!lasnn&Hamliu eAMPICO ANOTHER GREAT PIANO NOW OFFER YOU THE AMPICO Assured Durability HEN you purchase a player piano, the question W6f how good it will be after years of service is an important one. Durability is oile of the essential factors in the superior excellence of Starr Piano construction. Charming art view6 of the variou6 Starr Model6 and ~ti the home of their production may be had on reque6t. Price (Regular Standard 88.Note) $850- Freight and Handling Additional THE STARR PIANO COMPANY FACTORY AND EXECUTIVE OFFICES RICHMOND. INDIANA ALABAMA-BIRMINGHAM, 1921 Third Avenue OHIO-AKRON, Mill and High Streets . MONTGOMERY, 108-112 Dexter Avenue CINCINNATI, 139 Fourth Avenue, W. CALIFORNIA-Los ANGELES, 628-632 S. Hill Street CLEVELAND, 1220-1224 Huron Road DAYTON, 27 S. Ludlow Street ,. FLORIDA-PENSACOLA, 8 S. Palafox Street HAMILTON, 10 S. Third Street JACKSONVILLE,307 Main Street SPRINGFIELD, 109 E. High Street INDIANA-EvANSVILLE, 124 Main Street TOLEDO, 318 Jefferson Ave. INDIANAPOLIS, 138 and 140 N. Pennsylvania Street TENNESSEE-BRISTOL, 21 Sixth Street MUNCIE, Delaware Hotel Bldg. CHATTANOOGA, 722 Market Street RICHMOND, 933-935 Main Street NASHVILLE, 240-242 Fifth Avenue, North MICHIGAN-DETROIT, 110 Broadway KNOXVILLE, 517 Prince Street SELUNG ALL CITIES THE AMICA NE,YVS BULLETIN AUTOMATIC MUSICAL INSTRUMENT COLLECTORS- ASSOCIATION ~Ublishedby the Automatic Musical Instrument Collectors' Association, a non-profit, tax exempt group devoted to the restoration, distribution and enjoyment of musical instruments using perforated paper music rolls. AMICA was founded in San Francisco, California in 1963. JOHN ALAN FISCHER, PUBLISHER, 73 Nevada, Rochester Hills, M148309-1565 - Phone/Fax 313-651-4563 Contributing Editor, Robin Pratt, 515 Scott Street, Sandusky, Ohio 44870-3736 VOLUME 28, NUMBER 4 JULY/AUGUST, 1991 AMICA BULLETIN Display and Classified Ads FEATURES _ Articles for Publication Mason & Hamlin Ampico A Production History 5 Consideration Letters to the Publisher Player Pianos in the 1950s 30 Chapter News 1919 Duo-Art Recital 32 Single copies ofback issues Duo-Art Roll Brings $2,000 In 1925 33 ($4.00 per issue - based upon availability) 1929 Photoplay Magazine Roll Reviews 34 English Author Compiles Aeolian Roll Catalogs 44 John Alan Fischer 73 Nevada PEOPLE. _ Rochester Hills, MI 48309 313/651-4563 Carl Lambie 29 Serge Prokofiev 32 UPCOMING PUBUCATION DEADLINES Claudio Arrau - In Memoriam 33 NovemberlDecember Issue October 30 JanuarylFebruary Issue December 30 March/April Issue February 29 AMICA HONORARIES, _ DISCLAIMER: Acceptance ofarticles for publi­ Ruth Bingaman Smith (see Texas Chapter news, page) 43 cation in the AMICA NEWS BULLETIN does not imply a guarantee of the accuracy of the facts contained in any article, nor an endorse­ ment ofan author's recommendation. DEPARTMENTS:...- _ AMICA Officers, Chapter Officers; Affiliates 2 MEMBERSHIP SERVICES President's and Publisher's Notes 3 New Memberships In Brief 28 Renewals Chapter News 35 Address changes and corrections Directory information updates Classified Ads 45 Mike Barnhart COVER ART: 818 Lantern Glow Trail Outside front Adapted from an advertisement in the collection of Richard J. Howe­ Dayton, Ohio 45431 Uterary Dig9St - December 20, 1924. 513-254-5580 Inside front From the collection of Bob Smith - February, 1913 issue of Country Life In America To ensure timely delivery of your Outside back From the collection of Bob Smith - This Ampico ad appeared in the MaY,1925 edition of Country Life BUlLETIN please allow 6-weeks advance ~ notice of address changes. Entire contents © 1991 AMICA International THE AMICA NEWS BULLETIN JULY/AUGUST. 