TWIN PEAKS #2.002 by Harley Peyton Scanned by runningdog. Original formatting duplicated as closely as possible. For clarification all duplicate pages removed. Revised lines are bold with new lines enclosed within [brackets]. Special note: this is a faithfull duplication that includes the original spelling, formatting and series related errors. REVISIONS: July 7, 1990 - BLUE July 11, 1990 - PINK July 13, 1990 - GREEN July 18, 1990 - YELLOW 1. #2.002 ACT ONE FADE IN: 1. INT. GREAT NORTHERN DINING ROOM - DAY Morning. CAMERA MOVES slowly through the dining room, a walking POV. AGENT COOPER and ALBERT ROSENFIELD sit at a table up ahead. ANOTHER ANGLE reveals this to be the POV of the ASIAN MAN. He continues, allows a waitress to seat him. CUT TO: 2. INT. GREAT NORTHERN CORRIDOR - NIGHT Cooper and Albert sit at the table arrayed with breakfast foods. Griddlecakes, orange juice, coffee. Cooper eats, expounds. Albert listens. COOPER Buddhist tradition reached the Land of Snow in the fifth century A.D. The first Tibetan king to be touched by the Dharma was Ha-tho-tho-ri gnyan-btsan. He, and all succeeding kings were known collectively as the Happy Generations. Some histories place the King in the water snake year of 213 A.D. Others in 173 A.D. A water-ox year. Amazing, isn't it? The Happy Generations. Cooper takes a sip of hot coffee, beams. Albert, deadpan, just stares for a very long beat. Then, finally: ALBERT Agent Cooper. I'm thrilled to pieces that the Dharma came to King Ho-Ho and the Land of Schmoes. I really am. But right now I'm trying hard to focus on the more immediate problems of our own century. Right here in Twin Peaks. COOPER (without malice) You'd be surprised by the connections between the two. ALBERT Color me amazed. COOPER (on to business) Ronette Pulaski has come out of her coma. ALBERT And? (CONTINUED) #2.002 2. 2. CONTINUED: COOPER I'm thinking Ronette has quite a story to tell, once she regains her ability to speak. ALBERT She's not talking. COOPER Wakened, but silent. Probably shock. Cooper pulls two police sketches out of his briefcase. Leo Johnson. And Bob, the long- haired man. COOPER (continued) I intend to show her these. (re appropriate sketch) Leo Johnson. And Bob - the man Sarah Palmer saw in her vision. The man who came to me in my dream. ALBERT (the usual sour sarcasm) Has anyone seen 'Bob' on Earth in the last few weeks? COOPER Not yet. Cooper takes a big bite of griddlecake. Albert produces a report, speaks while referring to it: ALBERT Fine. I performed the autopsy on Jacques Renault. Contents of the deceased's stomach revealed beer cans, a Maryland license plate, half a bicycle tire, a goat, and a small wooden puppet. Goes by the name of Pinocchio. COOPER (delighted) You're making a joke. ALBERT (deadpan) I like to think of myself as one of the Happy Generations. (back to report) The killer snuffed the fat with a pillow. He was Wearing gloves. Tape used to bind his wrists was stolen from hospital supply closet. That's all. If Jacques has any secrets he'll be taking them underground. (CONTINUED) #2.002 3. CONTINUED:(2) COOPER The mill? ALBERT Preliminaries suggest arson. I nominate Leo Johnson. COOPER We need a statement from Shelly Johnson. ALBERT Hospital says she's well enough. (beat) How do you feel? COOPER Me? ALBERT I believe it's customary to inquire after the health of one recently plugged with a thirty-eight. Three times. COOPER (almost touched) Thanks for asking. ALBERT Don't get sentimental. COOPER (back to business) Who shot me, Albert? ALBERT My men are interrogating hotel guests. The usual bumper crop of rural know-nothings and drunken fly fishermen. No leads so far. The world's most decrepit room service waiter remembers nothing out-of-the-ordinary about the night in question. No surprise there. Senor Drool Cup has, shall we say, a mind that wanders. He - The waitress interrupts, delivers a check. Cooper holds out a hand, signals he'll pay for it. As Cooper signs his name and room: (CONTINUED) #2.002 4. 2. CONTINUED:(3) COOPER I appreciate your coming, Albert. We need the very best. ALBERT (confessing) Dedication to duty isn't exactly what brought me here, Cooper. COOPER What is? ALBERT Windom Earle. Cooper reacts with surprise. Muted trepidation. COOPER Agent Earle. He retired. ALBERT To a comfortable chair complete with wrist restraints at the local laughing academy. COOPER What happened? ALBERT Nobody knows. Your former partner flew the coop, Coop. Into thin air. COOPER (quietly) That's not good ... HOLD ON Cooper for a beat. CUT TO: 3. INT. GREAT NORTHERN DINING ROOM - DAY Across the room, someone is watching. It is the Asian Man. He looks long at Agent Cooper. CUT TO: 4. EXT. HOSPITAL - DAY Establish. CUT TO: #2.002 5. 