Christopher Heath Narrative Structures in the Works of Paul the Deacon A thesis submitted to the University of Manchester for the degree of PhD in the Faculty of Humanities Year of Submission 2012 School of Arts, Languages & Cultures. 2 Narrative Structures in the Works of Paul the Deacon Contents i) Contents p.2 ii) List of Abbreviations p.4 iii) List of Figures, Tables & Maps p.6 iv) Abstract p.8 v) Declaration & Copyright statement p.9 vi) Acknowledgements p.10 1. Introduction: The Long Shadow of Paul the Deacon p.12 2. ‘Vir Valde Peritus’: Paul the Deacon and his Contexts 2.1 ‘La Caduta’ p.16 2.2 The Life of Paul the Deacon p.21 2.3 The Space of Communication in the Works of Paul the Deacon p.31 3. The Early Narratives 3.1 ‘Ita Romanorum apud Romam imperium…cum hoc Augustulo periit’: Historia Romana p.36 3.2 ‘Beatissimus Pontifex’: Vita Sancti Gregorii Magni p.58 3.3 ‘Sancte et Venerabilis Mettensium Urbis’: Gesta Episcoporum Mettensium p.69 4. The Historia Langobardorum: The Structure of Paul’s World 4.1 Introduction p.83 4.2 The Transmission and Textual Histories of the Historia Langobardorum p.85 4.3 The Structure of the Historia Langobardorum p.91 4.4 Paul’s Use of Sources p.102 3 Narrative Structures in the Works of Paul the Deacon 5. The Historia Langobardorum: The Six Books in Detail 5.1 Book I – ‘The Men of Old Tell a Silly Story’: Legends and Amazons p.107 5.2 Book II – ‘The World Brought back to its Ancient Silence’: Narses and Alboin’ p.132 5.3 Book III – ‘Authari is wont to strike such a Blow’: Popes, Emperors, Dukes and Kings p.150 5.4 Book IV – ‘Miserorum Rusticorum Sanguis’ Agilulf and Theodolinda p.170 5.5 Book V – ‘Rebellio et Iniquitatis’ ‘Old’ and ‘New’ Lombard Kingship p.190 5.6 Book VI – Nutritor Gentis: The Ascendancy of Liutprand and Lombard Kingship p.212 6. Conclusion p.240 7. Appendices p.245 7.1 Use of Sources in Books I and II of the Historia Langobardorum. 7.2 List of Rulers. 7.3 Maps. 7.4 Genealogical Tables. 7.5 Manuscript chapter divisions of the Historia Langobardorum 8. Bibliography 8.1 Primary Sources p.263 8.2 Secondary Sources p.270 This thesis is 79,502 words long, excluding the bibliography. 4 Narrative Structures in the Works of Paul the Deacon List of Abbreviations Capo L. Capo (ed.), Paolo Diacono: Storia dei Longobardi (Vicenza, 1992). Carucci A. Carucci (ed.), Erchemperto: Storia dei Longobardi (sec.IX) (Salerno, 2003). Chiesa P. Chiesa (ed.), Paolo Diacono: Uno scrittore fra tradizione longobarda e rinnovamento carolingio (Udine, 2000). CISAM Centro italiano di studi sull’alto medioevo. Colgrave B. Colgrave (ed. and trans.), The Earliest Life of Gregory the Great by an Anonymous Monk of Whitby (Cambridge, 1986). Crivellucci A. Crivellucci (ed.), Pauli Diaconi: Historia Romana (Fonti per la Storia d’Italia) (Roma, 1914). DBI Dizionario biografico degli Italiani EHR English Historical Review. EME Early Medieval Europe. Foulke Paul the Deacon: History of the Lombards, W.D. Foulke (trans.) (Philadelphia, 1974). Gauthier N. Gauthier, L’évangélisation des pays de la Moselle (Paris, 1980). GEM Gesta Episcoporum Mettensium. HE J.F. King (ed. and trans), Bede: Historical Works: Volume I (London, 1930). HL Historia Langobardorum. HR Historia Romana. 5 Narrative Structures in the Works of Paul the Deacon MGH AA H. Droysen (ed.), Monumenta Germaniae Historica: Auctorum Antiquissimorum Tomus II: Eutropi Breviarum ab Urbe Condita (Berlin, 1879). MGH SrL G. Waitz (ed.), Monumenta Germaniae Historica: Scriptores rerum Langobardicarum et Italicarum, saec. VI-IX (Hannover, 1878). MGH SrM B. Krusch (ed.), Monumenta Germaniae Historica: Scriptores rerum Merovingicarum (Berlin, 1888) MGH SsRG F. Kurze (ed.), Monumenta Germaniae Historica: Scriptores rerum Germanicarum in Usum Scholarum (Hannover, 1895). Narrators W. Goffart, The Narrators of Barbarian History (550-800): Jordanes, Gregory of Tours, Bede and Paul the Deacon (Princeton, 1988). NCMH New Cambridge Medieval History. PLRE J.R. Martindale, Prosopography of the Late Roman Empire: Vol.III 527-641 (Cambridge, 1992). TRHS Transactions of the Royal Historical Society VSGM Vita Sancti Gregorii Magni. 