In Tho Nows Stormy Weather P.rity cloudy t. ca.udy ..... windy ..... ,. with sclfte'" show.rs .nd thunMntem\1 In the ... I, THIS and 50uth todlY. ConAder.1e dovdlntll ead (lll wan colMr tonl.ht with ttwnct.ntOrml In the ...... MORNING Servmg the 'State University of lowa and the People ot lou;a City east and ,.In or mow In the northelst. Establiabed In 1888 United Preaa InterD3tlooalADd AsIociated Press LfIlsed Wires aDd Wlrepboto ON CAMPUS- , HAYON'S "!'[nfedelta Delusa" will be performed for the public at 8 ton ight by the SUI Opera Workshop in Macbl'ille Auditorium. This will be the second perform­ • ance o[ the two-act comic opera in America. No tickets are necessary. an en PROFESSOR Theodore Lidz, psy­ everses Ie chiatrist in chief of the Yale Uni­ versity Psychopathic Hospital, will speak on "The Family Language and Ego Functions" today at \.he Psychopathic Hospital. The lecture will be at 10 a.m., Regents Okay Feguer Remained Caim Red China High-Belt Radiation not at 4:10 p.m. as previously I'e­ ported. IN TH E STATE- 'Traveling In Last Hours of Life Asks Purge Fouls Experiments DES MOINES 1M - The State By Staff Writer Board of Regents decided to bor- Scholarl Plan FORT MADISON _ Victor Harry (Combined from Leased Wire.' row $5 million from First National Feguer, 27, a condemned kidnap- Of Soviets \\'r\ IIINGTO ' - Dr. J m . Van Allen, Iowa's pare City Bank of New York Cily Fri- Four Contracts slayer, was hanged by the neck scienti t, conceded Friday til artificial radiation belt created by day after no one appeared at a Iuntil dead 53 minutes before the Marxist Review ' h . t b' t I . t ummer' high - altitude .S. ntt I r Ie I i going to la. t pu bl IC earIng 0 0 lec . Awarded for Work offici~1 Iowa sunrise here Friday Issues Charge The money will be used to build On SUI Projects morning. longer and CDlIse more troubl than he had nticipated_ dormitories at State College of Feguer - sentenced to the gal- In Growing Rift Van All 'n, dJ CO" rer of th natural radJation belts which Iowa, Iowa State University and DES MOINES - The State Board lows for the July 11, 1960, kidnap- LONDON tUPlI - The bear his nome, thus reversed hill State University o[ Iowa. The loan of Regents approved Friday SUI's slaying of Dr. Edward Bartels, 34, bloc's World Marxist Rev,,," field tn hi running argument with will be repaid from dormitory reve- I participation in a "traveling sehol· of Dubuque - contended to the end nuc. ar" program in which graduate that he was innocent. charged Friday that Communist some ,overnmenl lentl tl aboiK China has d manded a purg ot The board agreed to repay the students In II Midweslern univer _ TWENTY-SEVE N witnesses as· the Soviet Communi t lead r hip, th eff ts of Ih blost high over loan witbin five yeul's at 20/4 per silies will be exchanged among the sembled to w!llch the condemned pr . umably Including Pre m i e r th I' Ifie. cent interesl. schools for short periods of time . mUll walk the 00 fe -t from his c('11 Khrushchcv. The unique exchange progrum to the gallows shortly bel ore 5:30 lie said I 0 news conlfrellCl! WATERLOO 1M - Pamela Wi­ was announced recently by the a.m. The aUlhoritatlve journal. pub· that, In contrast to his earlier e tJ­ cheals, 7, died Thursday whue Committee 011 Institutional Cooper- He FOllowed two priests Ihrough Il ~ hl'll in Pragul' but controlled by mal of about a yeor, hi' DOW taking exercises in a grade school 10scow .. aid in it~ current I ue alion, representing SUI and the to a drab shed where the galluws expect th niricl I hl'1I 10 I ~ gymn class. Universities of ChicaJlo, Illinois, are located. reaching here Friday that Chino 'fhe girl, daughter of Mr. and Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Using one hand to sleady hlm­ aecu cd the Kremlin 's lead r of for about 10 year and hopele ~y Mrs. Roberl Wicheals, stopped Indiana, Michigan State, North- self on a railing, Feguer climbed ilt!lraying world Communism - foul up for at I a t thaI lon, ex, breathing while doing a leg exer­ western, Ohio State and Purdue. I the 16 steps and stood rigidly while "r!'vi ionism," In th Communi t perim nt aimed at I arDing the \ocabulory. cise. Slie failed 10 respond to oxy­ The Hegpn ts authorized the as- hiE thick glasses were removed I' t of th V n