50 cen ' SEPTEMBER 1961 m a t ta cil I n e ■naCtacbfne« mEEWOEEXU Founded in 1954-F irs t Issue January 1955 Volume Vn SEPTEMBER 1961 Number 9 Editor HAROLD L. CALL Associât* Editor TABLE OF C0^rTENTS LEVIS C. CHRISTIE d u sin tss Mamtgtr DONALD S. LUCAS 2 Calling Shots Treasutsf 4 PREVENTING HOMOSEXUALITY by Rev. O. CONRAD BOWMAN, ]R. J.M . Taylor Editortol Board ROLLAND HOWARD 8 NIGHT VOICES by Jack Parrish WALLACE DE ORTEGA MAXEY JOHN LEROY 17 EIGHTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE PROGRAM 21 THE NATURE OF MAN by Aymer Roberts 27 Books Trod«mork R*gist«r«d 29 Readers Write U.S. Potvnt Offic« 34 New York Conference Program Cover photograph and picture on page 13 by Philip Greene, KQED, San Francisco Published mofttbly by ihe Ms»** chine Society. Ibc.. 695 Mission Sc.. S in F r iiic iic o 5. CaUfornia. Telephone DOufIss 2*3799. ( opynghi J96I h Mmtiackn* torrefy, /nc. S*v*ntk year o/publics tion. MtfffacAin* Fotasdation, Inc., established ini9S0at Los Angeles; Mattacbin* Society formed r* 1955 and chartered as nom-profit, «oa* partisan «^ircetroNa/. research and social service corporation us Cali­ CHANGES OF ADDPEiS fornia. Fonnded in the public in­ HePke of dianf* at nééross UWeW ka son terest for ^urRosc of providing true and accurate information leading to so/ttfion of sex behavior Rroftitata. par<fcn/dr/y fAos« o/ the homosexual oêéross at whicli yov wish la adult. ADVERTISEMENTS: Accepted only froa pablishers uad/ot autbors The REVIEW is available an many oi books; aagaaiiips; periodical* aad bookaeUer* ceeccraed wiib V. $. newsstands at 50c pet copy, and by subscription (mailed in boiDoacittal and ocbec aeioloficak aabjeci*. Rates upon appllcaiio«i. plain, sealed envelope). Rates in MANUSC|tlPTS: Original ankles, resiewa, letter* and aifaificant advance: S5 in U.S. and posses­ opinion, and approptiate abort acoriea aoUcked for publkasioa oa^a sions; S6 iofeign. no*fee basis. Please iochide first class posuge lot recata. Many other eminest eKgthB í í ,B«Ub of reaeaich and ansoctH^ lidA (Ik ■natSactalne« Mjm ÉÉÍ^ MB problenis of naa's oit- M w j AMm¡mam'9 « « opp««' «> ptfO t^é wkkh CRizwnnEO T M was written for televinieei V John W. Founded in 1954-First Issue January 1955 Reavls, Jr„ now of New ¥odu Fol­ lowing an introduction in which Janes Volume VII SEPTEMBER 1%1 ^Number 9 Day, KQED aanager rends a letter F.ditor from California's Attonny General, HAROLD L. CALL Associar« Editor TABLE OF COrrTENTS Stanly Mosk, the caaieten ewltdi to LEWIS C. CHRISTIE Dr. Kargsret Ifcad, aalhee eed-«i6lo- Biisiaeis Manager pologistandpteaentfy a cenilefjif Ae DONALD 5^ LUCAS 2 Calling Shots Trea^urtr American Ntanenn d RatlBsl Idntoqr 4 PREVENTING HOMOSEXUALITY by Rev. COVER STORY; KijED (9) O. CO.VRAO BOWMAN, JR. J. M. Taylor in New Y^rk. Attorney Meiifln Lowen- TO SHOW THE REJECTED Hditor.al Board thal is presented in a debate with J. RULLASD HOWARD 8 NIGHT VOICES by Jack Parrish »ALI.ACF DE ORTEGA MAXEY Dr. Karl M. Bowman is shown on the Albert Hitchinson, an attorney aad JOHN LEROY 17 EIGHTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE PROGRAM covet as the television program direct- former official in the Attorney Gen- 21 THE NATURE OF MAN by Aymer Roberts or viewed him from between the cam- etai's office of California. Dr. Erwin eras as he appeared on the forthcomiag Buff presents the venenil dtoaoaé 27 Books National Educational Television pte- viewpoint:'^ Attorney A1 |6pe6¡dl|ijWÍd Trad«mafk RM9¡it«r«d 29 Readers Write sentation of "The Rejected," to be District Attorney TI»mss CjÍP(if^|^i^ U.S. Patmnt Offk« 34 New York Conference Program seen over KQED, Channel 9, 9:30- Francisco present their iid iaw - 10:30 pjn. on Monday, Sept. 11. enforcement views. Two*^ re­ in the scene. Dr. Bowman is ez- spected spokesmen from ^ of plaining the varied sexual makeup d religion make eloquent rnmirsnisi Irs Cover photograph and picture on page 13 human adults as measured os the now Bishop James A. Pike of the EpBlco- by Philip Greene, KQED, San Francisco famous “ Kinsey Rating Scale." As a pel Church, and Rabbi A J^ I. Fiae speaker on the program, Dr. Bowman of Temple Cmaaa-El, ftaa jprag~|l||f.P Published roonthly by the Matta- brings a wealth of knowledge and ez- Finally the bnmneotnsl. f^gMstpf t? chirK Society. Inc., 693 Mission perienceof treatment of, and research discuaaed by three Sc., San Francisco 3, California. Telephone DOuj|lns 2-1799. on homosexuality, which is the topic MattacUse f epynght 1961 Ay tbt MaffmcAima of the hour-long television document- Donald S. tu c u sad L e s^ t^ ^ ' '‘o c tty . Inc. Seuenti ytmr o /p u b lics lion, ^attaebine Foundation. Inc., ary. A former president of the Amer- Sincé this progtsa* will |éeidlj|y be esiabtishcd inl950ai