US007806113B2 (12) Ulllted States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 7,806,113 B2 Skilling (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 5, 2010 (54) COMPRESSED GAS PROJECTILE 5,462,042 A 10/1995 Greenwell ACCELERATOR HAVING MULTIPLE 5,570,094 A 10/ 1996 Armstrong PROJECTILE VELOCITY SETTINGS 5,613,483 A 3/ 1997 Lukas 6t a1~ 5,727,538 A * 3/l998 Ellis .......................... .. l24/77 (75) Inventor: Jay Edward Skilling, 11554 Rousseau, 5’755’2l3 A 5/1998 Gardner’ Jr‘ et 31' S Ant . TX S 78251 5,878,736 A 3/1999 Lotuaco, III an OHIO’ (U ) 5,957,119 A 9/1999 Perry et a1. , , . 5,967,133 A l0/l999 Gardner, Jr. (73) Ass1gnee: Jay Edward Skilling, San Antomo, TX 6,003,504 A 0/1999 Rice et 31‘ (US) 6,035,843 A 3/2000 Smith et a1. 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