r DIRFC'fORY.] ESSEX. BIRDBR<.OK, D3 :Norfolk Frank, asst. overseer & clerk Posford John, farmer, Luke's·farm Smith Alice (Mrs.), clerk to Lexden ~ the Parish C()uncil, Brakes farm Prior Edmund, carrier &Winstree Sub-Committee of Essex .Norfolk Sarau .Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Rogers John, seed grower, Lit.Luke"a Local Pension Committee,Birch cot • Brakes farm Sach John, farmer, Birch Street Smith David, boot repairer, Birch St Norman Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer Sheldrick Mary (Miss), dress maker, Smith William, steward to Bt. Hon. Garlands Hardy's green J ames Round P.C. Hall farm IPolley Charles, market gardener Studley Albt.grocer & draper,Birch St 'l'iffin George, butcher • BIRCHANGEB is a parish on the borders of Herts, £230, with 33 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift .oear the junction of the roads from Bishop Stortford to of New College, Oxford, and held since rgn by the .Dunmow and Saffron Walden, r! miles from Stansted Rev. Cyril William Holland M.A. of that college. W. station on the Great Eastern railway, 2 east-north-east Fuller-Maitland esq. of Stansted Hall, who is lord of from Bishop Stortford, in the Northern division of the the manor, Lord Blyth, of Blythwood, Stansted, and county, hundred of Uttlesford, Bishop Stortford union Captain H. L. Archer-Houblon are the principal land­ .and county court district, Walden petty sessional owners. The soil is clay and loam; subsoil, clay. The .division, Newport -and Stansted ru:Qll deanery, Colches- crops are wheat and barley. The area is 1,o66 acres; t.er archdeaconry and Chelmsford diocese. A stream rateable value, [,6,726; the population in 1911 was gig. runs thro.ug_h the par_ish. '!he church of s~. Ma~y is a I Parish Clerk Robert Levey. small bu1ldmg of flint w1th stone dressmgs m the ' . ~orman and Early English styles, and consists of Post Office. Ml s. Anne Sm1th, sub-postmistress. Box .ehancel nave north aisle and a stone turret containill"" cleared at 7.40 & 9·35 a.m. & 6.55 p.m. week days f)De beh: the north aisle was added in 18g8, fro~ & 8.40 a._m. sundays. Letters throu~h Bishop Start- designs by Sir Arthur Blomfield and Sons, at a cost of ford, a:r1ve at 7.15 & 10.10 a.m. ~tansted Mount- about £750: the church contains a handsome oak fitche~ Is t~e nearest money order & telegraph office, reredos, with painted panel, erected in 190I by the Il mJles distant family of Sir Charles Gold, in memory of a brother ancl Public Elementary School (mixed), for 120 children; sister: there are 180 sinmgs. The register dates frorr. average attendance, 87; Herbt.Evan Lightwood,master th., year 1688. 'fhe living is a rectory, net yearly value 0 ~larked thus t receive their letters Robinson Douglas Innes, The Gables tLevey Brothers, carpenters through Stansted, Essex.) Ross Wm. Edmund, Birchanger lodge Noakes Frederick, beer retailt>r Seabrook Harold John Spencer Osbourn Clande William, shopkeeper PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Spencer Franl;:, Broomhill UtJbinson Daniel, jun. brick ID&ker fChester Harry J.P. Broome End tSpencer Mrs. The Mount tRochford Edmund Limited, nursery- tChester Mrs. Pines Hill men. T N IS Stansted tCockerell Miss, Fairfield COMMEROIAL. Teagle Henry, farmer, Start hill tGold Sir Chas. D.L., J.P. The Limes Blake William, beer retailer Waterman Joseph, farmer,The Green +Gripper Mrs. Brooklands Carr William, brick maker tWilkins John, tailor, Stoney Commn Harrisou Thomas, Birchanger Place tFreeman Henry, Old Bell P.H Wood Peter, farmer, Birchanger hall Holland Rev. Cyril William M.A. tHarritt Wm. Chas. frmr. Forest hall Working Men's Club (Sir Chas. Gold (rector), Rector, tHurd Samuel, grocer, Stoney Corn D.L., J.P. president; Edward John tPulteney Miss, Sion house Knowles Adam, farmer, Duckend Sizeland, caretaker) BIRDBROOK is a parish and pleasant village on the Moyns Park, Steeple Bumps.tead, are the principal land­ south bank of the Stour and near the Colne, having a owners. The soil is mixed ; subsoil, clay and gravel. station 1 mile north of the village on the Colne Valley The chief crops are wheat, barley and beans. The area railway, 10~ miles