QQfifBiaaeaQiia&ffii® iaaaoaa VOLXUII AUSTIN, TEXAS, DECEMBER, 1959 NO. 4 50th Notes School bands and student news­ ground of the organization and also papers continue to lead the parade show them how some of the con­ Dec Meeting Set at the local level in publicizing the testants dressed during their day." League's Golden Anniversary, but The Ohio High School Athlete, others are helping to commerorate official publication of the Ohio the event, too. For example: High School Athletic Association, * * # plugged the League's Golden An­ On Debate Topics niversary in the November edition. W. J. Morris, band director at nationwide questionnaire circulated Included in the item were some facts League Director R. J. Kidd, a major problem areas to be consid- Sanderson High School, staged a by Dr. E. R. Rankin, chairman of about League participation and best member of the committee on dis- ered for the 1960-61 national de- 50th show on November 6. the national debate committee. wishes for continued success. cussion and debate materials of the bate topic. * * * National University Extension As- The three problem areas will be Two Corpus Christi bands—Roy sociation, will go to Washington, | selected from a number of sug- 26 Replies Miller High, directed by C. R. D.C., this month to help select three i gestions received recently on a Dr. Rankin sent questionnaires Bailey, and W. B. Ray High, di- to state leagues of all states, and + rected by James Ayres—did a co- Electra Plans each of the 26 leagues that replied •r operative 50th Anniversary show at suggested from three to five prob­ the November 13 Miller-Ray game. lem areas for the national com­ The bands, performing before a ca­ mittee's consideration. (Last year pacity crowd of 22,000, were assisted New Banquet only 22 leagues replied). Topics by the Ray High choir, under the In commemoration of the 50th Music Groups were ranked in order of preference direction of Mrs. Aurelia Scogin, Anniversary of the University In- on a 5-4-3-2-1 basis, and all will and the Miller choir, directed by terscholastic League, officials of the be screened by committee members Mrs. Lois Rhea. F. W. Savage, di­ Electra Public Schools have decided at the Washington meeting. rector of music activities for the to abolish the traditional football When the three problem areas League, was a guest participant and banquet and in its place inaugurate Set for 1959 are selected, they will be submitted outlined the League's program in a new type of appreciation banquet to a nationwide vote of state music, athletics and the literary and honoring all students representing Music Director F. W. Savage has Region VII leagues to determine the area to be academic fields. Electra in League activities. announced that appointments of Executive committee—Supt. Mor­ used for the 1960-61 debate ques­ * * * Explaining the new plan in a tion. Each problem area will have ANNIVERSARY SIGNING—Gov. Price Daniel is shown signing the official memorandum declaring the regional contest chairmen have been ris Strong, Falfurrias. recent letter to the League Office, three separate debate propositions. The Lindale High School band, completed for the 1959-60 school Marching—Adam Salazar, Fal­ Supt. William L. Hudson said: week of December 6-12 University Interscholastic League Week in Texas in conjunction with the current When the national problem area is directed by Wade Hampton, per­ furrias High School. formed a 50th show on October 30. "This will take in first chair band observance of the League's 50th Anniversary. To commemorate the League's founding in Abilene in Decem­ year. determined by vote of states, each Band solo-ensembles, band con­ members, section leaders in choral These officials, appointed by the state will be permitted to choose * * * ber, 1910, a special program was held there on December 10. Deadline complications prevented coverage cert—John Kincaid, Texas A&I Col­ work, lettermen in all athletic con­ one proposition from that area for The Brahma Band of East Ber­ of that event for this issue of the LEAGUER, but the complete story, with pictures, will be published in the Regional Executive Committees, are lege, Kingsville. nard High School honored the tests and school representatives in responsible for making the neces­ use in next year's debating. That all literary contests. This banquet next issue. Looking on at the memorandum signing were, left to right: Rhea H. Williams, assistant director Orchestra, vocal—Dr. Lawrence final vote among Texas schools will League's 50th birthday on Novem­ sary arrangements and conducting McQuerrey, Texas A&I College, ber 6 during halftime in the East will be called the Banquet of Ap­ and athletic director of the League; Virgil Currin, chairman of the Legislative Council's 50th Anniversary be conducted next April. the competition-festivals according Kingsville. Bernard-Dulles football game. Di­ preciation. I do not know of any committee