Page 187 TITLE 2—THE CONGRESS § 142a Any reference in any law, map, regulation, document, § 141a. Design, installation, and maintenance of record, or other paper of the United States to such security systems; transfer of responsibility building shall be held to be a reference to the Library of Congress Thomas Jefferson Building.’’ The responsibility for design, installation, and Pub. L. 94–264, Apr. 13, 1976, 90 Stat. 329, which had maintenance of security systems to protect the designated the Library of Congress Annex as the Li- physical security of the buildings and grounds of brary of Congress Thomas Jefferson Building, was re- pealed by Pub. L. 96–269, § 3, June 13, 1980, 94 Stat. 486, the Library of Congress is transferred from the as part of the redesignation of that building as the Li- Architect of the Capitol to the Capitol Police brary of Congress John Adams Building and the des- Board. Such design, installation, and mainte- ignation of the main building of the Library of Con- nance shall be carried out under the direction of gress as the Library of Congress Thomas Jefferson the Committee on House Oversight of the House Building. of Representatives and the Committee on Rules LIBRARY OF CONGRESS JOHN ADAMS BUILDING and Administration of the Senate, and without Pub. L. 96–269, § 2, June 13, 1980, 94 Stat. 486, provided regard to section 5 of title 41. Any alteration to that: ‘‘The building in the block bounded by East Cap- a structural, mechanical, or architectural fea- itol Street, Second Street Southeast, Third Street ture of the buildings and grounds of the Library Southeast, and Pennsylvania Avenue Southeast, in the of Congress that is required for a security sys- District of Columbia (commonly known as the Library tem under the preceding sentence may be car- of Congress Thomas Jefferson Building or the Library ried out only with the approval of the Architect of Congress Annex Building), shall hereafter be known of the Capitol. and designated as the ‘Library of Congress John Adams Building’. Any reference in any law, map, regulation, (Pub. L. 105–277, div. B, title II, Oct. 21, 1998, 112 document, record, or other paper of the United States Stat. 2681–570.) to such building shall be held to be a reference to the Library of Congress John Adams Building.’’ CHANGE OF NAME LIBRARY OF CONGRESS JAMES MADISON MEMORIAL Committee on House Oversight of House of Rep- BUILDING resentatives changed to Committee on House Adminis- tration of House of Representatives by House Resolu- Pub. L. 91–214, § 2, Mar. 16, 1970, 84 Stat. 69, provided tion No. 5, One Hundred Sixth Congress, Jan. 6, 1999. that: ‘‘Nothing contained in the Act of October 19, 1965 (79 Stat. 986) [set out as a note under this section], shall § 142. Omitted be construed to authorize the use of the third Library of Congress building authorized by such Act for general CODIFICATION office building purposes.’’ Pub. L. 89–260, Oct. 19, 1965, 79 Stat. 987, as amended Section, acts June 29, 1922, ch. 251, § 1, 42 Stat. 715; by Pub. L. 91–214, § 1, Mar. 16, 1970, 84 Stat. 69; Pub. L. Nov. 5, 1990, Pub. L. 101–520, title III, § 307, 104 Stat. 2277, 94–219, Feb. 27, 1976, 90 Stat. 194; Pub. L. 95–548, Oct. 30, established office of administrative assistant and dis- 1978, 92 Stat. 2064, provided: ‘‘That (a) the Architect of bursing officer of Library of Congress which was abol- the Capitol under the direction jointly of the House Of- ished by section 142a of this title. fice Building Commission, the Senate Office Building Commission, and the Joint Committee on the Library, § 142a. Office of administrative assistant and dis- after consultation with a committee designated by the bursing officer in Library of Congress abol- American Institute of Architects, is authorized and di- ished; transfer of duties to appointee of Li- rected to construct (including, but not limited to, the brarian preparation of all necessary designs, plans, and speci- fications) in square 732 in the District of Columbia a From and after June 10, 1928, the office of ad- third Library of Congress fireproof building, which ministrative assistant and disbursing officer of shall be known as the Library of Congress James Madi- the Library of Congress, created by section 142 son Memorial Building. The design of such building of this title, is abolished and thereafter the du- shall include a Madison Memorial Hall and shall be in ties required to be performed by the administra- keeping with the prevailing architecture of the Federal buildings on Capitol Hill. The Madison Memorial Hall tive assistant and disbursing officer shall be per- shall be developed in consultation with the James formed, under the direction of the Librarian of Madison Memorial Commission. Congress, by such persons as the Librarian may ‘‘(b) In carrying out his authority under this joint appoint for those purposes. resolution, the Architect of the Capitol, under the di- rection jointly of the House Office Building Commis- (May 11, 1928, ch. 521, 45 Stat. 497; Pub. L. 92–310, sion, the Senate Office