The Weather imiDAY, TEPRUARY 8, i m Arerage Daily Nat Press Run Foreenet of -U.’ 8 . W m ther ■ Wes'S For the Week Ended p a g e s i x t e e n fUanrbPBtpr iferalb I t a u M . I960 Meotly fair, Httle change tai t«g»- itnro tonight. Low 86-88, Soa- equal to the value of the Case Jane iJennison, and half to the 13^071 da;^ moetly fair, breecy, not quite • Mr. and Mrs. William Hooker, r' The, 50-5^ Club of St. Mary’s Bros, stock. children of Robert-and Sara. Jane. on mild. HtglU near 46. Episcopal Churih will meet tonight 77 Erie St., have been called to Dennison Will ■The Connecticut Bank and Trust Member of the Audli The will dividqs the rest of the Bnrean of Olrcnlatlen. About Town at <7 o'clock for evening prayer in Florida by the death of his father, estate in half. One half goes to Co. and Wells. and Robert Den­ Manchester— A City of Village Charm the Nativity chapel, followed by a Williani Hooker Sr., in Naples, Wells in trust. The other half is nison have been named executors. Mis* Carol Ann GiorgetU. daugh­ chicken supper and sboial program Fla., y e s t e r d a y afternoon Mr. Filed Today again divided into two equal parts, Ah Inventory of the estate must WATKINS- Hooker Sr. of Newington had been I _____ (Claeoltiqi^ Adverttelng on Page 8) PRICE FIVE C®NT8 ter of Mr. and Mrs. Roland- Tanr- including a comic hat contest and half of it going absolutely to Sara be filed within two months. VOL. LXXIX. NO. 108 (TEN PAGBS—TV SECTION-SUBURBIA TODAY) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1960 guay, 137 Oak St., has been named dancing. visiting relatives in Florida since The bulk of Mrs. Carol Case December. Funeral services and WEST to the Dean's List at Central Con-/ Dennison’s estate will be divided burial will take place in Naples necUcut State Teachers’ College A second installment of the an­ equally Ijetween her son Welles, at New Britain, for the first semes­ nual voters’ meeting of Zion Evan­ tornorrow. Funeral Servks ter. gelical Lutheran Church will be and the wife and children of her CORONET GAMLINE held tonight at 7.30 o’clock. Regis­ The Gleaners’ Circle, WSCS, of son Robert, according" to terms of ORMOND J. WEST. Director All Dale Carnegie graduates In tration for Communion on Sunday South Methodist Church, will meet a will admitted to probate today. 568 CENTER STREET 142 EAST CENTER ST. R t . 6 R elocation Manchester are Invited to attend morning will also be received at the Monday at 7:30 p.m. in the chapel« Probate Judge John J. Wallett Mitchell 9-7196 a meeting Monday at 8 p.m. at parish house this evening from 7 to Mrs. Emma Russell will be in said there is no estimate yet pf the Whlton auditorium to form 8 o’clock. charge of devotions. the Value o f the estate. Blitz an alumni assopiation. Her son Robert receives an equal Hartford, Feb. 6 (/P)— A ^llss Lorraine Cormier, 447 E. The Women’s Auxiliary of St. share with Wells of real estate, Prices hlanchester’s Oldest Through M anchester resolution urging that Dr. Marine P\’t. Michael D. Strange, Middle Tpke„ is one of the stu­ Mary’s Episcopal Church will start personal effects, and stock in Ton- with Finest Facilities. Willard Upliaus of New Ha­ dents of St. Joseph College in West Ica Springs, and the Highland Off-Street Parking son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett T. its meeting on Monday with a a ' " " ] ven be freed from jail in New Hartford who will sing at the In­ short devotional service in the Park Water Co., now defunct. Established 1874 / Strange, 58 Virginia Rd., has com­ A f 0 9 v,ft„»o.6near Laurel Lake and Will come^highway Will go under » relocated Hampshire has been adopted pleted recruit training at .the Ma­ stitute of Living Thursday at 7 :45 church at 7:30 p.m. The women To Robert’s wife, Sara Jane, go p.m. Miss Cormier is a member of Mrs, Dennison’s stock in Case A n efltim ateo s z nouaen into a full. j-terchansreInterchange at Spencer sectionsection‘d of Gardner Bt,St, between by the board of directors of rine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris will be instructed by Mrs. Harry GALLON GALLON and two combination residen­ Spring and Highland Sts. Ramps the Madrigal Singers, a unit of the Mahoney in making surgical pads Bros., the family paper mill. VVells St., the first street it will hit in the Connecticut Council of Island, S. C. town. to and from the west will be eon- college glee club. ' and dressing gowns for mental will