VOTE FOR WATCH FAVORITE FOR ATHLETE ALEMBIC VOL. IX, No. 18—SIX PAGES. PROVIDENCE COLLEGE, PROVIDENCE, R. I., MAY 14, 1947 Veritas With 538 Pictures 110 SENIORS INVESTED WITH To Be Available Tomorrow CAP AND GOWN AT CHAPEL Yearbook 25 Extra Copies WANTED—PHOTOGRAPHERS Graduating Class Hears Dean Urge Father Clark will meet all students interested in doing Fight Against Falsehood Printed for Those photographic work for the COWL and VERITAS in an ef- fort to organize a photographic Who Did Not Order staff for the publications. The meeting will be at 1:00 Friday, In spite of the delay caused by labor May 16, in Room 213. difficulties, the 1947 Veritas will be ready for distribution May 15, Walter Breen Yearbook Editor announced yesterday. The cover of the Veritas will con- Vet Course Changes sist of ivory and black artificial leather of cordova grain bearing the seal of the college on the uppert part and the Must Be Approved date below on the backbone. Moreover the monotony of black is relieved by some cover effect of emerald green. By Dean And V.A. More than 538 pictures are distri- buted throughout the 200 pages. Most COVER DESIGN Veterans who intend to change of the photography was done by the their course in September must see Veritas photo staff with some photo the Rev. Vincent C. Dore, O.P. to montage arranged by the Rev. T. H. get permission for such changes on Kaufman. O. P. Carolan Club May 21, 22, or 23, Mr. Baker, veterans' One full page will be highlighted training officer, announced today. with pictures of the children of the senior class dads. There are nine Elects Officers The veteran should then file a letter fathers among this year's graduating with Mr. Baker or Mr. McCormick class who have a sum total of 13 chil- At Monthly Meeting and give complete details concerning The Rev. Vincent Dore, O.P.. Dean, and the Rev. Richard R. dren. the changes to obtain the Veterans' Clark, Senior Moderator, are shown investing the Seniors with The principal sport feature is the The Carolan Club of Aquinas Hall Administration approval. their Cap and Gown. The scene is in the Aquinas Hall Chapel. basketball season with pictures of all met Monday, May 5, and elected Dan home games and writeups copied Di Iuglio of Woodbridge, Conn., presi- This notice also applies to those tak- from the daily papers. dent He succeeds John Sullivan who 110 men who will be graduated from the college on June 12 ing the industrial management course heard the Rev. Dr. Vincent C. Dore, O.P., dean, at Cap and Gown Also included in the Veritas are por- is graduating this June. traits of the faculty, class officers, club here at Providence College. ceremonies Friday, urge that they take up the battle for truth presidents, group portraits of some of Dan took over the top spot in the Veterans Entering Other Colleges and combat the falsehoods that are rampant in the world. the under classes and members of dormitory club winning by a wide All veterans leaving Providence "The truth shall set you free. Anything else is falsehood and is the basis of slavery, slavery to sin; slavery to men; slavery to club societies. Many formal and in- majority. He is also secretary of College in May to enter any other formal shots will also be seen. the Junior class, was prom chairman governments. Falsehood whether it comes from Moscow, Wash- school have to receive a supplemental ington, London or any other place, even from your own heart, There are still 25 yearbooks avail- for this year, and is the newly elected certificate of entitlement and eligibil- will make you a slave. able to the student body. All students president of the New Haven County who have not already subscribed to ity. It is important that we who have Club. the Veritas have this last opportunity This certificate should be applied the chance to mould public opinion, John O'Hurley of Hartford, Conn., to obtain the yearbook. The extra for in writing on Ihe required form JOSEPH FLYNN mould it after the truth." copies of the Veritas were printed be- was re-elected to the office of vice- which may be obtained in Room 103 Father Dore was assisted by the cause the yearbook staff is confident president, and Jim Connors of New 'Those going to a summer session Rev. Dr. William R. Clark. O.P.. head that when the students see this color- Bedford was again put into the office should apply immediately; those en- FRIAR PRESIDENT ful edition, they will be anxious to of secretary by a wide margin. tering another school in September of t'he department of sociology and obtain it. should apply as soon as they are ac- Joseph R. Flynn of New Haven, Senior class moderator, during the Joseph Bouchard of Nashua, N. H., Members of the