Mariana Magmatic Arc Hiyoshi Volcanic Complex and Iwo Jima

Mariana Magmatic Arc Hiyoshi Volcanic Complex and Iwo Jima

Mariana Magmatic Arc Hiyoshi Volcanic Complex and Iwo Jima: Bloomer, S. H., Stern, R. J., Fisk, E., and Geschwind, C. H. "Shoshonitic volcanism in the northern Mariana Arc: 1. Petrographic and major and trace element characteristics." J. Geophys. Res., 94, 4469-4496, 1989. Ishizuka, O., Yuasa, M., Tamura, Y., Shukuno, H., Stern, R.J., Naka, J, Joshima, M., and Taylor, R.N., 2010. Migrating shoshonitic magmatism tracks Izu-Bonin- Mariana intra-oceanic arc rift propagation. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 294, 111-122 Lin, P.-N., Stern, R. J., and Bloomer, S. H. "Shoshonitic Volcanism in the Northern Mariana Arc: 2. Large-Ion Lithophile and Rare Earth Element Abundances - Evidence for the Source of Incompatible Element Enrichments in Intra-Oceanic Arcs." J. Geophys. Res., 94, 4497-4514, 1989. Meen, J.K., Stern, R.J., and Bloomer, S.H.,1998. Evidence for magma mixing in the Mariana arc system The Island Arc 7, 443-459. Stern, R. J., Bloomer, S. H., Lin, P.-N., Ito, E., and Morris, J. 1988. 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The Island Arc 17, 70-89 NW Rota-1 (NWR1) Embley, R.W., Chadwick, Jr., W.W., Baker, E.T., Butterfield, D.A., Resing, J.A., de Ronde, C.E.J., Tunniclife, V., Lupton, J.E., Juniper, K.S., Rubin, K.H., Stern, R.J., Lebon, G.T., Nakamura, K.-I., Merle, S.G., Hein, J.R., Wiens, D.P., and Tamura, Y. 2006. Eruptive Activity at a Submarine Arc Volcano. Nature 441, 494-497. Tamura, Y., Ishizuka, O., Shukuno, H., Kawabata, H., Stern, R.J., Embley, R.W., Tatsumi, Y., and Nunokawa, A., 2011. Two Primary Basalt Magmatypes from Northwest Rota-1 Volcano, Mariana Arc. J. Petrology 52, 1143-1183. Chaife (C) Kohut, E.J., Stern, R.J., Kent, A.J.R., Nielsen, R.L., Bloomer, S.H., and Leybourne, M. 2006. Evidence for Decompression Melting in the Southern Mariana Arc from High-Mg Lavas and Melt Inclusions. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 152, 201-221 Tracey (T) Stern, R.J., Tamura, Y., Masuda, H., Fryer, P., Martinez, F., Ishizuka, O., and Bloomer, S.H., 2013. 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