All n bflls. gen administered by firemen. signment of SUI graduate students and his head was covered willl a It did not name China directly Dr. Fred Dick, pathologist, sa id foJ' work In member institutions, bLack shroud and the 1I00se wa s bul its Inf r~llce was unmlstokable. Friday an autopsy showed lhe girl thl' accP(ltance of p){chnnge by sur. placed over his head. Th charges aweared to wid n the rr('ated radlBllon I will coo 1- died when food regurgitated Into and the f:staillishmpnt of a new SUI His only outward sign of emotion Soviet-Chin sc split t a time wh n lute (I continuing menace 10 hel' throat. student c1asslficalion designated was a rapid chewing of gum. Peking is calling lor peace talks manned nights through the ar a "CIC Exchange SchoLar." U.S. MARSHAL C. fl. Meek of with Khru hchev_ or space it occupies. MAQUOKETA 1M - Donald Gal­ Under the tel' m s of the CIC Dubuque sprung the trap at 5:34. A loway, 24, of Maquoketa, was "Outright allocks were leveled Since eorly last September. the agreement, the exchange will be- clenched left hand was the only against the Communi t party of the free Friday after spending more gin next September. No more than movement he made when the rope DR. JAMES VAN ALLEN Ilovernm nt hos been cont~IDg than a month on parole from a Soviet Union," th journal oid in ]0 such students will be accepted snapped his me. a long manife. to outlining the poli­ that part of the man-made belt suspended six months jail sentence by anyone institution, and they Two prison doctors pronounl'pd might persi. t for m ny years nd for passing a for ged check, which cil.'~ of Khl'u ~ hchev and his satellite will enroll in a host school for not Feguer dead 9 mlnut('s uud 4:' allies. Indicated it might be a decade. he admitted doing but really didn't. more than one semcster. seconds later. At Fort Madison "Its lender were pccu d of re- Candidates The &overnm nt 's po Itlon was Galloway was arrested last The students wi LI pay tuition Ollly two members of the press, octuolly 0 rver aJ of one It h d month and accused of passing a and fees to the university in which one each from the two major wire The Rev. John B. Br.mn.r (I.ft)/ an SUI graduate ,tud.nt In Jour­ I'i ion ism and crl w re rai d (or their removal." t ken prior 10 th July U nuclear $15 check in Andover, with the they are regularly enrolled and services, were among those aUowed nalism, and the Rev. Bernlrd Brugman, Catholic Chaplain at the shot. In its September tatement forlled name of John Garien, of there will be no increase in tuition to witness the execution. State Penit.ntlary in Fort Madison, describe for n,wsmen Victor No Peking attack reaching the To Air Views th overnm nt, r presented by near Bellevue. Wl'sl has gone so far ru to demand or fees due to the exchange. Pur- At a conference following the Harry Feguer'. last evening. F'!luer was hanged at 5:30 a.m. FrI­ th Atomic En rgy Commission pose of the program is to avoid _h anging, the Rev. John B. Brem­ the dl mi 901 01 Khrushch v. But S Iud e n t body pre ident can­ Dnd th 0 r n Department. said CHEROKEE 1M - Two persons cosUy duplication of graduate pro- ner, an SUI graduate journalism day for the 1960 ,Ilylng of Dr.dwlrd Bartels of Dubuque. it was thought po ible the Chin e >lldates 11chal'I Carver snd Roger were killed and seven others were (Sea other photo on pag' 5.) - Photo by Joe Lippincott Ih rtlficiol belt cr ated by tllt gra ms in member schools as well student who assisted the regular hod made the d mand Without pub· Wll y wiu be Intervl wPd nt a press bl t over Johnston Island wa seriousty injured in a twooear as to give the students on oppor- prison priest, gave the following ac· 1i('i7lng It. conf rrnr fond y at 7:30 p.m. In Brugman join .. d the two ut 3 a m. At 5:10 • .m.: "Oun'l worry, J much sf rong r lilan had been an­ crash on -Highway 59 a half mile tunity to avail themselves of the count of Feguer's last evening : Unlver ity Club J100m 3 on thp At 4 a_m. the two priests gave WOl1't tuke long I'll bl' the most E:xpt'rt h re said there was no ticip t d lid might persisl fot Eooulh of Cherokee in aorthwest best guidance and facilities aCCord- "Ff;GUER was pleasant and re­ second floor of the Union.
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