Copied from an original at The History Center. www.TheHistoryCenterOnline.com 2013:023 JUNE, 1955 Copied from an original at The History Center. www.TheHistoryCenterOnline.com 2013:023 'Good Fishing, Red' T'S OT that I hate to leave my I job . it's the leaving of my friends that really chokes a fellow L!p ." These were the words of H. R. Lewis, Lathe · Shop employee for 33 years, upon his retirement May 29, 1955. Mr. Lewis is the first employee to retire normally under the new Pension Plan. " Red," as his fri ends call him, when talking about his r e tire m e nt, said, "There are so many youngsters looking for jobs this summer, until I am glad I'm making room for one of them." " Red" doesn't intend to be idle. He's not wo rried about how h ~' ll spend his time. " I have a 231-acre farm over in Nacogdoches, and there's a fi sh pond on it. I'll be fi shing-m e and m y grandson, Robert," he explained with a friendly smile. When he gets caught up on his fi sh­ ing, Mr. Lewis thinks he'd like to grow pine trees for a hobby as we ll as to RED Lewis waits in line for the last supplement his income. time to receive his paycheck " Red" went to wo rk for this Com­ pany December 12, 1922, inspecting pipe fittin gs in the Supply Dept. Two RED Lewis doesn't worry about how months later, one cold February morn­ to spend his time now that he is ing, Mr. Lewis saw Charlie McLane have sense enough to run a machine?" retired. He's a fisherman deluxe walking down the aisle toward him. Charlie grinned and replied, "That's When Charlie got to " Red," Mr. Lewis funny. I just came to ask yo u to go to asked him, " Do you think I'll ever work on a turret lathe." TffiS was retirement day for Red Lewis, Lathe Shop THE men in the Lathe Shop gave Red many presents employee, and he takes off his work apron happily to w ish him happy retirement and fishing pleasure 2 Lufkin Foundry ROUNDUP Copied from an original at The History Center. www.TheHistoryCenterOnline.com 2013:023 one time throughout the past 33 yea rs - and the reason for that one time is rather amusing. His g randso n had played with the clock the night before and had set it back about 45 minutes. "Red" and Mrs. Lewis were sitting at the breakfast table, chatting and think­ ing they had plenty of time when they heard the five-minute whistle. By the time he co uld scramble around and get to the job, he was five minutes late. The Lewis' have three children and five grandchildren. Charles and H. R. (Wick) Lewis, Jr., are former em­ ployees of this Company. Both are now employed in the local Post Office . Their daughter, Martha, lives in Hous­ ton and is employed by Southern Pa­ cific Railroad. Their g randchildren are Robert Read, 8; Charlotte Lewis, 6; Charles Lewis, Jr., 4 ; Richard Newburn Lewis, 3; and Richelle Lewis, 2. MRS. Lewis spends much time in her flower and vegetable garden "Red is a member of the V.F.W., having served overseas during World War I. He is a 32nd Degree Shriner, and a member of the Scottish Rite. fJ.LMOST before he realize d he had He's especially proud of the nice And from that day until the Friday retired, Red was presented a pen­ retiring presents given him by his fel­ he punched the clock for the last time, sion check by E. fl. Stanfield " Red" Lewis operated a turret lathe. low employees. Knowing his love for fi shing, the men gave him a freezer The two things about his work for chest, tackle box, fi shing pole, swivel the Company of which he is most boat seat, and several other items that proud is hi s very few absences from work on I y a very few times, and they will make hi s fi shing hours most pleas­ his job during his 33 years, and his were caused by emergencies. urable. punctuality. He has been absent from But he has been late for work only And so it was that when "Red" punched the clock for the last time, his buddies shook hands and said with one accord, " Good fi shing, Red! " Bed's Fishing Partner Rob e rt Read, 8, is Red Lewis' grandso n. He's a co n s tant fi shing partner, havin g been going wi th Red since he was three year s of age. He usually :· catches the most ~i· l fi sh. ·-..:-l,.. ... In the days when a woodshed stood behind the American home, a great WHEN the four o'clock whistle· blew on Friday, May 29, many of the old deal of what now passes for juvenile timers gathered around as Red punched the clock for the last time delinquency was settled out of court. June, 1955 3 Copied from an original at The History Center. www.TheHistoryCenterOnline.com 2013:023 Vacation PHOTO CONJ(SJ Gets Underway AMERI CANS have a lot of fun with Always use a camera fi eld case to can be a tree of a clump of flo wers or ft their cameras on the trips they protect your camera from bumps, hard better yet, a member of your family. take and the vacation spots they visit. knocks, dust and moisture. When you have people in your scenic Each year Americans take 600 mil­ Motorists should take care not to photographs you have a picture that lion vacation s nap shots and color stuff their camera in the glove com­ is a personal thing, not a duplication slides. And each picture means an en­ partment. Extreme heat can damage of a picture postcard you probably joyable and creative moment for the the emulsion on your film. Always could buy of the same scene. person who took it. keep your camera in a shaded space When you're taking close-ups of Travel snapshots are a permanent where you can get at it quickly for people, try and photograph the sub­ record of your trip, a picture record roadside shots. ject against the sky or a plain wall you can enjoy again and again. Your Some of the best snapshots you'll get so that interest will be concentrated in friends, and relatives too, will get a are at beaches where people are nat­ the person's features. A person photo­ lot of pleasure out of seeing your snap­ ural, relaxed and unaware of your graphed against a " busy" or cluttered shots and home movies when you re­ camera. background tends to fade into it. turn home. Beware of over-exposing yo ur film Snapshots of buildings you see on But we of THE ROUNDUP are inter­ in bright sunlight. Sunlight causes peo­ your trip can be improved if you use ested particularly in your vacation ple to squint at the camera ; so try to the diagonal line of a road or wall in snapshots-regardless of where you keep the sun away from eyes. A filter, your picture to lead the eye to the spend your vacation. THE ROUNDUP is when used with black-and-white film , center of interest. Snapshots of build­ again sponsoring the Vacation Photo will bring out clouds and sparkling ings are much more interesting using Contest, and you might as well be one water that otherwise would be lost to this t echniqu e than if you photo­ of the winners. Perhaps a few of the the picture because of the bright sun. graphed the building head on. following hints may help you. Fun of a beach party at night can be To capture the panorama of a large, To get the best travel photographs captured by using your flash equip­ bustling city, take your snapshots from possible, have your photographic sup­ ment. the top of some ta 11 building that over­ ply dealer check your camera before A collecti on of travel photographs looks th e scene. Tilting your camera you leave to make sure it is working wo uldn't be complete without scenic will give you odd and inte r es tin g properly; free from light leaks and pictures of mountains and waterfalls, angles of skyscrapers. free of dust. Be sure to order plenty trees and fl owers. Scenic photographs For more interesting snapshots of of film so you won't run out just when can be improved if you use a fore­ historical monuments or statues, take you run into some beautiful scene on ground object in the picture to frame a general view of the structure and your trip. a distant scene. The foreground object then take a close-up of the inscription fl CflMERA catches the relaxed mood that sun and FOR the rugged fla vor of the Southwest, shoot some surf bring to a typical beach on the Gulf of Mexico scenes in the incomparable Big Bend National Park 4 Lufkin Foundry R,OUN:DUP Copied from an original at The History Center. www.TheHistoryCenterOnline.com 2013:023 r the main figure of the monument. ture on a separate piece of paper, and Include members of your family look­ not on the back of the picture. ing at th e inscription or main fi gure. \'\"inners will be announced in the \~ " h e n yo ur trip is over, have your September issue of THE ROUNDUP .
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