Conflict Narratives: Mediation Case Studies in an Intercultural Context Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit van Tilburg, op gezag van de rector magnificus, prof. dr. Ph. Eijlander, in het openbaar te verdedigen ten overstaan van een door het college voor promoties aangewezen commissie in de aula van de Universiteit op maandag 15 juni 2009 om 16.15 uur door Susan Kay Riva-Mossman geboren op 5 juli 1963 te Omaha, Nebraska, USA Conflict Narratives: Mediation Case Studies in an Intercultural Context Susan Riva June 2009 Promotor Prof. dr. John B. Rijsman Promotiecommissie Prof. dr. Verena Aebisher Prof. dr. Cathy Ramus Prof. dr. Elka Todorova Prof. dr. John Winslade Conflict Narratives: Mediation Case Studies in an Intercultural Context Susan Riva June 2009 Every man’s foremost task is the actualization of his unique, unprecedented and never- recurring potentialities, and not the repetition of something that another, and be it even the greatest, has already achieved. - Martin Buber Conflict Narratives: Mediation Case Studies in an Intercultural Context Susan Riva June 2009 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS eA-ho, metakuye oyasin For all my relations Sioux blessing and greeting Professors Eva Schupbach, Charles-Henri Rapin, Jean-Pierre Bonafé-Schmitt, Ilario Rossi, Ellen Hertz, Hans Kaufeler, and Cathie Ramus allowed me to clarify theories and find institutional support. Profesor Raymond Massé’s approach directed my research process. A special thanks goes to Professor John Rijsman who has accompanied me through the final stages of writing and has assured that it would indeed be possible to defend my thesis at Tilburg University. The professors associated with the TAOS Institute have inspired my work. When I found the TAOS Institute it was like finding my intellectual family. I would like to thank the political asylum seekers who shared their narratives with me. I would also like to acknowledge my colleagues in the social and healthwork networks, and the many people whom I worked with at the police force and on the accident site in Beuson. My colleagues at the museum contributed to the innovative use of mediation in a unique cultural setting. I thank my grandparents, Harland and Marion Mossman, for providing the means for me to realize this doctorate. All of my family has been supportive. I thank them for allowing me to pursue this goal. I am grateful to many friends and relatives. Marie-Noelle Lorenz and Joy Manné have especially encouraged me during this creative process. Conflict Narratives: Mediation Case Studies in an Intercultural Context Susan Riva June 2009 Abstract The Narrative Model in mediation provides a theoretical framework that can be used to better understand the relevance of intercultural case studies in mediation that tookplace in Valais, Switzerland between 2001 and 2008. This process-oriented model distinguishes itself from more classical problem-solving models in mediation. The descriptions presented in the conflict narratives analyze and reflect upon the performative, relational, and dialogical nature of the transformative processes inherent in the narrative mediation model. The narrative approach to mediation was developed using Arthur Kleinman’s Explanatory Model to gather the “conflict narratives” from the political asylum seekers that participated in mediation at the Canton’s mediation service. Other intercultural mediations are presented using the lens of anthropology to deconstruct the case studies. Social Constructionist theory then provides a theoretical framework to reconstruct or “restory” the conflict narratives. The different methodologies were phases in a grounded theory approach allowing for new theories to emerge in a field of mediation where no prior research in this specific area existed. The Narrative Model in Mediation, based on social constructionist theory, demonstrates that mediation and mediators are not neutral. So therefore, the practice of mediation in this political context is itself a social action. The evidence presented through the descriptions in the case studies, participatory observation, and interviews may suggest that the mediation process socially constructed an interdisciplinary approach to conflict resolution within the organization, the institutions that participated in the mediation process, and the social and health network in the Valais. My hypothesis is that mediation is a social practice that is a transformative social action affecting power relations by creating a legitimate space for multiple voices and perspectives to be heard and listened to. This creative social dialogue constructs positive solutions by utilizing the resources of all the participants within the mediation process. When the mediator is recognized as an active