EAST APATHY? An investigation of the sorority question should be conducted, or is it a Qtfje Bufce Cfjromcle dead issue? See page i. Vol. 47—No. 18 Duke University, Durham, N. C. Friday, February 15, 1952 Religious Emphasis Week Commences Freshmen Return Bids Ending Spring Rushing Sunday Under Drs. Noble and Roberts 538 bids went out to expectant freshmen last night as Duke's 20 fraternities leaned back for a long and anxious wait until the invitations are returned tomorrow. Program To Include Rejected bids will be returned to Fred Brooks in O-101-R by 3 p.m. Accepted bids will be returned to the jubilant brotherhoods Variety of Topics at their sections at 5 p.m. ' Dick Reilly, Inter - fraternity Dr. Charles C. Noble and Dr. Council treasurer, reports that David Roberts, nationally prom­ 173 out of the eligible 256 fresh­ University Reports inent religious leaders, will en­ men have paid the two dollar deavor to answer some of the assessment and will be able to Fall Grade Average, most vital questions confront­ enter the fraternity system. He ing students today, "What Are added that present plans sched­ You Searching For? Does Chris­ ule the money to be used toward Fraternity's Ranks tianity Have the Answer?" in Greek Week with a deduction sermons, forums and discussions being made from the usual fra­ Grade reports recently made during the campus-wide Reli ternity charge proportional to public by the administration gious Emphasis Week which be­ the number of pledges. reveal that the fraternity quality gins Sunday. Partly Defrayed point average of 1.351 for the Starting off the week's pro­ An estimated $250 will also be fall semester still remained grams will be a sermon in the spent on a fraternity handbook higher than the all-men's aver­ Chapel Sunday by Dr. Noble. and $150 on a freshman picture- age of 1.174. President Hollis Edens will pre­ The fraternity average, which side at the service. dropped .03 quality points from Dr. Noble is now dean of the BULLETIN! The Interfraternity Council last semester, also exceeded the chapel at Syracuse where he is non-fraternity men's average of in charge of co-ordinating all last night fined the guilt- 1.073. religious activities on the cam­ pleading Delta Tau Delta fra­ pus. In his ministry, Dr. Noble ternity $75 for a major rush­ Phi Kappa Psi jumped from emphasizes counseling and youth ing violation. (See Page 7.) third place to take the top spot among fraternities with a 1.664 work. average, while last semester's Religious Books book, the cost of which, Reillj first, Chi Phi, dropped to 17th Dr. Roberts is a professor of reports, will be partly defrayed place. Pi Kappa Phi placed se­ philosophy and religion at Un­ by this contribution. cond with 1.492, and was fol­ ion Seminary and the author of A precedent - setting ruling lowed by Zeta Beta Tau in third several religious books. passed by the IFC Tuesday nighl place with 1.483. An innovation of Religious allowed non C-average freshmer Eighteen fraternities placed Emphasis Week this year is the to attend the final openhouse "Skeptic's Hour" which will Be above the all-men's average and last night. The motion, proposer all of them were above the non- held at 8 p.m. Sunday in the by SAE president Ed Korvel, Woman's College Auditorium. fraternity average. >assed easily by an 18-2 margin. The greatest advancement was During "Skeptic's Hour" stu­ No Segregation dents will have a chance to ask shown by Sigma N u which Korvel defended it on the jumped 11 places, and the big­ probing questions concerning rounds that it kept people from religion. Dr. James T. Cleland gest decrease by Chi Phi which getting excluded. He cited the dropped 16 places. Lambda Chi will moderate this discussion example of one of his brothers and Dr. Noble and Dr. Roberts Alpha moved up eight places will be present to answer stu­ who had a non C-average rela and Pi Kappa Phi, Kappa Alpha dent's questions. tive freshman who would feel and Beta Theta Pi all advanced left out. five spots. Popular Feature Phil Fullerton, Phi Kappa Psi, The fraternities rank in the In past years forums during denounced the move as adding following order: Religious Emphasis week have to the confusion and as being of Phi Kappa Psi, 1.664; Pi Kap­ always proved to be one of tbe little purpose. pa Phi, 1.492, Zeta Beta Tau, most popular features, Richard 1.483; Phi Kappa Sigma, 1.475; Hanner, publicity chairman, Theta Chi, 1.472; Sigma Nu, stated. MSGA Recommends1.467 . All forum discussions will Lambda Chi Alpha, 1.433; Pi take place in the West Union Independents Lodge Kappa Alpha, 1.419; Tau Ep­ Ballroom. "Christianity and silon, 1.357; Sigma Chi, 1.356; Competing Philosophies" will be In Few Quadrangles Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1.338; Al­ discussed Tuesday at 3:30 p.m., pha Tau Omega, 1.315. "Religion's Place in Education" Following their decision Wed­ CHHOMCLE Photo by Andy Pickens nesday night that independents Kappa Alpha, 1.291; Beta on Wednesday at 3:30 p.m., and, Theta Pi, 1.288; Delta Tau Del­ also on Wednesday, "Christian­ Fraternal time hit West last night as 20 fraternities exhibited should inhabit Few Quadrangle ta, 1.209; Sigma Phi Epsilon, ity in Politics" at 8:30 p.m. white bucks and "repp" ties for the critical eyes of some 250 after the evacuation of graduate 1.198; Chi Phi, 1.184; Delta Sig­ Dr. Harold Parker. Dr. Theo­ prospective brothers while Sunday afternoon girls did their best students to their new dormitory ma Phi, 1.179; Kappa Sigma, dore Ropp and Dr. Waldo Beech to show what social affairs are to be had as a Greek. next fall, Men's Student Govern­ 1.141; Phi Delta Theta, 1.136. respectively will serve as mod­ ment Association will now sub­ erators of these forums. mit the resolution to the ad­ Other Program ministration for consideration Other programs planned dur­ Germino Seeks Presidential Nomination; i and final action. Forum Will Consider ing the week are personal coun­ It was the majority of opin­ seling for students and a dinner Hanner Out, Lang In as Party Chairman ion in the legislature that the in Southgate dining hall Tues­ independents are more deserv­ Student Government ing of the social rooms and quiet day at 6:30 p.m. at which Dr. Dante Germino, a rising sen­ stake in the spring elections. He "Student Government on the Roberts will speak. Tickets to ior, Tuesday night announced to said he made his announcement location offered by the dorm: tories in Few quadrangle. The Spot" will be the topic of a panel this dinner will cost 65c. a meeting of the Campus Party because he wanted party mem­ discussion involving both stu­ Directing activities of the his candidacy for the party' bers to know where he stands. original idea of the administra­ tion was to have freshmen dents and administration on the week will be Molly Bixby and nomination for president of He urged the party to keep in subject of the effectuality of the Lee Noel, co-chairmen of all SGA. mind the interest of the student occupy the dorms, but, as was body as a whole over any one pointed out by several of the student government organiza­ Religious Emphasis Week acti­ Long an independent repre­ tions on campus and how they vities. group but refused to make any legislators, the "dink" men can sentative to SGA, Germino lost campaign promises. become destructive. can be improved. The forum his seat in the legislature As stated Dante Germino (C- will take place at 8 p.m. Tues­ pledging a fraternity, but he At the same meeting Richard I), "Although it is improbable day, Feb. 26, in Page Auditori­ Duke Will Manage has continued to be chairman of Hanner, party chairman since that there could ever be a fool­ um under the sponsorship of the projects committee. January, announced he had been proof decision, this resolution is the combined YWCA and asked by Al Raywid to resign YMCA. Finals for Regionals Germino is the first announc­ the closest possible solution." his post. Hanner succeeded Another issue of importance The panel, which will be mod­ Duke finals of the Angier ed candidate for any office at Knox Price who was graduated erated by Henry Clark and Bar­ Duke Regional Prizes for aspir­ was the election of Nolan Rogers at the end of last semester. to one of two seats on the Judi­ bara Murray, will present the ant high school seniors in North Frank Lang was elected to re­ views of University President Carolina and the new regional cial Board left by the resigna­ Inside the Chronicle place Hanner. Behind-the-scene tion of George Grune and grad­ A. Hollis Edens, Dean R. Flor­ scholarships for students in activity was indicated in the ence Brinkley of the Woman's Washington, D. C, Virginia and uation of Carl James. But a Glee Club: Hanner-to-Lang shift but no one deadlock between Bob Jordan College, Dean Herbert J. Herr­ Montgomery and Prince George Home concert begins 25th would make the charge for pub­ ing of Trinity College, MSGA counties in Maryland will occur and Henry Poss postponed the season of Bishop Barnes lication. election of the other replace­ President AI Raywid and WSGA here on March 14-15. P. 2 President Thelma Stevens on Possible other aspirants to ment.
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