Friday, March 10. 1933 THE SENTINEL-LEADER East Side Circle will meet next] >«. Mr,, avion Published Weekly on Friday at Sparta Uirhljan Mr. and Mrs. Asa Gates of Hudson-1 *6 ^.»Ca^ed^°n hW> SX*trT- Carrie j Mr. and Mrs. Duncas Mclnnis were J BLOCK SCHOOL N< Entered at th* Boufntiu. o. ^ Smith. Sundav. 0|J?C ©ffire Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs. Phil SEEING LIFE" Mlrhtgan. u Scvuud Class MaU ; "• « •. Mrs^Trott SU a gueat of Mr. aria. a (By Carol Holm*,-K->rU> Prank Church was haj Mrs. Frank Burt and Mr. and Mrs. F. °d Mrs. Leon Shaw. Genevieve last Monday evening. Goodwm ^ and Mrs Alfred MRS. ANLULAH HOLMES Publisher I Wednesday. B r when a group of friends and Sillboacd 5 ™°, fPent Sunday with came in to help him celefc H. J. KURTZ General Manager't The Prayer Band met on Tuesday Mr^ and Mrs. Melvin Anderson. "WE LIVED THROUGH IT" evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. steeped in their own miserv * birthday. The evening Awd»U Editors Ivan La Vine. There will be no meet- L;"opper a t visited friends A widely read book today is "The • • • Pessimism . a n?^?oo m " ]£££?• mL i t Spring Lake Tuesday. LoCT st b dellc,< ls M«- Tina Johnson Rent City ing next Tuesday Decause ox another' V1 whteh f " >- Gilbert Seldes because things have changed fronT„»,' * lunch We all wish THE PRESIDENT SPEAKS <>la Schrader and Mrs. Shue tetCT?retative history rom to Mary Norton Casnovia program at the Faptist Church. I were Grand Rapids visitors Monday theyv were yesterday . tha.. t the vwha cant 'I more happy birthdays. Mrs. Irena Barnum Bailey ta tlW United February 24 closed our Mrs. Clifford Dingman and daughter Important paragraphs from the ia- | Mr. and Mrs. Ben Muma visited rela- StatX Mr STM ***** « noonn, ,„r the™,l«, ln tht ,u.to[ ^ Helen, went to Morley Wednesday to1 augural address. tives at Coopersviile Sunday. k Seldes quotes Abbe Sieves Sabarription Postpaid help her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Prank d U ng heiv; F rei,t These have stormy month we have had j Mr. and Mrs. Jay Stockdaie and Mrs | , 2J » «** aske" d"evolutio what hen haHd e donre-l been sad and trouble - Turner celebrate their wedding anni- Kutz and 1 hved The following pupils One ye.. in advance $2 00 This great nation will endure as i..t .[ „ * , baby spent Tuesda«««»y, I ^ ' ' through it." So we too some days . yet plenty of good will versary. ll e tardy nor absent: Irene Sx months in advance CI QO has endured, will revive and will pros- f.^rnoon with Mr. and Mrs Milton when questioned many years hence M come from thie P*noPeriodd of depression Three months in advance 50 per. So first of all let me assert my Vaughan at Sparta. Anderson. Josephine Mr and Mrs. Vigo Kirschner and and Paul Gunneson. Canada one year in advance .... $2.50 Ve firm belief that the only thing we have Miss Mildred Loren?. of Mrs ^? Kuests of Mr. and l fea 15 nt Muskegon Our seventh grade reading uavB , ° : Itself-nameless, un- i %* the week -nd with through it." «*ew| a* our reet . but from the debris a5< mng un Krey Mrs. Phil their new Elson Literature I They returned to their home at Pent- ? - Justified terror which ' - —— J grow a firmer foundation Ior fii»> dy We are a11 Advertising Rates ^H „ Joying water Tuesday. paralyses needed efforts to convert re- Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs People are marking ti today wait- ' hZSlS w'ui Fr°m this •wW-wlde up- Display Advertising Rates on appli- Pearl Muma Sunday evening were Mr ing for the return of them eooe d o.d and new stories which wel tat advan< a for »h. old days! new nrrlV 3 ^ *ori* • rej»r'ng from the books „ I »«ary s Hospital for an and Mrs. Melvin Anderson Mr and • but wwythey'lul nenevei r Mrs. Collins Dufort was taken to St Mrs. Loren return. .oays.ne w. w problems ... new modes of ||v-( - J^c nrst 20 words, lc «Pera»on Monday night, j ° * Wood and Mi. nd Mrs. v- bcer- to B3 i,cw etch additional word. Each figure life a leadership of franknesTanrf vigor! Russe" %-- • conaitions . MaryMr. s anHospitad Misl EIo. r Wa n anoendiritu i ••In ev«y dm* h,«- e=r natissa i : Mr ,««uh 18lh cZiir"" around counts a word. Smith spent b d ne This isn't the time to go Monday in Ann Arbor. haa met with that understanding »- Mamie Castonia. Mrs Nellie I \ * ? - - - • It is the psy- grinmng . and shouting. Cheer WEST SPARTA NE1 CJard of Thanks, including In Mem themaHv M rS J neW 1 time 6 0r and « »*** Rh'Jruf^»r . * Stijckdaie. Mrs SfS?