transformer of narratives and not an expert, the educational and transformational dimensions of the mediation process are accentuated, socially constructing the emergence of solutions that traditional problem-solving models in mediation could possibly restrict. Conflict Narratives: Mediation Case Studies in an Intercultural Context Susan Riva June 2009 Samenvatting Het Narratief Model in Bemiddeling levert ons een theoretisch kader waarmee we beter de relevantie kunnen begrijpen van een reeks gevallenstudies die tussen 2001 en 2008 plaatsvonden in de Valais in Zwitserland. Anders dan de klassieke probleem-gerichte modellen is dit een meer proces-gericht model. De beschrijvingen in de conflict-verhalen analyseren en weerspiegelen het geacteerde, relationele en dialogische karakter van de transformatieve processen die inherent zijn aan het model. Deze narratieve benadering van bemiddeling werd ontwikkeld uit Arthur Kleinman’s Verklarend model om de “conflict verhalen” te verkrijgen van de politieke asielzoekers die bemiddeling zochten in de bemiddelingsdienst van het Canton. Daarnaast worden ook interculturele bemiddelingen beschreven waarin de gevalstudies worden ontleed door de lens van de anthropologie. Dan treedt de Sociaal Constructionistische theorie op de voorgrond als theoretisch kader waarmee de conflict verhalen worden gereconstrueerd of “herschreven”. De verschillende methologieen waren eigenlijk fases in een “grounded theory” benadering waaruit nieuwe theorieen kunnen ontstaan in een gebied van bemiddeling waarin er nog geen eerder onderzoek was verricht. Het Narratieve Model in Bemiddeling, gebaseerd op constructionistische theorie, laat zien dat bemiddeling en bemiddelaars niet neutraal zijn. Daarmee is bemiddelingspraktijk in deze politieke context op haar beurt een sociale actie. Het feitenmateriaal dat wordt beschreven in de gevallenstudies, de participerende observaties, en de interviews doen ons vermoeden dat het proces van bemiddeling een interdisciplinaire benadering van conflict oplossing tot stand bracht binnen de organisatie, de instituties die deelnamen aan het bemiddelingsproces, en de sociale en gezondheidsnetwerken in de Valais. Mijn hypothese is dat bemiddeling een sociale praktijk is die als transformerende sociale actie invloed uitoefent op machtsrelaties, in die zin dat ze legitieme ruimte biedt aan verschillende stemmen en perspectieven om te worden gehoord en beluisterd. Vanuit een dergelijke creatieve dialoog kunnen positieve oplossingen ontstaan waarin de bronnen van alle deelnemers aan het bemiddelingsproces een rol kunnen spelen. Wanneer de bemiddelaar wordt gezien als een actieve transformator van de verhalen en niet als een expert, worden de Conflict Narratives: Mediation Case Studies in an Intercultural Context Susan Riva June 2009 opvoedende en transformerende dimensies van het bemiddelingsproces geaccentueerd, hetgeen de sociale bouwstenen levert voor het ontstaan van oplossingen die in de traditionele probleem-oplossende modellen van bemiddeling vermoedelijk minder kans krijgen. Conflict Narratives: Mediation Case Studies in an Intercultural Context Susan Riva June 2009 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONFLICT NARRATIVES: MEDIATION CASE STUDIES IN AN INTERCULTURAL CONTEXT .... 1 CONFLICT NARRATIVES: MEDIATION CASE STUDIES IN AN INTERCULTURAL CONTEXT .... 7 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................... 11 USING KEY CONCEPTS IN ANTHROPOLOGY TO DECONSTRUCT THE INTERCULTURAL CASE STUDIES ............... 14 HOW THE CONCEPTS OF SPACE CONTRIBUTE TO THE STRUCTURING OF CONFLICT MANAGEMENT AND MEDIATION ................................................................................................................. 16 CRISIS MANAGEMENT .......................................................................................................................................... 16 JURISDICTION: A WAY TO DEFINE SPACE ............................................................................................................ 17 ACCOMPANYING VICTIMS .................................................................................................................................... 18 TOURISM, ACCIDENTS, AND NATURAL DISASTERS ............................................................................................. 19 MEDIATION AND NEW FIELDS OF RESEARCH ...................................................................................................... 20 NEW PRACTICES REQUIRE NEW THEORETICAL MODELS .................................................................................... 26 KINSHIP AND MEDIATION: A RELATIONAL APPROACH ....................................................................
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