Rio Algom Limited & Denison Mines Inc. Community Newsletter 2018 The Art of Mining: Shaping the Mine of the Future As described on PwC Canada’s Prizes are awarded to the top three part of a decommissioned site that means to help fund the company’s website: ‘The art of mining is a winners: a financial donation to a contains the tailings from 35 years next generation of uranium mining photography competition that charity or community program as of active uranium mining in the in the Athabasca Basin region in aims to highlight the positive im- determined by the winning com- region, and is an example of how northern Saskatchewan. pact the mining community is de- pany. In a reception held at the Art Denison’s Environmental Servic- Although our photo was not the livering across the world’. In 2017, Gallery of Ontario, 700 attendees es (“DES”) division takes pride in grand prize winner, it was an hon- the second year of this annual con- enjoyed an exclusive art exhibition achieving engineering in balance our to have been selected as a final- test, the theme was ‘How is your of the 22 finalists’ photo entries. with nature. Faced with historical- ist along with a number of mining organization transforming the face In December 2016 Denison Mines ly low uranium prices, Denison has giants – Goldcorp Inc., BHP, IAM- of mining through diversity and requested pictures from all of their taken an innovative view of turn- GOLD Corporation, Kinross Gold innovation?’ Prior to the annual operations across Canada for an in- ing its historic mining liabilities in Corporation, Lundin Mining Cor- Prospectors & Developers Associa- ternal contest and the photo cho- Elliot Lake into an asset – relying poration as well as Agnico Eagle tion of Canada (PDAC) convention, sen to represent Denison at the art on the “resourcefulness” of its staff Mines Limited, the grand prize win- Canadian mining companies, were exhibition was a view of Dam 10 at DES to care for its own decom- ner who received a $10,000 dona- invited to submit a photo based on at the former Denison Mine site missioned sites and serve others in tion to their community program this theme. in Elliot Lake. Denison’s Dam 10 is the Canadian mining industry as a or charity of their choice. Denison Dam 10 Pg 2 New Faces at Denison Christopher Massicotte ET – Allison Armstrong, BA Hon- Environmental Services Environmental Technician. Chris ours – Junior Environmental Sci- joined our team mid-2016 as a post entist. Allison accepted a full time 2016 and 2017 saw multiple Sandy Ibbitson – Occupational graduate with honors in Environ- position at DES in September 2017. changes for the workforce of Deni- Health and Safety Coordinator. mental Technician, Protection and Previously Allison was one of our son Environmental Services (DES) Sandy returned to the DES team Compliance. Chris is a welcome ad- summer students, from 2014-2016, Elliot Lake. DES continues to pro- in the summer of 2017 to provide dition to the Environmental team, acting in the role of Environmental vide a diverse team of profession- health and safety expertise for DES providing Care & Maintenance Assistant while she worked toward als with a dynamic vision for the workers at our sites across Canada. 24/7 of the closed mines sites in her BA Honours in Geography and future. We are proud to introduce Sandy is also available to provide Elliot Lake. Environmental Studies at the Uni- the following additions to our El- training for employees of business- versity of Ottawa. Allison has con- liot Lake team. es and organizations in communi- Jason Charette – Operations. siderable field experience and will ties both near and far from Elliot Jason started with our Denison Op- be working in Elliot Lake as sup- Janet Lowe B.Sc. - General Man- Lake. The training opportunities in- erations division in January 2017. port for our Projects division. ager. Janet has functioned as an clude First Aid/AED/CPR A&C, Fit Initially hired to provide support Operations Executive and/or as a testing and Basic training for Joint as an A-Z truck driver, Jason has technical expert in Environmental Health & Safety Parts 1 and 2. achieved his license as a Pesticide Permitting and First Nations Con- Exterminator for Industrial Vegeta- sultation. Janet has strong tech- Hélène McLean – Finance Man- tion – 2009 and now leads our Op- nical and business qualifications ager. Hélène brings 16 years of fi- erations group in controlling site with over 25 years of hands-on ex- nancial and administrative expe- vegetation on dams and roadways. perience in business development rience in Project Administration, and management. Project Management, budgeting and Financial Control. Adam Cecchetto B.Sc. (EV) EP – Environmental Scientist. Adam Stephane Desjardins ET – brings 14 years of experience Environmental Technician. Steph working in the environmental field. joined