Marine solutions World Wide service Dealer inDex 2014-2015 Worldwide Presence with guaranteed service Nanni products are supported at every major port thanks to a worldwide network of independent distributor facilities and dealer locations, delivering the expertise and parts needed to keep customer’s products running smoothly. By choosing a Nanni product, you gain an extensive worldwide sales and service network to help you achieve maximum engine life and sustained reliability. Man Network France and Overseas departments and territories of France & French speaking countries • MAN: Sales office • MAN*: Mechanical engines repair • MAN**: Mechanical and EDC engines repair • MAN***: Repair of all mechanical, EDC and Classical common rail engines • MASTER MAN: Repair of new generation Common rail engines. Have MAN CATS 2 diagnostic tool index Algeria .........................................2 Malaysia ....................................46 Argentina .....................................2 Malta ..........................................46 Australia.......................................2 Marocco .....................................46 Belgium........................................4 Martinique ..................................47 Brazil............................................4 Netherlands ...............................47 Canada ........................................4 New Caledonia ..........................50 China ...........................................6 New zealand .............................50 Croatia .........................................6 Norway ......................................50 Cuba ............................................7 Panama .....................................51 Cyprus .........................................7 Philippines .................................52 Czech Republic ...........................7 Poland .......................................52 Denmark ......................................7 Portugal .....................................52 Ecuador .....................................10 Republic of Maldives .................52 Egypt .........................................10 Romania ....................................52 Estonia.......................................10 Russia........................................52 Faroe island...............................10 Saint Barthelemy .......................52 Finland .......................................10 Senegal .....................................52 France .......................................12 Singapore ..................................53 French guiana ...........................29 South Africa ...............................53 French Polynesia .......................29 Spain .........................................53 gabon ........................................29 Sri Lanka ...................................60 germany ....................................29 Sweden......................................60 ghana ........................................33 Switzerland ................................62 greece .......................................33 Taiwan .......................................62 guadeloupe ...............................37 Thailand .....................................62 Hong kong.................................37 Tunisia .......................................62 Hongria ......................................37 Turkey ........................................63 iceland .......................................37 ukraine ......................................63 india ...........................................37 united Arab Emirates.................63 indonesia ...................................38 united kingdom .........................63 ireland (Eire) ..............................38 united States .............................67 israel ..........................................38 venezuela ..................................72 italy ............................................38 vietnam .....................................72 ivory Coast ................................45 zimbabwe ..................................72 japan .........................................45 korea .........................................46 La Reunion ................................46 Lituania ......................................46 Madagascar ...............................46 1 Nanni - Dealer List 2015 algeria coFFS hARbouR - All diESEl RivER QuAyS MARiNE Seawasp EQuiPMENT - SAlES & SERvicE 140 Tennyson Rd unit 13/17 Rivergate Place ENTR. coNSTRucTioN NAvAlE 8 Ray McCarthy Drive NSW - MORTLAkE QLD - MuRRARiE Official importer NSW - COFFS HARBOuR Phone: 419 894 056 Phone: 07 3907-0708 Service: Engine Selling, Repair Service: Engine Selling, Repair Nationale 11 km 15 Phone: 266 525 121 Service: Engine Selling, Repair 