DISTRICT 308-A2 FEBRUARY 2021, NEWSLETTER www.lionsclubs308a2.org.my www.facebook.com/lionsclubs308a2 District Email: [email protected] District Governor’s Message Due to Chinese New Year Festival and imposition of Movement Control Order, February is the quiet month for the District. The Zoom seminar conducted by renowned speaker from Taiwan has attracted 240 Lions audiences from all over Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei. 3rd Cabinet Meeting was held on 7th February with lengthy discussion on redistricting, Constitution and By-Laws amendment and Lions Leadership Institute Program. District Governor 308-A2 Deadline for judging Club and Club Officers performance has Roland Chieng Yew Hee been extended to 31st March 2021 in order to provide more 總監 詹耀旗 time to Club and Officers to fulfil the criteria of their targeted award. Special Convention by Zoom for passing resolution of redistricting will be held on 14th March 2021. All Clubs’ representatives and Past Officers of association are encouraged to participate by attending this meeting and exercise your vote. Annual Convention by Zoom will be held on 25th April 2021. Invitation of submission of eligible delegates for this meeting will be sent out soon. Multiple District 308 Convention by Zoom will be held on 23rd May 2021. Physical fellowship of all delegates will also be carried out in Penang on the same date. With the exemption of new member entrance fees by Lions Clubs International, Clubs and members are urged to put more emphasis on members recruitment and extension of Clubs for the next 4 months. International Convention by Zoom will be held in June 2021. All Clubs are encouraged to register their delegates to attend and vote for International President, 1st, 2nd, 3rd Vice Presidents and International Directors. This could be the only opportunity that we could vote without flying to convention site. The formula for voting delegates is one voting delegate for every 25 members and minimum of 1 vote for each club. Lastly, I wish all will stay healthy and enjoy this Lionistic Year. Go To Bottom TopBack To Editor’s Message 2 Greetings to all. Thank you to those Clubs who have sent their information to us and I appreciate your great effort. I would like to encourage the Clubs to send information they would like to be posted in the newsletter. Thank you. The District 308-A2 Newsletter is published on or before the 7th of every month. th Please email your information on or before the 28 of every month to: DC Newsletter [email protected] Angela Ng Lions Club of Sibu Pahlawan Table of Contents Go To Bottom TopBack To District Governor’s Itinerary 3 District 308-A2 Virtual 3rd Cabinet Meeting on 7.2.2021 District Governor Roland Chieng presented the appreciation plaques FY 2020-2021 to his Cabinet Officers in Region 2 & Region 3 on 6.3.2021 Wishing our District Governor Roland Chieng a very blessed birthday! DCT Program Meeting on 7.1.2021 Upcoming Seminar by Renowned Speaker from Taiwan Join the webinar on 17th March (Wednesday) from 6.30pm to 9.15pm. The seminar will be conducted in Chinese. The event is brought to you by Lions Clubs International District 308- A2. Organised by District 308-A2 District Governor Roland Chieng. Kindly click on the link below for registration. https://forms.gle/ozR3Mzo21xRciNUZ6 Go To Bottom TopBack To 4 DG Dr Gan Keang Siong FY 2019/2020 District Award presented by PDG Tan Soh Har and PDG BC Sim at Sarawak Club. Top Club Award Top President 1. Lions Club of Kuching City 1. President Roger Ting Zai Dean (Lions Club of 2. Lions Club of Kuching Ixora Kuching City) 3. Lions Club of Kuching Kota Samarahan 2. DC Alexander Koh (Lions Club of Kuching Ixora) Excellent Club Award Top Secretary 1. Lions Club of Kuching Centennial 1. DC Helena Lim (Lions Club of Kuching City) 2. Lions Club of Kuching Kota Sentosa Top Treasurer International President’s Certificate of Appreciation 1. PP Louis Ng (Lions Club of Kuching Centennial) 1. Region 1 Chairperson: DC Helena Lim 2. PP Irene Tan (Lions Club of Kuching City) 2. DC Leo Clubs (Brunei, Sarawak): DC Sim Kuang Boon 3. Lion Leslie Ting (Lions Club of Kuching Metro) Go To Bottom TopBack To Region 1 5 Fellow Lions, Region 1 has created another historical moment on 26th February 2021. The symbolic Anti Drug Abuse Awareness Posters handover at 8:00 am to Region 1 Lions Clubs at Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri, Jalan Bako, Kuching, Sarawak was witnessed by Timbalan Pengarah Sektor Pembangunan Murid Encik Mortadza Haji Sat, KPP HEM Tuan Haji Bin Uki, KPP bakat Murid Encik Alta Abang Ak Katum, Penolong Pengarah (PPDA) Encik Munawwar Bin Ismail, Organizing Chairperson Lion Raymond Bong (LC Kuching