north-west from Halstead, 4 south- is 2,072 acres, including the hamlet of Baythorne End, imSt from Haverhill, and 59 by rail from London, in the which is about 2 miles north-east from the church and Northern division of the county, Hinckford hundred, I! south from Stoke station, in Suffolk, on the Great North Hinckford petty sessional division, Risbridg~> Eastarn railway; rateable value, {,2,275 ; the population union, Haverhill county court district and in the rural in 1911 was 432. deanery of Belchamp, archdeaconry of Colchester and By Local ·Government Board Order 16,6o8, datei Chelmsford diocese. The church, lately assigned to March 25, I885, Herkstead Hall, Herkstead Green and St. Augustine, is an ancient building, consisting of Messings were transferred from this parish to Steeple chancel, nave, south porch and a western tower of Bumpstead. wood, with spire, and containing 3 bellil: the chancel is Post & T, Office.-Miss Kate Brown, sub-postmistress. in the Early English style: in the tower are inscrip- Letten via Halstead, per mail cart, at 6.45 a. m. & tions to Martha Blewitt, of Baythorne End, in this 12.45 p.m. & at 6 p.m. (callers only); dispatched at tJarish, buried 7th May, 168I, and the wife of nine 6 a.m. & 5 p.m. The nearest money order office is husbands, of whom the last survived her; and to Robert at Stambourne, 2 miles distant Hogan, of this parish, the husband of seven wives, the Post Office, Baythorne End. James William Turner, last of whom he married 1 Jan. 1739: the church was sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Halstead, per restored in I881-9 at a cost of £2,ooo, under the direc- mail cart, at 6.30 a.m. & 12.45 & 5.40 p.m.; dis- tion of Mr. Frederic Chancellor: there are 200 sittings. patched at 5.40 p.m. & 6.30 a.m. The nearest money "The register dates from the year 1633, and there is a order & telegraph office is Stoke-by-Clare (Suffolk), eomplete list of reetors from I364. The living is a I~ miles distant t'ectory, net yearly value £380, with so acres of ~lebe Wall Letter Box, New England, cleared at 6.25 a.m. & and residence, in the gift of Clare College. Cambridg-e, 5.25 p.m.; sunday, 5.25 p.m 0 -and held since I9IO by the Rev. Alfred Young M.A., Council School (mixed), erected, with mistress's house, "Sc.D. (late) fellow of that college. Near the church in 1873, for 8o children; 11verage attendance, 64; Mrs. are some barrows: on the east side of Hunnock's Lane Alison Skellon, mistress · . Roman remains have been discovered, and at Wixoe is This school is under the control of the Essex Education -a camp. The Church Sunday school has a residence (Halstead) District Sub-Committee 0 attached, and is under the superintendence of the Railway Station, S. Scillitoe, station mastpr rector. The trustees of the late Daniel Gurteen esq. tlf Haverhill (d. 18<:)4), are lords of the manor; Lord Carriers. Loch M.V.O., D.S.O. of Stoke College, Stoke-by-Clare, Haverhill Samuel Hardy, from Stambourne, mon. fri. Suffolk, King Viall esq. who is lord of the manor of & sat Baythorne End, and the Hon. Mrs. St. John Ives, of Steeple Bumpstead-Mrs. C. Balling, daily BffiDBROOK. Kinsey W. H. attendance officer tc] B.AYTHORNE END. Stubbings Enoch, Brooklyn Halstead Ess£>x Education Sub-I Holmes John Young Rev. Alfred M.A., Sc.D. Committee 1 Parker Rev. Douglas Charles (rector), Rectory Moy Thomas Lim. coal merchants; Rum ball Mrs. Rose cottage depot, Railway station Viall King, Baythorne park COMM"EBCI..U.. Pannell R. Peter, Plough P.H COMMERCIAL. Bates Regnld.Wm.frmr. Warren's frm Pavne Richd. Oscar, farmer,Moat frm Fitch Bros. millers (steam & water), Bolt-on Robert, florist Railing Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper Baythorne mill Clary Charles, farm bailiff to the Hon. Sherwood Richard Henry, farmer, Pizzy Fr~>derick, Swan P.H Mrs. St. John Ives,Whitehouse frm Birdbrook hall Rumball James Daking, steward to French Elsie Grace (Mrs.), builder Woodley Ralph, farmer Mr. G. E. Unwin. Burleigh house • French Su11annah (Mrs.), Colne Valley Turner Jas. Wm. blacksmith, Post off Arms P .H Unwin Geo.Ernst.frmr.Baythorne hall 0 • 0 .
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