1991 ,1 AMICA INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS CHAPTER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Ron Connor BOSTONAREA NORmERN LIGHTS Route 4, Rogers, Arkansas 72756 Pres: Bill Koenigsberg Pres: Craig Remmon r- 501-636-1749 Vice Pres: Tony Misianos Vice Pres: Don Cunderla Sec: Charlie Randazzo & Sec: Tim Wheat Barbara McFall Treas: Robert & Katheryn Dumas PAST PRESIDENT Terry Smythe Tress: Alan Jayne Reporters: Kay Dumas 55 Rowand Avenue Reporter: Don Brown Ruth Anderson Winnipeg, Manitoba Bd. Rep: Sandy Libman Bd. Rep: Tom Olds Canada R3J 2N6 204-832-3982 cmCAGOAREA PHILADELPHIA AREA Pres: Marty Persky Pres: Paul Dietz Vice Pres: Dee Kavouras Vice Pres: Brian Helfrich VICE PRESIDENT Mel Septon Sec: James Doheny Sec: Diane Wagner 9045 North Karlov Treas: Elsa Pekarek Treas: Bob Taylor Skokie, Illinois 60076 Reporter: Rob Deland Reporter: Lynn Wigglesworth 708-679-3455 Bd. Rep: Mike Schwimmer Bd. Rep: Bob Rosencrans SECRETARY John Fischer FOUNDING CHAPTER SIERRA-NEVADA 73 Nevada Co-Pres: Jack & Diane Edwards Pres: Bob Patton Vice Pres: Pat Clemmens Vice Pres: Vickie Mahr Rochester Hills, Michigan 48309 Sec: Rob Thomas SecJTress: Sonja Lemon 313-651-4563 Treas: Lyle Merithew Reporter: Ed Baehr Reporter: Bill Wherry Bd. Rep: Ray Bauer TREASURER Janet Tonneson Bd. Rep. Rob Thomas 903 Sandalwood SOWNY (Southern Ontario, Richardson, Texas 75080 GATEWAY CHAPTER Western NY> Pres: Joe Lorberg Pres: John Cairns 214-235-4497 Vice Pres: Marilyn McGartland Vice Pres: Rick Drewniak Sec: Cynthia Craig Sec: Anne Lemon PUBLISHER John Fischer Tress: Cynthia Craig Tress: Holly Walter 73 Nevada Reporter: Gary Craig Membership Sec: Mike Walter Rochester Hills, Michigan 48309 Board Rep. YousufWilson (Amer.) Laurie Taylor (Can.) 313-651-4563 Photographer: Bill McCleary HEART OF AMERICA Reporter: Ada Cairns /""'" Pres: Linda Bird Bd. Rep: Nancy & Ed Group MEMBERSIDP SECRETARY Mike Barnhart Vice Pres: Bill Pohl 919 Lantern Glow Trail SecJTress: Betty Ann Olmsted SOUTHEAST AREA Dayton, Ohio 45431 Reporter: Willa Daniels Pres: David Oppenheim 513-254-5580 Bd. Rep: Ron Bopp Vice Pres: John Daly Sec: Wayne Fisher Treas: Don Winter COMMITTEES LADY LIBERTY Pres: Paul Ciancia Reporter: Wayne Fisher TECHNICAL Harold Malakinian Vice Pres: Paul Manganaro Bd. Rep: John O'Laughlin 2345 Forest Trail Dr., Troy, MI 48098 Sec: Michele Manganaro ARCIllVES Bob Rosencrans Tress: John Ellems SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 109 Cumberland Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 Reporter: Diane Polan Pres: Lloyd Osmundson PUBLICATIONS John Fischer Bd. Rep: David Nernoff Vice Pres: Shirley Nix 73 Nevada, Rochester Hills, MI 48309 Sec: Brooke Osmundson MIDWEST Treas: Ken Hodge AUDIO·VISUAL Harold Malakinian Pres: Edwin Ward Bd. Rep: Mary Lilien 2345 Forest Trail Drive, Troy, MI 48098 Vice Pres: Robin Pratt CONVENTION COORDINATOR Liz Barnhart Sec: John Fischer TEXAS 919 Lantern Glow Trail, Dayton, OH 45431 Tress: Alvin Wulfekuhl Pres: Sal Mele HONORARY MEMBERS Dorothy Bromage Reporter: Jim Weisenborne Vice Pres: Wade Newton 157 School Street, Gorham, ME 04038 Bd. Rep: Liz Barnhart Sec.trress: Janet Tonneson Reporter: Bob Butters Bd. Rep. Richard Tonneson _________AFFILIATED SOCIETIES AND ORGANIZATIONS _ AUSTRAL~COLLECTORS INTERNATIONAL PIANO NORTHWEST