Khyber Pakhtunkhwa - Daily Flood Report Date (29 09 2011) SWAT RIVER Boundary 14000 Out Flow (Cusecs) 12000 International 10000 8000 1 3 5 Provincial/FATA 6000 2 1 0 8 7 0 4000 7 2 4 0 0 2 0 3 6 2000 5 District/Agency 4 4 Chitral 0 Gilgit-Baltistan )" Gauge Location r ive Swat River l R itra Ch Kabul River Indus River KABUL RIVER 12000 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Kurram River 10000 Out Flow (Cusecs) Kohistan 8000 Swat 0 Dir Upper Nelam River 0 0 Afghanistan 6000 r 2 0 e 0 v 0 i 1 9 4000 4 6 0 R # 9 9 5 2 2 3 6 a Dam r 3 1 3 7 0 7 3 2000 o 0 0 4 3 7 3 1 1 1 k j n ") $1 0 a Headworks P r e iv Shangla Dir L")ower R t a ¥ Barrage w Battagram S " Man")sehra Lake ") r $1 Amandara e v Palai i R Malakand # r r i e a n Buner iv h J a R n ") i p n Munda n l a u Disputed Areas a r d i S K i K ") K INDUS RIVER $1 h Mardan ia ") ") 100000 li ") Warsak Adezai ") Tarbela Out Flow (Cusecs) ") 80000 ") C")harsada # ") # Map Doc Name: 0 Naguman ") ") Swabi Abbottabad 60000 0 0 Budni ") Haripur iMMAP_PAK_KP Daily Flood Report_v01_29092011 0 0 ") 2 #Ghazi 1 40000 3 Peshawar Kabal River 9 ") r 5 wa 0 0 7 4 7 Kh 6 7 1 6 a 20000 ar Nowshera ") Khanpur r Creation Date: 29-09-2011 6 4 5 4 5 B e Riv AJK ro Projection/Datum: GCS_WGS_1984/ D_WGS_1984 0 Ghazi 2 ") #Ha # Web Resources: http://www.immap.org Isamabad Nominal Scale at A4 paper size: 1:3,500,000 #") FATA r 0 25 50 100 Kilometers Tanda e iv Kohat Kohat Toi R s Hangu u d ") In K ai Map data source(s): tu Riv ") er Punjab Hydrology Irrigation Division Peshawar Gov: KP Kurram Garhi Karak Flood Cell , UNOCHA RIVER $1") Baran " Disclaimers: KURRAM RIVER G a m ") The designations employed and the presentation of b e ¥ Kalabagh 600 Bannu la material on this map do not imply the expression of any R K Out Flow (Cusecs) iv u e r opinion whatsoever on the part of the NDMA, PDMA or r ra m iMMAP concerning the legal status of any country, R ") iv ") e K territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning 400 r h ") ia the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. l Lakki Marwat i J i 8 n d 9 Chishma i Mardan 4 ¥ Charsada ") 200 7 Uzbekistan Adezai 5 Tajikistan 1 2 ") Turkmenistan China 4 ") Sh K ah a A l la ") p Gilgit - Baltistan 0 Tank Na m a gu n m i Gomal Zam an ") Gambela Thall Spinwam # Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Afghanistan IslamabadAJK Disputed Area ") FATA Bridge C i B dn R Bu ") C K ab ul D.I.Khan Ri Punjab NEELAM RIVER ") ver Pakistan 5200 Peshawar Out Flow (Cusecs) r ") 5000 e Iran iv Kabul River Balochistan R Nowshera 4800 s u 0 India 4600 2 d ") 1 In 5 4400 3 Sindh 0 a 5 ar 4200 4 Baluchistan B 4000 Balakot Garhi Habibullah Arabian Sea Khyber Pakhtunkhwa - Daily Flood Report Date (28 09 2011) SWAT RIVER Boundary 7000 Out Flow (Cusecs) 6000 International 5000 4000 0 7 Provincial/FATA 0 0 8 3000 2 6 0 5 2 5 3 2 1 2000 2 4 4 4 1 1000 3 Chitral District/Agency 0 Gilgit-Baltistan )" Gauge Location r ive Swat River l R itra Ch Kabul River Indus River KABUL RIVER 12000 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Kurram River 10000 Out Flow (Cusecs) Kohistan 8000 0 Dir Upper Swat Nelam River 0 0 Afghanistan 8 6000 r 0 e 0 v 0 i 1 9 4000 4 6 5 R # 3 3 0 2 2 3 6 a Dam r 2 1 2 7 0 2 3 2000 o 0 0 5 4 7 3 2 1 1 k j n ") $1 0 a Headworks P r e iv Shangla Dir L")ower R t a ¥ Barrage w Battagram S " Man")sehra Lake ") r $1 Amandara e v Palai