Los A ngeitt; Mattacbint Society jormed in 1933 ican Psychiatric Association, Dr. Bow- presented in many U.S. smlM|niIMaa and ebartered as non-profit, non­ partisan educational, research and man was for many yean associated centers over edscatiaati^ tafovhriao social seri/ice corporation in Cali­ CHANGES OF ADDRESS fornia. Founded in the public in­ Mmficm ftf cfcmmf* at néérmst slwwéd W not with Bellevue H o ste l, New Yarj^ oodets, “ The tejbOUd** ' terest for purpose of ^rot^^idrnf frir« l«si Htan hwo woohi M^ior • • tfoo data choow* and has served as diractor of the Lang- wbatm^ bbtiflM it < and accurate information leading to hatamot «froctiv*. S«<i4 tM W érosi of which solution of sex behavioe problems, «•W>M mo MOW hminf rocovwoW m é fho now ley Porter Psychiatric Institate, of piag of tte s^íllit.f particularly those of the homosexual aéérott ol which you with I* rocoiw« co^ioi. adult. the School of Mediciae, Dnlveraity of a top^ sp, q lp j i ADVERTISEMENTS: Acc«pced only from publishers aod/oc auchots The REViE^i is available on many of books: magmsinpa: periodicals and bookaeUers coocetaed with California, San Francisco. Now ii U.S> newsstands at SQc pet copy, and by subscription (mailed in homoaeiual and ocher s e io lo fic a l subjects. Rates upon application. semi-retirefflent, he is s Rofsesdr plain, sealed envelope). Rates in MANUSCRIPTS: Original articles, reviews, leccers aod aigaiiicaot Emeritus of Medicine of tte wmIs advance: 13 in U.S. and posses* opinion, and appropriate short stories aoiicked for publkatioa oo.a sions; S6 foreign. no-fee basis. Please include firs t class postage for recurn. sity. ly bsiinmtistT. it in. áiuaaiaÉamiáiíitms By BEV. i. M. TAYLOB Minister East Burnaby United A MINISTER WRITES ABOUT A PSYCHOLOGIST'S RESEARCH— VANCOUVER Prevention^ Not Punishment Answer to Homosexuals cross-section of society! Many It is unfair to describe as are charming, kindly, out­ homosexuals any but this going people, successful in small percentage (4 per cent) business and other areas of of the male population (a our life. The discovery that one lesser percentage for women), PREVENTING HOMOSEXUALITY /» an unusual hsadllna topic of the respected menbers of who have an interest exclu­ to find on o church pagt of a matropollton nowspopor. And whan tha dis­ the British House of Commons sively in members of their own cussion Is prominent for two waaks In a ^ow. It Is oven moro unusual. was a homosexual led to the sex. establishment of the Wolfen- There is nothing wrong or But this topic did appaar In July In tha Yancouvar, B, C,, SUN, and It was den Commission on homo­ abnormal in the love of a man wrlttan by a mlnlstar: tha only man from British Columbia who attandad a sexuality! for a man friend or a woman Dr. Hooker tells us that for a woman friend. It is only racant Church and Family Confaranca In ^raan Laka, Wisconsin. most of the homosexuals she when actual homosexual acts has interviewed in her re­ A faaturad spaakar at tha confaranca was Mrs. Evalyn Heakar, Ph, D., ra- or experiences are engaged in search were Christians and that homosexuality becomes search psychologist from tha UnIvarsIty of California at Los Angalas. Sha many in regular attendance at abnormal. rood the myth-dlspelling popor which cor^talnad tentative conclusions of her some church. Our laws with regard to ★ ★ ★ years of research on tha hamosaxual and, the community. homosexual offences are most Part of our problem today ' punitive. In Canada, USA and is that most of us want to live This research was begun In 1953, and with assistance Initially from tha England homosexual acts are in what might be called the felonies which may bring pun­ Mattachina Society, through which Dr, Hooker obtained earliest Interviews pre-Kinsey age. It is time to ishment of ttom one year to with homosexual male adults. She has continued research In the field take our heads out of the sand life imprisonment. The Ameri­ and do some serious thinking since, I can Law Institute in 1955 called about a problem that is far for the removal of homosexual Here Is Rev. Taylor's report as published In Vancouver: more widespread in our society acts between consenting adults than is usually imagined. Kin­ from the list of crimes against Perhaps no subject is ap­ caused by early training and sey in his book on the be­ environment, especially dis­ the peace of society. Tho proached with as much emo­ havior of the American male Wolfenden Report in the tionally-charged opinion and turbed lamily life. While many indicated that homosexuality scientific studies show that sex United Kingdom has recom­ just plain ignorance as homo­ might ultimately involve as mended the same thing.
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