CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Vol. XIII. No. 40 Ithaca, N. Y., August (Monthly Number), 1911 Price 10 Cents Cornelliana. Thurston Avenue and Fall Creek who filled the chair of economics and gorge, contiguous to the original politics during the sabbatical leave Concrete foundations have been campus. (See map, page 341, this of Professor Jenks, will return next completed for Rand Hall, the new volume.) month to his chair of economics and Sibley shop building-, and steel for Edward E. Willever, lately librar- political science in Trinity College, the framework is arriving on the ian for the Edward Thompson Com- Durham, N. C. He and Mrs. Glas- premises. On another page is a re- pany, of Northport, L. I., publishers son are now in Europe. cent photograph showing work pro- of law books, has been appointed The office of graduate manager of gressing on,the Rand Hall site and al- librarian of the law library to suc- athletics is now filled by George Er- so what is left of the knoll below Pro- ceed the late A. H. R. Fraser. vin Kent ΊO, of Dayton, Ohio, who fessor Comstock's house. The posi- was assistant to John H. Scott '09, tion of the trolley car shows where Dr. Alexander Dyer McGilϊivray '93, assistant professor of entomo- the acting graduate manager, last the new route for East Avenue and year. Mr. Kent assumed the manage- the railway tracks was carved out logy and general invertebrate zoo- logy since 1906, has resigned from ment of the athletic office about the of the knoll so as to make room for middle of July. Rand Hall. The new route provides the faculty to take a professorship a much more satisfactory and safe of entomology in the University of Governor Dix has vetoed Assembly- approach to the Triphammer Falls Illinois. He will move to Urbana man Bush's bill to appropriate $10,- bridge than the old one did. with his family in September. Dr. 000 for establishing a state school Paul J. White '06, assistant profes- of sanitary science and public health Experiments in various forms of sor of farm crops in the New York at Cornell University. The Gover- road construction, conducted by the State College of Agriculture since nor says that however commendable Office of Public Roads of the United 1908, has resigned and has accepted the purpose of the bill may be, in States Department of Agriculture in a professorship in Washington State his judgment the state is not in a co-operation with Cornell University, College at Pullman. position at this time, on account of have been continued on the campus the condition of the state finances, this summer. The Forest Home road First Lieutenant William E. Gill- to undertake this work, and for that and a part of East Avenue had al- more, 28th Infantry, U. S. A., has reason he disapproves the bill. The ready been improved, and during the been detailed by the War Department same bill was passed by the Legis- past month work has been done on to this University as professor of lature last year but was vetoed by South Avenue. When the work is military science and tactics, suceed- Governor Hughes for the same rea- completed there will be a stretch of ing Captain Ervin L. Phillips '91, son that actuated Governor Dix. The improved road all the way from the whose detail expired on August 1. measure is backed by State Health Armory to Forest Home, represent- Mr. Gillmore will report for duty Commissioner Eugene H. Porter '80 ing many different kinds of road here on August 30. He has been in and not by the University, although construction. The purpose is to find service with the 28th Infantry at the University authorities have ex- out what material and treatment Sparta, Wis. Captain Phillips's de- pressed themselves as favorable to give the best wearing surface. tail at the University expired on it. August 1, and he has been ordered It is expected that the foundations to take a three months' leave and re- By act of the Legislature, approv- of Prudence Risley Hall, the new port on November 1 to his regiment, ed by Governor Dix, a state college women's dormitory for which Mrs. the 13th Cavalry, at Fort Riley, of forestry has been established at Russell Sage gave the University Kansas. Syracuse University, and the sum of $300,000, will be completed before $55,000 has been appropriated for it. winter. The architect, William H. The loss on the Sigma Alpha The appropriation bill was introduc- Miller '72, has the plans about com- Epsilon house and its contents, which ed by Senator Walters, of Syracuse, pleted. The University has bought were destroyed by fire on June 10, and was signed by the Governor late from A. E. Williams the house and has been adjusted, and the chapter in July. The bill was first introduc- lot adjoining the dormitory site on will receive $14,000, the full amount *ed a year ago by Senator Holden, of the southeast and separating that of its policies, the loss being total. Syracuse, and was passed by both site from the campus proper, and the The building was insured for $12,000 houses at that time, but Governor house will be removed. This pur- and the insurance on the contents Hughes vetoed it, with a large num- chase makes the University the owner was $2,000. ber of other appropriation bills. It of a solid block of land between Professor William H. Glasson '96, is said that the larger part of the 474 CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS G'tEsExSfWAUTZ. AR.CH TTt£Cr.2> il-ΓHΆO/^i /S.tΓ appropriation is to be devoted to the of the plant up to 2,000. On account way. Mrs. Schurman is at Lake purchase of real estate for prac- of this increase in steam production Mohonk, having remained near New tical instruction in forestry, and a second economizer is being added York City on account of the illness that only such buildings will be erect- to the plant. The economizer utilizes of her mother. Jacob Gould Schur- ed at this time as may be necessary the waste heat from the stacks and man, Jr., ("Jack") is just returning for field work. Instructors will be the waste water from the steam pipes from Germany, where he has been engaged as soon as plans can be and returns the water to the boilers with Professor Creighton for the past formed. at a temperature of 212 degrees. year. Arthur A. Allen '08, instructor in As a site for a future storage reser- Dr. L. H. Bailey, whose resignation neurology and vertebrate zoology, voir, the University has been acquir- as director of the New York State will spend the next year in South ing property in the Fall Creek val- College of Agriculture was announc- America as chief of an expedition or- ley east of the village of Varna. ed last month, has announced that ganized by the American Museum of Plans have been drawn for a dam he will remain at Cornell until his. Natural History. He has leave of about six hundred feet long across successor is chosen. absence from the University for the the valley, high enough to form a Contracts are to be let this month year. He left Ithaca on July 24, ex- narrow lake a little more than a mile for an addition to the home of Dr. pecting to sail from New York a long. The University depends upon Andrew D. White on East Avenue. few days later. The expedition will Fall Creek for its power. To carry The addition will be built on the go to Colombia, and its immediate the "peak load" a reserve is need- south side of the house and will be object is to explore ruins and un- ed. The time of the peak load is an extension of the library. earth pottery and other antiquities, about 3 o'clock on a winter afternoon, George Gleason Bogert, A. B. '06, traces of which have been found on when the laboratories are running LL. B. '08, has been appointed acting a large ranch owned by an American. full blast and electric lights are be- assistant professor of law, to take While the main purpose of the expe- ing turned on all over the campus. the classes of Professor William A. dition is ethnological, advantage will The present step is intended to in- Finch '80, who has received a year's be taken of the opportunity to study sure an ample future supply of water leave of absence on acount of impair- and obtain specimens of the plants power. ed health. Mr. Bogert will assume and animals of the region. The sec- President Schurman, accompanied his new duties at the openig of the tion to be explored is the same one by his daughters Catherine and fall term. Mr. Bogert was secretary that was visited early this year by a Helen and his son George, has been to President Schurman in 1906-7r party of ornithologists including on a trip to Alaska. They left Ithaca and assistant in American history in Louis A. Fuertes '97. on July 4 for Seattle, planning to 1907-8. Since he took his law degree In order to heat Rand Hall and stop at several places on the way he has been practicing in Elmira. the new addition to Morse Hall and west and to sail from Seattle on He is a member of the Phi Beta have a little margin for emergencies, July 26.
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