i R Malakand # r r i e a n Buner iv h J a R n ") i p n Munda n l a u Disputed Areas a r d i S K i K ") K $1 h Mardan INDUS RIVER ia ") ") li ") 100000 Warsak Adezai ") Tarbela ") Out Flow (Cusecs) ") C")harsada 80000 # ") # Map Doc Name: Naguman ") ") Swabi Abbottabad Budni Haripur iMMAP_PAK_KP Daily Flood Report_v01_28092011 0 ") 60000 ") 0 0 #Ghazi 1 Kabal River 6 Peshawar 0 ") ar 40000 1 w 9 Kh 8 4 0 0 7 4 a ar Nowshera ") Khanpur r Creation Date: 28-09-2011 6 B 6 6 1 6 e 20000 Riv AJK 7 4 5 4 5 ro Projection/Datum: GCS_WGS_1984/ D_WGS_1984 Ghazi 2 ") #Ha 0 # Web Resources: http://www.immap.org Isamabad Nominal Scale at A4 paper size: 1:3,500,000 #") FATA r 0 25 50 100 Kilometers Tanda e iv Kohat Kohat Toi R s Hangu u d ") In K ai Map data source(s): tu Riv ") er Punjab Hydrology Irrigation Division Peshawar Gov: KP Kurram Garhi Karak Flood Cell , UNOCHA RIVER $1") Baran " Disclaimers: KURRAM RIVER G a m ") The designations employed and the presentation of b e ¥ Kalabagh Bannu la material on this map do not imply the expression of any 500 R K Out Flow (Cusecs) iv u e r opinion whatsoever on the part of the NDMA, PDMA or r ra m iMMAP concerning the legal status of any country, 400 R ") iv ") e K territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning r h ") ia the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. l 300 Lakki Marwat i J i n 8 Chishma d i 5 1 Mardan 6 200 4 ¥ Charsada ") 3 Uzbekistan Adezai Tajikistan 100 1 ") ") Turkmenistan China 4 Sh K ah a A l la ") p Gilgit - Baltistan Tank Na m a 0 gu n Gomal Zam ma ") i # n Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Gambela Thall Spinwam Afghanistan IslamabadAJK Disputed Area ") FATA C i Bridge B dn R Bu ") C K ab ul D.I.Khan Ri Punjab NEELAM RIVER ") ver 5200 Pakistan Out Flow (Cusecs) Peshawar r ") 5000 e Iran iv Kabul River Balochistan 4800 R Nowshera s 0 u 4600 2 d India 1 ") In 5 4400 3 Sindh 0 5 ara 4200 4 Baluchistan B 4000 Balakot Garhi Habibullah Arabian Sea Khyber Pakhtunkhwa - Daily Flood Report Date (27 09 2011) SWAT RIVER Boundary 7000 Out Flow (Cusecs) 6000 International 5000 4000 0 2 7 5 0 Provincial/FATA 7 0 0 0 3000 6 2 6 6 1 7 7 5 1 2000 4 4 1000 Chitral District/Agency 0 Gilgit-Baltistan )" Gauge Location r ive Swat River l R itra Ch Kabul River Indus River KABUL RIVER 12000 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 10000 Out Flow (Cusecs) Kurram River 8000 Kohistan Swat 1 Dir Upper Nelam River 4 6000 4 Afghanistan 2 r 9 0 e 9 v 9 i 4000 0 5 0 9 9 0 2 R 0 3 7 # 3 1 3 7 4 2 5 a Dam 2000 r 0 0 4 3 6 3 1 1 1 o k j 0 n ") $1 a Headworks P r e iv Shangla Dir L")ower R t a ¥ Barrage w Battagram S " Man")sehra Lake ") r $1 Amandara e v Palai i R Malakand # r r i e a n Buner iv h J a R n ") i p n Munda n l a u Disputed Areas a r d i S K i K INDUS RIVER ") K $1 h Mardan ia ") ") 70000 li ") Out Flow (Cusecs) Warsak Adezai ") Tarbela 60000 ") ") C")harsada 50000 # ") Map Doc Name: 0 # Naguman ") Abbottabad 40000 0 ") Swabi Haripur 7 Budni ") iMMAP_PAK_KP Daily Flood Report_v01_27092011 0 30000 4 ") 0 #Ghazi 1 6 Peshawa")r Kabal River 5 r 20000 0 0 7 0 wa 7 h 6 8 1 2 K 3 ra ") 7 Nowshera 27-09-2011 4 5 4 6 Creation Date: 10000 Ba Khanpur er Riv AJK 0 ro Projection/Datum: GCS_WGS_1984/ D_WGS_1984 Ghazi 2 ") #Ha # Web Resources: http://www.immap.org Isamabad Nominal Scale at A4 paper size: 1:3,500,000 #") FATA r 0 25 50 100 Kilometers Tanda e iv