Page Eight ROCKETEER Friday, April 15, 1966 District Art Festival SHOWBOAT Station's CURV Plays Role Unveils This Weekend FRIDAY A'Rll 15 The local district portion of " TO THE SHORES Of HELL" (II Min .) award ribbons to first through Marshall ThomplOn, R~rt Dornon the Kern County Art Festival fifth place winners in each di­ 7 p.m. will be presented to the pub­ vision. - (War Dr..... in CoIOf) Viet Nom i, the To Retrieve Bomb from Sea lic this weekend at the China scene for a Marine Corps major to lead a This I 0 c a I presentation is rescue party in on o"empt to relea,e hi, Lake Community Center. Visit­ brother from the dreaded Viet Congo Topic Dr. Mclean win CURV Performs ors ar<! invited to attend on part of the 18th annual festi­ shoot·the·works epic of today', heodlines val sponsored by the K ern is filled with action. (Adults and mature Saturday from 2 to 8 p.m.- and yOYth.) County Parks and Recreation Keynote Marine on Sunday from noon to 7 p.m. Shot-ts: " ....trocfuc . .. (7 Min.) Beyond Its Limits The festival will feature en­ Department, in which work is ''Ttte lDnd We Lo.... " (22 Min .) shown first at local district fes­ SATURDAY Anll 16 . Sciences Meet tries by amateur and semi­ --MATINEE-- In Spanish Water professional artists from kind­ tivals throughout the county, " OUlLiVER' S nAVELS" (72 Min.) then blue ribbon winners vie feotv,. c.clrt_n on April 21. A final, critical stage of the ergarten age up who are com, I p.m. for top awards at the county United States' intensive search peting for awards in various Shorts: ..$pr il'.ti.... 'ot 'Iuto" (7 Min .) (See Siory On Page 4) "Trader T.... No. S.. (13 Min.) and recovery operation of a divisions and in both realistic finals in Bakersfield. Vol. XXI, No. IS Fri., April 15, 1966 --iVENINCl-- missing thermonuclear b 0 m b and non-realistic categories. Also featured will be a gal­ '~E CIRCUS WORLD" (131 Min.) A trio of artists from anoth­ lery exhibiting works of local John Wayne, Claudio Cordinale off Palomares, Spain, was per­ 7 p.m. formed by NOTS Pasadena's er district of the county will professional art i s t s (Dra ... a in Cal... ) Step right up to the biggest Wild West Show ever lhown in CURV remote recovery vehi­ Europe! Thrill to the big top as John cle, operating far beyond its tours the continent in search of hi, long-. designed limits. CROSSWORD PUZZLE separated wife. s.. the ,hip cotoltrophe, the circus fire, the loughs and tears I Reports from Pasadena An­ ACROSS 20- Interpose (Adults, youth and children.) nex show CURV (Cable Con­ 22-Part of "to SUNDAY 41'Rll 17 ,. Flesh be" "rTOS A MAD, MAD, MAq, MAD, WORLD" trolled Underwater Research S. Froth 23.Propel one· (154 Min ,) Vehicle) has paid for itself ma­ 9·Allow self through SHOW CHAIRMAN - Mn. D. T. McAllilter (cent.r) i. 12 · 0pera by water Spencer Tracy, Milton Berle, Sid Caesar ny times over in retrieving ord­ Verdi 24-Quote and on All Star Cost flanked by Mrs. Robert Berry, Mrs. Fronklin Knemeyer, Mn. nance from NOTS sea ranges 13·Silkworm 25·Pronoun 7 p.m. Dovid Chapman, and Mrs. E. J. Jonel. Ledie. will ..li.I in 14· Exist 26.0winQ (C.... edy Special 'n Color) The All Star - but even so, it has been sent 15- Dealer 30- Relating to COlt are occupants of cars that witne.. a identification, picking, and arranging flowers for show. 17·Chlnese Illile the singing down only to its des i g ned 18· Inlet birds fatal accident and hear of a buried treos· 19- English baby 32·Pilaster ure and the race for fortune is on. One of deptbs of 2,000 feet, and has carriage 33· t nqu isit ive the funniest films ever mode and witt. over bad the designed aid of sonar 21. Kind of beer (colloq.) 20 Itars. DON'T MISS! (Adults and youtk.) Preparations in Full Swing 23.1 nstructed 36· Things. in MONDAY ..,Rll 11 sending devices fitted in ex­ 27·Pronoun law 28· Manage 37·Shipworms WOM,D AROUND US SHIES perimental ordnance to be re­ 29· Pair 40·0f neither "SOUTH AMateA COAST TO COAST" 31. Hurried <ox For 21st Wildflower Show covered. 