■_. 11 »jn., It10, 3:30, 5:30, 7:40 and "Sons o’ Pun” the team Is now Local Audience to Sec Where and When 9:50 pjn. , ready for a coast-to-coast tour and AMUSEMENTS,_ Likely Ptx—'"Soul of a Monster"; 2:10, are due in Constitution Hall De- • 7 and 9:20 kidney Uit'i Currant Thuatur Attractions 4:35, pm. cember 5. Their company includes Trane-Lax — News and shorts, several additional WASH. GRAND OPERA HIPPODROME NT*Ut*ya Sweet 1 ond Tim* of Spanish dancers, 'Sing Out, Land,’ Jan. Showing continuous from 10 a.m, a guitarist and a pianist. Tickets mu OF TUB “MET.” OTHERS By JAY CARMODT. am opening JAMES STEWART 1:30 pm. are on sale at the Cappel Concert > Walter Kerr’a National—"Iolanthe”; CONSTITUTION HAIX Booking department: Catholic University musical Bureau, 1300 O street N.W. Sweet a Screen. Concerts List & IMVAIME. m. If, 1:31 hits CAROLE LOMBARD triumph, “Sing Out, Land," now Theater Guild production with Cappel /X Alfred is a to come to Capitol—"Something for the Goebbeb called our For- Drake, strong possibility Washington after all. Flying 1 11:06 7:15 Rosario and Antonio The weeks of January 1 and 8 will “very probably" see it at the National Boys"; am., 1:45, 4:30. tresses "Flying Coffins.” We need Martinalli, Svad, RIMa,, "MADE FOR'EACH OTHER" and 10 (hows: Chavlllos Theater, this department is Informed. pm. Stage 1:10, 3:55, Loe is whit they are more of them over Germany. Let’s 6:40 and called in but In RM That will be after its current four-week in 0:20'pm. Spain Hollywood all back the attack. Buy more War Raurdon, ALSO engagement Boston, Colombia—“I Love a 11 and Soldier"; Broadway It’s just Rosario and BmbAb* • SO It Chw»" Orehaetn. 41 two additional ones in Philadelphia. am., 1:05, 3:10, 5:20, 7:25 and 0:35 Antonio. After a debut in Mup ef Sataary latk A«t. The Kerr play, the most-talked-ol dancing ALL P. V. CO. IH writer Ernest Ball, holds over there pm. ithe motion iuok drama of the was picture, "Hollywood OKtUtti. Otc. II: Trarleta, In, I: Latla Cnral’i ■•VICTORY” season, originally for a second week. < TODAY AND TOMORROW Earle—“Rainbow Island"; 11 am., Canteen.” and an appearance in 41 Lapparptar. Jaa. II; Faaat, Rank li scheduled to open in New York on There has Carmte. Prrah II. Cast. 6-11 rarely been anything 1:46, 4:20, 7 and 9:40 pm. 8tage December 4. Nonavailability of a TICEETS. AU. PRICES. BUT HURRY like It, a glance at old booking shows: 1:05, 3:45, 6:25 and 9:10 AMUSEMENTS. theater dictated )t on the pm. Single Opera: 11.20 ta $3.M. Sea- 8TA®GcB.AoT.^AT keeping charts shows. Even back in the old Keith’s—“Bowrey to Broadway"; aan: IMI.48 ta San. The Hacht Ca„ BARRY FITZGERALD road for the longer time, to the carefree days at least one or more 11.15 am., 1:20, 3:25, 5:30, 7:35 and ',‘h Fleer, Bl. 54‘441. Wilier* Hetel. MY WAY" good fortune of Washington. 00 4 0. "GOING of the downtown theaters risked 9:40 * * * * pm. the guess that perhaps some one Little—“48 Hours”; 11 a.m., 12:50, Music Stentorian, no department: would like to see a screen drama of 2:35, 4:20, 6:05, 7:55 and 9:45 pm. less, is the reply the movie studios some seriousness. Metropolitan — “Here Comes Mr. V "i deliver to whatever clamor today It is mere coincidence, manage- • Jordan”; 11 am., 1:10, 3:15, 5:25, there has been for escapist pictures ments explain, that this week is the FAMILIAR TO F1LMG0- 7:30 and 9:40 pm. c^mmum in Washington. exception. Palace—“Irish Eyes Are Smiling; At each of the first-run downtown ERS—was the work of Frank The Metropolitan with “Dead End houses there will be a in- Lawton in and Amer- KM O’SHEA musical, Kids,” the brave little Little with "48 English the movies’ loudest and AMUSEMENTS variably Hours” and the Columbia with "I ican pictures before he en- most lavish reaction when the pub- Love a Soldier” stick to non- tered the British Army itt lic implies that it would like to be escapism, however. 