Kohat Kohat Toi R s Hangu u d ") In K ai Map data source(s): tu Riv ") er Punjab Hydrology Irrigation Division Peshawar Gov: KP Kurram Garhi Karak Flood Cell , UNOCHA RIVER $1") KURRAM RIVER Baran " Disclaimers: G a m ") The designations employed and the presentation of b 800 e ¥ Kalabagh Bannu la material on this map do not imply the expression of any Out Flow (Cusecs) R K iv u e r opinion whatsoever on the part of the NDMA, PDMA or r ra 600 m iMMAP concerning the legal status of any country, R ") iv ") e K territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning r h ") ia the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. l J 3 Lakki Marwat i 400 i n 5 Chishma d i 6 Mardan 5 ¥ Charsada ") 6 Uzbekistan 200 Adezai 5 3 Tajikistan 5 ") ") Turkmenistan China Sh K ah a 0 A l la ") p Gilgit - Baltistan Tank Na m a gu n Gomal Zam ma ") i Gambela Thall Spinwam # n Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Afghanistan IslamabadAJK Disputed Area Bridge ") FATA C i B dn R Bu ") C K ab ul D.I.Khan Ri Punjab NEELAM RIVER ") ver 8000 Pakistan Out Flow (Cusecs) Peshawar r e ") Iran 6000 iv Kabul River Balochistan R Nowshera s u 4000 3 d India 0 n ") 5 I 3 6 0 5 Sindh 2000 4 ra Baluchistan Ba 0 Balakot Garhi Habibullah Arabian Sea Khyber Pakhtunkhwa - Daily Flood Report Date (26 09 2011) SWAT RIVER Boundary 9000 8000 Out Flow (Cusecs) 7000 International 6000 5000 0 0 Provincial/FATA 4000 2 0 0 8 8 0 3000 4 3 0 0 5 5 0 2000 5 1 6 District/Agency 3 1000 1 Chitral 0 Gilgit-Baltistan )" Gauge Location r ive Swat River l R itra Ch Kabul River KABUL RIVER Indus River 16000 14000 Out Flow (Cusecs) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Kurram River 12000 Kohistan 10000 0 0 Dir Upper Swat 8000 2 Nelam River 4 Afghanistan r 0 6000 1 e 4 6 9 0 v i 3 9 0 2 2 3 7 4000 9 R 2 1 2 7 # 0 2 5 7 a 0 0 Dam 5 3 5 3 2 1 1 2000 r o k 0 j n ") $1 a Headworks P r e iv Shangla Dir L")ower R t a ¥ Barrage w Battagram S " Man")sehra Lake ") r $1 Amandara e v Palai i R Malakand # r r i e a n Buner iv h J a R n ") i p n Munda n l a u Disputed Areas a r d i S K i K INDUS RIVER ") K $1 h Mardan 70000 ia ") ") li ") 60000 Out Flow (Cusecs) Warsak Adezai ") Tarbela ") ") 50000 # ") C")harsada 0 # Map Doc Name: Naguman ") Abbottabad 40000 0 Swabi 0 ") Haripur 0 iMMAP_PAK_KP Daily Flood Report_v01_26092011 0 Budni ") 30000 2 9 ") #Ghazi 1 6 7 Peshawar Kabal River 20000 4 0 1 0 ") ar 4 w 4 9 6 5 Kh 7 5 7 4 6 ra Nowshera ") Creation Date: 26-09-2011 10000 Ba Khanpur er Riv AJK 0 ro Projection/Datum: GCS_WGS_1984/ D_WGS_1984 Ghazi 2 ") #Ha # Web Resources: http://www.immap.org Isamabad Nominal Scale at A4 paper size: 1:3,500,000 #") FATA r 0 25 50 100 Kilometers Tanda e iv Kohat Kohat Toi R s Hangu u d ") In K ai Map data source(s): tu Riv ") er Punjab Hydrology Irrigation Division Peshawar Gov: KP Kurram Garhi Karak Flood Cell , UNOCHA RIVER $1") KURRAM RIVER Baran " Disclaimers: G a m ") The designations employed and the presentation of b 800 e ¥ Kalabagh Bannu la material on this map do not imply the expression of any Out Flow (Cusecs) R K iv u e r opinion whatsoever on the part of the NDMA, PDMA or r ra 600 m iMMAP concerning the legal status of any country, R ") iv ") e K territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning r h ") ia the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
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