www.ukrweekly.com Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association! rainian Weekly - 9 -4 Vol. LI No. 7 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13,1983 25 cen^: Patriarch Josyf opens synod session National committee is formed VATICAN CITY - Patriarch Josyf Also on Sunday, January 30, the Rev. Slipyj addressed the first session of the Michael Hrynchyshyn, a Redemptorist to commemorate famine Synod of Ukrainian Catholic Bishops priest from Canada, was consecrated held here on Sunday, January 30, by bishop in Rome. Pope John Paul II had SOUTH BOUND BROOK, N.J. - Philadelphia was elected chairman, and saying that "this is a historic event in the named the clergyman apostolic exarch Representatives of 45 U.S. Ukrainian Dr. Anatoly Lysyj, Valentyna Kuzmych life of our Church," reported the weekly for Ukrainian Catholics in France. He organizations met on Saturday, Ja­ and representatives of three Ukrainian English edition of America, the Ukrai­ will succeed Bishop Volodymyr Маїап– nuary 29, here at the Ukrainian Ortho­ fraternal organizations - the Ukrai­ nian Catholic daily. chuk, who requested to be released from dox Church Center's Home of Ukrai­ nian National Association, Ukrainian The patriarch told the bishops his duties. nian Culture to discuss plans for obser­ Fraternal Association and the Pro­ gathered at the synod that it was not just The Rev. Hrynchyshyn was conse­ vances of the 50th anniversary of the vidence Association of Ukrainian Ca­ an occasion to solve problems, to ex­ crated bishop by Patriarch Josyf; the Soviet-made famine of 1932-33, and tholics — were elected vice chairmen. change thoughts and to deliberate, but co-consecrators were Metropolitans they established a National Public The fraternals themselves will appoint that it was also a "common prayer in Maxim Hermaniuk and Stephen Sulyk, Committee to Commemorate the Me­ the representatives. Dr. Natalia Pazu- which we, the bishops, pray for the one, as well as Archbishop Myroslav Luba- mory of the Victims of the Great niak and Dmytro Furmanec were voted holy, Catholic and apostolic Church and chivsky, coadjutor to the patriarch, and Famine of 1932-33 in Ukraine. secretaries. for the holy Churches of God in union Archbishop Myroslav Marusyn, the The committee was charged with: feftith the one Church of Christ." secretary of the Sacred Congregation seeing to it that appropriate church and Metropolitan Mstyslav opens meeting Рл"The synod opened with Patriarch for Eastern Churches. community events are held to mark the Josyf addressing the synod, calling the tragic events of 1932-33; conducting an The meeting was opened by Metro­ gathering a "miracle of God," because it The synod, which commenced on information campaign about the Great politan Mstyslav of the Ukrainian is taking place after much persecution, January 30, was scheduled to run Famine in both the Ukrainian and non- Orthodox Church in the U.S.A., on ruin and oppression. „ . ,..,.^. through Saturday, February 12. Ukrainian press; working toward com­ whose initiative this conference of memorations of the Great Famine on community representatives had been both the national rind Ji)Wani!jowl гпИтшГ levels; and seeking the participation of Metropolitan Mstyslav began the Madrid С^пШг^пее гесогШгіезothe r organizations, which have already meeting with a prayer and with intro­ MADRID - After a seven-week bloc and the NATO allies, particularly begun preparations to mark the an­ ductory remarks in which he spoke recess, the East-West conference to in the area of human rights and dis­ niversary of the Great Famine, in the about the purpose of the meeting, the review compliance with the 1975 Hel­ armament. national committee's work. necessity of marking the 50th anniver­ sinki Accords on security and соорега– According to The New York Times, it Delegates to the daylong meeting, sary of the Great Famine and the tion in Europe resumed here on seemed apparent from the speeches which began at 10 a.m. and adjourned importance of making it known to the February 8 with no sign that either side delivered in closed sessions on the first at 5 p.m., also elected officers to head world. is prepared to alter positions that might day of the meeting's resumption that the National Public Committee on the He also spoke about his talks with break a long-standing deadlock. neither side had abandoned positions Great Famine. Dr. Petro Stercho of (Continued on page U) The 35-country conference opened in held at the time of the last recess on November 1980 and was expected to December 17. last several months. Instead, it turned The West, including the 10-member into a forum for accusations and European Economic Community and Ukrainian Institute loses counteraccusations between the Soviet the United States and Canada, has been seeking a concluding document with real estate tax exemption provisions allowing free trade unions, ending radio