16202 - Ain Benian TERRy WAldEN MARiNE SERvicES SuNShiNE coAST MARiNE RE- Phone: 00.213.771.44.67.88 Fax: coMPlETE MARiNE Mosman Bay Marina paiRS Email: [email protected] 21 Edith Street NSW - MOSMAN BAY 23 Parkyn Pde Service: Engine Selling, Repair, MAN** NSW - MARkS POiNT Phone: 408 243 939 QLD - MOOLOOLABA Phone: 249 477 704 Service: Engine Selling, Repair Phone: 0410 482 460 Service: Engine Selling, Repair Service: Engine Selling, Repair argentina ThERMoTEk go MARiNE NSW - NEWCASTLE SOUTH AUSTRALIA TRAdE MoToRS SRl 60 Frederick Dr Phone: 411 743 223 Official importer NSW - OYSTER COvE Service: Engine Selling, Repair bEckER ENTERPRiSES Alvear 667 San Fernando Phone: 415 171 149 11 Eton Rd ToNy clAPSoN MARiNE SERvicE 1646 - Buenos Aires Service: Engine Selling, Repair SA - Semaphore South Phone: 54.114.744.64.68 Burraneer Bay Marina 48 Fernleigh Rd Phone: 884 494 291 Fax: 54.114.744.64.68 gREg lyNch MobilE SERvicE NSW - CARiNgBAH Service: Engine Selling, Repair Email: [email protected] NSW - BERRY Phone: 295 231 913 Service: Engine Selling, Repair Phone: 0414.800.359 Service: Engine Selling, Repair TASMANIA Service: Engine Selling, Repair WARk MARiNE SERvicES bRAgg & SoNS PTy Ltd MAchANS MARiNA australia C/- Absolute Shipwrights - 20 Waterview 29, Chequesr Str 5/7 Bilba Ave Street TAS - ROkEBY colliNS MARiNE PTy. lTd. NSW - BOOkER BAY NSW - PuTNEY Phone: 03 6247 17 6 Official importer Phone: 243 443 666 Phone: 418 445 483 Service: Engine Selling, Repair Service: Engine Selling, Repair unit 26 17-21 Bowden Street Service: Engine Selling, Repair Po box: 515 MobilE MARiNE MARiNE ENgiNE RepaiRS R.M.y.c YambA NSW - Alexandria 44 Napolean Street Battery Point, TAS Phone: 00.612.931.952.22 21 Wunulla Rd Mansfields Boat Harbour Marine TAS - Battery Point Fax: 00.612.931.955.61 NSW - POiNT PiPER NSW - Yamba Marina YAMBA Phone: 407 919 474 Email: [email protected] Phone: 418 462 646 Phone: 266 468 888 Service: Engine Selling, Repair Website: www.nannidiesel.com.au Service: Engine Selling, Repair Service: Engine Selling, Repair Service: Engine Selling, Repair PETER JohNSToN PTy. Ltd NEWPort MARiNE SERvicES QUEENSLAND 21 Morrison Street NEW SOUTH WALES R.M.y.c. TAS - HOBART 46 Prince Alfred Pde cAiRNS - Port douglAS diESEl Phone: 03 6234 54 2 All iNboARd & ouTboARd SER- NSW - NEWPORT 25 Warner Street Service: Engine Selling, Repair vicES Phone: 299 977 702 QLD - PORT DOugLAS RPAYC Mitala Street Service: Engine Selling, Repair Phone: 411 669 948 VICTORIA NSW - NEWPORT Service: Engine Selling, Repair Phone: 299 972 616 Port MAcQuARiE - hASTiNgS MARiNE MoToRS MARiNE SERvicE clydE WilSoN MARiNE SERvicES Service: Engine Selling, Repair Mullet St - Hastings 185 Hastings River Drive 18 Nelson Street viC - Hastings boat-MEc SAiloRS bAy NSW - PORT MACQuARiE QLD - ORMiSTON Phone: 359 794 099 boatshEd Phone: 265 835 511 Phone: 738 231 279 Service: Engine Selling, Repair Clover Park Service: Engine Selling, Repair Service: Engine Selling, Repair NSW - NORTHBRiDgE Phone: 408 298 806 Service: Engine Selling, Repair 2 Nanni - Dealer List 2015 3 Nanni - Dealer List 2015 MElbouRNE - MillER MARiNE YachTcARE PuREPoWER ENTREPRiSES iNc. Email: [email protected] 11 Beverly Street Handelskaai 15 1571 vERNON STREET Service: Engine Selling, Repair viC - LANgWARRiN 8620 - NiEuWPOORT Po box: B3H 3M8 Phone: 419 322 436 Phone: 058 237330 B3B 1N2 - HALiFAX NOvA SCOTiA lES ENTREPRiSES lEo lEblANc Service: Engine Selling, Repair Fax: 058 237340 Phone: 001.902.219.1891 & FilS Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 110, Chemin Du Parc WESTERN AUSTRALIA Service: Engine Selling, Repair Service: Engine Selling, Repair iles De La Madeleine, Qc. g4T1B3 Phone: 418-986-3297 coMMERciAl MARiNE MAiNTE- yvES dE coNiNck bluE hEAvEN MARiNE Fax: 418-986-6428 NANcE Albert i Laan 342 Bus 59 Box 27 Email: Camil.leblanc@ 8620 - NiEuWPOORT Maxville, On. k0C1T0 entreprisesleoleblanc.com unit 8/187 Breakwater Pde Service: Engine Selling, Repair WA - MANDuRAH Phone: 058 238890 Phone: 613-527-3008 Fax: 0475 588604 Email: [email protected] Phone: 895 869 425 luc’S RepaiR ShoP Service: Engine Selling, Repair Email: [email protected] Service: Engine Selling, Repair Service: Engine Selling, Repair 800, Burnett Street unit 6 MoSMAN MARiNE NANNi cANAdA kingston, On. k7M5W3 MARiNE diESEl SERvicE bvbA 123,Rue De Courcelle Phone: 613-389-2229 4 Buggs St Fax: 613-389-7217 WA - MOSMAN PARk Durmakker 49 Toronto, On. 9940 - EvERgEM Phone: 647-947-9623 Email: [email protected] Phone: 418 905 674 Service: Engine Selling, Repair Service: Engine Selling, Repair Phone: 09 3270840 Fax: 514-989-1139 Fax: 09 327 08 41 Email: [email protected] MécANiQuE d gENdRoN ThE YachT gRoT Email: [email protected] Service: Engine Selling,
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