r TM 11-688 TECHNICAL MANUAL 1 DEP ARTMENT OF THE ARMY No. 11-688 ) WASHINGTON25, D. C., 24 June 1955 DIRECTION FINDER SET AN/TRD-4A Paragraphs Page CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTIOK Section I. General____________________________________________ 1,2 3 II. I;escription and data_h__nh hhUUn_hh__ 3-30 3 CHAPTER 2. INSTALLATION Section I. f1ervice upon receipt of Direction Finder Set AN /TRD-4A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 31-43 36 II. Initial adjustment of equipment Uh__U n_h 44-51 52 CHAPTER 3. OPERATION Section I. Controls and instruments nh_uun_n_h_______ 52-60 57 II. Operationunderusualconditions_huu_u_u___u__u 61-82 66 III. Operation under unusual conditions_ ___________________ 83-86 80 CHAPTER 4. ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE Section I. Organizational tools and equipmenL _ h n _ _ n u u U U__ 87,88 81 II. Preventive maintenance_ __U_ _n_ n __________ ________ 89-92 81 III. Lubrication and weatherproofing_ ___ __ ___________ _____ 93-95 85 IV. Troubleshooting at organizationalleveLnu_n_nn__n 96-103 86 CHAPTER 5. THEORY Section I. Fundamental principlesn _ u _ _ _ _ h _ __ _ u _ u u _ n _ _ _ n 104-110 96 II. Block diagrams_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 111-114 100 III. Theory of antenna systemsnhh__n__nun__nnn_ 115-124 106 IV. Theory of Goniometer Drive MX-1170/GRDuu_un__ 125-127 116 V. Theory of Electrical Goniometers GO-5/GRD and GO-6/GRDu__m_u nnu_ 128-132 117 VI. Theory of Radio Receiver R-390 /URR_ u ___n _n __n _ 133, 134 120 VII. Theory of Azimuth Indicator IP-137/GRD__u_u__n__ 135-148 123 VIII. Theory of Radio Frequency Amplifier AM-496/TRD-4_ _ 149-156 143 IX. Theory of power and control circuitsn _ h _ u u _ _ _ u u __ 157-162 147 X. Theory of Radio Transmitter T-279/UR_uh__n_nn_ 163-167 150 CHAPTER 6. FIELD MAINTENANCE Section I. Troubleshooting at field maintenance leveL u _ n n _ n _ n 168, 169 156 II. Troubleshooting in Goniometer Drive MX-1170/GRD and Electrical Goniometers GO-5/GRD and GO-6/GRD 170-176 157 III. Troubleshooting in Azimuth Indicator IP-137/GRD_u__ 177-182 159 IV. Troubleshooting in Radio Receiver R-390/URR_ _______ 183, 184 168 :::=ection V. Troubleshooting in Radio Frequency Amplifier AM-496/TRD-4_ ___u __ __ _n _ nn _n_ _ _ _ h _ U h _ _ 185-190 169 VI. Troubleshooting in Junction Box J-95B/CRD-2 and Switch Box SA-345/U h __h _ h ____ _____u ___ __u u 191-194 171 VII. Troubleshooting in Radio Transmitter T -279 fUR h u ___ 195-19D 173 VIII. Repairs_ n n _____ ___u _ __n n n n_ _______ u _____ __ _ 200-213 176 IX. Alinement procedures_ ____U U U __ _____________n ____ 214-222 184 X. Final testingh__uu__nnnn_uhhu u 223-232 191 CHAPTER 7. SHIPMENT AND LIMITED STORAGE AND DEMOLITION TO PREVENT ENEMY USE Section I. Shipment and limited storageu h _____n _________u ___ 233-236 197 II. Demolition of materiel to prevent enemy use_ n n _n _u _ 237,238 198 J INDEx 208 1 t I CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Section I. GENERAL 1. Scope b. DA Form 468, Unsatisfactory Equipment a. This manual contains instructions for the Report, will be filled out and forwarded to the Office of the Chief Signal Officer, as prescribed installation, operation, maintenance, and repair in SR 700-45-5. of Direction Finder Set AN /TRD-4A. A typi- c. DD Form 535, Unsatisfactory Report, will calinstallation using Direction Finder Set AN / be filled out and forwarded to Commanding TRD-4A is shown in figure 1. General, Air Materiel Command, Wright-Pat- b. Forward comments on this publication to terson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio as pre- CommandingOfficer, The Signal Corps Publi- scribed in SR 700-45-5 and AF TO 00-35D-54. cationsAgency, Fort Monmouth, N. J., Attn: d. DA Form 11-238, Operator First Echelon StandardsDivision. Maintenance Check List for Sig~al Corps 2. Formsand Records Equipment (Radio Communication, Direction Finding, Carrier, Radar) will be prepared in The following forms will be used for re- accordance with instructions on the back of the \)orting unsatisfacbry conditions of Army form (fig. 51). equipmentand in performing preventive main- e. DA Form 11-239, Second and Third Eche- tenance: Ion Maintenance Check List for Signal Corps a. DD Form 6, Report of Damaged or Im- Equipment (Radio Communication, Direction proper Shipment, will be filled out and for- Finding, Carrier, Radar) will be prepared in wardedas prescribed in SR 745-45-5 (Army) ; accordance with instructions on the back of NavyShipping Guide, Article 1850-4 (Navy);, the form (fig. 52). andAFR 71-4 (Air Force). ... f. Use