and assistant superintendent of Alamo Heights Schools, San Antonio; Supt. P. J. Dodson, a mem­ other banquet of this kind in ex­ to plan and schedule. Suggested Areas rector James C. Brabb also saw to ber of the 50th Anniversary committee, Bastrop; and League Director R. J. Kidd. Region VIII it that the special show was covered istence in the public schools of All inquiries about the compe­ The leading problem areas sug­ Texas. Executive committee—Supt. H. gested by state leagues (with the in the local school newspaper. titions should be addressed to the ". Some 150 to 165 students L. Wheat, McCamey. number of leagues suggesting them * * * appropriate contest chairman. Marching—Bill J. Dean, Odessa David Schoonover, director of the will, we think, be eligible .for this and their total points in paren­ banquet, out of our high school en­ The chairmen are: High School. thesis) are: Wylie (Abilene) High Schol Bull­ Edgar Lauds UIL Sei Band solo-ensembles—Don Baird, rollment of 295. This 165 does not 1. Federal-state relationships: dog Band, put on a UIL halftime Bowie Junior High, Odessa, and take into consideration the many Region I A. Power of Supreme Court show in late October. He, too, is Kyle Crain, Bonham Junior High, boys and girls who were original Executive committee—Principal (17 leagues-56 points). i working with the local school news­ Odessa. paper for additional publicity for contestants but who, for some rea­ Provided for Public Schools W. L. Reed, Levelland High School. B. Federal policies on educa­ Band concert—J. R. McEntyre, son or other, were eliminated from Marching, band concert, solo- tion (7-22). the occasion. By J. W. EDGAR living happily and participating League program has developed. Permian High, Odessa. * if $ our own local contests." ensembles—Scott Couch, Levelland C. State vs. Federal authority Commissioner of Education effectively in that society. Teachers and administrators have Orchestra — Newts Guilbeau, The Sweeny High School band, High School. (4-12). Since the beginning, the Inter­ suggested new and efficient ways of Bonham Junior High, Odessa. directed by H. O. Spencer, did a Orchestra—Mitchell Zablotny, D. Federal regulation of so­ Beginning 50 years ago and con­ scholastic League program has conducting competitions, subject Vocal—Lewis Jordan, Permian 50th show on October 30. A couple Monterey High School, Lubbock. cial problems (3-13). tinuing throughout the years, the been developed and operated close matter suitable for use, refinement High, Odessa. of other recent additions to the list: Debate Tape to the public schools. In fact, the of rules, and the machinery for Vocal—Georgie Willson, Post 2. Free world security: public schools of this state have High School. G. Gilligan, director of the Kermit League has contributed to setting settling debates. District executive Region IX A. Maintaining security of High School band, reported on a been provided with unique services educational standards not only for committees are composed of faculty Executive committee—Supt. Jim free world (14-49). joint effort of the Kermit and Pecos from the Extension Division of The Region II Now Available athletic sports and games, but in de­ members from the participating Barnes, Mission. B. World disarmament (11- bands; M. L. Winger, director of the University of Texas. In the early Executive committee—S u p t. 45). The NUEA committee on discus­ bate, speech, the fine arts, and in schools. As further indication of the Marching, band concert, orches­ Silsbee High School band, said more days, the Division promoted study Wendel Seibert, Eastland. sion and debate has announced ar­ language arts. The League's ac­ League's belief in local control, the tra solo-ensembles—Ralph Burford, C. United Nations (7-14). than 200 students were used in the and practice in public speaking and tivities and contests, which are school's application for membership Marching—Pat Patterson, Sweet­ rangements to supply at cost water High School. Edinburg High School. Natural Resources finale of a recent 50th halftime ($3.50) tape recordings of the debate and in athletic contests. adapted to schools of different in the Interscholastic League must Vocal—Tony Castellanos, show. Since 1912, the Bureau of Public types, have moved forward as the be authorized and approved by the Band solo-ensembles—Russell 3. Conservation of natural re­ labor-management broadcast of Griep, Lincoln Junior High, Abi­ Brownsville High School. sources (10-27). * * * Service has organized annual inter- school program has changed and local school board. October 8 which signalled the open­ lene. 4. U.S. foreign policy: Pete Wilson, athletic director at ing of the forensic season. The re­ school competitions which have pro­ grown because there has always An examination of the present Region X been provision for the participa­ Band concert, orchestra, orches­ A.
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