Korea. It offers innovative tributions to the field of popular song foot after the suspect. As he scoured technology, such as adhesives, coat- demonstrate the standard of excellence the area, he heard more gunshots and ings, epoxies, masking resins, and VerDate Sep 11 2014 14:35 Apr 19, 2018 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR12\S10MY2.000 S10MY2 jstallworth on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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