Ixora), Region 1 Chairperson Bernard Lee, District Chairperson Drug Awareness Alex Koh, Zone 3 Chairperson Chua Kheng Hian, Zone 1 Chairperson Mary Lu, District Chairperson (GLT) Region 1 Helena Lim, Clubs Presidents and Leo Advisors. This project will benefit 20 schools with Leo Clubs in Kuching. Well Done Region 1. For World Cancer Day, President Connie gave away 15 care packs at the Sarawak Children Cancer Society. Care packs each included “I'm a Cancer Warrior” plush toy, hand sanitizer, hand knitted cap & health news. Packs were received by officer in charge. In conjunction with World Cancer Day, President Connie handed over 15 care packs where each included face masks, hand sanitizer, anti-bacterial wet tissues & BSE educational leaflet for Sarawak Breast Cancer Support group. Go To Bottom TopBack To Region 1 6 Eyeglass Collection & Recycling Presentation of Eyeglasses to Region Chairperson Bernard Lee at Sarawak Society for the Deaf. There were 58 pairs from St. Joseph’s Private School, 46 pairs from St. Teresa’s and 91 pairs from SM Lodge, making it a total of 195 pairs. Attended by Leo Advisor DC GLT, FA John and 4 Leos from St. Joseph's Private School, 1 Leo from SM Lodge and 2 Leos from St. Teresa's. CNY Project for Salvation Army In connection with the Chinese New Year 2021, Lions Club of Kuching City brought some cheer to the children of the Salvation Army Children’s Home Kuching. While PDG Tan Soh Har brought 20 pax of kolo mee to them on the 10th of February, 15 other members, led by OC Dr. Chong Pek Lin, chipped in to give them a total of 40 sets of McDonald’s meals for lunch and dinner on the 12th of February, together with a box of oranges, a box of bak kwa and other new year treats. President Roger Ting personally delivered the McDonald’s lunch and dinner. Donors: Chong Pek Lin, Vincent Tan, Sheila Koh, Irene Tan, Jessie Kho, Jane Ling, Kristie Lok , Teresa Wu, Datin Juriah, Dato’ Dr. Zulkipli, Hon Wi Sing, President Roger Ting, DC Helena Lim, Matthew Pham, DC Annie Ho and PDG Tan Soh Har. Meal Preparation and Distribution Due to the pandemic, 43 student boarders at a secondary school are not allowed to go home for weekends or leave the school compound since the start of physical mode classes for Form 5 and Form 6 on 19th January 2021. Sponsors: President Roger Ting (2 boxes of oranges) 44 McChicken Meals - DC Helena Lim Pek Choo (24 sets) & FOL Lina Yap (20 sets). Food distribution by President Roger Ting, DC Helena Lim, FOL Marcos Ting. The students were so happy to have their favourite McChicken Meals delivered to them. They will be sitting for their public exam from March to April and will only be able to go home after that. Go To Bottom TopBack To Region 1 7 Awareness, Education and Advocacy Launching of Drug Awareness Campaign at Leo Club of St. Joseph's Private School. Attended by LA Helena Lim (DC GLT R1), FA John Yap and 3 Leos (Megan, Andrea and Felicia) and witnessed by RC Bernard Lee, ZC Mary Lu and DC Alexander Koh. Donations of Tables and Chairs to Primary School Donations of tables and chairs for classrooms at RM140 per set at Sekolah Kebangsaan St. Andrew, Sungai Apong. Donations from 7 club members and 1 FOL lead by President Roger - 35+ sets (RM4950), Hon Wi Sing - 2 sets (RM280), Dr Chong & FOL Paul Ching - 4 sets (RM560), Helena Lim - 2+ sets (RM370), Annie Ho - 2 sets (RM280), Heng Aik Ban & Patricia Chang - 2 sets (RM280). Official handover to be arranged at a later date. Anti Drug Abuse Awareness Campaign Handover of the Anti Drug Abuse Awareness Posters to Principal Puan Hajah Affida Helmi at the School by DC Drug Awareness Alexander Koh witnessed by Region Chairperson Bernard Lee, Zone 1 Chairperson Mary Lu, DC GLT (Region 1) Helena Lim Pek Choo and President Connie Tan. School was represented by Principal Madam Hajah Affida Helmil, Senior Assistant for Student Welfare Madam Hajah Nurazalina and student counsellor Mr Zamli Tote. Symbolic handover to SMK St Thomas School. Well done to Lions Club of Kuching Kota Samarahan and Lions Club of Kuching Allamanda for the arrangement. Go To Bottom TopBack To Region 1 8 Lions Club of Kuching Kota Samarahan had a good time at Hun Nam Siang Tng. The Club passed oranges, bak gua and masks to the elderly people and arranged dinner for them. The Club wishes everyone a prosperous year ahead at 2021. Kampung Tabuan Pendam is a squatter village without a proper sewage disposal system. Lions Club of Kuching North and Leo Club of Swinburne Sarawak donated RM400 worth of items to a single woman staying alone in a rundown house without toilet facilities to enable her to install a toilet with the help of her fellow villagers.
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