our team in the spring of Adam’s diverse experience in mine 2017. Steph’s training in Environ- permitting, closure planning, mine mental Management and as an En- site environmental operations and vironmental Technician make him permitting along with Governmen- a valuable asset to the Environmen- tal and First Nations consultation tal group, providing Care & Main- provides new possibilities for the tenance 24/7 of the closed mines future of DES. sites in Elliot Lake. 2017 Mine Tours: Photo by Ann Paton, BHP Eric Drouin – Operations. Eric Simon Xian P.Eng. – Sr. Project joined our Electrical Division in Engineer. Simon brings 21 years Mine Tours February 2017. He is a 3rd Year of strength as a professional Envi- s part of the annual “Uranium Electrical Apprentice and is a valu- ronmental and Chemical engineer A In 2017, each day the tour bus Heritage Days”, Rio Algom Lim- able asset to the DES team. Eric has with experience and skills in per- was full of engaged and interested ited (RAL) and Denison Mines Inc. also achieved his Computer Engi- formance analysis for environmen- guests from a wide variety of age (DMI) partner to sponsor and host neering Technology Diploma and tal and operational excellence, stra- groups. public bus tours of the decom- provides IT services to the DES di- tegic planning, project and process A special thanks to Darla Hen- missioned mines sites and tailings vision of Denison Mines. development as well as regulatory nessey and her crew at the Elliot auditing, quality control and scope management areas. Tours are host- Lake Nuclear and Mining Museum of work design. ed by representatives of both RAL for efficiently coordinating these and DMI. tours on our behalf! Community Interaction with Closed Mine Sites Submitted by Marg Reckahn, Penokean Hills Field Naturalists Pg 3 Small Projects in Nordic History Elliot Lake membrane roof coating at the Pan- The Nordic tailings management mately 107 hectares. Nordic Main el treatment plant. area (TMA) is located approximate- is approximately 1,500 m long by ly 7 km east of the City of Elliot 600 m wide and was constructed lthough it may not be as evident DES performed flocculant testing A Lake. The Nordic mine operated using mine waste embankments. to Elliot Lake residents, it has been and resin testing at the Stanleigh from 1957 to 1968 and the Nor- Nordic West Arm is approximately a busy two years for Denison En- treatment plant in an effort to op- dic mill produced approximately 1,000 m long by 100 m wide. vironmental Services (DES) in El- timize treatment. Additionally, we 12 million tonnes of tailings. Tail- liot Lake. In addition to our Care provided data for a radiation pub- The Nordic TMA was successfully ings were deposited to the Nordic & Maintenance contract with BHP, lic dose survey by sampling City revegetated in the late 1970’s. In TMA which is composed of two ar- DES completed and participated drinking water and measuring the 1998-1999 tailings containment eas (Nordic Main and Nordic West in various other projects on the radiation dose that would be re- structures and precipitation man- Arm) with a total area of approxi- closed mine sites. These projects ceived from walking on the closed agement facilities were upgraded. included improvements to aging mine sites in the area. facilities and equipment, tests of Another larger project that DES water treatment alternatives and completed was the fabrication of a improvements to enhance the safe- working platform at the top of the ty of our workers. Nordic plant lime slurry tank. The The largest project was the com- platform was engineered locally, plete retrofit of the Quirke effluent parts fabricated at our shop and treatment plant (ETP). Details are then welded in place at the Nor- highlighted in the following article, dic plant. The platform allows for Quirke ETP Renovation, on page 7. workers to safely access the top of Other projects included provi- the lime slurry tank for inspection sion of ice auger operators and and regular washing of the tank snowmobiles for a winter water contents. sampling program, repairs to the A final project that was started in Quirke transformer station switch 2016 was the provision of work- gear, dye testing of the Quirke ef- ers and a boat for a bathymetric fluent water as it enters the Ser- survey of the tailings and treated pent River and application of a water settling ponds at the BHP closed mine sites. This project was completed in 2017. Nordic Buckles Tailings Management Area This included placing layers of rock and till in areas of the West Arm to improve vegetation growth. Current activities at the site in- clude seasonal water treatment through a lime treatment plant, re- moval of vegetation from site dams, inspections of the cover and facil- ity conditions, and environmental monitoring.
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