•••• =- ...... , I', t 1&trnrb WA YNE COUNTY'S OLDEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER" ESTABLISHED 1869 Vol 118,No 34,Three Sections. 44Pages. Plus Supplements WEDNESDA Y, FEBRUARY 25. 1987-NORTHVIl.LE. MICHIGAN THIRTY-FIVE CENTS Trustee won't seek election I : .tonew tenn 'nlere will be at least one new Whitaker said he has enjoyed h1B trustee on the NorthvWe Board o( decade-long tenure on the board aDd ) EducaUon thl$ year as 'Dou8Jas has some misgivings about leaving . .. WhItaker announced Monday that he "The last decade has been a great wUl DOt seek re-election InJune. lime to spend on the board." +1- School l Whl~er. currently serving a third he said. "It's just that four more Urne as president of the seven- years seemed too long to me." member-board, 8DDOW1Ced hls decl- Deadline for Northville residents sJoo on the 10th anniversary of hls ap- Interested In filJog nominating peti- pointment to the board. tions (or the two board posts Is April In addltlon to Whltaker's seat, the 6 term o( trustee James Petrie also Candidates to the school board will expire InJune, must be 18 years old. registered Nor- Petrte said Monday that he plans to thville electors, U ,S, citizens, seek another term In the hopes o( residents of Mlc:hIganat least 30 days "continUIng to work In the cur- and residents of the school dlstrtct on ricUlum area." or before the 30th day prior to the an- Appointed to the board March 2, nual school electlon. Property owner· 1m, to (ill the remaining term of ship 1$ not a requirement. J I former trustee Robert Mandell, Nominating peUtIons are avaUable Whitaker was twice elected to full In the business o(nc:e at the Board of fOtU'-yeartenns. Education BuIlding, 501 W Main. "I have other things I want to Signatures o( at least 20 registered spend some Ume on." Whitaker said, volers or the district must be includ- "There's no risk of losing continuity ed on nominating petltloDs. • Record ICHRIS BOYD on the board. We have a seasoned Trustees of the school board serve on a 'voluntary-basls =~)eft, and Norm Ba~aId, Mlcblgan's ScleDce Teacbers of the Year, celebrate their award with students aDd Jullua board." v'State;s hest tend Meads Mill 'zoo' CoUncil nixes I r By MICHELE II.ll'IlCIl'l' SIeggreen, domIlDg a lab c:oat. eel to Meads Mill when the middle "There are a lot of school dIatrIcts plan to rezone Tbelr annex. eoupled with tbelr school openl!d Its doors two yeans wbleb problblt the use or Uve an1mala Cages fWed with exotlc repWes. team tead1lDB approac:b, lnDOvaUve ago. Inc:1Uarooms." Hannewald explains. jars cootatnlng rare lepldaptera aud tecbnlque. and Infectioul ell- "I waited 10 years ~ get to this SIegreeo DOtes that wbDe they are B7JBANDAY Melvin, boWever, dedared that a nourishing ~ bl1JnJDln& thuslum baa eamecl HaDDewaJd aud buDdlDg to work witb Norman. " SIeg- DOt without tbelr problema, teeplD& W88 not tnIe, noting that be bad pur- with everything from fema to CIlCtI. SIegreeD the ~ of being green says. animals IIItbe c:1aIIrooal baa 8Qbanc- More than 50 resideDlI of the Ellbt chased tbe property three years qo For Meads It\Ill SCleDCeteaeben named ScleDce Teac:hen of the Year H8DDeWaldbegan his tenure In the ed the pl'OlJ'lDl teDfold. MUe-Ceoter Street area Meet city to build the c:oatemporar)l borne to Dwight Sleggreen and Norman Han- ' by the Mk:bIgaD:Sc:IeDc:e Teacbera dJstrIct in 1987,his first teac:blng.Job HaDDewald agrees. "In au the COUQCDc:bamben last week to pr0- live aDd work In. newald, these living objee:ta are AasoclatloD In eoopera~ with the out o( c:oUege. Formerly at Cooke yean I've taUllht. tbIa baa made the test the ~ I'8IGIlID& of proper- CGathMMdOll 17 teaching tools (or the bUDdreds of Detroit Free Press. Junior Hip Sc:bool, H8ftDeWaid most tremeDdous dlffereac:e." be ty at the IOUtbelSt comer from R-1B helped plan Meads Mill and moved says. "At tbIa age level, studenll are (first deDIIty ftlIIdeDtal) to PBO I~th and l18Venthgraders wbo pea The two middle scbool teachers IprofealloDa1, buslDea, office.) throup their classrooms each day. will be honored FrIday nlpt at the Into the buDding wben It opened In Interested In living t.bInp." TheIr objec:tloas wet'8 beard by the Service set In the past two years, the two mid- MSTA baDquet In Alao be- 1975. Steareen credits HanDeWald .. LansIDI. c:ouncU, whlc:h at the end of the publJc: die become 100 Ing With the realigning of the dlstr1ct's being the bulWark beb1nd the "c:rttter sc:boolteac:herI have boDored are Diane Hoett-Varllto, heaJ1Dg voted unanlmOUlly to deny keeperS to a score Of repWes. freab a Wamm elementary teae:ber, and grade atruc:ture In 1985, Hannewald care" class which c:baDged the dJrec:.. UODo( the middle sc:boolsclence p~ the change. water Dab, gerblls, bamaten and FrederIck C8lIe, scIeDc:e department and Sleggreen joined forces In for Keegan In 80 voting. the COUDCU upheld the guinea pigs. c:balrmaD at Artbur Hill 111gb SChool redefining the teaching of life gram. "The l«ommeDdaUOn of Its planning com- In the comer o( SIegg:reen's room Insaatnaw. • sdeDce. c:rttter care project wu real- ly the bralnc:h1Jdo( a lot of things go- mission. which recommended DOt to Funeral service (or Kay Keegan, Is casey, a South American Wblte For Steareen and Cue, FrIday" "This program reall>, came Ing orahere," SleggreeD says. permit the change to offlee use of the who served u executive director o( the sehooI baDquet be feU- together when DwIght came Into this caiman which two mlddIe will IOmethIDI of a property at 100E. Eight MUe owned the Northville Community Chamber teachers adopted last year from tbe nIoII. The 80-year-old Cue was SIeI- buDding," Haanewaid explains. Hannewald developed the critter class teach students how to care by Robert Melvin. o( Commerce for six years, wUl be Michigan HlDDane Society. '111ere green's blgb scbool8dence teacher. WbUe textbooks and reference to materials bave tbelr place In the (or living things - whether It be a During the hearing. residents held at 11 a.m. today (WedDesday) at also Is a yellow anaconda named 'lbat both S~ and H8Il- noted that rezoning o( the properly . Our Lady o( Victory Church where Julius Squeezer D, the newcomer to newald rec:elved the MSTA boDor II a scleDee clllll'OOlll<tb!! opportunity to box turtle, hamster or an Iguana bad had been turned down twice she was a member, Sleggreen's meoqer1e. tribute to the c:ollaboratIve effort or gain haDds-on exper1eDc:e with 1Ivb1g "I've antmaIs ever since I creatures bu made the middle started leachlng." Hannewald ex- previously, Mrs. Keegan dled unexpectedly at Big Brutus the Boa. the »-year-old the two middle scbooI teaebera. "My personal feeling was that he her home In NorthvUle Township graDddaddy of the Meads MW rep- ''Tbere Isn't a day that aoesby that sc:hoolscleDc:eprogram unique. plains. "I figured why should I Just Both teachers give credit to the ad- have them here (or kids to observe? " mtended this as a professional stMJC- Monday. WeI, oecupieI center ... III HaD- there Isn't a COIlfereDCe between the ture, and I strongly obJect." Carol She bad been a resident of the com- ~ald'sclassrOom. twoofua," SIegreeDIIYS .. mlnlstraUon and school board for In addlUon to c:rttters. Hannewald aIJowIng them to bouse repWes and McLau~hlln, a resident of 816 N "I tbIIlIt our DetroIt ZOOIDIIeI bu Formerly at SUver Springs Continued on 8 ('enter told the ,0un,11 Continued on5 not hurt us, .. explains the 41-year-old ElelneDtary SdIooI, SIegreeD mov- mammals In tbelr clUl1"OOll18. J ; Retirement may be better By ANn'ACRONB withdrawal from MERS and entry in- A study committee, comprised of to another, awl to be determined, representaUves from each of the .~ city's four' major unIoaI baV8,>reUremeotplan. unIdaI. reeommeDded wlthdrawtna reqoestecJ the reopenl", of ClIIIItractI . MERS coven 347 commUDItJel.- from MERS UDder certain aaump- 14 Jarder to Withdraw from tile tbroaPIUt the state, the IIfIIIl a. UoDI, IDc1tMtllla: ...-eIpaI E~ ReUnmeat IIlIInIbam County and tile smaUeIt o coatrlbuUODl to the new retire- .-,..n. belnI the three members from the ment plan wouJd equal , percent of. ·.After a meeting With an IndepeD- eluesorFowJerandRomeo. pay; a.t CllDIultant and repl"flleDt8UYII H to .......... 0 o coab1bUtloDl to the new plan -lIGIl the city, the NortbvWe Clerical owever, paymeotl --- lie- would.-rn 8 percent ann,* 1ntel"eIt: i ___ AIIoeIatloD, Ibt Nor- ::':':::n~ ':ro=' a :: [J annual amndty plan IDly IDchJde adeathbeaillttolUl':vlv1nl .... : a 1 :=:'..: dard cootrll>utloD, noted City lump sum cub out optIoII; early I =-=_ 01 state, County and MImk:Ipal Manqer ~ Wallets. retlremeDt provIIIoIII: and, a m0n- I ~ and the NortbvWe 0Dm- He Mded that IIDce reUrtment II a thly cUsablllty beaeftt. ... omcen AIIodalloll au in- "Iable Item. II wu ....., to lIarcle McConville, clerical ...f .... Ibelr lnleDtIoI to·1lIPPOI't a reopIIl coatradl. UIOClation president, said she , "Preferred not to talk about <the ;• poteatlal Withdrawal tro"in MERS) t rlcbt now," altbouP her UDIoII cUd --.jOBSlJOIISI._--- vMlA.fa\lllll' 01tMwltbdrawai. PoUce CIpt. J.... PetN IIkIIbt Nortbvtlle Command Officers .S.· AIIoeIaUoD voted ~y to withdraw from MERS. Oy_ "We'd deftnltely like to pull out of ~iia-Ifled' • II&RS," ~ aald. "For a lot of . ' 18A NIIOIII, It maUl· ... (or u. to do 290' that. Rlabt now, the retirement ayMem II vwy CClClItrVaUveIn IlIIn- !t'it' -.
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