4. INT. RONETTE PULASKI'S HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY RONETTE PULASKI gazes at the ceiling with blank expression. ANOTHER ANGLE reveals Cooper and Truman at her bedside. A NURSE in the background. Cooper peers at the girl, then: COOPER Ronette? The eyes move, nothing else, to acknowledge them. Cooper produces the two police sketches, prepatory to showing them to her. COOPER Ronette, I'm going to show you some pictures. I want you to tell me if you have seen these men before. I want to know if they are the men that hurt you. His words spark a memory, the memory brings pain. All in her dark eyes. Cooper holds the sketch of Leo Johnson toward her. COOPER Do you recognize this man? A long beat. Then a surprise. Ronette's arm lifts into the air, as if separate from the rest of her body. Cooper and Truman react. Ronette gingerly takes the sketch from Cooper, brings it closer to her eyes. As if to better view it. Cooper wonders: COOPER (gently) Can you see, Ronette? Ronnette nods, almost imperceptibly. She stares at the sketch for a long, long beat. TRUMAN Do you know him? A long beat. Ronette proceeds slowly, as though underwater. Finally she nods. Yes. COOPER Is this the man that hurt you? Another beat. Then, finally ... she shakes her head. No. (CONTINUED) #2.002 6. CONTINUED: TRUMAN (confirming) No. Cooper takes the sketch from Ronette, holds out the second picture. The long-haired man named Bob. Again, Ronette reaches for it, brings the sketch toward her face. Near-sighted, this is the only way she can clearly see it. SUDDENLY Ronette's entire body seems to seize, her eyes dart about wildly. COOPER Ronette. Ronette drops the sketch, her hand now knifes through the air, jagged motions, up and down, to the side, and up and down. The nurse hurries forward to aid or restrain. But Cooper intervenes. COOPER (to Nurse) Wait. (to Truman) She's trying to spell something. Paper. Truman produces paper and pen, hands them to the girl. Ronette clutches the pen, begins to scrawl. COOPER Ronette. Is this the man that hurt you? Ronette nods furiously as she writes, tears stream down her checks. She finishes, holds the paper toward them. Cooper takes it. They read. ANGLE ON PAPER Ronette's fearful scrawl. TRAIN. LAURA. TRAIN. BACK TO SCENE TRUMAN The train car. But Cooper's not listening. He's staring at the sketch of Bob. The hard features. The long flowing hair. Meanwhile, Ronnette begins to moan. Softly at first. Then building to a terrified scream. HOLD ON this tableau. Ronette upon the hospital bed. Cooper, Truman, and the nurse hovering about her. CUT TO: #2.002 7. 6: EXT. ONE-EYED JACK'S - DAY Establish. CUT TO: 7: INT. ONE-EYED JACK'S - DAY The Get Acquainted Room. Early morning ease pervades. Girls lounge in robes, smoke cigarettes. Two blondes play checkers in a corner. A third girl, NANCY, the Pickup seen previously in Audrey's room, [sits and reads the morning paper.] AUDREY HORNE passes through the morning, looking for clues. She sits next to Nancy. AUDREY Morning. NANCY You say that as if it's news. Audrey lights up, ignores the rebuff, gestures toward the newspaper. AUDREY Well, what is news? NANCY Cookout at the Packard Mill. Audrey peers at the banner headline: MILL BURNS. She reacts with unbridled delight. AUDREY Wow. NANCY Arson maybe. AUDREY (knowing) I'll bet. Nancy, do me a favor? (off girl's look) I'm lookin' for somebody. Audrey produces a photograph torn from a high school yearbook. Ronette Pulaski. AUDREY We worked Spokane together. Shriners and stuff. NANCY Ronette. (CONTINUED) #2.002 8. 7. CONTINUED: AUDREY (alert) You know her? NANCY Sorta. Just a summer girl. She didn't stay long. AUDREY (digging deeper) Ronette had a friend. Laura. Ever see them together? Suddenly: a male voice. It's EMORY BATTIS. Battis enters the Get-Acquainted Room, pauses to greet familiar faces. Audrey tamps out her cigarette, looks for exit. AUDREY Got to go. Maybe we can talk sometime. With that, Audrey, rises, steps away. Nancy looks up from her paper, watches her leave. There's a cold look in her eyes. READING GIRL Anything you say, 'Miss Horne.' Busted. Nancy turns her gaze toward Battis by the door. CUT TO: 8. EXT. APARTMENT HOUSE - DAY DONNA HAYWARD stands at the door, carrying a covered meal tray. She checks a piece of paper, doublechecks the address. And knocks. DONNA Hello? Mrs. Tremond? Meals On Wheels. A long beat. Donna's about to step away.
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