1941. Returned now to 'let off for a spell from contem- film- * * * * Mr. Lawton NOW plating the darkness of the world. making, can be ®®®*S ®PE* RKO KEITH’S War themes step aside at Keith’s Drama department: “Trio,” the seen in the dramatic “4S A WASHINGTON INSTITUTION 10(40 A. W. and the Capitol to make way, re- Dorothy Baker play which Lee Shu- Hours,” entering its second Opp. U. S. Trtisary m 15th St. bert refused to allow’ spectively, for “Bowery to Broad- into the Cort week at the Little. way” and “Something for the Boys.” Theater in New York on the ground Derring-do in the form of "French- that it would draw censorial wrath man’s Creek,” the season’s most on the house, is not a dead issue. Producer Lee Sabinson has Hey, Punxsutawney lavish piece of flamboyance dealing received By the Auoelated Preu. with blood and thunder in the permission of Actors’ Equity to hold _. HOLLYWOOD. 17th makes a his company together fof eight century, way for Listen to this, piece of musical madness called weeks, pending his search for an- Punxsutawney! Studio electricians say that the 300 "Rainbow Island," at the Earle. other theater. incandescents used for camera flood- Not even at the Palace can the Needles in haystacks would be easier to lights in "Where Do We Go Prom drama-lover satisfy a yearning for find, but Mr. Sabinson Here" burn enough juice to a the serious. "Irish Eyes Are Smil- already is out looking for a New light York city three times your site! Ing." built around the life of Song- house for his play, which a of nine Gotham Jury critics found AMUSEMENTS. rather more dull than objectionable. I I A A dt dt LOANS Casting department: All this agi- 78 years of buying, selling and tation to re-team Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire has the on diamonds, etc. given team’s 14th St. at H l.w.—Opes* II A.M., Saalays I Ha lending jewelry, old director, Mark Sandrich, an idea. Liberal Leant at Lowest Passible Rates He would get Miss back as a EXTRA !--FIRST PIC TURES-EXTRA ! Rogers * kml OLD GOLD BOUGHT star of one of his musicals, but with B ATTLE FOR LEYT E_ I7f Bing Crosby as her teammate, not J' Ss *lr4“cet<>n B®mh«d, Explode*—Inuthlif Blow* r“J Astaire. Peelt Enemy—J»p Planet Shot Dow* 1* Flame* _ Is.^! The WES E. HEIDENHEIMER musical would be “Blue Skies," WALCHEREN LOAN ornci "Value a rACT- which is CLEAN-UP FREES ANTWERP being beseeched of Irving _ 505 Kins St. 1X15 ■ St. N.W. Berlin ALEXANDRA. VA. NA. 15X7 by Paramount, whose execu- CipHsI Wetteswe FJJ.; krm, Wtw aver Metre Memo tive boss. Buddy De Sylva used to HUS! -SUPER MARCH OF be co-producer of Broadway mu- TIME-PLUS! sicals with Berlin. -“POST-WAR FARMS”- < Mr. of is See How Bnral Electrification and Co-operative Method* MARIA MONTEZ B„ course, busy with Are Opening New Horixo** In Life other things, and Miss Rogers still Co*»try likes drama better than her old WMAL HIMILT HEWSIAST MIPHIBHT SHIW SATBBBAYS musical chores. ■ If any one can find a happy solu- SUSANNA FOSTER TODAY tion to the difficult problem, it would be Mr. Sandrich. He is an eloquent Sfh* man and held in TODAY'S NEIGHBORHOOD Doors open iU:45 high esteem by all MOVIES concerned. Buy War Bonds and Stamps at Any Local Theater The * JACK OAKIE last musical for which Sand- riant TV I "th * N. C. An. ft. I All Time Schedule* Given In Wnrnei i rich had a yearning for the services llUllllUlft First Feature P.M. fn**1 6:45 •re*. Ale Inllente Time Featere u of Miss Rogers was Inn.” •SHOW BUSINESS." EDDIE CANTOR. Preaented. “Holiday OEOROE MURPHY Also It turned out to BUSTER be quite a success CRABBE In "THE CONTENDER." Theater* Sarias' Matin***. BARNEE and CAPITOL ORCHESTRA with Marjorie Reynolds substituting ^ TURHAN BEY when Ginger said no. CIRCLE (IBS Pa. Are. N.W. BE. S1S4 «** in "A REDSKIN OVERTURE" GEORGIE * * * a Last "““HSff# Dsy—WILLIAM BENDIX. SUSAN DOROTHY LAMOUR. EDDIE BRACK- Literary department: There will HAYWARD. JOHN LODER In "THE EN to "RAINBOW ISLAND." At 1:16, HAIRY APE." Feature at 8. 3:20, 6:26. be no wait on the part of David O. 7:45. 9:40 7:30, 9:40. Cartoon_ Selznick PRICE while any one contemplates 81 BEVERLY 14. SSM. Mat.N'|S p.M. Ljopin o a stage production of John P. Mar- CONGRESS Today and Tomorrow. OEOROE SAN- JEAN ARTHUR. LEE BOWMAN. CHARLES DERS. DARNELL. "SUMMER “So Little Time.” There are L1NQA Bob Let &&d His Orchestn quand’s COBURN In "THE IMPATIENT YEARS STORM." 1771:05. 5:15. 7:20. 9:30. IF YOU’RE IN LOVE who think it At 8:15. 8:00. 9:40. many would make an CliTTRT *324 Wla. At*. N.W. YOU’LL LOVE even more successful stage drama bALTUl WO 234*. Mat I P.M. ,34» Wlseeasla An Today and Tomorrow. OEOROE -SAN- (f than Marquand’s currently popular DUNBARTON DERS.
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