S13 PI ******** **CAR-RT LOT**C015 # 3 WESTFIELD MEMORIAL LIBRARY 550 E BROAD ST WESTFIELD NJ 07090-2116 I!..... 111n111Mil1111„ ili 111 lln1111il 3ti fJopiilos. ilon asitus. (PrrUtmmus Published K.serx IhurMlas Since 1890 (908) 232-4407 I SI'S 6X0020 Thursday November 13. 2003 FIFTY CENTS OI K 114th YEAR - ISSUE NO. 10-114 Periodical - Postage Paid at Westfield. N.J. www.goleader.com p ress («' golea der.com BOE Reviews WF Council Remains k \ , Fourth Grade Unsure On Proposed ASK Scores tty E t m iO M A Turf Field Location The Westfield Board of Education discussed the results of the New Jersey Assessment of Skills and Know ledge Bv L A I K IN S. PASS 4 tie in a straw vote over the proposed Spr,ialh Wat,rn lor I hr Westfield leader location of such a field at the Conser­ (NJASK) test at its Tuesday meeting. The test, which was administered Although the Westfield Town vation Center at its regular meeting to third and fourth graders all across Council had agreed that the town on November 5. New Jersey in the spring of this year, needs an artificial turl field, the gov­ Councilman Matthew Albano was measures students’ proficiency in erning body once again came to a 4- absent from the meeting. Mathematics and Ihe 1 .unguage Arts. The Recreation Commission re­ The fourth graders demonstrated quested that the council transfer strong scores in all areas of the test, $27,000 from the capital budget, MS Names with 96.3 percent and 94.8 percent which was earmarked for a study ol uchies ing scores thal met orcxceeded renovations to Memorial Park, in proficiency benchmarks in Language order to complete the studies at the Street After Arts and Mathematics respectively. Conservation Center. No districts have vet received the In order to re-appropriate the results for the tests administered to money, the council would have to Vietnam MIA third graders. repeal the original ordinance and The percentage of students reach­ By KIMBF.RLY A. BROADWKL1 pass a new one. In this process, the ing the "advanced proficient" bench­ Specialh Written ft r The Westfield trader money would not be available for mark on the Language Arts portion A resolution regarding the naming use until ihe end ol the year. of the test dropped significantly from of James T. Egan Court was read on The council discussed including last year's scores. Students at Monday evening as Mountainside money in next year's capital budget lor Franklin Elementary School Council members met for their the studies, but some council members ---------------------- Benjamin B Corbin for The Wentfield Lender dropped 15.5 percent, from 34.1 monthly agenda setting meeting. felt that doing so would set the project AT ATTENTION...Members of the American Legion stand at attention to pay their respects to fallen war heroes on percent to 18.6 percent, while stu The resolution states that the right back too far, as the money would then Veterans Day at the World W ar I monument on North Avenue. dents at Washington Elementary of way, which is part of a current not be available until the spring when School dropped 2.4 percent, from subdivision on New Providence the capital budget is passed. 16.7 percent to 14.3 percent. Road, will he named James T. Egan The issue will be revisited at the Court after Lieutenant James Egan, The district's four remaining el­ council's next conference session. Surplus Tallying $30,000 Found ementary schools experienced drops of the United States Marine Corps. In other business, Benson Place resi­ Lieutenant Egan has been Missing In within that range. dent Harold Star told the council that Westfield pupils faired better on Action in South Vietnam for over 30 the traffic calming project currently the Mathematics section til the NJASK years. underway in front of his home has In 2002-03 MS School Budget when compared against last year’s Il was reported that Lieutenant created an "extremely hazardous con­ scores. Franklin, McKinley, and Wash­ Egan was born at Overlook Hospital dition" in terms of getting in and out of November 15, at 7:3(1 p in. Tickets are ington Elementary Schools all saw in 1943 and raised in Mountainside Il> HKI.sn lit KGDOKK Deerfield School. Mr. Goggi said. hisdriveway. He is requesting theelinti- $5 and etui be purchased at the door. increases in the number ol pupils on Fairview Drive. The sixth, seventh and eighth grade nation of the construction to realign The board's next regularly sched­ reaching the "advanced proficient" According to the resolution, on At Tuesday night's Mountainside students at Deerfield School will Ihe roadway and has retained counsel. uled meeting w ill be Tuesday. Novell) plateau, while Jefferson, Tanmques January 21. 