The Highlands Voice August, 2004 Page 1 Volume 37 Number 8 August, 2004 Poll Says the People Are Agin’ It DO WEST VIRGINIA RESIDENTS OPPOSE MOUNTAINTOP REMOVAL MINING ??? By Cindy Rank It’s hard to believe that we should still whatever it takes to get the coal out. The results of the poll fully support be asking that question. Of course, industry’s assertions don’t the belief that a solid majority of West Vir- After reading the scientific reports ring true to anyone who has seen first hand ginia residents DO NOT SUPPORT and predictions in the Draft Mountaintop or heard about the impact mountaintop re- mountaintop removal coal mining! And in- Removal/Valley Fill Environmental Impact moval mining is having on the people and deed, many of those who oppose the prac- Assessment (DEIS), after years of reports resources of the areas where the practice tice are STRONGLY opposed to the prac- of devastating floods and disappearing com- is occurring. But the fact remains that in- tice. munities and families uprooted from their dustry continues to claim that it’s only a few The strength and depth of these poll ancestral homes, after significant legal vic- disgruntled miners, a handful of community results prompted Daniel Gotoff, Vice Presi- tories in the courts, after watching hundreds dissidents and some radical environmental- dent of Lake, Snell, Perry and Associates to of brave individuals speak and demonstrate ists that oppose mountaintop removal min- say, “Rarely do we see such unanimity against the practice that is destroying their ing and not a majority of West Virginians. of opposition. Across the state, a solid lives and livelihoods, we SHOULD be ask- This ludicrous assumption has once majority of voters opposes the practice ing why this extreme form of mining can be again been proven false by a recent poll of mountaintop removal, and there is re- allowed to continue. about mountaintop removal mining and en- markable intensity to that opposition. However, the coal industry continues vironmental attitudes commissioned by the Furthermore, candidates for elected office to fund massive campaigns to tell the world Appalachian Center for the Economy and should take heed, as many voters say they that coal is wonderful and that coal is a ba- the Environment and conducted by the will consider a candidate’s opposition on this sic necessity for life as we know it and that highly respected national polling firm Lake, crucial issue when they cast their ballots.” any means of getting that coal out of the Snell, Perry & Associates. The survey was conducted June 13- ground and into our lightbulbs is good for (As most readers know, the Appala- 15, 2004. Professional interviewers talked everyone. Industry’s recent “cleaner and chian Center is the law and policy group that by phone with 500 likely voters in West Vir- greener” and “coal keeps the lights on” cam- has aided the West Virginia Highlands Con- ginia. Results of the poll reveal solid oppo- paigns are wont to imply that all West Vir- servancy and other citizen and environmen- ginians still worship at the feet of an ever- tal groups in appeals and litigation against (Continued on p. 3) beneficent King Coal and that we support illegal and devastating mine permits.) What’s Inside Words from President Frank 2 Speakers bureau 8 Backpacking at Roaring Plains 15 Roster of officers 2 Brochures available 8 Chance to volunteer 15 Another limestone quarry? 3 Bumper stickers available 8 Celebrating Wilderness 16 Nature Conservancy news 4 Interim lobbying activities 9 Hats & T-shirts for sale 16 Windmill correcction 4 Outings schedule 10 Recycling old computers 16 Hiking Lake Sherwood 5 Longview power plant 11 Fall review coming up 16 Hiking guide 5 Garden party coming up 12 Wilderness news 6 Blackwater Canyon Park 12 How to join 7 Board meeting highlights 13 Timbering history book 7 Bulllet dodged 14 WV Environmental Council 8 Democracy in action 14 The Highlands Voice August, 2004 Page 2 From the Western Slope of the Mountains Roster of Officers, Board Members and Committee Chairs by Frank Young BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT: Frank Young, Rt. 1, Box 108, Ripley, WV 25271, (304)372-3945, [email protected]. WV Environmental Council Convention: SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT: Judy Rodd, Environmental Services and Education Center 501 Elizabeth St., Charleston, WV 25311, (304)345-7663,[email protected] VICE PRESIDENT FOR STATE AFFAIRS: Carroll Jett, 397 Claylick Road, Sherman, The West Virginia Environmental Council (WVEC) is an WV 26164, (304) 273-5247, [email protected]. organization whose members include many environmental organi- VICE PRESIDENT FOR FEDERAL AFFAIRS: Peter Shoenfeld, HC 70, Box 553, zations, including the Highlands Conservancy, as well as individu- Davis, WV 26260, (304) 866-3484, (301)642-2820 (cell), [email protected]. SECRETARY: Hugh Rogers, Moon Run, Kerens, WV 26276, (304)636-2662, als. [email protected]. The mission