receive cash and securities tial-commercial buildings in Churches. ^ Manchester will be a ffw tM The highway will continue east atructed , at Gardner St. health patients. RefreshmenU will Engaged from Spencer St., will overpass, The highway will aut Glen Rd., Uphaus was jailed D e c /14 for Hose and Ladder Co. No. 4 of the be served by Miss Isabel Dunn and by the relocation of U.S. Rt. 6. refusing to comply with'^a court The engeigement of Miss Barbara HilUtown Rd.. and will overpass a underpass a straightened Wylly* Town Fire Department wiU have her committee. state Highway Commiasioner proposed town street extending St., and will aever Spring St. near order directing him to name per­ a stag dinner-party for members Bader to Thomas Michael Del-' sons who visited his W^rld Fellow­ Cuba Press monaco, is announced by her par­ Howard 8. Ives today aet the line south from Hartford Rd. near Bid- Highland St. tomorrow at the firehouse, begin­ Mrs. Jack R. Gass, the former;. for the relocation through Man- well 8t. ship Center at a camp in Conway. SAVE 10% ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Jus. eaat of this point a section N. H., in 1954 and 1955. ning at 6:30 p.m. Muriel Clark of Manchester, and eheater. The line will follow the Proceeding east along Hop of Birch Mt..Rd. between Carter NOW TAKING ORDERS Bader of Keeney St., Glast-yibury. The New Hampshire attorney two children, left by plane today Her fiance Is the son of Mrs. Pas- . CJ • plana shown in maps to Manches­ Brook, the highway will aever and Hignland Sts. will be relocated Hides Story FOR The Willing Workers’ arcle, ter residents at a public hearing Bridge St. and will underpass a general wants the names for an from Charlotte, N. C„ to j o i n quale N. Delmonaco of Hull, Mass., to form a continuous roadway with investigation of subversive activ­ AMESITE WSCS, of South Methodist Church, A.l.C. Jack R Gass at Wheelus and the late Mr, Delmonaco. Oct. 21 at Verplanck School, with new street connection between a relocation of Camp Meeting Rd. will sponsor a 3-course luncheon Keeney 8t. and McKee 8t. ities. D r.. Uphaus, who -appealed Air Force Base, Tripoli, whc> is Mias Bader received her B. S. <$■ two alight changes. A ramp to the east will be con­ DRIVEWAYS next Thursday at noon in Cooper The State Highway Department South Main St. between Hack­ his case to the U.S. Supreitfe On Gunfire n ie best of materials and stationed there for a 3-year tour degree from Central Connecticut structed to connect wi.h Porter Court without success, said his hall. Store clerks and businessmen of duty. Mrs. Gass is the da ignter Her heart sings with dirt not pinpoint the houses and matack St. and Hartford Rd. will St. at Highlanq St. Camp Meeting Workmanship! will be served first at reserved State College in New Britain, and be widened and straightened. conscience wouldn’t permit him to of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gamole, her M. A. dpgree from Teachers’ buildings expected to be removed Rd. will be moved so it runs along divulge the names. Havana. Feb. 6 (iip)— HeVo- DEMAIO BROS. ■tables. Resen'ations may be made happiness- as she be­ to rtiake way for the new highway. The highway will go under 8. at the church office or,i,with Mrs. 431 Lydall St. College, Columbia University. She Main St. and a full, 3-ioqp inter­ the south side of Rt. 6. The' board of directors of the lucion toda} played up an Ml 3-7691 is serving as a reading specialist A turnaround has been sdded on Before en’.ering Bolton, the high­ council, an interdenominational Allen Barrett, general chairman. Glen Rd.. on the scuth side of the change will be conatruct^ there. item about a tisit of U.S. Ma* The Men’s Club of North Metho­ in the U.S. Air Force schools in holds the fashion notes Further east, the highwa.v will way will overpass Birch Mt. Rd. group, urged yesterday that the JA 9^6905 highway. Glen Rd.. which goes runner eiuii, inr i at rines to the Dominican Re* The Salvation Army Junior dist Church will sponsor a “ Sweet* France. charges sgainst Uphai.s be drop­ heart Night” program for their Mr. Delmonaco received his she loves . so easy' from Spring St. to Highland St., ped or that he he freed on bail publitv whose (ifovernment is Choir and Band wili be featured B. S. and M. A. degrees from Bos­ will be severed by the new con- at the 7:30 service tonight at the wives.
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