editorial staff of cepted by an accredited school. Com- Junior pre-med. was elected president investiture of the graduating class In the Veritas are: Walter Breen, editor- won easily in the balloting for treas- plete details should be given as to the of the Friars' Club at their annual the Aquinas Hall Chapel. in-chief; Edward Menders, associate urer. course taken at Providence College editor; John Barchi, sports editor; Al- May meeting Monday afternoon. He The Rev. William J. Dillon, O.P., Vin Hughes of Milford, Mass., along number of years completed, school bert Marchetti, photographic editor; that the veteran is entering, date of succeeds Wilfred San Souci of Cran- professor of English and moderator of Robert Fisher, business manager, and with Bill Lynch of New Haven, won admission, and the course that will ston. the Cowl, was celebrant of the Mass John McGarry, advertising mangaer. the two positions for Junior class rep- resentatives. "Hacker" Jordan of East be taken. Others elected were: Joseph Cas- for the Seniors. The Rev. Charles H. Other members of the staff are: An- McKenna, O.P., Chaplain, was mas- thony Orabone. Earl Parker, W. Mal- Haven. Conn., and Frank Di Iuglio of Rehibilitation Folder sidy of Uxbridge, Mass.. vice presi- Woodbridge, Conn., garnered the ter of ceremonies at the investiture ley. Isadore Nachbar. Charles Beirne, Vets entering other schools should dent; James Egan. city, secretary; services, and was assisted by Dr. John Breen. James Sweeney. Henry Sophomore representatives' positions. request that their rehabilitation folder William Galligan of Hartford, treas- Daniel J. O'Neill. Gilman. and Frank Larkin. Jim Coughlin and Wales Henry of be transferred to the nearest regional urer; Tom Sullivan, city, sergeant-at- Representatives of the classes are: Hartford along with Bob Nolan of office to which the college is located The Cap and Gown procession arms. Robert Nolan, freshman: J. Kevin Hamden, Conn., gained the Freshman Change of address forms should also started from Harkins Hall at 8:45 a. Griffin, sophomore, and Joseph Mc- class commissions. (Continued on Page 6> The Friars' Club will wind up their m. From there the Seniors proceeded Mullen, junior class. years activities, which consists of to the Aquinas Chapel carrying their acting as hosts for visiting teams and Caps and Gowns. Fernand St. Ger- ushering at ball games and college main. vice president of tile Junior Distribution of Alembic Debaters Defeat St. Michael's; functions, at the college's two re- class, and Thomas F. Barry, president maining home baseball games in the of the Junior class, were the standard next two weeks. bearers. Dan DiIuglio. secretary, and Set for This Week Lose To John Marshall Law Joseph McMullen, treasurer of the Schedule assignments relative to Junior class, were the ushers. The spring edition of the Alembic working at Handricken Field will be In their last two contests staged in James Summers of John Marshall, de- posted on the bulletin board. The glee club under the direction will be distributed later this week the Aquinas Lounge, representatives feating Messrs. Menders and McGwin of the Rev. Leo S. Cannon also ren- from the athletic office The same pro- of the Providence College Debating Thus far this season the debaters dered a selection of songs at the pre- cedure will be followed in regards tc Union, upholding the negative side of under the direction of the Rev. Am- investiture ceremonies. Mr. Steven obtaining a copy as was used lasl the question. "Shall labor be given a brose Regan. O P. have engaged in Dan DiIuglio Elected Rogero was the soloist semester The student will bring along direct share in the management of in- six matches, winning three, tieing In the evening the Seniors held his admission card and he will be al- dustry"?" won a decision over St. Mi- one. and losing two. Head of New Haven Club their traditional Cap and Gown dance lowed one copy. chael's College of Winooki, Vermont, In their first meet of the season, the in the Lounge of Aquinas Hall. Ralph Featured in this issue are two shorl and dropped one to John Marshall disputors lost to a seasoned St. Peter's Dan DiIuglio was elected president Stuart and his orchestra provided the stories "Purgatory Rock" by R. E. Law School of New Jersey. College duo, but two weeks later they of the New Haven County Club at the musical background. Doherty. '49. and "Something Always In the first debate, held on Wednes- went on a road trip returning with May meeting held in the Lounge of At intermission, presentation of Happens" by George Eagle. '50. M. R. day evening. May 7. Edward Menders victories over St.
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