^o ^s«*s?>N>; fi^^; V|AViJV>j' * , 1 ' *^""' ' ... ' -,- -^p^- ^. 1 , journal'^ ^ ^^^ ^^ OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATIVE-COUNCIL OF THE t STATE O F NEW-JERSEY, CONVENED IN GENERAL ASSEMBLY AT TRENTON, ON TUESDAY THE TWENTY-SEVENTH DAY OF OCTOBER, M,DCC,XCV. BEING THE FJR8T AND SECOND SITTIKGS OF THE TWENTIETH SESSION. TRENTON: PRINTED BY M ATT HI AS DAT. M,DCC,XCVI. Ki \ I'u J± "v \ I LIST of Perfons returned as Members of the LEGISLATIVE-COUNCIL.. Tctcr Hariiig, Efex, John Condit, Middle/ex, Kpliraini Martin, Mor.mouthy m Eliflm Lawrence, v.p, Somiirfit, James Liini, Burlington^ O John Black, y. Gloucejler^ o Jofeph Cooper, Efquires, Salem, Tlyonias Sinnickfon, Matthew Whillden, Cape-'AIayy J3 Hunterdon, John I^ambcrt, Morris, Ellis Cook, Cumberland, Eli ElmcT, SuJiX, Charles Beard flee. LIST of Perfons returned as Members of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY. C Adam Boyd, Bergen, •^John Haring, ([^ Benjamin Blacklidge, C Ellas Dayton, < Jonas Wade, ^James Hedden, C Peter Vredenburgh, Middlefex, < Benjamin Maiming, ^ James Morgan, CTofeph StiUwell, Monmouth, ^Eliflia Walton, ^ James H. Imlay, r Henry Southard, Semerfet, •^ Peter D. Vroom, ^Robert Stockton, r Samuel Hough, Burlington, J. George Anderfon, (J^Stacy Biddle, r Abel Clement, Glouctjler, < Samuel French, Efquires. ^Thomas Somevs, r John Sinnickfon, Salem, <Elcazer Mayhew, C William Wallace, C Richard Townfend, Cafe-Mai^, jEleazer Hand, ^Reuben Townfend, r David Frazer, Hunterdon^ ^ Simon WyckofF, ^Benjamin VanClevc, r John Starke, Morris, < David Thomfon, ^John Debow, TEbenezer Elmer, Speaker, Cumberland, <. Benjamin Peck, ^Ebenezcr Scelcy, r William M'CuUough, Hujfex, ^ Peter Sharps, ([^ George Armftrong, JOURNAL( 3 ) ' . O F T H E PROCEEDINGS iO F THE LEGISLATIVE-COUNCIL O E T H E STATE OF NEW-JERSEY, Tuefdayy OSiober 27, 1795. M E M B E R S P R E S E N T. the honourable "Elisha Lawrence, John Lambert, James Linn, Ellis Cook, John Black, Charles Beardslee, Ephraim Martin, Peter Haring. PETER HARING, Ephraim Martin, James Linn, John Lambert, Ellis Cook and Charles Beardflec, efquires, feverally produced certificates of their being duly cledled members of this houfe, which were read and approv- ed ; and they thereupon took and fubfcribed the oaths required by law before Elifha Lawrence, efquire, one of the members returned for this houfe, and took their feats in Council. Elilha Lawr-ence, efquire, produced a certificate of his being duly ele«fled a member of this houfe, which was read and approved ; and he thereupon took and fubfcribed the oaths required by law before James Linn, efquire, and took his feat in Council. John Black, efquire, produced a certificate of his being duly ele(5led a mem- ber of this houfe, which was read and approved ; and he thereupon took and fubfcribed the affirmations required by law before Elilha Lawrence, efquire, and took his feat in Council. The honourable Elifha Lawrence, efquire, was clcdled vice-prefident of the Council, purfuant to the conftitution, and he thereupon took the oath of office and was featcd in the chair. (^ 4 ) Thomas Adams, was vmanimoufly eledled clerk qf the Council, and tooLth^ oath of office accordingly. '] appointed • John Weft wis door-keeper. { -\ Ordered^ That Mr. Haring do wait on the Houfe of AfTembly, and acquaint them, that a fufficient number of members of this houfe have met, eleded the honourable Eliflia Lawrence, efquire, vice-prefident, and proceeded to bufinefSt The houfe adjourned until ten o'clock to-mcirrow iflorning. TVednefday, OSiober 28, 1795. ': > , The houfe rtet—^Prefent as before. Mr. Haring reported that he had obeyed the order of the houfe of yefterday. Mr. Anderfon, from the Houfe of Aflembly, acquainted this houfe that a quorum of the Hovife of Aflembly had met, elejS^ed the honpurabl© Ebenezer Elmer, efquire,' their l^eaker, and proceeded to feufinefs. The houfe adjourned until three o'clock P. M. The houfe met. Thomas Slnnickfon, efquire, produced a certificate of his being duly eledled a member of this houfe, which was read and approved, and he thereupon took and fubfcribcd the oaths required by law before the vice-prefident, and took his feat in Council. Mr. Sinnickfon having given his reafons for non-attendance until this day, Rejbhedy That they are fatisfadlory. Mr. Armftrong, from the Houfe of Aflembly, acquainted this houfe, that they had appointed Meflrs. Manning, Biddle and Wallace, or any two of them, a committee, to join a committee of Council, for the purpofe of examining and burning the cancelled money now in the treafury, and requefted that this houfe would appoint a committee to join the faid committee for that purpofe. Ordered^ That MeflTrs. Sinnickfon and Cook, or either of them, be a com- mittee to join the faid committee for the foregoing purpofe ; and that Mr. Martin do wait on the Houfe of Afl^embly and acquaint them therewith, Mr. Martin reported that he had obeyed the order of the houfe. The houfe adjourned