of the WVEC is to facilitate communication TREASURER: Bob Marshall, 886-Z Divide Ridge Road, Kenna WV 25248 (304)372- 7501, [email protected] and cooperation among citizens in promoting environmental pro- PAST PRESIDENT: John McFerrin, 114 Beckley Ave., Beckley, WV 25801, (304)252- tection in West Virginia, to assist in organizing grass roots groups, 8733, [email protected] to facilitate interaction among established environmental organiza- DIRECTORS-AT-LARGE (Terms expire October 2005) tions, and to correspond with all appropriate local, state, and fed- George Beetham, 2819 Mt. Carmel Ave., #3, Glenside, PA 19038, (267) 252-3748, eral agencies involved in the management of West Virginia’s envi- [email protected] Don Garvin, PO Box 666, Buckhannon, WV 26201, (304)472-8716, [email protected]. ronment. Carter Zerbe, 16 Arlington Ct., Charleston, WV 25301, (304)343-3175, Elsewhere in this edition of the Highlands Voice is an an- [email protected]. nouncement of WVEC’s annual convention and membership meet- Jonathan Jessup, 8225 Adenlee Ave. #40 Fairfax VA 22031 703-204-1372 [email protected] ings, to be held on September 10th, 11th and 12th, near Spruce Barbara Weaner, Rt. 2, Box 96, Montrose, WV 26283, (304) 478-2123, Knob in Pendleton County, east of Elkins. [email protected] The annual WVEC conventions are very important to that DIRECTORS-AT-LARGE (Terms expire October 2004) organization- and to the WV Highlands Conservancy and other Bob Gates, P.O. Box 5130, Charleston, WV 25361, (304)342-2624, [email protected]. member organizations. Perhaps most importantly, it is at the an- Don Gasper, 4 Ritchie St., Buckhannon, WV 26201 , (304)472-3704 Julian Martin, 1525 Hampton Rd., Charleston, WV 25314,(304) 342-8989, nual fall WVEC convention that we have the opportunity to help [email protected] WVEC and its lobbyists incorporate our policy ideas into its legis- Bill McNeel, 1118 Second Ave., Marlinton, WV 24954, (304)799-4369 Helen McGinnis, P.O. Box 300, Harman, WV 26270 (304) 227-4166, lative lobbying agenda for the following year. [email protected] WV Highlands Conservancy funds a large portion of the costs of WVEC’s lobbying team for regular and interim sessions ORGANIZATIONAL DIRECTORS NATIONAL SPELEOLOGICAL SOCIETY—Virginia Region: Judy Fisher, PO Box 276, of the state legislature. We need to have WCEC’s legislative agenda Berkeley Springs, WV 26411, (304)258-4974. include our policy goals. PITTSBURGH CLIMBERS: Jean Rodman, 32 Crystal Dr., Oakmont, PA 15139, (412)828-8983, [email protected] Along with some of our Directors and other members, I will BROOKS BIRD CLUB: Cindy Ellis, RR1, Box 163, Red House, WV 25168. attend the WVEC convention on behalf of the WV Highlands Con- [email protected] servancy. I believe that other groups, especially those that fund MOUNTAINEER CHAPTER TROUT UNLIMITED: Frank Slider,Rt 1 Box 163- A2,Middlebourne, WV 26149,Phone: 304-758-2500 [email protected] the WVEC lobbying activities, would do well to have WEST VIRGINIA RIVERS COALITION: Pam Moe, Rt. 1, Box 29B, Kerens, WV 26276, representative(s) to the WVEC convention as well. (304) 478-4922, [email protected] DOWNSTREAM ALLIANCE: Craig Mains, 137 Hoffman Ave., Morgantown WV 26505, WVEC’s group and organizational membership is person- [email protected] ally and ideologically diverse, and is spread far and wide over the FRIENDS OF THE LITTLE KANAWHA: Cindy Rank, HC 78, Box 227, Rock Cave, WV state. Sometimes this makes it difficult to get its Board of Directors 26234, (304)924-5802. together for a full quorum meeting. The result is that WVEC’s daily COMMITTEE CHAIRS and weekly activities are managed by its President, Treasurer, of- MINING COMMITTEE: Cindy Rank, HC 78, Box 227, Rock Cave, WV 26234, (304)924- 5802. fice manager and its small Executive Committee, sometimes for PUBLIC LANDS MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE: Sayre Rodman, 32 Crystal Dr., many months at a time between Directors’ meetings. Oakmont, PA 15139, (412)828-8983, [email protected], Bob Marshall, 201 But once a year it all comes together in a grand annual con- Virginia St.W., Charleston, WV 25302, (304)345-5518, [email protected]. OUTREACH/COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE: Julian Martin, , 1525 Hampton Rd., vention where everyone who attends has a voice in the next year’s Charleston, WV 25314,(304) 342-8989, [email protected] lobbying and other activities. BLACKWATER CANYON COMMITTEE: co-chairs Linda Cooper, J1 1220 Van Voorhis Road Morgantown, WV 26505 (304)296-0565 [email protected], and Judy Rodd, Some of us may soon try to devise recommendations that Environmental Services and Education Center 501 Elizabeth St., Charleston, WV would help WVEC become more accountable to its organizational 25311, (304)345-7663,[email protected] supporters such as the Conservancy. A similar effort a couple years LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE: Frank Young, Rt.
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