** for radical change? in up- - . But we do need courage . ^"\ Resolutions lc a word. Mrs. Henry Hachmuth of Comstock It ^ «• victory. | am convinced fj}lrley Kutz baby spent Mondav all things. bravery . firmness •. •. - faith. Mr and Mrs H E SU Obituaries: ISO words or less will tw St*£l£?t rhursd*>r at lbe home that yon again will give th<M afternoon with Mrs. Tet^ Cooper It is a great day to be alive There have been hard lessons to called to Elkhart. Indiana of Mrs. N. Gaut. - . and because of the death of P published free. Above ?hat and to leadership in these critical days. *'e are making history learn Bre Walk for Por tl.<? ing closer SC " ey accom poetry 5c per line. Mrs. Bertha Bloomer. Mrs. Lem man who can look ahead ." to omiT- S Panied - the past . there is • forget share with «S^her J ^ ^""6^* W -»!.hc., and son. Virgil. Special Notices: Business reading Cushnwn and M.s M. Haas spent "Compare * with the perils which our real future. notices including socials Tuesday at the Isabella Home I orr-fathers conquered because they be- o- MOON LAKE LOCALS The biggest another to to help one I Mrs. H. E. Strohm called ut and enter- w worl1 iieved and were not afraid we Ul U lc tainments. where cdmi-sion is charged ^ap^s v/here they visited Mrv still j Mrs. PtePred Woodwork and Mrs L i - • u« rnBiggess K t niopportunities feet readys foo.r thtiir'Trre a commj w" ' leTe' l " fAether * ^. .. « W.Bush Wednesday evening lc a word. Minimum charge 25c. Carrie .Ven«i and helped her to cele- have much to be thankful for. Saur called on Ms. E. Randall Mon- taking6 • Vert?htt «ameJ n are readso yblin fodr .I S. .' aan £^^d r^?n »-_Put «U people on Mr. and Mrs. H E. Strohm, h >d Mamage her sixty-sixth otrthday. Mrs day alternoon. | business trip to Muskegon ltaJS free Pub- Mr and Mrs. H E. str Bloomer oakea a birthday cake for the "Practice, of the «Mcr»p«lou, Born. March 6, a daughter to Mr. IJnder no circumstances will any occasion and ice cream was also served. n»oney changers stand indicted in tne anu Mrs. Leon Shay. family spent Sunday with 01 bU pini n amimunlcatiwi be published unless it Mrs^ Chyles Clarke and Mrs. Nellie T T ° f * rejected by tne! Mr- and Mrs. E. Randall and Nor- AMONG the CHURCHES r: Dears the writers name and address. Co-win. former resident? of Sparta. hearts and minds of men. man were Sunday dinner rMlde Suests of at the Isabella Home, . j Mr. and Mrs. James Afton. In the foolis—h merSsSH'SW®n who regard' bolonski and . Stripped of the lure of profit by! azternoon Mrs church. as a soR perTor^ - Mi. and Mrs W*• . W. joined the party during the altc noon Alton. Mrs. Randall 1 I Arnold,d of GrGrans d * advocat. e men *—Soinin -*—v • -k.—. I AwK. ?f. Hap.ds. Mr. and AMERICANISM is an -The fire department responded to a W V'U) - — •Mtu XJ HUT, _« _ ^ QI . - BP- t he.f fiL'Tad'eXn^ Hood. unfailing love of coun- ln ' Pearl Arnold ; ^ • was/uu:l^ToT^^ " ^ ! 1 and d ^ try; loyalty to its in- to be o tiotn. ii proved juiiy io» restored confidence They Mr. and Mrs. E. Randali sopnt w.n™ " a ugh ter. Mr. Tnd Mw. root fire caused by a spark. vl5lon and No damage was done- '. there is no day evening at the home JTwilliam »«day Services j "Jveiace. Mr. and Mrs. stitutions and ideals; vision the people perish. Meek. Mr and Mrs. Charles Darling ol ligion00 *' m ~ChUrCh 8011001 oi Re- and Mrs'^MuS and fam?ly a"d ^1" eagerness to defend it against Grand Rapids were Sundav supper Webber is aUying a few guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. oiut. "Happiness lies not In the mc pc- ' weeks wiTTheV^aiSr. iS atj 11:00 a. m.—Divine wor&hir " Mr. and Mrs. H. E all enemies; undivided allo- music. The annual Special Tin? Norton Community Club wil. «K.n of money; it Mrn in the Joy of Mrs. Hill of Orant U^mE ior her Offering McCune. wance to the flag; and a ln lhe thrt S in ,,,Wl Mrs «,h« meet Thursday. March 16. at the home Tort " ^ £S SS^ " ^ Siay, and desire to secure the blessings TX d Nplson All are invited to be present. a 6..T0 p. m.—Epworth League »n in oi liberty to ourseives and J. W. Spangenburg of sparta Las These dark davs will .0^K ' nef ! that ^ •» posterity. been spending a lew oays with Mr and lhe Mis.
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