until ten o'clock to-morrow morning, Thiirjdayy OSlober 29, 1795. The houfe met—Prefent as before, and Mr. Sinnickfon. ( 5 ) The houfe adjourned until three o'clock P. M. The houfe met. Jofcph Cooper, efquire, produced a certificate of his being duly eletfled a member of this houfe, which was read and approved, and he thereupon took and fubfcrlbed the afErmations required by law before the vice-prefident, and took his feat in Council. Mr. Cooper having given his reafons for non-attendance until this day, Refotved, That they are fatisfadlory. ^ Mr. Biddle, from the Houfe of Aflfembly, acquainted this houfe, that they had appointed MelTrs. DeVroom, Walton, Hedden, French and Hand, or any three of them, a committee, to join a committee of Council, for the purpofe of fettling the accounts of the treafurer, and requefted that this houfe would ap- point a committee to join the faid committee for the purpofe aforefaid. Ordered, That MefTrs. Black and Lambert, or either of them, be a committee to join the faid committee for the foregoing purpofe ; and that Mr. Black do •vrait on fhe Houfe of Aflembly and acquaint them therewith. The houfe adjourned until ten o'clock to-morrow morning. Friday, OSlober 30, 1795. The houfe met—Prefent as before. John Condit, efquire, produced a certificate of his being duly elctflcd a mem- ber of this houfe, which was read and approved, and he thereupon took and fubfcribed th^ oatlis required by law before the vice-prefi<lent, and took his ieat in Council. ^" ii-J'i • Mr. Condit having given his reafons for non-attendance until this day, Refolved^ That they are fatisfadlory. Mr. Blackledge, from the Houfe of Aflembly, acquainted this houfe, that they had appointed Meflrs. Anderfon, Wade and Frazer, a committee, to join a committee of Council for the purpofe of Inquiring into the Hate of the pre- rogative-office and of the fecretary's office of this ftate, and report thereon, and requefted, that this houfe wcmld appoint a committee to join the faid com- mittee for the purpofe aforefaid. Ordered, That Mr. Condit be a committee to join the fiild committee for the foregoing purpofe ; and that Mr. Linn do wait on the Houfe of Alfembly and acquaint them therewith. Mr. Linn reported that he had obeyed the order of the houfe, Mr. Clement, from the Houfe of Aflembly, acquainted this houfe, that they were ready to go into a joint-meeting, and reqneftcd Council to appoint the time and place of meeting. Ordered^ That Mr. Cooper do wale on the Houfe of Afi^emblv, and acquaint B [ ^ ) them, tliat this houfe will be ready to go ijito a joint-meeting On Tuefday next, at four o'clock in the afternoon, in the Aflembly Room. Mr. Cooper reported, that he had obeyed the order of the houfe. The houfe adjourned until three o'clock P. M, The houfe met. Mr. Black reported, that he had obeyed the order of the houfe of yefterday. Eli Elmer, efquire, produced a certificate of his being duly elected a mem- ber of this -houfe, which was read and approved, and he thereupon took and fubfcribed the oaths required by law before the vice-prefident, and took his feat inCouncii. JVIr. Elmer having given his reafons for non-attendance until this day, Refolved^ That they are fatisfadlory. Mr. Boyd, from the Houfe of Aflembly, brought to this houfe for concur- rence a warrant, entitling John Ruflell to draw from the treafury three dollars per month during his difability, which was read and ordered a fecond reading. The houfe adjourned until ten o'clock to-morrow morning. Saturday, OBober -2^1, ly^S- The houfe met—Prefent as before, and MelTrs. Condit and Elmer. The warrant, entitling John Ruflell to draw from the treafury three dollars per month during his difability, was read a fecond time, and committed to Meflrs. Linn and Sinnickfon to report thereon. A bill, intitled, " An ad concerning wills," was read, and ordered a fecond reading. The houfe adjourned until Monday next, at three o'clock J*. M. 2donday, November 2, 17^5. The houfe met—Prefent, The Vice-President, Mr. Harring, Mr. Sinnickfon, Mr. Condit, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Martin, Mr. Cook, - Mr. Linn, Mr. Elmer. ' Mr. Black, Mr. Condit, from the committee for the purpofe of inqmrlng into the ftatc ( 7 ) of the prerogative-office, and of the fecretary's office, of this flate, reported as follows : THAT from the befl information the committee have been able to obtain without vifiting the faid offices, a part of which is from the chief clerk, who hath been employed in flid offices for feveral years part, we lind, that the fame perfon who hath been appointed fecretary, hath alfo holdeii the preroga- tive-office : That there remains unregillered in the prerogative-office about four years papers, confiding generally of wills, letters of adminiftrations and guardianfliips, amounting to about fourteen hundred and forty : That the bu- linefs in the fecretary's office is alfo deranged and incompleaC.
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