Building Commission, and the title II, § 220(h), June 6, 1972, 86 Stat. 205.) Joint Committee on the Library, is authorized (1) to provide for such equipment, such connections with the REFERENCES IN TEXT Capitol Power Plant and other utilities, such access fa- Section 142 of this title, referred to in text, was omit- cilities over or under public streets, such changes in ted from the Code. the present Library of Congress buildings, such changes in or additions to the present tunnels, and such other AMENDMENTS appurtenant facilities, as may be necessary, and (2) to 1972—Pub. L. 92–310 struck out provisions which re- do such landscaping as may be necessary by reason of quired the person disbursing appropriations for Library the construction authorized by this joint resolution. of Congress and Botanic Garden to give a bond in sum ‘‘SEC. 2. The structural and mechanical care of the of $30,000. building authorized by this joint resolution and the care of the surrounding grounds shall be under the Ar- TRANSFER OF FUNCTIONS chitect of the Capitol. ‘‘SEC. 3. There is hereby authorized to be appro- Disbursement functions of all Government agencies, priated not to exceed $130,675,000 to construct the build- except Departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force ing authorized by this joint resolution (including the and Panama Canal transferred to Division of Disburse- preparation of all necessary designs, plans, and speci- ments, Treasury Department, by Ex. Ord. No. 6166, § 4, fications). June 10, 1933, and Ex. Ord. No. 6728, May 29, 1934. ‘‘There is also authorized to be appropriated not ex- Division subsequently consolidated with other agen- ceeding $10,000 to pay the expenses of the James Madi- cies into Fiscal Service in Treasury Department by son Memorial Commission.’’ Reorg. Plan No. III of 1940, § 1(a)(1), eff. June 30, 1940, 5 § 142b TITLE 2—THE CONGRESS Page 188 F.R. 2107, 54 Stat. 1231. See section 306 of Title 31, § 142c. Enforcement of liability of certifying offi- Money and Finance. cers of Library of Congress § 142b. Certifying officers of the Library of Con- The liability of these certifying officers or em- gress; accountability; relief by Comptroller ployees shall be enforced in the same manner General and to the same extent as now provided by law with respect to enforcement of the liability of On and after June 13, 1957, each officer and em- disbursing and other accountable officers; and ployee of the Library of Congress, including the they shall have the right to apply for and obtain Copyright Office, who has been duly authorized a decision by the Comptroller General on any in writing by the Librarian of Congress to cer- question of law involved in a payment on any tify vouchers for payment from appropriations vouchers presented to them for certification. and funds, shall (1) be held responsible for the (Pub. L. 85–53, § 2, June 13, 1957, 71 Stat. 81.) existence and correctness of the facts recited in the certificate or otherwise stated on the vouch- § 142d. Disbursing officer of the Library of Con- er or its supporting papers and for the legality gress; disbursements in accordance with of the proposed payment under the appropria- voucher; examination of vouchers; liability tion or fund involved; (2) [Repealed]; (3) be held responsible and accountable for the correctness The disbursing officer of the Library of Con- of the computations of certified vouchers; and gress shall (1) disburse moneys of the Library of (4) be held accountable for and required to make Congress only upon, and in strict accordance good to the United States the amount of any il- with, vouchers duly certified by the Librarian of legal, improper, or incorrect payment resulting Congress or by an officer or employee of the Li- from any false, inaccurate, or misleading certifi- brary of Congress duly authorized in writing by cate made by him, as well as for any payment the Librarian to certify such vouchers; (2) make prohibited by law or which did not represent a such examination of vouchers as may be nec- legal obligation under the appropriation or fund essary to ascertain whether they are in proper involved: Provided, That the Comptroller Gen- form, and duly certified and approved; and (3) be eral of the United States may, at his discretion, held accountable accordingly: Provided, That the relieve such certifying officer or employee of li- disbursing officer shall not be held accountable ability for any payment otherwise proper when- or responsible for any illegal, improper, or in- ever he finds (1) that the certification was based correct payment resulting from any false, inac- on official records and that such certifying offi- curate, or misleading certificate, the respon- cer or employee did not know, and by reasonable sibility for which, under section 142b of this diligence and inquiry could not have ascer- title, is imposed upon a certifying officer or em- tained, the actual facts, or (2) that the obliga- ployee of the Library of Congress.
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