PLAYER PIANO SMITHSO~INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL MUSICAL ARCHIVES AT MARYLAND ASSOCATION Division ofMusical History INSTRUMENTS Neil Ratliff, Music Library Raymond and DorofuyInce Washington, D.C. 20560 c/o 4 Lobellia Street Hornbake 3210 4 Barrowby Lane Chatswood, N.S.W. 2067, College Park, Maryland 20742 Leeds LS15 8PT, England SOCIETY OF FRIENDS OF Australia MECHANICAL MUSICAL PLAYER PIANO GROUP INSTRUMENTS ~ DUTCH PIANOLA ASSOC. NETHERLANDS MECHANICAL (England) Jurgen Hocker Nederlandse Pianola Vereniging ORGAN SOCIETY· KDV Frances Broadway Eichenweg6 Kortedijk 10 J.L.M. Van Dinteren 39 Sydner Road D-5060 Gergisch, Gladbach, 2871 CB Schoonhouen, Nether­ Postbus 147 Stoke Newington Germany lands 6160 AC Geleen, Netherlands London N16 7UF, England 2, JULY/AUGUST. 1991 THE AMICA NEWS BULLETIN President's Message As we havejustcome outofthetravel season, I thoughtI'd mentionagaina subject I've covered before, that of a listing in the NEWS BULLETIN of places of interest to AMICAns. Thefirsttime I mentionedthis and suggestedpeople tellme ofplaces theyhave visited that relate to our hobby I received exactly' no response. Perhaps in this age everyone flies to a specific destination, doesjustwhat theywentto do, andflies back. Still, there must be others like myselfwho prefer to drive and explore the country. Anyway I thought I'd trot this out once more and then I'll drop it. To give you an idea of what I had in mind let me mention some places we have enjoyed and think you might too. Often we stumble on these places by accident and we wonder how many great things we have been within a few mile of but did not know existed.This spring we happened to be in Atlanta, Georgia and went out to a park in nearby Stone Mountain where we discovered they have a museum. It features a nice collection ofautomobiles but has a number ofmusical instruments such as 68 and 10I-keyMortiers, assortedSeeburgand Link machines, etc. there mustbe a couple ofdozen instruments not countingjuke boxes. They also have a nice collection ofold toys. The parkhas the Bells ofStone Mountain Carillon but we were there at the wrong time to hear it play. Up near Traverse City, Michigan there is the Music House which was featured in the last issue of.the NEWS BULLETIN. This place is outstanding for the way things are displayed and for the excellent condition of all the instruments. Theylook and sound as they should. Instruments range from music boxes and pianosto large bandorgans. They also have a nice collection ofearly radios. This is a must see ifyou are anywhere in the area. Sandusky, Ohio has a carousel museum. It wasjustgettingunderway when we were there last summer. Ifyou like carousels, don't pass up this one. .' '\. Ron Connor, President Publisher's Comments '> t' .... J"_~'. I . I'm so pleased to put this issue in the mail atlast- not only because itcontains ...:.1 ~. .. ... .... 'rJ"r ,1 an important research article by Bill Koenigsberg and Lynn Pompeii, but because of 0# l'~ ~~- the issue's size and the amount ofdetail work centered around the Mason & Hamlin ./ ~?':' - listings inparticularit's with a sense ofreliefand pleasure that I place itin the hands ~, of the post office. Also included with this issue is a reprint ofthe Mason & Hamlin Ampico A '\. '« catalog from 1928. Dick Howe was kind enough to lend his original of this rare document so that it could be shared with our membership.
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