other forms and records as authorized. Section II. DESCRIPTIONAND DATA 3. Purpose and Use tools, test instruments, and field spares are a. Direction Finder Set AN /TRD-4A is a packed in bins and chests within the shelter. completetransportable radio direction finding In addition, bins, brackets, straps, and racks stationthat covers the frequency range of .54 are provided for transit stowing within the to 30megacycles(mc), with separate facilities shelter of all components of Direction Finder for direction finding, intercept reception, com- Set AN /TRD-4A except the power units. municationreception, field telephone communi- b. Flexibility to meet widely varying field cation, and frequency measurement. These conditions is pr:Jvided by three direction find- facilities are housed in Shelter S-44A/G and ing antenna systems and two basic bearing arearrangedaround three individual operating indication methods. positions,one each for a direction finder, inter- c. The direction finding antenna systems are cept, and communication operator. Special a fixed-position, four-element Adcock antenna 3 ) 1. SC4 a. Tl installa of Dim cal instl TRD-4, b. Fo Comma] cations Standar 2. For The 1 porting equipme tenance : l a. DD proper 1 warded ~ Navy Sh and AFI 3. PurF a. Din complete station tl to 30 me!J for direct municati(] TM688-S2' cation, a facilities Figure 1. Direction Finder Set AN/TRD-4A. are arran: positions, cept, and 2 with a wire-mesh counterpoise, a fixed-position, tion Finder Set AN/TRD-4A is passed through crossed-loop antenna, and a manually rotatable an autotransformer located in Junction Box single-loop antenna with a high-sensitivity pre- J-95B/CRD-2. Provisions for metering line amplifier. frequency and voltage and for adjusting the d. The Adcock antenna is intended for fixed line voltage to the optimum operating level of station or semifixed station direction finding on 115 volts are contained in the junction box. FIX AREI either ground waves or sky waves from nearby j. Two Gasoline Engine Generator Sets PU- SIGNAL SO or distant transmitters. Both of the loop an- 236/G, which consist of a Power Unit PU-58/G NO.1 tenna systems are usable for either mobile, in Trailer M-105, are supplied with each Direc- fixed station, or semifixed station direction find- tion Finder Set AN/TRD-4A. A power unit ing, but only on ground waves received from selector switch (in Switch Box SA-345/U) is relatively nearby transmitters. supplied. This switch has three positions, two e. The rotatable single loop and preamplifier for the power units supplied with the set and combination is intended for weak-signal ground- one for a third power unit or an outside power 1 ..~ wave applications that require high receiving line. sensitivity. RANGEOF f. The types of indication are automatic 4. Systems application BEARING UNCERT visual (using a cathode-ray tube (crt) indica- a. One direction finder set can determine OIRECTION tor) and aural-null. The visual indicator is only the bearing of a distant transmitter. Two FINDING always used with a motor-driven goniometer. or more direction finder sets must be used to Either a manually operated goniometer or the find the position or fix of a transmitter by tri- rotatable single loop is used for aural-null angulation (par. 6). Single direction finder indication. sets are sometimes used for homing of aircraft, g. Automatic visual indication has the gen- but are commonly, direction finder sets, such as DIRECTION FINDER eral advantages of high-operating speed and Direction Finder Sets AN/TRD-4A, are oper- AN/TRD-4A convenience, accuracy on swinging bearings, ated in groups or nets, and bearings from the positive sensing under all conditions and is, in individual direction finder sets are plotted on addition, more suitable for use by unskilled maps to establish the fix of a transmitter. operators. Direction finder nets usually use a minimum h. Aural-null indication is provided prima- of three sets. Figure 2 illustrates the use of Figl rily because of its advantages under conditions three direction finder sets to determine the fix of noisy reception and cochannel interference area of one transmitter and for intercept moni- 5. Basic P from other stations and also for standby use toring of a second transmitter. A line per] if the visual indicator should breakdown. The b. If direction finding could be accomplished front alway! sharpest receiver selectivity may be used with without errors, a fix would always be a definite tenna. A di aural-null indication to minimize noise and point.
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