49·Unit of 56· Command to 7:30 p.m. 34· Pronoun 43.Compass italian cur· horse TUESDAY.WEDNESDAY Anll 1'·20 No such limits and aids were 35. Weirdest point rency ( pl.) 57. Superlative " CINCINNATI KrO" (103 Min.) Added f eat u res for this will also be busy both Friday 38· Negative 45.Mount SO · Reverbera . end ing present in the depths off Palo­ 39-Malu (abbr.) Ste.,. McQueen, Ann Margret • year's sbow will be live music and Saturday. tion 58· French : of 7 p.m. mares, on Spain's Mediterran­ 41·Qcean 47· Residue 54· Indefinite tn_ , by talented local musicians, a Mrs. Robert D. Berry, a bot­ 42-Coin. 48. Escape number 61.Note of scale (0.-..... in eel... ) The gripping story of ean coast. 44- Printer'. wrong-.side.of-tracks, Ioythern boy with a tea room for show patrons, anist from the area, will iden­ measure Neverthelesl, a team from wide reputation 01 a superb stud pohr 46· Fl igl"lt of and a special display of pot· tify each of the specimens. steps player; and of the game of all games 01 NOTS P ••• den., opor.ling 48·Musical in_ the " number one" po.er player takel him ted cactus plants. Live m u sic will flo a t from the rHcue y_1 P.tr.l, strument on. Somewhat like "The Hustler" witk a throughout the Center to add 51. Slave bockgroynd of torrid romance, fistic action Preparations are in full ..nl CURV down 500 feet be· 52-Illuminated to the visitors enjoyment, with 53· Baseball and suspense. It'l your deal! (Adult.) swing for the 21st annual Wild­ yond its design limits to fa.t­ Short: "'1.. fin' ..... (' iM: ,_...... ) f1 Min.) several local musicians C 0 n­ position flower Show to be held at the .n a .peci.1 gr.ppling hook to ( abbr.) THURSDAY·fRIDAY A,lIl 21 ·22 tributing their talents. 55. Surrounded " HOW TO MURDER YOUR WIfE" (111 Min.) Community · C e n t e r on the the bomb. fol'" defense Jock Lemmon, Virna Usa Mrs. Ivar H i g h b erg is in 59 - Before weekend of April 30 and May · The s p e cia I conditions 7 p ..... charge of the music program. &a-At this place 1. The two-day event is open meant that an extra - long ca­ 62- Bacteri. (Comedy) When the wealthy bachelOf', Color Slides ologist's wire comic.strip artilt woke. up after a rip-­ free of charge to the public ble, carrying command and re­ 63 · Without end roaring party and findl he hoi married In one of the Center's room, ( poet.) tke lovely who popped OYt of the coke from 1 to 9 p.m. on Saturday turn information circuits from 64.ls in debt the China Lake Photographic the fun begins to roll . Even hil and from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on CURV's senar and TV eyes and 65. PI,J,ces . Society will show colored slides comic·strip leads to a m u rd . r charge I Sunday. CURV'S GRAPPLING HOOK eng.ge. por.chute shroud of WITH GRAPPLING HOOK firmly engaged, ri .. 10 surf.ce i. ears, had to be developed in DOWN (Adult.) of the flowers as tbey grow bomb al deplh of 2,500 f ..1 on Medlt.rr..... n _ floor. begun. CURV'. TV comer.. fl ..hed picture to control .hip. sbort order. l·Small rug Once a g a i n this year, as on the desert. 2·Goddeu of Final Tryouts Saturday Attaching the book and lines heating sin c e the sbow's conception, An interesting display of pot­ 3·Glrl's n.me Littfe Leaguers the Women's Auxiliary of the to the bomb's parachute shroud 4.Baby frog For ted cactus available in the area took two full days. On the third 5·Witd Commissioned Officers M e s s 6 · Conjunction Tomorrow is the last day for will be bandied by Mrs. Thom­ day, Petrel hauled CURV and 7 . Be ill will be tbe sponsors and bave as Boyd and Mrs. R. DeHar­ 8. P ost Little League tryouts. Tryouts its burden to the surface. Div­ 9- Bigger will be held beginning at 9 full responsibility of the pro­ rold. 10· Great L ake gram. Althougb it has grown ers then took over the task of 11. Rip a.m. at Little League Diamond uHowever, let me stress the attaching cab I e s to lift the 16· Wears away into a joint community effort, No.4 on Halsey Ave. opposite fact thai Ihe main empha.i. weapon out of the water. Kelly Field. For details see sto­ it is and has been WACOM Ihi. year will be on Ihe beauty that is responsible for the tra· NOTS' role in retrieying the r lr Ute In Aullior iud Scnlu th_'UPtr, Onl)'. ry on Page 7. of the flowers themselvel," bomb from il. pr.cariou. ditional spring tribute to the I stites show chairman Mrs. Mc. porch ju.t aboy•• n underw.­ beauty of the desert wildflow­ AIIi.ler. "All Ihe other f.a· er.
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