jamming and ensuring NEW YORK - The Ukrainian In­ scholarly endeavors, have been rejected Michael Metrinko nations the right to political self- stitute of America has been turned in their applications for real-estate tax determination. down by the New York City Tax Com­ exemptions. Their properties, however, gets Cracow post mission on its appeal for an exemption are not as valuable as the institute's, The Soviet bloc reportedly continued from the city real estate tax. therefore, their tax is considerably JERSEY CITY, N.J. - Michael to press for a follow-up conference on lower. disarmament in Europe. Throughout The UIA's vice president, Walter Metrinko, a U.S. Embassy political Nazarewicz, and its public relations officer who was one of the Americans the protracted conference, the Soviet delegation has been manuevering to committee chairman, Dr. Rostyslaw Pending since 1980 held hostage for 444 days by Iranian Sochynsky, told The Weekly that the terrorists, has been assigned to serve shift the discussions from its dismal Mr. Nazarewicz explained, in a human-rights record at home to secu­ ruling from the Tax Commission came in statement he prepared about the UlA`s in the U.S. Consulate in Cracow, a letter dated January 28 and received Poland. rity-related matters. tax crisis, that the situation had been by the institute on January 31. The UIA pending since 1980 when New York Frank Matthews, a public affairs During the opening session, Western will file an appeal with the New York officer for the U.S. State Depart­ delegates once again stressed the need City and Mayor Edward Koch decided State Supreme Court by March 15, Mr. for the first time to apply a New York ment, told The Weekly that Mr. for human-rights provisions. Jorg Kastl Nazarewicz said. Metrinko will take up his new posi­ of West Germany, speaking on behalf of State law, enacted in 1972, to revoke the tion as principal officer at the consu­ the EEC, said there had been setbacks in The institute owes the City of New tax-exempt status of various organiza­ late, sometime this summer. the Soviet bloc, including the expulsion York approximately 5177,000 in real tions in New York City. Many of the While in Iran, Mr. Metrinko was of Western reporters from Poland and estate taxes on its Fifth Avenue build­ Ukrainian organizations, as well as- stationed at both the U.S. Embassy East Germany. ing (at 79th Street) for the years 1980- those of other ethnic and cultural groups, were affected. in Teheran and the U.S. Consulate in Max Kampelman, head of the U.S. 81, 1981-82 and 1982-83. The current Tabriz. He had been taken hostage delegation, said Washington "cannot annual tax is about 565,000. The law, as written, is subject to a along with other Americans on and will not be blind" to "the record of The imposition of the real estate tax number of interpretations, Mr. Nazare­ November 4, 1979, but it was not non-compliance with the spirit and on the institute's valuable property wicz stated, consequently, several or­ until April 14, 1980, that it was letter of the Helsinki Final Act." poses a "major threat to the future ganizations which had received a final finally confirmed that he was among existence" of the UIA, Mr. Nazarewicz rejection from the city were able to the captives. The Times said that during a meeting stressed. have the decisions reversed by the He and the other hostages were with reporters after the session, Mr. The Weekly also learned that two Supreme Court of New York. In certain released on January 20, 1981, and Kampelman said it was impossible to other Ukrainian institutions, the Ukrai­ instances the city is appealing these Mr. Metrinko arrived home to Оіу– say whether the meeting could finish its nian Academy of Arts and Sciences and reversals, he said. phant. Pa., eight days later. business before adjourning for Easter the Shevchenko Scientific Society, both around March 25. of which are devoted to educational and (Continued on page 4) `—L^ .^'.n `:.ii ...1. ^л^-cil, - ^„,i,.:...- : . ^ 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13.1983 No. 7 Dissident profile Andropov campaign Imprisoned poet is geared to profiled in paper Oleksiy Tykhy: consolidate control JERSEY CITY, N.J. - In late Helsinki Group co-founder MOSCOW - Although purge may October 1982, Iryna Ratushynska, a 28-year-old poet living in Ukraine, JERSEY CITY. N.J.- As one of be too strong a word to use to describe was arrested by the KGB in Kiev and the 10 original founders in November the steady series of reshuffles in the' charged with "anti-Soviet agitation 1976 of the Ukrainian Helsinki middle levels of the Soviet hierarchy, it and propaganda." Group. Oleksiy Tykhy. a teacher by has become evident that Soviet leader profession, was one of the first to feel Yuri Andropov is intent on clearing out Recently, details about the young the sting of official repression.
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