1966, Lieutenant Egan Board of Education meeting. Chief perform the play Into the Woods on Second Ward Republican Coun­ her 25, at 8 p.m. at Deerfield School. and Wilson all suw that number drop was an Artillery Forward Observer School Administrator Dr. Gerard Friday. November 14. and Saturday, cilman Rafael Belaneourt, Chairman When comparing scores front dif­ with a Reconnaissance Patrol that Schaller announced that a letter was of the Transportation, Parking and ferent schools, Westfield Schools Su­ was operating about 15 miles south­ Traffic Committee, stated that a rep­ sent out to all Mountainside residents conveying the activities at Beechwood perintendent Dr. William Foley said, west of the city of Quang Ngai in resentative from Wilbur Smith, the "I thinkthe range of performance you're Quan Ngai Province in South Viet­ firm which conducted the traffic stud­ School. "Things are moving." Dr. Schaller seeing is totally acceptable. Willi six nam. ies, will contact Assistant Town En­ elementary schools of different sizes The lieutenant’s patrol was am- gineer Kris MacAloon, and that the stated. The school telephone system and Ihe enunciator for the fire system and from different parts o f town, there hushed by Vietcong/North Vietnam­ council will he updated next week. are going to be differences." ese Army forces. It was reported that Meanwhile, construction has been are not yet in place, and "are desper­ ately needed" for the Temporary Cer­ Board Vice President Anne Riegel Lieutenant Egan was wounded in halted. responded by saying, "I’m not con­ battle, presumed to have been cap­ Town Administrator James Gildea tificate of Occupancy (TCO), Dr. Schaller continued. After the FCO is vinced yet that demographies explain tured, and considered Missing In told the council that the Finance the differences between schools." Action ever since. Committee has selected McManiman received, visitations for the public, as well as teachers and students, will he set Assistant Superintendent of Hu­ Mayor Robert Viglianti staled that Scotland to serve as Bond Counsel man Resources l)r. Margaret Dolan when construction at the site of the for the redevelopment projects. up. Transportation needs are being presented these numbers with a re­ subdivision was completed, he First Ward Republican Council­ determined and buses will be sched­ minder that all the scores may not be wanted to have a formal ceremony in man Peter Echausse reported on a uled so thal the move from Deerfield accurate, due to an error in process­ front of the street sign with Lieuten­ recent meeting of the Laws and Rules to Beechwood runs smoothly. ing at the Educational Testing Ser­ ant Egan's family present. Committee. Sam Papparato of International vice. "Scores could be changed by The mayor read a statement from According to Councilman up to 4 percent," she said. the resolution, noting "the govern­ Echausse, his committee is looking Painting Company was recognized by the board for his donation both the Additionally, Dr. Dolan noted that ing body of this borough determines into tightening up the language in paint and labor for the Beechwood ihe test pupils took this year is tliller that it is fitting and proper to assure the town's "shoehoming" ordinance. ent than the one administered in 2002. School gymnasium. that he (Lieutenant Egan) is not miss­ The ordinance is designed to pre­ when fourth grade students took Ihe ing from the minds and hearts of his vent a single home from being torn An audit of the 2002-2003 school Ben|.min B Corbin lof Tha W m ttM d Lpadpr year budget showed a $30,000 sur­ Elementary School Proficiency As­ fellow citizens of our borough; to down and replaced by two homes. <;OI> BLESS AMERICA...Kerry Stubbs, center, sang "God Bless America” for the crowd gathered at the VVWI monument on North Avenue Tuesday in honor sessment. recall thal he was one of us and to He said that new1 language would plus. A portion of the surplus w ill be allocated to pay for unexpected latent of Veterans Day. The NJASK is a test used by the recall when we pass that intersection clarify "usable yard" requirements defects at Beechwood School before federal government to determine a that he gave his life to assure and and "give uniformity to corner and it is credited back to taxpayers. district’s success in educating its stu­ protect the way of life we enjoy in interior lots." According to Board President Peter dents. Westfield students performed this borough." Town Attorney Robert Cockren well above federally mandated During the meeting, council mem­ stated that "further empowering the Goggi, the board was "faced with quite Planning Bd. Postpones a few unexpected latent defects." Mon­ benchmarks set for this year. bers also discussed the naming of Architectural Review Board in the Under other business, the recently other streets w ithin the borough due (new construction approval) process” ies originally earmarked for renova­ tions at Deerfield School were instead formed Strategic Plan Committee held to construction.
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