6 Narrative Structures in the Works of Paul the Deacon List of Figures, Tables and Diagrams Figures Front cover: detail of Paul the Deacon from a Manuscript in the Biblioteca Laurenziana (source: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:Paulus_diaconus.jpg) (accessed 22.ii.2010). p.1 Introduction: Il Tempietto di Cividale di Friuli - author’s photograph. p.11 Vir Valde peritus: Paul the Deacon. (Source: www.ucl.ac.uk/history2/research/festus/index.htm) (accessed 22.ii.2010). p.15 Early Narratives cover: Incipit of Vita Sancti Gregorii Magni p.35 The Historia Langobardorum: the Structure of Paul’s World cover: Incipit of Book I of the Historia Langobardorum (Source: http://www.bl.uk/catalogues/illuminatedmanuscripts/ILLUMIN.ASP?Size=midandIllID =39403) (accessed 13.ii.2011) p.81 The Historia Langobadorum: The Six Books in Detail cover http://www.storiologia.it/universale/cap058a.htm (accessed 28 vii 2012) modelled on Albert Kretshmer’s Costume of all Nations (1882) p.105 Conclusion: Alboin and Athanaric from the title page of De Gestis Iordanes De rebus Gothorum; Paulus Diaconus Foroiuliensis, De Gestis Langobardis, Konrad Peutinger, Augsburg, 1515. p.238 Tables i. The Divisions of Eutropius’ Breviarium p.43 ii. Paul’s interventions into the Breviarium p.44 iii. Paul’s shorter interpolations into the Breviarium p.45 iv. Paul’s usage of sources in the Eutropian core p.45 v. The Range of Paul’s sources in the Interpolated Eutropian Core p.46 vi. The Structure of Paul’s Continuation p.50 vii. The Use of Sources in the Continuation pp.51-2 viii. The Structure of Book xi pp.53-4 ix. Judaeo-Christian notices in the Continuation p.55 x. Structure of the Vita Sancti Gregorii Magni pp.61-2 xi. Tripartite Structure of the Vita p.63 xii. Gregory the Great in the Historia Langobardorum p.64 xiii. Gregory the Great in Bede’s Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum pp.67-8 7 Narrative Structures in the Works of Paul the Deacon xiv. The Structure of the Gesta Episcoporum Mettensium pp.71-2 xv. Themes of the Gesta p.73 xvi. Goffart’s Literary Prototypes pp.73-4 xvii. Konrad Peutinger’s chapterisation of Historia Langobardorum pp.91-2 xviii. Structure of the Historia Langobardorum p.92 xix. Density of Chapter-lengths in the Historia Langobardorum p.93 xx. Chronological Parameters of the Historia Langobardorum p.94 xxi. Prime subject matters and lines in the MGH edition pp.95-7 xxii. Distribution of Subject/Geographical Focus in the Historia Langobardorum p.98 xxiii. Paul’s Sources in the Historia Langobardorum pp.102-3 xxiv. Thematic Structure of Book I p.108 xxv. Goffart’s Structural Presentation of Book I p.108 xxvi. Migrations and Paul’s Relative Chronology p.111 xxvii. Paul’s citations in Book I p.112 xxviii. Structural Organisation of Book III pp.153-4 xxix. Paul’s use of Gregory of Tours in Book III p.159 xxx. Paul’s Use of Secundus of Non in Book III pp.165 xxxi. Lombard rulers in book IV pp.172-3 xxxii. Goffart’s structural organisation of Book IV p.174 xxxiii. Subject Treatment in chapters 1-15 of Book IV. p.175 xxxiv. Book IV Structure p.178 xxxv. Source Use in Book IV p.179 xxxvi. Lombard rulers in Book V p.191 xxxvii. Structural arrangement of book V p.192 xxxviii. Goffart’s organisation of Book V’s structure p.193 xxxix. Sources used in Book V p.202 xl. Structural Organisation of Book VI p.219 xli. Source Use in Book VI pp.229-30 Diagrams i. Arnulf’s Genealogy according to the Gesta of Paul the Deacon p.77-8 ii. Stemma Codicum of the Historia Langobardorum (simplified) p.85 iii. Modified Stemma Codicum pace Morghen p.86 8 Narrative Structures in the Works of Paul the Deacon Abstract Paul the Deacon wrote at a time when the Regnum Langobardorum was on the cusp of downfall and attachment to the Carolingian empire. Paul’s narratives (the Historia Langobardorum in particular) have become vital sources for Italian medieval history and a window on the world of the eighth century in the West. Recent approaches to Paul have projected modern perceptions onto his works in the quest to identify his politico-ethnic viewpoint. Consequently his personal ‘voice’ has been lost in modern treatments. The narrative structure of his work, and analysis of the kind of dramatic events that interested him, are areas that have hitherto been largely ignored by scholars. This thesis seeks to provide the context for both Paul’s Life and Works and to present an analysis of what it was that Paul actually said rather than trying to conjure an analysis from what he did not say. It will demonstrate that there is not only a ‘multi-vocality’ within the works of Paul, but links, connections, even contradictions that in themselves serve to present and show Paul’s singularity as both a writer and an individual in challenging times for both him personally and for Italy generally. Yet analysing Paul by using Paul alone is a teleological cul-de-sac and thus this thesis will seek to compare his narrative approach with that of other early medieval authors. 9 Narrative Structures in the Works of Paul the Deacon Declaration No portion of this work referred to in the thesis has been submitted in support of an application for another degree or qualification of this or any other university or other institute of learning.
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